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February 10, 1897 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-10

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0abllshed D~aily (Sundays excepted) daring
the tiollegt year, at
snE: Times builidiag, 79 S. Main St. be-
tweecn Liberty and William Sts.
J. F. THoAJAS, 97.
0.13.iHANSo, '98.
5. 1.. fEISosi, '9' L. F. S. SMONS, '98.
F. 1V. Looms, '98. ll. B. SKILLMAN, '9i. L.
B. if. coueiss, '99. BUTEt L.NI, '0.
C.'111. GuoEEN, 9. Athletic Editur.
W. W. hudhes, '9S. S. XW. Smith, '97.
F. A. Fucib, '98E. L A. Campbell, '0
W. P'. Morrill, '98. IG. D. Hludnutt, '00.
A. Al. Smibh, '9i7. . C. Lull, js., 911.
The subs.riptionupeice of thc Daily is :~2.390
for theocullege year, wtlla regsular delivery
before inoson achiscay. Nuties, om emunica-
tiuns,anod oiissrnssttm issstende rapblicas-
tiuon mutt be handsed in atsOuse Dily office be-
fuie S p. u.. or soaileud to thcestors betse
p. in., of theOdsy iprevious to thut on whilcs
theyvnaresexpectedlto appear.
Subsriptious nay be lef. st ThseDsily
Office, Ileye'sasrSlofileto Newsand, o
with Buosissesosanager Subcribers will con-
fer a favor (by reporting proomptly no this
office any failure of carriers to deier5paper.
Nort hisest'rn ''lio5te51 n.51 short-isdi 'ighs
i'd policy usit iii i o i his'('sie"tiass

Presidential Football Advice,
Picosesidat U'liot. af Harv'sard, iii his
sulsiisl reisoit, ha-s the fsullow'iii to
sa1y'Oin tse snidest of athletics:l
" Tue eonduii't' of iilteseollegiate
sports 'tuinig 'this year isuss proved
fres 1 hilsat (lie lalisgelllt oflthes
os 'sat Iarard 'h ua senfor sonie
y'itssssliiiielligciii aindlfoerIthat csi-
9s11 lnucicessftil. 'Tlt'e('vils of m'ee-
Isaisiliag and excessive exetions o1l tse
pis': of tIelelll'lo 5f use pinipsial
t-is 0 wore1' 'Xsiles inisihigh degree.
A5 fssist~ssieiilldefet in tliii' slsle
ior.gaiiaiss ns' is 1 1 sail 'sialies sof
liiisiites' siss'slassie, s Ira miay bie eihes'
ssssao s'ys'ant or ess (acassovss's'idui
son lisy spost(lie salsis'°'of use traisser
'111d i eph . Iieeasi lsl ls
pr islilil it llyes'ofit football f51e Ih-j
Iil t al illos's'or' lfsaisjsssesls'ely IsI


and CAPES Occac.
at Half. Reqie
Never a time more appoetune than e u r
Bow to provide yourself with a stylish Li oe furiniture than yC
Coat or Caps at so little expense. in your roonms. 'i
We has'e naw in onr Cloak Room~ would like to replace
msany Jackets as elegant in design, furniture for new, for
make and msaterial as this country af- or evening. When yc
fords-thsan which no large cily cass that a pair of turtain
baast bettev- ;all of which are selling eries, a rsug or twc
hrighten up your' apai

anu have
icn youa
the old
the day
ouI think
is, drap-
o wvotold



i _ -

ths'e595 s sti il l1is'ar'thenissa --it ilo
th' 'iss n'ip~i al u ls'l ii 1 1 t 1 a55i
E xl1usassis's'ontisinsllwh ile lte Is ADES"
enss Is lii'licie ss sise~ltsis ~Ateachan, Caiey, Wool, Seal, Mlonkaey
e11ti~an~ thln heyNvvv . 12ollh aid Eletic Seal
iw s'iiss'slss';a .'s the' is' ' is~ i 1 .'i sia
t lo''of li'a i s' to il swiss's') iss traississ
ai' i'tC <L 11 .'I.l advci'ser'l' nd the1s l ' '5

Then Remember
WeYen1t .a11 kinds of fuonis
ttsire, flogs.,tdrapericestchino,
etc., etc siat :satisfactor'y
Fursiture repirluinadtupholster-
ing our spaeciatlty'.

