b + ~To Allow Students to Vote.
+ L~'" ~ ~r't.i~. ollR'p.ooSwer has introoiuc'o'ota hill
to CetLI ci the uontirn1ess often set's-
Onlshd1)tly (S todays excepted) during
THE UN'IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 000ttrtr oteLovtsl'
P';. 'ritO oxbuilding, 79 S. tMain St. be- ~ ttethv 0ohr hs / N
teenc Liber~te d Witiam Sts. anod shoo1llhostvei t oun to t to '
11 NtO 'N~EIOR0 vo tet' sotttow'lttt'tht tiOther it'piop'
. I.TlOArS, 9.t'tttt. 'i oeoe it til lttlI I \s67 'i
have 'sttt.N batht. Ittolot'( t' l rset litt ... Xe ll \ 1 a r^^'~
'DUI:ETO 1IOSpt'1't.XV'til t titE':I !
It. L. B eissioc, 'Ox L. P. 5 Sioss, '31. Ittooo toiutI t otettotto to. '-t.
It. it. Loons, '90. If. 0. OoII.Li ott, 0 9 lit3ietlotittLo'.tltti it to
1. H. ('oewes, '00. B rtI. It LAxta, '00. ''
ASSOCIATE 'DITOIRS o.ft'Art. t"II of ttt Ito titttionott\ tom u!1'
IV. W. daghes. 'is. S. X. mitto9" >toilt.o
P. A. Fucito, 'OrE. t. A. Cotmpbell, '1}0 lis sstateo, r'oltt t' itt itt' it'-.tlt't tot'_ ..f"
W. P. Meoeritl, 9. G. D. itedntoti.'10. stuttetnts wtiile t't ittg 'eit'tttttits
A. A. 5 ittt.'St. tC. Lu ,it., 9t9t M. =
heee oooc mtoo. N tcsI otter- t ot I.. tt -tt o f t t
to~e 0ip. in.,eor mottled toftheecstate.erloeto1'-
p. e in.,sof itioday pitcote to l c 2.hato sotlt lslo t n itt ittiti ox t ooflooss so
theesaneexptedeattettendd o pb-(c
ti on ceute hedco at h(ofDttaioco thy ebe- c1irrotoate .e Ntd140s'ltos ittt i
fore0cc.'or ildtodtedtorNefoede
with BintesostManager. Seeibcro wiltlec- tio'o't'l to tst tot ilor'oloo'stt 'o 'lxi The i897 BEts ItL, BICYCLES embody nore now 'andgenuine impoeeilorafvrb eotn rmtya hslyg l
office toes'failcrecottcarrerto 00deooce ptaper. (1,1ot'y ezls fhi ll'io .)1o," n onrnstructiotitanncyvotbebtcycles no e fo rec the public. iNeerbefore hose
tt'itt.15 t otsI uch excellent values Iteen offee orhe o neicv. Ott e nw lice consoitng of eighto
iii~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~l lbitIoo'tt t . o t'eservic't'otf Illt'oit'tl States or supetrb itiedtl sO $60, $75cod $12a foe steele mtachitnescind $10torcetaiidems, witht
ofilis ateo; tar whItit' ontgo( lt h i ie toe variouc options offeirod, is each that the moot oxacting purchiase can be enttirely fsst erta oero 11;1, utd
ot' T~etrtit lias bron soo't'oitt'()tt trcilt . ig.i ollofthe' il'waoters of tis soilt'CENTRAL CYCLE MYFG. CO.,
prsd : ftht'nitotiSt to's, toorcf lt"'1it-lt'72 CAREEN STREET. INDIANAPOLIS, INDL
over'the fital otoitrto'ooicotelststuhith
istoiicie h sal rpr, ~t Qt so"olor toy rraoitiottthits blttitya00Si1-1OUR FINE POSTEROCATALOGUE MAILED FOR TWO 2-CENT STAMPS.
isll to oleoofo'aslyiosoltoillt'olof'o'o'tot Ot .'tot-j
gaitg i i l t'e it'rollt'goite 'outo'. 'u f 11 s'itiortohoiiisg ir
seh.'lt ootioostto ooo'br 5titlt~1oMiytielttt11 a'1sitotiseo'rtoythetti THE ANNUTATLANNOUNCEMENT
'otititi t I tll'tilolex 'pens'ior wh~'ie
wayoic s o n ie toss iothe iost-tiot tly to 010
Itoe woohio'.a Pitsnowproot eit Pooloor
otilors 0111n1 ilainoto whoilOhtoveO' 0dt
studtlsixottthe 1'ittectsity for the irst
i1thetlt'tiililtary or naya o rceo.:'-ot t hi't
tuile xwili to'of tutasil too or" (Zt oloo'.
