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February 09, 1897 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-09

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g H 't (Coffee, ChocolateIBef
TeMle ik ytrJuice, Clam Juice, Lemon-
0 ado-In fact, we try to g
S make all our hot drinkte
o just right. s
A an 109t....
On Footwear.



fl Albox of that delicious Peanut Brittle at
Half pounds and iounuds, 10 antI 21 cents. A few boxes of 146 S. iii Street.
Velcvct Nolaoses Candy, one-halt pound 10 cents. _________________
0®it eandcC 8ttielJebst serCvice.
to0o fu Office and Stable, 32 Forest
Whore t o jfr Ae. T eehone 106.
__1 your work -yott fid that well made Brn>O, ea ,illol P am c
slttup wok --0 Wo{} tirly lt host I THE ANNA ARBOR SAVINGS BANK
tidmaer itt-tile mostt It1] iOttglilytratn- Ijtiat somre.. 61,1e00505
I 0 c o eftoi-ft l eell f t'I i cl o f tits State. iteceives deosits, hays and
r ,! {slls exciangeoii the principit cities of the
fit t,--I U irte tlta State ;rfs c e espon Vpr lpe
OO!DPPEED'S,- ldeni~titiciin. Svtety idepositCoxes toreat.
~,1 J , O S EE ' iarin ,Vice-teeros.Chs E. iscoch,
_---- --- 15 S. MTAIM Sr. q of Ann Arbor
______________________________________FIRST NATION'AL BANK0-0nze18.
q SM OKE? Caital,P.100,000. Sotlois ied Profts, $0,t00
DOES YOUR LAMP S OKTraniacts ageteralCboningbsitntess.
ITRY RED STAR OIL --NO SMOKE, i t1)r NPes. i; lIxuso sUtE,
Vice tees,
No Chaind Wicks, N o Oftenosi e tOdoi, No Fouling, of Chlimneys- 5. cW. ottiooSON, C'ashico.
A White Lighit-Ruins treeltosthe list drop1f l nth te Ili _ , p

