0 SnsaaaWHYs soDONoaaT YOU TRY v xHA L L BR'S
A FORYOU.1-Half poisiis and no ouds 10 atd 2; cents.A few hsX(s of 46 S. main Street.
a IT Velvet Molasses Candy, one bhalf pound 10 cents.____________________
1 t offe, CocolteBeef0 fPATRONIZE HOLMES; LI VERY
Tea, Malted Milk, Oyster lAIAlgeVlflhq
WHENYOU KO n h etsrie
.1 ice, Clain Juice, Lemon- : x- ~ o n e h etsrie
od ce -In faet, we-. try toA. Office and Stable, 32 Forest
miake all our lint drinks AXtr o~ o Ave. Telephone 106.
a~ ~ ~ jutrih.1\11 Iyonirink-yosc bid th it well gmade Branch 0Oce at Pa iers Pharmacy
and 10 O t., I .shop woikL- eienYly the estIHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
a ;~Capital Slack, $5,000. Surpus,$150,0.
4 mater als-ie. t hooughcly train- iResurces, $1,i00,000.
A-_ A +Orgdned dre enearsalsaking Lw
0A A OtittifS- x (l c ri, d ofthisi State.ilececives deposits, bays asd
A(A I steitls exc-hang s ie o teprincipai cities of the
d i t - -Uie tte' i lratl -ashed apse propec
CA U S P. A I Idetification. Stiaety de pesit boxes to rest.
Ca.maa uaALKNS -:-PaHxACY, : / rs iO ODSP ED'S j ____________________hs_. FisCCI:
DOES YOUR LAMP SMOKE? Trnasgenerabing iness.~::
WO EN ad E'S NO Clhand Wicks, No Offenisive Odor, NO Foulitng of Chimineys- 5 . W. CI AittciNOI shiter
Easy Fitting Shoes iin all t1cc A White Lightt-Burncs freely to the laost idroll of oil in the lamop-
Latest Styles.~a..s- s,.,.at,,xt.x., , , iim's~~'kn, ol
a'a.a,,j,.,s.,ea;.U 5)tgTWte-v;I ite ~iviea~s,,x,,, t'.'..'.-c, ~ a--, .. ________a~s+ ~u~
Best Place promptly-Sold only by
a-sr. StiadtiuOisronStreets.
for DESAN ,&CO MPAN Y. Capital 350,000. Surplus $30,000.Transact
44 South ]pain Street. generatlbanking busines-.
Repairing R.____________________________________Pr~it es.frcaC. .FENEp, VicePre-
FaE.HIeases, Cahier.
-, UNIVERSITY NOTES, cfcls.t,\NS. loft', T) SS tat, "t
C____ iii tic teb 1i, fcomci!() ito hipLowney's Ohocolates.
111. - 1,11";eititndac- btioali5.tIxiI C Leali ii -S
Il e ic i-tre ociteI le dii ccedwiili
- i lixo Sitcly iii lla 11 - i I' 1 oiic (ialiies,10to cli ril SieiraiTV 48 5,State St.
I 51 ( , - ~~~~~!Madre'. Cal., of the dxeiat ttait plce I_________
43S anS. - Us air. 11 <1.5 ,. 5"of llss(race'-MeNiai, iroisi tuber- ONLY 500 EACH
43S anS. - Usar.iI?. teoic let, S ii. i h iosiasson Decemiter tditi. She cwcs o
writiiroken ii ccae rdlcy cc-ite c-icciticg - of 4 le liitei-ary-elass of 'l(1)bitt failint I O R E
H AN STERER' ii culia-ioco ~ iixio ..~ bhelhdltiuii-the eloing monttis of ~M~
0fONFECTeNERY eii ir I t lesson aOn Mlle I"R ) 50 VIC;2"Jl DANCjING. " W .ANOD EAI JEWELER.
style of c in--. joiii he(-la esat
Absolutely Pure! or . lki.I S15t i ct "Iti5 icit ' M n y L a e
A1wa S Fresh 1tMllRha'is c-riic and iiilc-ill be isncc eiici in , isa'colii~etiii. ii-aiE's~Oi Watches, Iii imaids.Wheels or ether
toecaista of Jsiixllli'oextri tnt -ic 1ci1oleStoit0Mai.de.Oic tradse iF
Hangs-terfer's I elloc. reape y. fieateexsi Oe-- :3
eveit ;,+ Liberty at -AssniArbor Micii. Altliaxsi-
NOTtIll,, esco sslieeicl. flours, 7tit a.an
o" , _ i s o5op. o a . 1 icos T TS. a r gaies
COR. WASHINGTON AND FOURTH AVE. W.tH. Noll, l)i Pcxiasficlilly ttclii oir I)-L.c~tlraa oil lE iii b .x-is isSecond-Had WclcatchesanisO Iiarcieds.
