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VOL. VII. No. 12-.
EASTERn LAW SCIIOO,,i. Prof. JIiooon retoros to Ann Arhor THE IMPERIAL QUARTET.
- tJ ar lietter ltlt'tist'C with the instruction,
Prof. Johnson Compares Them 'ionlitio 111and life of our Nnn1l"w Popular Concert Received With
R teeved afull line of Novel- lot than r eer to ir'. IHefound GetFvr
Ies for Spring Suits hMci~n ~ ~ olm i ie oitt htI ___
SnCil ToLlseriflgS I ro. I1':. '.ohnson. o itriaro of liet'I N1hI roe ltiiee greltel the ti-
I ni Ist oo of. Miiliig'titi Jo to to t I oI~11il totri rlast night at their eon-
reture10 ii ht night fi'oni ,>,tooin j0 ilays' ut te lt(ttO oto to no r il dl .. ..A. tOo'ns'. Tie tu-
sior'o10isill(, eas. It' foundl frn' forc
It ip t l'0,ttiii"otot thy minltt tfi ii t iit s i Ill n e r t po pulatiir
11is toI01 t~u ol of 'liigotlo ith
NO. 2 EWASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN, I cr ittit ott iiopilrtO etIn' 1ii i iit t he I iti Ili rii -rootir ruh ot n o tolhrtooitlrel
-tip iito i etoooll ott tudyoIly t'el" ''lie d1aithou itat irlt etiti lnt(If ''Olt
I o 'hr1ei rortor for the 1'. o Ii'0. 1toot'
I A i I tho£ 1 tut f. it tiuti ir le lit 'of . 1i ; lit "ltu,'YItloi a""Ow l diii anlot"
om ti esi '1 liii "ilithoitsofitth le "0 lit _______ tot ' i"£ ii'i ine ut' otii tri'eati
1r11cept 'io r eI1i iiof the l' 1Co- P'h''iiysical Education. s'00 1 Is t woere',iitreedt.til thetir'so-
y't ou x'a e a little 1headachetitt V 'o1 ti-itt iifiet ti, al I de'£ to. Pltf. Ctonis, tie etioutioti-
twe ttpku st iottl tblet 1 inh1tIit lilt11 0 tititt Ditoilcti-titoefrt'otii'tt
oily reliev'o if. Metter try itt I itt111 111ttitit x11itthii'o1itiiitior it ill tiiInitIsfit lititl
b ox next thio. riuio Iitotrrio"'ilta, sottlftotor.1 iilii ilt ,p liii it. Iiti ttielitittit if ta otlit-
0 e; ii t lstit'tt i lii{ Nit'iittit1
LER'S P -lRIMACY. I (i,.nt tde'grc. boll yiottli ~ ~~ uuftromiNieitotot Nit kit' etolid
4.-6 S. STATE ST. ii'0 1011 tty u tri' hh'ii i27. Dr.t'mtt t ottiitot, atherttl
THE SLEEPING FOX CATC HES 111111 11rpos111 11'' Iiititilt it lei' til le; fll.'tl it liii ii111 ii'tttot
mu ruULITni
t-Jtio'itg Duircetitotthe Jtacohbts
Allinn stock, I shalt, Tor thoeinest
1e days, ofler soire' of thae(Gretet
Shoe lBargoainsthetltpeople of Aini
Aritor hove evrr knoowt.
it ' i t tO'ti'ii uitto. Nit 0111'of Itoo-s
itl at' 11)--.e a' tttit 'lii aldthoii't11:1-
tilt ttitto'i't'rthe ttie o li 1ii' liiiSla'o.
tOi~~t I ~ Vi eI ltItot s~Itti . 'thou lithe
iii h 't lri l i11
._ f&Turit-i ioipl i.: I.wi
Th i' ' 0i 1. (f
ilt icito wil' tiei' lrtitoiiounio oI)ipli
t iwTim e'','tiig.asitireli 22. fi t f
ccmi tirtiti, floro that:.theaefote
lie:(ti'ioi'rp-iii.111:i. ii'( t"1, e11to';Ito - Engineering Society.
0 etol 'tiiooooi heyrt ;ilt:(I(I iiin t . Itoltth e IilIiitt'o l otit tt'' httoo o
0 0 I i t t . tt li si ri. !-1.1 Arh'.
gil &itl etu root otti ltr ht'- 7.1 ittfi'u oiito ti~ 'it it t' titCit f r ohn.11ii R. it' I'iii lit "r id ritit' 'turillo,
o a YaeHit. rdBoton[-tl. it v ndt I u'o i tuof, ait tot lvd it
voutth hi' reilyou ir o ont I0 ii it r ttto ti ttu i i 0 ut" sit'
_" sl'flit' allot ott it'l 2lit' ir ii' 111111e
gn0 olo ttpn w u t en't oa tcdl( foe 0,00 1 Ch tl itatoyDellatershi. 'h t n. t h r-it."II1hu
0 .
0 0s ~ y 01l Ititli oe; htit ti l t t l irith l lt . tu1 1111 Ootuo. fu' 1 1 ott t l:4sil e i'ostt it't11 iet mug' t liii'
0 0 111111Yist r u~arlso
~ LK N -- H RM II. u' itt a uto'hrrkmeat5tn aeetl <K theltitm o lit llititi '0theucity. arsIl
tiio-litonis.t "itt i.ut'io
__________I__said_____s__________________ ltt'ehtb'esthtthit utu tititiciihut
yout'llm'et It iy fog w'rof ill.. ix 'ift'I 'lich'out',ulasttFuodt f'till'Ct't'f' o
- A T- Coc11S01 oti,0lilV0,I1 tun.,in- tiu nut' -itlt'..", ii) ne ad 10
AHe K S , 1tu'uto 'I 1.1(1t1 u aritetY . .Metng ii i (th'1ttt1loyom to'uR(,,l ' > f'le tlcts
Noy tta eouo-ao o I 11,t111. t'Itnrnt uwa''u'at' to-" Y- o< ttu t tiuya -Itloi If Tile il1
<1iii" vr t cmif i eu'ntu ooutir oryhe aN seioo l i ii'fl'euultitohit' ff1.he cit' sA.uhouthit
Illet''u-iit'e olli'eni' thu uttloKint11,11"- 11 '1 soc o tiv On ks tufut lu ' it 11 t:i' IYoer ltua.o Al i t iii 'ii utitiutlli t -l.iii StitihI 51tilltft'. -1.1I1;lials11of
foa lcooo.gultlero'Ottuiiso - ul I N iii i ulto. gitr.t our"11' ,I ,ri-ot . ohtit ututt luthtg io it't
Bunks lmotoghtoot l tig outsideofllaritli' l .k ttu'riuIu tm ift' O j uk. I 1t iti' Iec~llucti t' 111th lii fu":tls'uu.
Q liiiE 0eii tn .hi'a ii't't'u'l ulv lii, -' t
ttsll fuitary inslts. Itisidi'e0 ltittiotuhtitcit hIortottrl1)1t11 hultute
'tI p&LR' B O>SO E tt sltaati ts'the o o to f lit,..e ' 'li' liit h ut ciutge li ' tite of'9t. ii Soetu o f 11hut'Icif 'hui of
SOS Slate Bs O K Op o T R o rtH us, urenua y reason o nuledoia c!]p 01' stayttutteunuiou.1111itevesextgoodesal shoo
As Ahe ul e. ichAl flue en fhui ul lspd erh Ios il Yi' .ulM .A eb 1 tin. oSubscribn e f or te Dl.'11et(ri>