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February 12, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-12

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F A E ,G A E O ~3 oI ETime Table (Revised) eb. 7, 1847. A DBEAUTY OF ' PROPORTION ES.WS.PMAMNC L D U TE.Mi n x 0 7 N .seil_-73 .Y.seil--4t al-p - -84 T TILITYpsenE____4 N .Lmtd_-s2 ATS IDAlni x__ 5 PcfcE_--_21
14G. R. Ecial....-- 730
G..P E&rs T...lt10Chio. ANt. AEx.Arbo
Gitj / / , r.' "535.'.. * ® " API, pSA y e ('y LaS '
15. . &T. gt.,Chiago Ag Asi Aror e~~RS0~Se53OSoO
t . Ox ; . U , a3 ui

Time Tabir, Jan. 31, 1lelIT.
7:300a. m. 7:0 am.
*11:a5 a. Ilo. 11:2a.m.
4:30 p. m. :4 p. M.
*Run betwecen ASS Arbor eed Toledo only.
All Saes daily except Sunday.
E. S. 1511710F. Agent
W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo O.
ToIl~e PlayedIlletveeno AuiLETTA andtel o
February 18th.
Cor.. aIn and Liberty Sts.
".:. t yenIs:' e : 05I e ::.
lios Rome in Really Complete
V1il oat a new 1897 Modei
Guitar, Mandolin,
vV Sh (l i ( iBanjo or Zither.
!,yagnieWsbur fe vry latest design
Frem $Mo oo Upward.
'10::w Washblu:rn Mandlin eis a.radical1 :ep.::t:,o-
0f7:::t1 o:rme tyles. Itjois ::ce eofe I, :1:i::7:' I ::::
lilts Mnoieaginab:le, and itston1,7:0. be
.'r e.tto ht ofaie old CemaVolin::: :. W. -b-
l~t~r aresoldat fied a d ior ricsaby all firs-
cl s music7'dealerseveyhee
Wasl:7::: e:: thoOe ac.knoledgedl stanoarl:o lee
,:7:01:. '1:7.7:aresed excluosl~ively by thes 1eading5
Artists, 'eachloes::ad 0Glee Clubs. Our ew:-5 7
::::i ill:iformation, pries, end:oseetas, c. i1l0L
sen:tfeeo:: receit:of11appliation, lfyourelocal dle:r
7":057:t sm7ply you we'cwill send V:::lib:e::rC. O.
with privilge.of xnton:c:::, directlfrom:the faorysc.
A Washburn improves with age and nmakes a
Sit that increaoes in value an ehe years go by.
Itisreally worth manyimes itacost.

