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March 10, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-03-10

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lime Table (Revised)Fe.i7,1597
''Iailad Es ---i 47 N. Y. Spial--7-
N. Y. Special--4 58 :Mail -------84
''aster Ex--10 5 NS. Limitcd,--q925 !
A.M ..Alantic E---- 7 55 Pacific Ex----131
0. N. Expres--5 50 Wes'cicEii -- 15
G. R. Expres--- 11 10 Chii. Nt. 9 1
J. W. lrccis3s, Hi. W. IAES
G. P. & T. AgE., iChicago. Age. Ass Arboir

/y-1-t c 1-.--1 4i2KI! /G

RAILROAD. / ioa V v,-
TileTi abcle, jaai ii 89'7. .V i ,- .i c ':
SOU THi..ci. 1i2
*Rn etee An rbr rt Tleo nl jA POSITION g c r e
Allltrainsca ily-exictSuaiicy, =c e ci cci rd.~tjn . Ic'aic Co I 1wl lri! od eu s
E. S. GIIiillEJR , Agenticl -i tI i - 'c w ; i iivv1 1 m .1 tiyk pe rtt so u
W. I BEPNNETTc C. P.A.Toledo 0.-fth 1a dwlir t r 1n
TE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL fBy Roert1 r I 'ii a I ()f Mv c i ii c lColicci' c isse s h
RAILROAD T IODKET BROKERS epreSPECoIALl udAv tusaone ta~n as pcine
Wholesale Cigars, Tobaccss and! RAND, 1 eNALLY & CO., Chicago.
Cor. Main andi Liberty Sts. Among the Colleges. U. OF M. CALENDAR,
__ __ __ __ __ __- __ __ i-I l_
Mb's'LciL O iE r ° I t. Cliii®'; iicia, i "lriii Li s, cci a cc I-_il 1c, Moi It 12-S 'colic 1 liii cciiSc-.

"'0100 mc i0
Ife iig lmiaj arteL ,maan Ta-
"Trcsaoslj 5,ciu c: imooi.G Resin lia
OTseOnl~ Drsiceing osrsLtae Linac In To-
Toa-idClumbuefs. a lsrat
i'lmiane iccca flllToseledo iashiabs and
THE ONLY LINE aith 4 lesinseach may dafily
becween Toledosad Columbs,
THE ONLY LINiI swith 0 traisachbway os
Sunasetwia esn'Toledoand Columbs.
THE ONLY LOR0EwthLINEtraiseh a ly
ectecenTeleid,Bowling Greensand
THE ONLYLINE a-itSh traiseaech may daily
etweensToleo and Chareleso, W. Van.
sand the Virginiam
THE POPUL.AR LINE . taceen Tolego, Foas.
risfaBcyrs,OGraille ad Neark.
Fuisnficoatinc reliceis ralms, time ad
traias, etc., will fb efheerfully fusedfby any
ACgent ofithe OhlioCentral Lins.

In Victorien Saidou'.INew
A Divorce Cure
Great Cast. Distinlguislhed Play-
era. 2c'/ Hours tIcessiiit Laugh-
ter. Positively no Advance ini
PRICES: 350, 500 75C AND $I.
g . 4W ,
Whl o iyaoulplay?" getciaiWashbfurn'i."
Noto Hms is Really Camplete
Withoaut a saw 1897 Madel
Washiburn Banjo or Zither.
Pice fle eenscaledl doen s hI resuclitiof lhi
buy :ir genuine Wshburniiof eerylaitestdeign
Pram $i5.aa Upward.
The necwccWashburnclc "Mandioclins iae radical iiecccci'cc
fromc forerstyllesc. It 1i e eaest da iiestl:,nd
lightest Mancdioihlii gicnable, aditfoiel apcci ch e sic'
=Crearctoethatiofccfinccold CemonaccccViolini. 'ciii
burns arce solct ieansd unifopiseicesibyallciirsti-
'camuic ea il see ee c lciceicll
cicel. dcc' caleecclakn flylede isadaoflicthe

