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February 25, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-25

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fTHE uovI ~rY 1Mi 'IGAN DI)OLY.

Time Table (RevisAt e b. liii lb
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O°THE POiPLARll INE . 5 cc nTaledoa, Foaer
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Cor. l Fain adLbrySsvciliiieiisciicleacic.Wweileisaeiiconaoar Ageait heOhio etral Liaes.
an iet t.Al' lass, Slaps ancclhe ulic ti nsee. MOULT'ON HOUK, 0. P. A.
ALL ABOUT THE BABY .___.___,_.___LD_,______
By allert-i. cookiiiil I I)Ii,. of lilcca 0Meidicail Coallege eisicsued, i s e
eiili f lasiliicul iStudeintis. Ciieleectandct'lc.cicuarsse iionappllicatio, M r a n ol n
This space is reserved! SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES J, I ,, F b~akislailiwudo
IiiWiswalt ialiii speia1 litiprsenltais i iin te lug eritils posiien
for the Grand Opera RAND, TOcNALLY & CO., Chicago. VUT oillb lcirsda
_ our genierosity, bat
fose U, OF M, ALENDAR. A. A. -& YPSI. ST. 51 ILI XV!1'.you
Frlii iliiiiida-Fb _('Lk% elc i'ilii.oo '11..1 SEE "% we have to lhustle for
S:iliiisliy li EI. 270 law ~lsli L eiave~s I ecss ciree tusilat11111 I r E ourselves, eo
turild , 0oxlsnor1trIiw ,srlliiric~ii celalcsl. ; 00, S:'01, t:40, siliii 11:00) '. inl., aind
ANOALL THE PHOTOGRAPHER C liull.ic ..7 llliilii .140_, 2:21), ,:0(1, l:30, :5,1.11 leosslttsas ceai
Washinugton bloack, I si>l 1) i. 1Ii.-5500011 lort fi iz~llliIa cd 112)i.a
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Fran $ca.oaUpweectO? I OlIN It. ILI-II tl-I~tl Iii. ticketls freomlall cltations to Willilig-
,, r1r is t lco taILsii is x t -___,,---cIaiiand rilisrn 211 cci. fare f01 h e alt buisiiiessis blzisis.
sut5 > orilacitiabic, ns-' is iiA111llini or fs . cC si ii t ii Irioundl trip. Ticlkcesis-ill be SaldS Mlirci
e stotl tfatsie odii ccsssisssr-s
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Iti al' so-hmn in ges anits csa - . Daily o ea u ;ilel ccsyei itiItii Tii.ca
LYON & HE!. Ut, IplotedSocii-cellis cgoing cn at 101 wid tliiiterit5c ler 1e1k. OTO l s
- c-ei AY . A AL ,' ''- snetuiversity. : ili ;l iillil Ciiltlii.l L 20 . ii-i s t. ANN A Panec-sa nu Ce-.,

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