sevralreaons f~ i knwn o 1e Uilteited ,1 ts oo's111Pofts sae l 0a c w
'evuill litool ts'ouo it ot
ve'ity, 011101 f 55e' are'10 to tlit fo' g)
Reosolsedi, 'Thiot saidiproplosd o'ooti.
thei'Seintietsl'xpret'ssedtll ' loe- mera uatt__titonal oiuenollt tlshlllot'e stititi npra ure----------------Irh1
Pooletoo tth' eegi'slrtutot lits stoio' itoto'Oratorical contest---------------------March 19
for to cont~iution oflis yost sol
genteroaleei''tont to' t o laeotilitilEn-President Harrison-------------Mrh22
intls sits tilol i-to' ites of 41oe same,
ilot Moitdaoirill *Apri, 100' thousand,
Agoili, le is ioutot ioittohunidpredi-aind 0111 .'' '' andLucius Perry Hills--------------------April 2
tio, s s vidncd y he tt":tln ,th scrtay ofta01110is hereby 1ro' John Kendrick Bangs- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - - -April 13
solith elii rco've'ooi oil too ret'oi itootlt-
uinon so're:.coniies in W'.tltoii.
A'tc tre tll iteore'ote'd itiseo'tig'aiiitatn
wshose rise ini tto' politoicl 5011 11110
hoeii so i'apido atidlsteadity. Tourecos-
ti.oflssot rooriny' 001010 rotilinolol i11101'
to, preside overi'thec oehbatls intl oot ato'-
ioal ronest s to011 admirabotle 0011e. We
are tths gt5ig 00a ohlnotu too sl"' thort
101101hbar thiltisipeal, indothit'oopor-
tun~ity sotiho o'so.elwtIioie 05' O il
The Art Photograohs.
'Po ts'oiho hovet slon Pe trt li
tograoli collecttion oil Ne's'htrry 11111
lihi'surpirisetoots beno ey'-e nt00)' g'.
totally sw'h'no our iatetion ito 011111
to is ting)utottthis hind owe ltilo of
the moeoclassicoal stibjests wthliwhich
itotot010 5i'etso foamooliar, hut hero
ilouch niure is to ho footnd. Tiell'lst
imodern paintings ir' itixcol oithi the
rcasics oftieaiiett'is, aii theli'best
ef onur itcdrrn seiilptures withlithe oldI
pieces'. The collection is aOiolnirahitt
arrnged and extremeolly interesting,
anti all shosultd avail themselves of the
opportunity to inspect it.
otirool to gisvi' notic'e of tho' s011100too
lt'e shiorifsof lt'est'v'eraOl uontiesot
Plus stoolo ot lrast twentty day's trtor
too sooalid l'cton oandoltooteilits' thii
satto o thoe clorks oot the soxeral coon-t
to's of Ibissotie,110 reoqoireot by hoc'
tGeiierallasofottthe stoate, onditihle
soidolshioriffs arirctetofd to give thet
sevoeoil notes reqtire'otby lass, ltd
I Ito boatrodof oleoootion olnitssioouors
ot achi of the sos-oral cooniiies ill Puis
staite shoall pore'paore tho' ballots for
vottting on tits amendlmeintin accortd-
001100 withithe tGenerol iLawss of thit
state, ciiolshoall olsignolte saoidltiotod-
nient oiiilie ofiiaol ballot as fiollow,'s:
"Auintolnent too lie'ronstttiot- -Noo,
(Ileetor shoill h'beeoiedtobhx-c gailned
ori lost a. residence toy- i'mloonof hisa
ho'iig a studenut ott ally sminaliry of.
lear'ning," withi the woords, "Ye," and
"\'o," so aranged thiat the electors-.
titoy vote for or igainst stich l oielil-
ment by means -of schcl mark as is or
miay be prescribedi by lass. The voe
shiall in all respects be canvassecd and
returns nmade me in thie election of
,etate ofitcers. tCorier.
Oratorical Contst a.::c
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00
$1.00 A Tremendous Slash!!!! a $1.00
1$.00 The U. of M. Daily at year room every $1.00
day for tto rest of the college year (thtrough
1 ~~commencement weehtier ONE DOLLAR. 0 0
$1.0 Send cash and addresc to$10
$100 0.11. HANS, Business .Manager. $1*00
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00,
We willeado cemipt
can1addes. ri cle10 i
, piind,euatalouoir
Post-piaal e Free
SUIRBRUG, I-59 Fulon'i
only eodn 0