Bdabylon Cal isTHE BEST.
Algadeofhardand softtCoat.
CameliCoal andCoke.
T elpoeNo. S. ndoo r Eastof Ameni
cao House.
Absolutely Pure!
Always Fresh!
H a n g sterfer's
.Cnfc'o.Icoccyocwith a f-eirs -cs ontain
Pen.e antci rn, ep0-~ga~pcalty
A box of that delicious Peanut Brittle at and get the hest service.
BRO 'S DRUG STORE. Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Half pounds and rounds, 10 and 2(1 ceoto. A. few boxeo of Branch Office at Paimers' Pharmacy
Velvet Molasses Candy, one-half pound .10 cents.
(Iioodspeedy s esour150000
ranized onder the Donoral Eanking Saws
r of this Slate. Receives deposits, boys and
ellechange 00 she principal cities of the
15 S. Mai " UntedSttes. Drafts cashed opoo proper
d B.. Ientiicaton.Safety deposit boors to root.
'HATS aDeroFFcoo: Christiano loch Pros.; W. D.
$tHarrimsan. Vice-Pree. Chas E. Hiscoch,
Cashier: M. J.hFritz Assistant Cashior.
TRY RED STAR OIL--NO _ SMOKE, (Ctitaciloo00,00.Surplus and Profits, siSOCO0
fl oreigo excaeloou eehcbancclsold. Foroish
Nocchascid Wicks, No OftensivOcl~or, No Fouling csf Chimneys- c leters of credit.
AWhite Lightl-Burnis fresely to the last deep of oil ini the lamp vic1.le Pr, l es.llthi)NOUE
(Clear as spricng watch-lOc pee gallon-Delivered in our cans, . I IeliSON, Cashior.
1rccccptly-Sccld ocilsIcy N &COMPANY.,~ me0
44 Souti
cicaticl 1"
pe~cilrate to Soliorsit 1 Icc-luit
B1 1 erynian'1~c- s 1 :.Ic h
E. Huron Street 1cc-cl'f."f
dc1Fjy. le-ilil i
coif, Il'c i ,'', Icock cecI Fild. Cys cc-
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., 1 Pili'i
Noe'l och. Chicago, Philadelphia, ! cv' i l tt)ili
Ct 1t ci c1)
Cap.oGws andc;I jcc eIi
4 4y Albany, N. Y.
V '.irclzlcrciclesurce cctl 1ccl
44 E. aWil'i ~ ci) t ll oce
!' f liiel rei
Toclit ii II
1cc 1ii -i icc1
sis. ci I' 11
l 1o 111 org.e
i C~ilcc ' IcIi,
Tit slY il r dsro 2.clices. I
ocs1 Ceos(facrnoekiflo,.
11 SMain Stroot.
Valseeo of Examoination
ilir " el ttcl-Ic' lcc I ,
11,11 Icie (\' . cii II 'I'l I i
l'll c-cl. o1 cc hlel '-I
fIcc . Ic ioll . 11:i . r1: i
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lI 11c -ce Ic 111 1 111th
,1c 111'o I that. cic icce mc
Ill. vc c eli roe isd;,
cc icc c-c'(1;.'': [ . l'c'cc l. ;
l 101'i lcc-;c ;ul
1111 icc' c c--Il.111(1 cl ii~l
1() l tome.i t'"l I 1,.11 11.
Ow exiicicclc. 110 is11111(11'
(IIl 1111, 1 u'. o'11cc' . ccc lii
hecc'cilllilll 11cc 'c
'ally-, i1 11 Ic' d ilccc lilc.
1l(111.1 c i'111c11 the eci .
'11c cci coi i illc 111'11-
' 0 c li l lb i o 1i .1
.11 111ccil( 1110 l cl ol
ill c;_1cilt licct cl c l oi.
cl--I. :i c-c io'. scli- a1i
cc ccork of 11c lo l-cl
k\\ l' 1.15Ico itsecccotcl
alc 11rc' ,11c' cf c ol-s
1: tei ofs'. a ec-ic s
lic ee . ccc ci lla c'i'
ilil(',iJstoil he eve
the cilijecl. is le-irceici
liellec-lil ileoll c-th-
tos "geltlup" a s,1ec-lli
aidl xvithislceideo-cppcrt
''cc. ;Maccc allnuouocStreets.
Caital 3c50,00lull rpcelus X0,0000 Traosact
I . !t)itc illtlll 11111 lici'r1a11 hoillc l.cl l :t.il cenceraol Ibankin bosiness.
c. i. loosceP. es.. I. E icres, Vice Pres
110C1 1''i Gld rill". 11g cc o boac;' -lil h-cEDe. 1iiBELRio.Cashier.