Thee' tts f rotsiti~ teei cd Clear as spritig water-t0e etr gallon-Delis;erectli ouiiets. tfl :1Tritl s Tt ll 115 IM Li II
they're mpracticedrthatcii outhliit, lrtltl-odoicb
batinothere. psti titlooi,'i onlylbyiceto.
Thbis ire macet yoiumsute you'reiht ' ,, D tA N CO AN . . ' 1 111111.5001o. Surttuso530,000 Tratsact,
Thisstore guarcatees youo, t toe latest- 44 South N.ain Streot. -( tetitliauinlg Obusiness.
cleat of eey dollair 11ou t iltcitt e I rto iciw It, t r.F. t Ero , ice ties
we sell. IttittagootiSotie Store, f11ll 0S' B -Cl ii ti tit S -litti
1-oot Stioes aitnriesiwaiy down.a UNIVIRSITY NOTES,Pili'0nia
Goait tubbers tile, if yocan0t theta. - Lo wu y's Chocolates.
I te chittc lui iit tttrietl for JcTleivocaltdepatrtmntilfiithe IALunches.
C. 0 'i 'bar ntext iieletercwililibe pLived iltr- Si-Int)l ttf Muioi tlti tt pupivs're-I
42 S. Main.Street. tl eptse't s tiitdi flrcti1 o'lcattiottu ritoc , .-, ' ~ -S., Sake St.
v______________ espter"t. Memtttiatl Hill. .
HANGSTERER'S At esper servicesi text Tiottis- lismaeLo(u z . M Allister clang
; da _Nlt rederick Datisimtghirg Dy-j liiieWaters of llthyloli-cwithlt 1
cviingan s olo, 'Jittigo lie. t) I ciin ssI Ilaprecialttion. C. OUR E
6u FECT I j"N Y Gitilbyeltc. ''ito riorta il 1Dtelt m X ciet' retitl'ecli tho
It iider I Hrli Exij~ elsis " 1} its iiTitti ft e' s rtegastlthe U , Q[E N11 PIN,
AboueyPr! Stane. othesic t i5ililliettlt to piclk ottthe i,! ' ULE " GJEWELER.
Alw~ay s Fresh ! I Its etittittte' t2il ttercitliegiate11ot' idpmi-eo'o rtly oiltsuchi an______ex-__
td'bati" its finattly cho ens the till-clltiit tui.ot atit,hotvcrcc e cacli
frin a stLerfe r's j locting utjtiont for te f lloe nrit-dealteci ily Imen~ttio Mt:i'1,. ott-i one~y 'Loaned
CODII.w S t l 0A05AND FOURTH AVE. ;-- IlOlZi 0tilijl0!1W so te
AND 26 SOUTH- STATE STREET. Jer 1p!e.O:h trsdne3 ,
itely te siiil-( g d(rold '-tlOlrtI itii L --s al eiii-Su--tiiO
-a. ooiuo. All ippoitoicol-. i-t Class. I-s oll c i t c lli I 'l 0l aI.ia 1 liii i in weeoe l-iiil W icleca-d it mnds.td
I ~p~tillil- ndil ot lmestic(e!gars. iLadies ltie-1leliglie, eveu if (Great Bitltsl t i, iiIll iiI. S illlO.
tic' hiii drl t~li sul bitinug Oparlors, utill telt. I':2?. ltllllI il ei. Pc isti(118
saies. J.- i. froasoitli 30S. Stole St t. itt12(e' au-i iiarly shttould li'b itKaYos'1stlot. Il.'i, ier C
__________________ .. PicvII . ' 1uc 1nlrxc or-illinig to einter' shtellt i a e.tio'',ti r ; ac, -Iean
High Sehool Nates- ym c a
1.1S 1'--ilet udoi~ lrt>e.- ll sect. Agont
------ Lt)S, 1. _ ii t'; g sc-ti i 1111 11{(' i-y. ' I- l01" '1Ff c-vecc-y eetrrasle ouitejIftre iloyl c-i 5i ii lliti lu nl rli" ll 'st
The ftdlocriit tu oldents itt the 1l 'I(Ite Icill ledt' lieave:' :..0 1w I>-ilix- of rolaiis, t 'ilet .V o1 liset I I tltsoal ilii I d-i
Ann Ar1_~liihSchtoolhas-e heeiti 'Iltel',,i tblIhted~- R E JO Y'0
atppoitedl (11 "JunsirEx."'
Fileta Amdetll, Ethiel _ N. Ban- Gioe' --P vson
croft. II. 11. Irtiol, Markii
Cheever, Willis tGelsioni, lichar-d1111atIsidso cia:li
P. Otis, Luil~e Stone, Lydiat Moll- Io ee r ,tm S i i
steimter and Philip-)Seiteak. ________________________________
Time secondu iSemeter at the Annu 6 South- Main Street, e State ;street, Cor. Wills r I. A itnon T.eufeel,
Arb)or Hight School opens totday. - ________ ____ ____ E~iiO
Almost all thoUlUniversity ptipils -- 1a vs BesHt'ss
will atftuded the Hight Seimoul lat E M S EALIZE UP O URST OK AT Es eetrwl eteefrteTruokls a alses RpredNetlyCases
remiaintier of the yeatr. We\~1 therefore odfom' otir Stock of Teat Books, Ilnttiil (Cealy. So. 57S S Main ot,
Pens, lik Books, Stationiery, ini FACT OUR EN-
"ttecaty Chiange Lapel Button."-- TIRE STOCK at prices lower than have ever bef-ome F L E &HX O
Holds two nickals, practical ad use- been offeredl in Ann Arbor. Students wvi ltiowell to A Slash In Prities. Fora siort
fol. Everybody wiltlewear one. Post. avail tltemcelc'es of this sale?,situ procuire their Secondtiewwllpdfo15cnsPuinNvtyC. SmserTxBoko. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
112 Dearborn at., Chcago, 111.-. CLEANING AND REPAIRING.
WT .21 S..Stoat , Stavr iiocy'o iliad Roma,
Everything to pleaset at P'rettymnans. __________________
Good board, good sorvice, and the U. GOODS MUST BE1B SO®LD. O0. IIIARTIN, Funeral ltirector, Cloth
" andietalice Caskets and Flne Grade
ot M. Doily on the hablo to keep yea Cofins. Embalming ai Specialty. So. i7 5
potd nwhtisginDn SteFubrib e.fcteDiy
great university. T~uIcr1)1forthE aily

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