ss'sr tls's1 sss'' ^Sihe lia s 'vi'.'lsflly f1._1 Il i n 51 .f HIMse', esas 'sl
ahlsifherself s£fli' sasi colspct'iissii as iN'ls55 about ail sll I esississa'fr cs - s i ( IDsiis
thiii' bo s lls's' is' lisg' ilstsitiil oi5 sf tie .,sfla .' _
ails's ill isos:. Ixveu if i' espirit Norili- Northwsetern Haungs Bunk.
weos'1a.1s ila inssiesleol assus t'5 ir Nsi inve'tor'niihas's shell iiiiilli~l DRY GOODS. 56"5$'60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE,
so stsig Irt~a lSish' iIll 90515 i ii no sshonol' 11 ie isi' 1 llsils' 'isl's, (sil la l so
if 'stll isacltsnsne ,11t i'i,ilt 510011' l'ollssw'esl liii'~("ilI ~lXll x~rlli9 sf asdopt-
sns. 'Io say hli t.tl ssli~sids'of) !iii: ssemIin fulil. 'his'oheal strule m laoTHE ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT
ass iis'sfisios lissiat lissl o s h ytld ed i ss'heoneeae tilsig o islii' i'.sisfs's
aboutsipuris'' ilens i su a isi . o shyss'sfisois ise colls'gs istillllsi's'.
_- jSoi r-s~rltqtftls «f' h vr odEtvlilin '11 l e liss's'ss'yin <tishf ilesl ilawills lie jR7!'t
1%"'loiiiliy x' i' t,'i'551 'o'its't' . S- 1 " i 1;1 t lssPilll l iit !;0 ists) £ ii'lon : alr:
sciells's' oiss ugs;9551(1 5 ' ,'le'or I i't al.Nss'iIw's'sts'in sui sill111 the
gan~iLlifll hrlio at dpisiss' Ills'5i551 (It ,I 5 ,'d sdsl"Osisos, 1 iii1tis sisal isLuther Laflin Mills, (Chaicssgo Alsitiiii NMililer)- --- .- Feb. 12
lIoliilig sindithsi \vsolo s a t'iulas(' i ti li eiosi il< s'' n e sa'O t ' e affl:s'l's.
islelllostf. T'Pus' siiig I1'' Sidosis 50' ts huIsh , an 5553 414sisislaree -"__t'121- Imperial Quartet-----------------Mrh12
seess by si Dailh, ra'111tI's' iseeli~ltnuSuor t, svs'e'ehlaid oni. the' tables' ss'iil ratorical Contest---------------Mrh19
interved's'sesIoi'sl's'ilii Iglila,; 5.sIs. H oIts a( sstisss. Bie 3is -the(so leleec-E-rsint arso ------------M ch2
had beeni''ioabsy"' los sys asus1, sia - isig a.1iltil fromuiss h l o n'laE Ol I i - -.5-- - -- - - -- - -- - i
ts'ntion to sis'ehubis d sosi issslitthalt s a isl ~ii s'eiis his iLus ~ciu~s Perryr Hills-------------- - ---pri
"ioecaatiy usheol(' all a- nsst'iil;sieofessioiial play, ''.By lils sieiioss it John Kendrick Baugs-------------------pril 13
-mll." illi tll it ii t'ts's'alii stIi Iassoihshe fso " , mllt0h io ply 15'tallIyA ~ IS a N IO E T M.'
of ssdht':'rs oughs,.t1 iaigndasi istlt' ssglitof iisess1 tNo iss's'ssea'llD I IO 7C~E 5
ivlb3' foeritiost' 551155re'no)1tI 555'i'5"is ,assiandthfor sny' lol'fC55s5s11 ~player RESERVED SEAT TICKiETS 'f 5
busrdened ibr stli' llies isahiss' ,i-or se'osseli t155 be itrs'guslisr isleunlioreoftI1N GEE;AD IIS S1CiN .50
veeity. 'iiis'is isity al ssssalc oati l esslr51'nllls. If these ruesohialdXCP
.1ol'lsg'st iscis s'ttoul hilss' beein barrfed a Sl (ene 11as
pSolit' s ed i''ft'ssaltioi., iuis o'iiilii- hlt I<s illis, 'Vail 1): zel'antuthhe othies
inesit inl altis's issosslthbese ss'est'olis) iiiy'be' 11liserrfe; ltseplacecssl ililJAMES H. PR'UITT, Corresponding Secretary.

deliverl cttses, asnshpres'nti' oiicails
conditionso intlremii'dies shaotiudhes-'so
Cssed. ul. Pie peoiSIoffict'rs sliosilt
'Other wake sapor re'sign.
Lady Aberdeen at Chicago.
p~resitdent lhsia 1001'.of tihCivi'esiy
of 'Chi'ago, isos auniounecd tiat L~ady
Aberdeen, wife' of thie governor general
of Canadai, sill his the convocation
orator at this 'Uisersity coosnence-
10001 exercises in this itditCorinna,
April 1. Lady 'Aberdeen will have this
honor of being Illsfirst woman chlosen
for ;such aon occasion ina 11110country'.

inext yce
That Iiae table board at the Poratd
Cafe, alid only $3 per sseek. 'Pry it
aind ho convin~ced.
' Tise preticst sohngswritten, "A. Syacet
Fsuce I-TauntosSc" On sale st t issoic
NOTCEl-Al lio desire to take it
conrse of fencinig lessons apphly to
('api, E. Beaumont. Ternms, $15 for
three months, Lesonsl given in room
over Caulkins' drug fstore Wednesday
anid Saturday 'afternoon anod evening.
Swan Linen papea' for office use.

Cnbe secured with Ransd, MceNally a Cu,.thsat will bring good returns ho
students for ibis work dun eg vacatiuos. We wish Representativs on our
Atlases, Slaps and othaer publications.
By Bobert N. Tosoker, M,1P0 of Chsicago SMedical College just Issued, is thes
book fur SMedical Students. Catalogue and circuars send on application.
We wantsa few special representatives in the College. For tis position
experienced bok men shsuld write us at once, statinsg past experaence.
F RAND, McNALLY & CO., Chicago


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