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February 25, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-25

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Babylon Coai is THlE E . A bt
Alt grades ofhard astfttbCal. ff ~ IN ~ ~

)ox of that delicious Peanut Brittle at JEWELRF y-

Catoel Coat anale.01 ~i %J V V I~~I nI u 1%J IXCu.w ISTO®RE-
X. STAEBLER, Half pounds and tods, 10 and 20 cents. A. few boxES of 46 S. IMain Street.
Tslelettane No. 8.Otte door Fast of Amsert- Velvet Molasses Cantdy, one-half pottnd 10 cents. _________________
F. J. Schle e, G o d ee 's and get thte best service.
20 S. STATE STREET $1office and Stable, 32 Forest
t]looondst.ttetsrand upal. 15 S. Main St. Ae eesoe16
U of.11. OScenesattttProfe=sit5z . btLit are reaay Brattet Office at Pa'tners' Pharmnacy 9" T'e ae o 0cns oeBosarnsaduwrs
NoteRotso t d te___________________________________ THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
,V RTY e Io~ DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKEj Casps,,l Sto 000. upls,$50,000
Or iedttunttder the Ceneral Tnkintg Lows
OF AN t' TRY RED STAR OIL---NO SMOKE, af tisState. Recees deposits, btoysan
Opp,-;e Ltw ;Iiidn,. $,-W:L emestr for NO C ha~l~tWicks , ToFtuliStoflesn -5Uiteditates attedscashe oup propere
Tps s iet titc tss- s eteI oOtniWcs o Offensive OdorN F1 in\o iines deotliecatios. Safety deposit totes to rest.
t1 o tle-.osaek. ! OFICERteoS Chritts Mick Sees.; 0W. D.
A White Ti-litt-Ilttrns freely to tite last dropI f oil intheIlteatop Itaritm, s Vice-Pee,.;tCos N. Riscock,
27 Thompson Street. -Clear as spritng water-l0c 1per gallont-Deliveredl in our can ots,. 1,Prt
prompitly-Siold ottly by FIRST NATIONAL BAEyNKof Ass Aster
T DE-AN & ~iCO MP ANY. Capital,$1i00,000. Srtelis sadPretisU,000
44 South Main Street. Transacts a geserel bostine business.
- Peoreigit eschantgetbougttasod . Fu Prnish
letters of credit.
____ __ Aice Pres.
____- I -S. CV. CLARSONCastier.
WOMVE N andl. EN'S I1'11,I'..1. B. C tvi ill Clhv"stioostCeCrCC s-oI~CcCe'i i Cis te 31IIIil-
F-soy Fitting Shoes inI all the I ' (e t C i 'St -ity r, is S- Ii- scC CCCI ! Cr CCC ti wI till Iee ic-' s11Cwee' I rltfjff e I:,~ +uy' ~
ILesS Styles.O ~tgisC s t'sl I'it ~1(lCC'illi - C
iift: l 1 t vCr.Aita t in n uoSr eets.
Best Place - ,i-NCn CICl. C, CI- CCC't.- t C I lCCIpCCl.'i-- I~ ttasC s50,000. Sutpls X30000. ferasact
forv i. Si ,i'et e ss C EoEN, Aite Sees
i1), (C '] C'11CItI C1 CI o CCCl i t or 1f n ' h0 e' C,-1i sC i - i sII t!' tiC licil 111CtitED.i , L St R, CtaShier.
Repairing -Ilt1 t 1 lii5C5'1ii'. 11Ctic CCCIICI CCCI t l i nlcti CCI ,ti t' s t, C''
i£.Cl ilts' 51,c 1 > otts''Itittitty is ~ ,lr. i, n i tt-e s-tl°. l it5 i s 1{:?ot L tinches.
- 1, 1 1.1 ti-lis fotti lilt 't it 410_.l I fi'it' l:'lt Ctttli. ll iitit s\t'.1 11oCC# U T di.LE'S. 4 8 S. State St.

Lawiton for Rleget.
43 S. IMIain St. - iTptairs. ITh ts'tilli,in lte cotiseti it 1.litj
111 111t C l ' .Cc ke'i foris re St. it ti-
HANOIS TERFER' ____=_____.1:I ~121lts ) I:lTl)'l
t1 , , tsLe i I'.1, otlscs.
Absolutely Pure! I "t:rfI:. tlte1C1 lcz ls - CC,
Always Fresh! IW iot CCCCIL tl Mt(Iiyt'slt-'i.
Sf n i s 1 ntt ' tis, a - t ,t_- I t. , ..l.s's C :it

No woitine lee Coloumbia and laitford
bicycles. Nos delay sod eonsequent annoy-
ance. Allt modeles and patteros stow readyr
forsinsueslisledelivery, -1897
are taestsexclusively of 5 per cent Nickel
Steel 'Tubiing, te entire pro- $100f TO ALL
dudctsoich tee control.,W ALIKE.
Idertforol Bicycles are at prices
withsin reacts of everyone.
$75, $60, $50, $45
Catsloguseesseesom nyCoiai
dealers; t',im s ro e 2cn
Hartford, Conn..
Greatest Bicycte Pottery -i
inthesWorld. Msre toon.
17 Aces soflorStae.e
Braossetsor desiere
inasetovery cityoand
Subscribe for the Daily.