The 013raigSleg Gar ini btwenoTo-
"wiM'9 L~ edod Goimho.
\uu a i®uj The Oi Sleeping or Drwing Room bar
IS 1 ® - 9/ 10 LinbtwenroToledo, olmbus and1
ITS__N _ 010 c~aleta.
000 ®000®0+ 18034iOO0CPO~oBSOB000®0i6000 Thu n13 Drawnug lReom Cari'Line between-
_________________________________________________________ Tled, cis ba nd hrestn,
m W Va[
We dloadoeeee}iadman Sleepers btween olumbus and,
f10 etnas pie hcg
.Ip .(yam, q a y aiok s P 7 TIEONL3LIN wit 4tcae~ch way dony
lot Doradd, o tag0Occea .Sa
forpo501O C 0 5CenTolo ada :C ocltbu s. Vo
i SL La12UC, i THE OnLaYs bewee n lotndCe Toledous
stet ewYr. THE OdY Le UTith ains ec a al
__________________________________________________ OIPLAII oINed o ecowl rede an
«Me~ " ia LIaEesGeciiSSe'a
CURVEpa f oEOLYf SI:wih ranseahwa di
8~~~~~~~ bettween' st 5: ~ ~ n~ l.a~ ~ Fl oleoanC rl~esonlo, W ,
~5 E 7 2. ... ..~THE P . 7 a ndotothA O rin f leS'etll Toleor at
gp ri, 13cyru3 GravHOlead0.wa.
Wha:t Hall e:Ii::go are-to SIhe'Bicycle. A perfect Pt an:1 waal I by She Park1:e
Ike(o~pS7,J:e~oileWi.J. C. FREUD, 79, 47 S. Univeroity Ave. Cand.Opore, House..
I Cagsof Hours in Latin.I U, OF M CALENDAR. RIDY ERVR 2
hor Io.teso 77"' 11: h] 7 i71:I oi I 5 --La:5 the12:r 5.711120Mills ill S. 1. A. Society's (Favorite Actress,
2, d 1and 12 5117' 01:17117 7gill 1r'cite :17 1.711171 (11.a1711o1Alum1ni llnumber7. Thc Distinaiohed
111lo,1I1da , ec. a (c'i:111ao21:7i'.-Y 17
I1 :112 1: I AaI h rHC mp.:e aS lonre _11M
:111::-.; 7:11lo 11llI. 51I. ' '1 F 17-111hIll7F.1171 3,711( lxH.tNioraacRotomsc
', l 1:F1. 7I 1 1% . a I.. t :7i1 1-.77.:_ 7 1 11,::: S liaioI i 11.ry1:71 (':0.0~1 JOSE HIN, FMP ESSO HEFEC
T ,A-T it9 Rom 0 1'I.1 1t'.C lit. , P eRI ES, of 500, 150. $1, 00:
.lad i i. '. 71 '2,1711:::: 7:, L. 11,it ool _______In _H __________________Suc ____ss,
1', 1" _e1 2 0,127:11 '. 717, 1. AII'll.:77l . 11a1JOSEPHINE,1:EMPRESS':OF11THE-ll0110:71
1 111151 17'. ":Year 2Ll 0llS' 1,1:7.1:b11 asOJOEPHINE.
rut .1'1171. 1::11 s . IS 'll,1 . A 1yi1:'t.11R is tt ( Ir a
12 lII: 132: I111111N1 1bS1CI'l:: st
10 25 711111AIl in71:1-1:1 ' Iar:' 11 . 71V 1::7.115 ANN ARBOR. MICHM.
LA TIN t11:::I : 8112(1-Seior :lterary7' :7'.l~ l :'1 1(111-I A fdt ~ f~lfffdlif
se(o 1:11I. IllAA5 . l.1'.l S:l:t0. I il 1:1. IN LL THE FflOlU0 lMA flLE
'1'. Ii.-. 7071111 l'::1. I1 .7.1:' 08,'- 1 ,1' ..Siv l'1' 1 1 , -rii 2)117Opern WaYshigtons Blocke,
ticIf5. 5'd(I' .V hF 0,Ro ),-fose " i32173'lk tIIAN( rIN fr(2An.rb r
Ili I'r'vt7 1 ',551 h11 c.'iat 117 11 10 21 11'llgeu .S211eO.' lI gllll TI :
H.. A1: Iea1 il :1( li 11.o7o'c: 1 1 ' 11:1 1 .l S5:cDAC1ING, S g't
I~~ls .f. I~~c~too. It 111' 0' 9lII'.ro(2 :'7Iltolprctice ShU PPLIES
8'i.i'uled T 8l h :: ill ie 1:,11 :: : i '7 7-::Sn1 2 11 11 1 17 li;1 1 (l I . O e c et''::: o :.io d p r a
- toalI ol1' n 7 t l,- fS UPIlPFL~I:Ea:1Se~l C~~l
ooao~s;O~s o~lo ('1:a1 emyceo.p"osieeNaechool of:111111t.
115 \()lOl1I. ItICIe. 21170 ll ltc-- 2e1e170 50Palil'e 1ils,1: 1Mask,17et1
lci:':l lfaillt'l'i~l (1(1 o, Slex~c'l1 O~ 52 S~llel' S's II '1II. 11. 211121ld1send1'lf'r A G.SPALD G & BROS.
is eetrs. os t llrlcseI'1iI (11-1j gCael11171 I tsly, $t2_11,57.. Oacontof(o 51ail0ad1h
111(1 l d 5a'11 c:5'eg o >olii,0 o 11111' 3111 boOdls'iat pIi.,i th usn. A G.S LD N & BR .,
1115 tcc saicientire A00111ill tn' O c'xt i tr-} Gwlodidots forte9 .so 01115to0010..1: Aew Yor, C1ca, s- il o ellexori m
0:7O i1503. AltoOI,7('[0S~~ Aily atI: ocLocTtol adAA(000LV'' X U SI N R T T0 A (1'-Ithe
couple. 95,e53 'DONNELLthiCnranr roundyip. Tickels wIlIE I'd\ lroa
Ac1 3 cop3' ofx 'AStret O .oAll alo Tha inell110b0le orda tI de a hii o,2 n d itltdfr0110
Bosaeanoolike S$3 -pnr Lileel;.lr t037r MohS
Is. Hoseilren ger310( or ofIce y ute ywl OnreMcli 7 'easonete onf 11010 e ftnarc.

- Co,,
21 S. MAIN ST.

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