I1')\'1 . I IesIc 1a 011111 :: vcIIIr sIs sI 1+exc c
-l cudI 0 iIoclfe c I upon theofiF~. ;J.tScl.1' 1ee ;11
111 1cc
'dcclsiecicc' lce lll~il0O 20 S.STATE STREET
(o 'i' -l11011111 Dailyls I< i';il. Sellis a Solid lcccGold lo ticc Penoat -cl.0
litill(' Bokls Bucodi')5 centso cccdiupcwarcd.
UI.oelse. Scenscacculrtesscocos 3 Illls. Lie-
1,1! .t'rreli-lGAND ODIIhA 1I10 U. 11. co lacer forc:;occents.
INotehsooilec 5ocensodupwaed-.
V c ilc'heol v11 c- l'locclr liaf ,'(lrnes- ILownT~ey's Chocolates.
c,~ lloil dpicccccclcNVcciii lceheol t Hot Lunches.
O clhecec' eclecco ee o itslb al5 ys'+l
X11( ' cll 1,"-0 Loieeeeof111111 hll c TUTI . ' 48,. State St.
1 1 c 1 11111' cerf l. c celloaS 11 1Th cs
11( t c \,.1 1 )a rc(c c tIeee he1 1 wci 1'111It I I Re17 t X6 l i. itior
r 1)',s'sie -ntl leedso b c coiie R 1 '.1 0 Our price lhereafter
I il n atlie-c.an111111 ro11 11 c i n 1{-1 -for IT. of M. bsttons
- 'ti(; 1 Dl 11111o~. Ide 11 I)~ 1 ' r1 alpatternsa, will he 50 Conts.
lll OI m 01 ht1ti 510' lie Ic cccoil b I ccl i ARNOLDLEADING JEWELER.
ici 1 l cl. 1e 1.O'Oii1111 ciUNIVERSITY 6CHOOL
sloC ntr il.. cId ci th e cccii c -llicclc-
ilil 111l"cciclo' cc OF DANCING
rill b iAll fli cgls e"1111 f-ice ccfice' i'clllilll'llo li" pociteI isoBuoicdicog. $1500 cctil Ma1 s t.
111111(r of01xelcsic i':ciilec leld 27 Thomfpsonl Street.
clIl' lie
1"e ' c-cc. c i lc co-icig' iii r 11111
( .llIl llt ice i s c clcc' ec lllt t l'5 ' 11cc
eli-li' cc I"11111 ee'sIC c i ll rett. 5 iOl ce 1 v1' 1 cc 1c tIes-, Illieceln o , 'lilceels, orotece
il-(Illci cclcv11,1f .1dccc l cc.a1'lc' c i :cli IPersonacl Propierty. Wllcec 1 d eco-
Atc I'()e's' Rdepciil.d 1101'(' t1reside-ece, d33EF
0.cl(ccc'. andd iswcc c-e.el cci lll-llil''I hiic-i-tg sO An A rb Olor-, 11ic.Allbcc-
I. cccl . - Icc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c~concfidiaicl. Houcasc7ltoll .ocniecnd
:1(i1 V llllle o te o tt''ta1nuoitS i od11p. -c . leeP11Ciih'NVA'i:o. hicsc-;aicc
tt1 11> l li c l 11011 lll ccilces s .10 inccc eoncd-lac dch 'atechces anticc ialacoods.
1(I 1'ii'_tl o r.11 '1 0 11. Id o -, il(c' Oli,'l :11axE XTO iP S T
' s 111 )1111- lfecsal 1,o. 11iscyte
IlI, .I ~1tfeu c re-l '115'1111ilc'I'lo hilu 1 RS.E 01JOLLY'& Co.
Ias left thec pill. NVolilei is acc ccc' vcl- 2 .SaeS. a erBok
I ccl( i 111. 11 li I -
dcccl ic'oller ic 'he1)y o ((' 1Ile A nto . r seu e~
Duy cc a~l Icce bCs' ddildli c; 1: h'cc 1111 lii flIl
Ir itcl li ceileTracksAcVcrie.,'DlcosseSuitcuses
:lii 101 ( ________1101 __i__ l fr 'orort_ o Ceapy.No57. ais
A Slashi in Pricer. lorasicoet
ofdll( ilhO sld45 atlsrl c l eiis l tint[ we wFO
ci11p~s nd45Pakad t.I,1v rnt, T FR 25 CENTS
Ic Nadsofietn eeierwrA, is vryhn CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
1sc-Everything to please at treltyncaeio,0SSie t.De IoeoBlladio
1Good bocr, good service, and the U. 22S- tt t.Oe RsysBlir om
chiby ofdl.Dail onthe cabl toi100 M, MARTIN, Funeral Director, Cloth
postedil on swbat is gi e n OIt he"0.and aMetalihcCaskets and Pine Grade
pote ~Cofins. Embalming- a Specialty, No. 17 S
°icceoly; groat university. Fourth ace.