hear Stale si., W. MA. Forrest, Paistor.
+ O .+ C r9 1:30 . Ilo..subject tif sor~il. 'l, Thev
Preseol Auttie towards tii ('i-lch';
Publishedl Daily ISundays excepted)i doring !' t> I ttIl>;los; (7( . o.V
the Coleg-e year, at \
'. I..I: :30 i.1).i. sbjeilct i of tc- 1\
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. '' tt--i it isl lod I-uit it ie
01,roiret 'iT Coboildin,, 9 s. tba St. be- ' 050504 \
IteenLiticrty 'antiWilliom Sts. I'iiiet tt 'ii' .-lt . Ii, e's. . . '1'. (lder -
31ANAGOIG 'DITORI l-iislAMitt isi'r. 10:3(0 a. in., lloilling
J. F. Tussles, Fs'eu'97'.111 1'iisstieo i s\sS '~
E3UINORS S AoAx1I dt"iide12lands, 8l(i,'hIlos;2i101:. uiM..
EL. 0. 11. SHAND,.'Os. i(IIIl!'s 1P lf o t
E L.G isipl,'9s3L. F . i. etMOoS,s, e. tl' e.(lu1r" O' issli 11Es 11 l l ie. , I (I;t , P55~. a 'G ..?
I. il. toosus, 'it. IIt. .SK1ttout AN'9S L 11G:0 s-1 . il r iii iti' -_ {8111
H. II. Coontos, '01. St s o .E sttt11, '0i. t/ j\.,\-4_tli t~' ) . -' a d i
ASSOCIATE: EDITORlS evet'ttitti7 -lrec1e', so tlliilt li" Novt. It-i
W. Y. losl-es, ''98. S.IW. Smilt, '9i. , 5 'olFislit'. of Ili lest, ii 'It 'eels
Fi. A. l'ocik, '81lE. I. A. Catmpbell, 00 t
,V .ilorl.'118. G. D. HIo ttt, '00. t,1 t l (liAIio tt
W. P.lliidill13 tif.1 l ls ' 1_'1101it it 1.1 1.10 0,S~
A.ttr Stheolet9 lc. C.ti otLlltlit-ry -
Ittor c to. tot' ~ttild ill tictitior etutu
p;m. tOthe dtt itecto s Ot lst it tltttt st li t:- ' il-c oif- -- -' " _- /f
O1ci teeHisc es4letltilt12.+15 ). melir
T su bscript ion pie t of t'lle tO. Tr t i sl IItti 11- it t li' s('ttsw;ks I sii toil
fortthco' lleye veorSttvittet'eI N ettotot 5, tie - T
Iefre toitotieacit dat . t oe ticesrtlilltlyli a n rf (,tls - rtof. B1N-. LeItO OL rtt.ttCyoso; ne6't.l.gstt1).pooemc
Tin m s e h n e Q a t e1 ar y oi c ,b - i t, ing o l l ieo tdell :t 1( 811 o (II 'soofore'1teltp.t tin.,iorttmailedo ttoouthtt e'diuterileeftorei3isiti- 0- ati
'p'ltm', o tld yofr v1 os.toIthalstl i' chlitl l., ilsmlollitF1,078 tti 428 ti eugIc1tactt"c,;01111 111tf ittiltt.-iof
Sub-cr i tis tna illelt it T he Da otily 'lti s I~rit' fr ii 7:l11) i' ' tisf l t Is E TR L CY L M G C
Offic, Meyr's o StofItt'sliwst111 o
w sith ' -3 0 iii lt' 'llla-l ftller0 rtbcriobeArtO millalrcole:-ob a-G es sours
itsrtilftvortby repoth tr dlliOY i tt111.; Thtl.s-tiaitt' 'tll is BICYiLESiembodytimore'new andIgenANNUAL.ANNOUNCEMEN
offcean _fil reofca ri rs__pir t ap iilt' rc -Peil'.i.i'It'nsrut'nlhasaylth r b ctle n w ef reth p b1'. \ ee'ills h~v
se s e 0 i i 1 1 1 0 li' I L eungIs fti ii .Sp eacht t~ is 10::;0 a11 Isi., 0 2 :. ;Itottlal60 n -1 5 f r s n le a h n s a d ; _ o t~ ~ e . s
btI'o Ili ilt l 'iitt'll ttlte' tsur "ras h olp " t oical CSOptont festred - - -- - - -- - -- - - M ac 1
11:1111('lililool's111111 ii -1is liisilt ICiosi. ootedgisuchusteh-cet00111oth exactPresidetuHarrson--------------------- arch 2
tiligtelwshosoth ollri , al o il ~ll ske o~ nisPryHls .- ~ . - pi
stl'itlliiitets.Asktii i i rts otIreroi ty:2 . JohnYKen.rickBangssApril 1
Church Services Tomorrow.
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