THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 0abllshed D~aily (Sundays excepted) daring the tiollegt year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. snE: Times builidiag, 79 S. Main St. be- tweecn Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITORt J. F. THoAJAS, 97. IIUSONECS I AXNA(5EI 0.13.iHANSo, '98. 5. 1.. fEISosi, '9' L. F. S. SMONS, '98. F. 1V. Looms, '98. ll. B. SKILLMAN, '9i. L. B. if. coueiss, '99. BUTEt L.NI, '0. C.'111. GuoEEN, 9. Athletic Editur. ,ASSOCIA tinsEDITORS W. W. hudhes, '9S. S. XW. Smith, '97. F. A. Fucib, '98E. L A. Campbell, '0 W. P'. Morrill, '98. IG. D. Hludnutt, '00. A. Al. Smibh, '9i7. . C. Lull, js., 911. The subs.riptionupeice of thc Daily is :~2.390 for theocullege year, wtlla regsular delivery before inoson achiscay. Nuties, om emunica- tiuns,anod oiissrnssttm issstende rapblicas- tiuon mutt be handsed in atsOuse Dily office be- fuie S p. u.. or soaileud to thcestors betse p. in., of theOdsy iprevious to thut on whilcs theyvnaresexpectedlto appear. Subsriptious nay be lef. st ThseDsily Office, Ileye'sasrSlofileto Newsand, o with Buosissesosanager Subcribers will con- fer a favor (by reporting proomptly no this office any failure of carriers to deier5paper. Nort hisest'rn ''lio5te51 n.51 short-isdi 'ighs i'd policy usit iii i o i his'('sie"tiass Presidential Football Advice, Picosesidat U'liot. af Harv'sard, iii his sulsiisl reisoit, ha-s the fsullow'iii to sa1y'Oin tse snidest of athletics:l " Tue eonduii't' of iilteseollegiate sports 'tuinig 'this year isuss proved fres 1 hilsat (lie lalisgelllt oflthes os 'sat Iarard 'h ua senfor sonie y'itssssliiiielligciii aindlfoerIthat csi- 9s11 lnucicessftil. 'Tlt'e('vils of m'ee- Isaisiliag and excessive exetions o1l tse pis': of tIelelll'lo 5f use pinipsial t-is 0 wore1' 'Xsiles inisihigh degree. A5 fssist~ssieiilldefet in tliii' slsle ior.gaiiaiss ns' is 1 1 sail 'sialies sof liiisiites' siss'slassie, s Ira miay bie eihes' ssssao s'ys'ant or ess (acassovss's'idui son lisy spost(lie salsis'°'of use traisser '111d i eph . Iieeasi lsl ls pr islilil it llyes'ofit football f51e Ih-j Iil t al illos's'or' lfsaisjsssesls'ely IsI THE TOE LADIES' JACKETS When and CAPES Occac. at Half. Reqie Never a time more appoetune than e u r Bow to provide yourself with a stylish Li oe furiniture than yC Coat or Caps at so little expense. in your roonms. 'i We has'e naw in onr Cloak Room~ would like to replace msany Jackets as elegant in design, furniture for new, for make and msaterial as this country af- or evening. When yc fords-thsan which no large cily cass that a pair of turtain baast bettev- ;all of which are selling eries, a rsug or twc hrighten up your' apai -.ion anu have icn youa the old the day ouI think is, drap- o wvotold etuents. S. 1 i _ - ths'e595 s sti il l1is'ar'thenissa --it ilo th' 'iss n'ip~i al u ls'l ii 1 1 t 1 a55i E xl1usassis's'ontisinsllwh ile lte Is ADES" enss Is lii'licie ss sise~ltsis ~Ateachan, Caiey, Wool, Seal, Mlonkaey e11ti~an~ thln heyNvvv . 12ollh aid Eletic Seal oaslityr. iw s'iiss'slss';a .'s the' is' ' is~ i 1 .'i sia t lo''of li'a i s' to il swiss's') iss traississ ai' i'tC