VOL. VII. No. 132.
IEN I0RE IDENT HARRISON. Athletic Association's "Smoker."
W I DThe mnuch talked of "smtokers' of
Under the Auspices of the S. C. lie Athletic Association are at toot to
Reeie aflllieofNve- A, Ionmlho rro Night. bLci oo'<a reality. IO Saturday ten-
ties for Spring Suits,_____ito. Apiril 3 the Athletic Association
and. Trouserings lvtea- idetrlicjamic -Iarritin wt°ll 1hold(1aitinformal meecinig int Ilootit
w ill ativite int-i e ctty loitorrow noontiC. Maitnt tall, to which all ntienibero
1897 rooiptniedltytl-oi. It. B. F. Pierce. -tnil tll cantdidlaies forth vaou
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. still icttatiit ttitil Avednteslay mtorning. Tte Beard of Directors lias titottr
_____________________________________Wh itle ito the city lie wtill lie entertatin-tliti' tetodiof brim-nit subljects atht-
- . ,~ 4t. f 14i 1 el byte PlttDelta fliea fraternity, let ic ilosproinentce°s, andt it is thieir
$T E of so lirolihe watsatmeietcr wtiie at- wool that itt imeting lit'will at-
leingcillcgeat iaiani.Itndeid.
s .Ino collapsible ttubes for tenta esbeto h etuewl e "'egebajadmnoi lb
cetats ts one of the hadyt~estieti i etr tl e ft l- ott.atltttlois ib
toilet prepairatiotns we have. Suaite Itttoderatlice,, to LttwIleforitto." i oiitffcre-d teicscrviccs anid it is
S We save a very ftoe cold ,-
way forffteeta cetnts. -- - -
0 46 S. STATE ST. 0
[en from Michigan Form an
Leitzig, Macht5,.18917.
ote I.tot 07. Daily-:
flt- 1.of lB. stuidents, tt-ierevr
cy are. are bouttd by fellows feeling,
d loy alty Ito their Altot ihate. The
'aiates situdying ierc to Leipzig
et this reouig at oldalutitlies" woere-
wt-ed. Iti 1as0 lit forgottetn that
oily of itstilto0111art-ival intisi for-
to haid tierr- at otlotsshow to select
ierotpcr uiviersity-Otaid professors,
,"r to avoid tile diffictilties thiat ro-
Ilt trout igoritnce of (lerott law-s
it customus. ii 01o011 to get point5
It tias this-teore f-otsidered a
rartical ideo to formitato association
"oot- obtjecrtrwill to not otnly- to set-i-
siit sel id of soetllfelloshitp,
li also to futroistiatny desired in-
)ratitit to those ti-too itiettd to, do
railoate wsork hiere, as ti-i as to aid
tr arriv-als. The U). of ]N. Daily tiill
kopit informoit of the nati-es of the
,etbi-ro of Oteteipzig 1t. of Al.
tiiDi sscsiation atndtof the tat-
cosof ifithe ocrretain. to wis ttlet:-
rs iiat-- oiaidress-d.
tF. D. Shiermian,.'87.
C. (). Townsend. ' 88,
H. C. tSulli-no "14,
J. J. La.saills. '9hltl.
S. It. E'aer, 40
IFliniger, '905
trot. Steens,8.
foiroos-nditniaide tis Ilt . tin 0De-
totoer,'Itd Shetrmiani just look his ex-
Inb I ion sit,-oi'ssttilly today.
C. 0. TOWNSEND, t'res.
I1. H-at-c. Secretar-, -
Leifprig. Letin-itin
Hfavinig purchtasedlte Jtacobs&
Allmsand stock, I shall, for floe next
19 days, offer sotoo of the (GreatestC
:Shoe Bargains lton people of Anti
Arbor have ever known. {
oStrawberries for a
S''Crushes" and0
Stonight. }
<L>fatiill be ot-tI'nri~opocits tile sof "1cli -aliics ti-ill hl tIl ifill ottttthe
il's- itel-c. .it rteitiigrtttiti s ti-ll I evell-l-oi. tine ltugtitNvli bc «obo-
to-: alliowied ililithe holl. (ltittotal oil- lltily lifocitial, al(*[i5 15 ti i l(,i ur-
mision hbo e fixi-i t i'io50 i-ellis.A lise if discutosping to latllhut iisittial.
