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February 12, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-12

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~Jj ~ ~Incomes of Universities.
Thle .fllow ing interesting statistics


Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during cnenn i noisiuin
the Collegt vear, at were ieelitly puiblished by the Berk -__________________________________________
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. eleyaee of the University of Californita:
OFrICE: Times building, 79 S. Main St. be- 1 Aioinnis invested in buidings- LADlIES' JACKETS W e
tween Liberty and William Sts. h LMUIL
Ot fANAGCNI5 EDITOR California spoilt $646,001) with 1,5:)
J. . THOMSe, 97. studeints; Illinoio spent $+670,000) ivitli and CAPESO c a s o i
SIusCNES5 IntANAISEF. 815 studnts~t; 'Missouri opeiit: iill,li0O cc si
0. H. ItANO,'0. c it70suet;Meigi i t at Half.
EDITORS $,100-ih290suet; 1n-
E. L. Outuaca, 'O8IL. P~. StSsaoxNo, $a,0 ili200sudns ne R eq ire
P. M. Luomte, '98. 1H. u. SEILLMKAN, '90 L. solo sheut $1026,500 with 2,401) sin ee iemoeoprueta
ii. 1. COnowo, '00. lBrTLEn ite T1 ,'55 o opoieyurefwt tls
C. . ii. ONu, 50. Athletic Editor. dents; Wisconsin spelt 1,109,0(0wi o opoieyuui witasyih more fnrniture than you horn
ASSOCIATE EDITORiS 1.600 siudleits. Coat or Cope at so little expense. in youi' 100n1. When you
55. V. linghes, '10. 5. IwCmiii, 'ii. 2. Provisiolln md.' for current ox- We hove now in our Cloak Room would like to replace the olut
F. A. FactO,'98E. I. A. Campbell.,'15
WV. P. Morili, '15. 0.1). Iudeuti, '00. Rctises-Niliriska, 1,10ti.student, S4e; niany Jackets as elegant in design, furniture for new, for the day
A. il. Smith, '17. C. Lull, jr., 919 M. Wiscosint, 1,000 stodents, 41/'; Color- make and material 'as this country af- or evening. When you think
Iado, 2167 siudets, 2e, Michllian, 2,922! fords-than which no large city canl that a pair of curtains, drop-
__________________ __________ linit. I2-ie;Wysitug 50olidetsboast Petter-oill of which are selling cries, a rug' or two would
The subscription price oh the Daily is ela0 t c 'A' i,110 suseis<I Id<u brigliteit nap your lapartments
fr the college yeatr, with a regular delivery 13
befure nooin eh dar. Notices, comsmunera- S,79 simils5, 2-;'.
tiuns, and oter mailer intended lerepulc- 3 h n R m m e
tiuts muste be handedtin at the ilaily , 1ie ee be- , . Alnnual iscootes and iiiiittler of ____________
lure 8 p. u., or muled to the edtior before aT e I e3te-te
thev are especeted so acecar. IAfIEe ID rent ill kidsoffurini-
Office, Aleye's or SiollfetNewstaed, or turfUILISI CAPESes, hina
with Business OManager. Suberilers sill cont- 2,C11 olstudsil; Coiriell,1i. 0 7 th11 rafvrb iprc rmpl tti s trcaCny illSaMnky ec, ec, t Stsatr
ofilce any failure olcareies so delivee raper. 1,81111 stdents; ('olo-mbi, $1,283,87.>
_________________________atid Electric Seal prices.
Onl accointtof liie lecture toliiii h O ii;,1 lci o $4t.i7nhFurnlituore repairing anti t11holster-
tilt Doily sswintl.as is cithisiars', bgou'pcily
-1,11(11 stcdents; I iiago, 571.,198 will
ssedplleto olteirtdy1,881 ci odetls; (Cilifornli,'S0i 1,11(of__the____________________All__edition___will
tie iliill ed toiticit i,,i - itistill bo.
the rani nuimsber usill-lth' day ftr Mit~cal Ruacuninations.
the Junior 11o1, Fib. 21. Bi~iiintg 'I'eiscel etsx~iuiniali~iuo in ACKe
numibers, 15 miret per yca .ir lli had s'.'itai'y Campbaell is its foliatws: DR'3 GCODS. 56G-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.
been issited in previos yeatrs. tu~ie tSENIOR S
'Ulte last numbith(its Ssicter swill Le I Diosea-es of 'Ne'rvous S slu, [si.1
107, schicit is seven aothe 11111ore'-6,l 9) a. 11
re~lliiite inest"'liSe111ESiel',Surery. jI4'cb. 17, 91.ii. T Ean.F m eG
requsilein ech1i l('ritlo-g, Feb. 18,5._) a. ItI.
'flit'exainaii~itionil 'ttobty I to e Will Present Wm~s. (GILE'S
Ieole citlhouit symthy forll) he (lie ( y ntuco.Al f
aftliletit'silt'eof cislegi' life mive icld aee tht'lalttills ,arc' to_) ltid) l
ittc'lecita cotessouit of eis.is'J tUN115 "T e ri a e c et r