(.x ' tieliC, S 1 ili (li'- ss'sitiit -, slit i'
t ,t'it - Mic ,t A tsis Civ, i 'ay-
C-itt-Ct ist
s,'i ' s-"Cs'm lstiited thsli'wc'st',s slv ''ts'vs'C
^ ti 21(4( shour Ftcous, t't'ilit'ittlitIt'
s' opr ""((,ive1-s'.1101111 iiild 15
Idi-s " i workstt-twsilt boItnadt st'.csteis
i- Iis st-sy, 't'(N. M cls1- t , Ii"otsssl I, ';r
or ;I I).in. l T he''l hoatrsicstill h (Its -
A. A. iT'ANSAt]Y.

I s lis st's-i, biti it ltis-in se t s
Ioral l!CReduction
IsI c - Ciii - sil is 1 - Ostrprice lie reafter
tttt (1hato Nvil h t~tcu r~la tie =for 1' of AT. bttons
iIJuis(Iel's,r gildt i s allpatterns, will S-c 50 Cents.
C ; ityittttssis If llly .-_Al.t'. s l( 3
°i :etClC'Ct t lB~ltIs g WM.( AHBNOLDI LEADING JEWELER., i".I, i" I ns~ <ld
-l' tjtlisi:, tl,tC115'ley Lo neo
+ is- ist i l, t' sit s ii" . t III :."S. l,CC (, tsA islt"A
- On W ~~ ~ Ss te )iii l's Whel'o ohe
KtJsnoiyssAtss irtsssroAticts, Alt tU)e-
(Tc~tii (t ~ le1, L~tier::" e 111 S~. II I il>t tlo,,n tArosrt-MCih.Aisi-
sicr lls:ly ,'s ti',eIs\'-. s's itc ''If'rieCs's 7toS C5 , ItIJOEPHs C', WATSo, Sss;ig ns
~~ l.i'11, 5'titryilC'lC,'sA-t I l1,itt'- I? c'dStittiiiis' t ' ecd
Al' Stit. . I tI s~iC t ' 1l t l I- iic i l,8rt z, ~ ttRceived a Largeisid Eleganst
itliti Istits, ,'scC IV, itt-,11t Mr.Line 2 ' NewPipes!
SC Klia-tsl 'ICndt :dlt. llxtctls: dijtet
''lit~~~~~~~~ l~sst,'lg le itti'st-it s lisot ndTold Lunicihes it alltes.sAgenhs
for lfu tiC's Ind 'it',ittm st ndCi tot is Co.'
;1i1toltt-tl,'' stititsi s-, Mnt'liiI sGildC ocolsie Mess 11:ns.
)iAl', IC~s' lti't':, tss,;o lit-eAr. II s i i N. 0L Y &Go.
C11( 'ti SiS't.t-, Stait-St., SsagtrBtoskt
{ td l-I' A C slver Nva5tell, litlliC5'l
1555 CenL ibettyl tti 111Cit c i llS'isssr sld tsll hitids of Sanittlx'ittu
55 5ttlc~ t fis-s li' l'C~iiltl Ct - Foods for nale by
57 ii 'wl's ifli st, Mrs. 'PT. t.tiI','t 4
lt-Nvar(1 is cOff eldtsoItinderl StiniiLsori. & 4",

'fTito t'iit itycitslsl ofIya~ ~
sil gIus-e< po.t i ptg-ti t' 5 1l <'y O
Cvt'itit. Fsb.s27. atw icthe11:1t
tlitti stretsutwill fuitil 11sc
'kisoSattsisiey('ititt iti W
frtes' lo ltt'tstlCf th clts An K SUPPLIES -
ttiss~i t5ef Alsta('s111)1es'5is t Itti l ht
s-Ie; ITt- h'ie' stuitinftios e w'i,1toitinak
's sttte tClSoI'5 is<" 1iutill 1S:o1' 1st, Spading Leagsue Ball it, :lSasts, oec
smt ilts i'tii t so tiithlC Mana'gsrsct ldst it.endrealt'sr'estia,
,t~it1 tn't~tle thepupi to Ite(Idfill t sskof ifate ~et, Tr isi no itd ield, Cymncs
two tI 'tfioco 'ulrinzg the is'eet. sitito itoipoes-siand otit . Ctompleto
C satogtue of Sprtigond SunsnerSorss
Tue 'Ttmitpsrtttsmi t~rithtt" Ifrete."The Name te Guaranmtee.,
('tCors'V,trill be a twvo hour ccitts-' A. . SPALIN G & B3ROS.,
ttd not a Itree haotr cour5s. he'1te'ids ew York. Chicago, Phliomcrlplilo,
on P+rislay is dropped. Thme lectures
o MonO-n" and Wedens'dayvwill ise T OF5M.S-HAVINGC PARtLOR. and BIlti-
''C '' ,5.reos. All =tppsintments St-st class,
glv ett as ainonCtet. Imitorted amid domestic cigars. Ladies' artis-
~. C ADMS, l~tchale dressintg sod tatting parlero, op
H. C D9:I\L S" tales. J. 5. Trojasosi80 S. State st.

Anto n Teu'fel,
fIrUnkS VaIisursDress Sit COnes
Truots atid 'stiies il.eptietetNeatly sod
Chtsaply. No.a;5 S tai t,
A Slash inPrirrs. Por asliset
titte oestill
22 S. Sttst..asOvr Ro'ey', Billiard IRoom.
0 M MARTIN, Funeral Direector, Cloth
Shad etallice Caskets and Else Grade
Coffins. Emboaling a Specialty. No. 17 S
Fourth ave.

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