ctily',e i- tlc.s11 'i iii , '1' TCii iiiii Tcktc'ii .it I F Mtark Hannci would only-
('icicicli' I lii, cl' liii ecic i 111'_''- icu cii.ltii - S
('o~iecly{'1u1) ofttl(>I nF- hick ns
9 ! I aillli. I'i'Iila\"c. Sl'cc ,-ic 12 cli l -cIl tu lt(T
Apll ii'iI, shap' c cii sinl i:1 .1''kfccac'cW ul b scurprised at'
-'rid-cr, I111" -fccc{I toi)c liiile li i .1- inr o':1i )'i'ill L. our generoisity, gilt
ciii ei'nc' iii'ii ,S1,11,liiliic I'il I ic-,,cc-it c (uc s il1]i r it I1I o
'ciai Iill ll" \'1 A.< In011eIlc 1'N aI e have In hudstle 001'
Pi'nii7 vciiici 1111 1'I i~ta 'SlcI'c-(h 2. -AcucAl l lidoori
j neri y '0 °t(. o-en, of th 111loo Iref t [I l te nl:; 0m E ourelves, so
-,hii' ie at Newiii lcii'i. Nii l i l cl Ii be c '.Au I V . i iii;ilccc i. I,.'
-id eti S'uirday.c- . ('Clilc.<e" b ecomes iiecessary to s1.asll
i'Isili.:Apriccl 1,) J. 11. l.10 iii jju right and leftITfltS SIND CI. I.' (cur.
Beines-LieS I atnrd .afte Iri yA. prcl ii'. iv~c~toui
iceco ; (lcniclec'lSalturdaci 'c llilsl I Ill clc'tlldcliii 1occ'IIs. f; order to keep oii 1 lp. ('on-
cild Mllcilcii'i'i"'iiigc c illI IN sequently
tlittileii t ooic'heclassi -.1 I I . S'lImI'S ''A1IA-F. T E Hutioi er o 2-s^eci anud
Ac'cii'lcy. ( litynci il i ccii clii I l~c'lI'ci I s~cgc'Occsire, Ythelcbattlei IechaytiecrysTTh
'cci ifSicle c. sed'.00, 0:21), 1401acld rd11:00 a. Iii., 11n11
Any liies ide'irino icmaeiaciiri 1.4:1), 2:20),I3: 10, 5:001, (6:30,7:5, i:100 x~ v~ e'OED
o1 fcllcing- lc'souni rollci(,' t. '1 'coil.an t 1:20 1). Ill. I iX i . I
D A L Y1iPalill~lool.cappily toi IetriitlF'-w "dcli eapc'i'cislcut lisesee at AnoArbor al. LAR" forreal
C'lub, 12 Griswo-cld "t. :10 1" '00110 con-i 7:10, 19:00, 10:20 'clod 11:1(0 a. ii.. .Iocfya
ciiocIeciirc11111NOR ill h enii 1:21). 3:010, 4:20, 5:41 7:10, 9::20(1. lU T 'S ifact. WVe knowc it is-
lver' at Aiioa Anc Fcriusdaytor-rnd1:0ccI. n; tSUNDAY TMEcr~Ieahting it sensatio
'Tirmic, $1:1.010 I ii'c'ccYpsilaniiact '1?:2mcd10410 i bl liii or''~ldls
a ..cind 12:10, 1:50, 7:10, -l:30', 5:50., o peios ce
deIu' Ciiil age.c,'elliuIrrisl so 0re but:I cb1u:0ip.ess is10 -' - ' i-.
n~oc ern hose, suitabl for 5orro.t i'ocl7:'0,5:3 d9:0p 11 evsAiiii Arthr it1:10 11111:21)
lclrgc flsuib' .kdlri'ccc. Ilsa.' c-ic' Ii and 12:50, 2:31( 0,:)10). 11:10.
of UC'rlier No. 10. 7..50 9 1:11)cud 10:301. i. I Solnd (Cash anid Adderess Ill

tlici. Tr ciclieoand GleeClubise. Oucce yi''c c-. oard at Pretlyio-aoc 00 o N. Cub
ccccta~giccciingiccceieicla oiec I 0ricoccae ,..- elwil 'AllclliiiclcfoticeI le 1ilay17' illitoi
andii ccllinfcoicc en idorementscccietc., aillie ell a -c. Yu Rol id ilie Dailcly rce,," o('ill(.Ii'l1'oili .p101l11.Ihll(iid fels'
'n rt nce~iptieccaplcc''iicato.I oral deaC. ( h1e1togreet you eachdawtal
canntc'-'!cci ycoul ccchille,.asIi rde C .D.0'ice 11cct ao. 'cci llaillile5 lto lli ad l ciii ac. dc lil ri'I t f1it1
cc i' cpriile'e ofc exacmciaio,diect fini thilie fIccory. thle-lts slg ev.Ii'rliln ' I'ik Il li 5lllii~l
AWashbbarn improvies with age and makes aIth ttiir rxk tal:C'1n iil
0if1 that increasesais value as the yeara go by. JlOll SALR CI1I'taA N-. S2i01, Monday1Vtciliiicl y 1n11 Fu idc,y, at 5i
Illis ceally surtha many times its cast. W'abcb
LYON & HEAINY,I'hllr Concert Gulitar. Aclci Ic'clcck. I I. 'I'. IIRI.A 114
CLS?. N c 71 AVE. & ADAMS ST., CHICAGO 113l, Daily. Icc-clI('l"aptlilc.

0. H. H A\S,
Butsiness iManager..
Wlashlington Blockc

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Prices quoted 11111 samples fulrnisbed (1n application.
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