igaic this yeart. Withii11(05 111,1,t(ying
for debattingi;tihoniors tattd 10 tutniii lt'e
oratorcastl pre'iiniaries tere lot s ia
seemi I t'eatty imii te cligtha let
Ansi yetatlteics wcree its's-sr 1'litg"
111111 in better t'onditioin liere' hanthtety
are this year. 'ltc' liii' ( t. lt's I
tatkel'the sind ciiioft tile sills Othtost'
wile(leer)'athtileticssot theiiaboveiss i l-
tionedl grociud.
Appropriations for Builings.
The followring stattistics shtoethett
iuigs at stall tettic-l'rities:
Wisconsini, $1,10)l,000; ;Miitnesota,
$876,0'J00; 'Mielilgati, $827,300; Illinois,
(70,000; Ne'braska, $047,000; Iowa,
-$29,000; )lissis~tplt. $200,000;. Kati
sos, $240,000. "'flit' applorit'liots tot'
buildings for the last elevein yeiars
hamve been as followo: Oiseonri, $536.-
500; Wisconsin, $500,000; Mitnnesota,
$474,000; Ohio, $4050,000; illinois, $417,-1
500; Virginia, $200,000; Nebrutska,
$140,000; 'Mexas, $117,000; Indianla,
$110,000; Iowa, $95,000; Colorado, $6.1'
000; Kansas, $00,000.

Surgetrysilog. li,, 1a. is. lt il
I eirs' r actceue.1it..ui
thigP~h- pal VIitsilhita it'. tt
Osumi-lrloigy, FP . 0 1, a . in., o
Ilcyiltral Fcub.ti1tt', -e. . 9 tiper tan,
liowerhettre 1toihit.
fLO-Saturday. 1, 1Jan00, la gld
o-ica i;sellernee ci b on
ti lgy Ft~l obck3,case. Fide2plas
BIorad 'le irtyinan's, on N. Uni-
vperituerouo ilmu. IeDal
tuire o gee ouechdywthc
othenlatestf clegesew.Fidrpes
cevNewannrag aeSwnTn~

Ott March 6th, 1897,
General Admission Tickets may be procured
from any director of the Athletic Association.
PRICES: 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.OO,
Cnbe secnred with Rd, Mcslenly &RlCoIliac will brief coed returns to
:stndents for ibis work duni gvcatnin. cWe wish Mepsesentacives en one
Atlases, Slaps and other publications.
My Esbert N. Tooker, III Del of'Cicago Medical College jnst issued, ii lie
bohk for Medical Students. Ctatalogue and circulars send o application.
We want a fewss pecial rerpresentatives in the Collegr. For thin position
experirercd boohknice should write usort once. stating pant. experience.
RAND, XcNALLY & CO., Chicago

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