Ii iii tch s-i .tot eiie-x-fit esideltty lift- iolt iilgellerail. St'' i Itt-s i-tii -be
} illajis Ipp omooiw. lah by tvailo utoelioliilllt. li
I - ~ ~ li tlt id tt ttti-i-u-e expre-ssin f
AFirst of the Season. hocictyr Meetings,. r)iinuo hs ~ holilst
e b -ilaoa ll lb t 't8,- I eis i i llOl fthso al bs.1i.1-1st.
P 1
to-- -ot 0 1.0ly li-;'it -pti li'itis l" iar te atsJeoiffll
sodot 0 i-it db iiii iietin Revf.Henry Tatlocks Address.
VI4LI~~.I~li~~ ~ ht-.ol si l. 't't'iett ttg iioi iit iilltiii'o i i iiirtleiiN stl-yh l
tl. s ti le isis iii l iii' itiotha t t oelfi ts ie>. iiiotii
_ Ili '«r." tIlIt 1 1ha1 tllit.1ur<l Stitto luis iIo htn t Ep i. Th~ eursehuske i
sii tlidt illti t 1 itioitgi iti-ll O t i u111 tuthIly ladb sh o teissotill tilt' Iunila-
Now 111111Secoind-HtanrdText- t.(?.t lt"' ; 2'" 1 c ms 's.I I-in-'s <ht l-.EIt<-1 si-isofutIlis wi.ettt, andt~tw-ed
Bonito fot- alldepartmenhts. ltiisiehiotiid oili theu- ailrmuthit.eDofiitiitheyso-en- ieiited frotthe ttoly
Complete stock of lai noboks """Itol esot5>. Itulsurulsm(3 itlyeu---k)i-il rit.
thei- negtative.-. The risoluiton ,itirci- IT hictedcethe erly- beginnuings of
for all classesO. teetedl. thie Etlhtseiihil faut,andTtiracery its
Scn-adBooks boltght grt #:t-Ite hitti ri-sent stattus of the
Seotind-and 'fTle Adlelli hatsonthttittled the 111100-
a1nd exchang ed.ton hsoviTttw anufrg church. The liberality of Ilt o i'rn
'- joint dei-i ation ivan its chief feature, Iaesaid,
1s not advisa~ble," tot sli jt deat and was in direct line with I-be
WAlt HR'S BOOKS STORE tithteefesnasTieltr 0togDothagadteispain
het ill .eheoldisprelintin aydeatetouagreaofteaeanthinsiation
Up TownDoswnsTown aeateduatinalinsituion
*ts S. Slatesat ~ Opposite Coart aouse, to ;select representatives next° Satur-
Ann Arbaor . Mas at. I day night. SbcieorlsDly.
- is
Prnt. Cooley's Lecture.
Prof. Cooley lilti -riit atsecouctilee}-
I ics- ouTt he 'Testig of .tt iolies"
catulii-u1y evningotobofor-' this-' al eer-
tug Socetel.- el oe oltif btiler liosts,
inihetor esirus, e11 iallteston al i 11
l'ih'itoth le tests.
1). W'. Williamus, of Deliroil, trill ai
ilrs hoc soeis'ly ott 'the t'riauchieo
aind Details of it'aiu'c Distributioto"
'next Slt-rdayeventitug. Prof. (Cooley
miade an auncueeint to tile effort
that «'. hF. Clemoeno, ieeideint of
Ilie Industriali Works, of B~ty City,
-will lecttire in the aiear fttrton011Ile
"Efstimtating of the Costs of Mla-
'The freshinen of Stanford' Univ-or-
sity have won the interclass baseball