AND 26 SOUTH STATE STREET. e i't ithe laortoryucyesterdaybyxlvmi fe fil 1l(niiha-esit Ailenian icalit)e JstRcivdcaam ndEegn
e xpilision Ni1iii s- il cling l tifliliiliandm c-is1ii iiiI iteaiii~ys il<t t Ir. 111., ilct'ICcll Js Re i-0iLa ecd ie t
FT M. SiHAVING PARLORittaed nat-Sil- solli eac'id. (ci St idiay it 2 () .1., in il'I:ei icLine of ZTew P2ipes !
U. roosi. Atliippoiteests fSrt class. b -ig Ihs(vt~ sa11 oa'.HtadGl uce i l or.Aet
Impsrted and domestic igar -- Ladies' aetis- IThii' rx'glar liic'cilg foir-Febliti lcicdi ic 'ilc 5clii iohs sl odIice t l se ei
tie hair- dressiiig and bcathing parlors, silupiliiaM ,.Oflll ot- Idyler's ind cilliamsand Wernees Cs.'a
sairs. J. R. Trsjaeosaii 305S. State t. oif Ilea Itspiilcl 'irlie iofthe IIngs t. - i .D' Chiocolatenson ]Bcas
Dostiehicicerc ill tic hetl at'the holm Ile t'ewill hi here Marcti 6, R. 1B. JOLL-Y & CO.
JI UST CT 20 S. State St., Sager Clock.
'TN! prettiest sonlg cciitti ic"N t 'cc xit TUr u
l'ace Hlaisis She.' l-iii;allt'iiat I ** *~e Groceriesl :-Provisions
:itrt. GR AT RE UC I3 SA E 11 llkiinds of Sanitarium
"Ready Change Lapel Ettton."- 1St omsorsa&eby .,
Holds two nickels, practical and use- l
ful, Everybody will awear one. Post- M o ore I etiliore9 0 4 S. STATE ST.
paid for 15 cents. Y'oulin Novelty Co.,
112 Dearborn st., Chicago, IlL. 6 South Main Street, - State Street, Cor. William. Anton Teufel,
Everythtng to please at Prettyncan's. H___________________________________ EADQURERSoFOR
Good board, good service, kiad the U. Tukvlss rs utCn
of Si. Daily onl the table to keep y'oul WE MUST REALIZE UPON OUR STOCK AT ONCE' ukaeDesSi ae
posted on what is going on at Tli sesND ValxrCO p IrdNail. i
great university. We therefore offer our Stock of Text Books, Fount ii Cheaply. No. s'S St4ai t
SHe will be received by theti'Acic Pens, Blaink Boioks, Stationery, iii FACT OUR EX-
Associationc. F L TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have ever hefore U Lf flA U
fry the celebrated Swan Lhiii'u pap- been offered in Ann Arbior. Students will do wvell to A Slash in Prices. For esliort
or. avail them elves of this sale, and procure their Second tinseNme cwiii
-He teas never been here before. Semester Text Book now. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
NOTtCE-All who destre to ake a 3'E3SI ES$,!1Iq1 225S. State st.. CENIOver DSosry's RPICN ili ard Ceam.
coreofecnlesnapltoCapt. E. Beaumont. Terms, $15 for GOOQDS MUST BER SOL ,D . 0 . MARTIN, Funeral Diirrctor, Cleth
" ad etatlic Caskets and FlneeGrade
three 'months. Lessons given in room (offtes. Embalming a Speetalty.Ns. 17 S
over Oaulkins' drug store Wednesday Fourt___e
and tSaturday afternoon and evening. M O O Ri< & W E TM O R~E ,h'Susriefor the Daily.