Time Table (iiceisd) S p. 2,1896
Mall and Ex... 247 N. Y peial-,-7 5x' y{ =a
N. Y. Special--- 4 IS Mali --- --- 8 43_ t
pastenEx -10217 N. S Limitedi.9 25 ec
Atlantic Ex.- 275 Paific E 315I) ' 1.c
D. N.E press.. ,5 40 Weecn E ._15 .R xpe; Ic h E .-- 91
Gliii Es -- 5s i5 ]r' , r-<Iv S DP E
01.WSRUGUIl s, f l AYe-
G. lY. &T. Aft. l s.x S A t n abr . -itsr"o ;.J-' ; ,
TiR:aLI.slel. eTheS.Onl lep in arLeetw, ebe aod
T11,2Tale. ai, 1-10."The OySing or Dwng PRoombeGar
Auii p. s . -u p is ~ ~Toledo, Clain ani Carlesoni,
4. Va.
ilcis btis ciiA~il ic ii nd IeldusaolY. oaPoallosoana SieaSia4ir>atbeogrs-4nenaovaelao-eban andmo
Alltraiiissldiiiyiee -s e nu iy GilmanlSlepersebeeipe
fl Iiti ShIlS .76 0E EntlEofay tde ciPape c I~cl
W.SiBE NTS1-iS icels1)~syili s :PiuR5 THE ONLY LINE i4tinscea ech fy dlyR:' M W t
_ -- - r r pund 4, eta. THEONLY y etwu een I erans eh y S
Poitp lalo t r eee - Sond ys btwen ToleoandS umiibn.
SUieiisUG.iYeek ss TIIE ONLY LINN sclih 5trise ahwayidaily
10i) lie.lJI0 iii belsi 5thA E lt t 51161nTolVedloaice ren
MAC~ED A E nlyTHE ONLY LINE wih2liea rctSway dil
________bewee Tledand Caerlesn, W. V.
1 THE ONLYDIET LIN lbetaeen Told
Dltaliiii ii I swo D ~ao":ao sROasoeo cao ® THE POPULAR LUN' culaeaTled, F sn-
F b _____m __: ri, Bcyus, GanIle adNewa.
Cll inorm.ain reaive tIcres, tiae f
Afternlsol ainslEsseciig !A POSITION . rsetSc., wi l be ceflly al eifby any
beIes-ds l lii.M~ly5 s-hd sll se cietr-IiAgent ef te Ohio CenraciLines.
ALL ABOUT THE BABY , .,. is ci.isi
10ran Oper H110 se.
WOssswiitaeSpieil ipi~iiese iisisi ii i sColcIsi- 1clii chiili ___
expeiensced bookl ic souldiii icc-.u s a icstatns t.p ri en5cc.
I RAD, MNALY & 0, Cic o ciety's Favorite Actress,
Tule DsiccislssI
Pb itsEOcs.eSi.isiPARK . kilntahni'en
3; oeis Really Complete ,
1-htia new 1897 Mo~del
r Guitar, Mandolin, AiilF01r iisianciy 5 Pocf .Me
.lan Wha l11 nBanjo or Zither. . Wonn a Ucl liari ueiu tte icyci. A ecicciU naub 5505555153 by this L'lcr age~eit sIo oGEORGE 57.Success,
popnariy s Cl~t J C.FRED, '9, 7 S Uniersty ve.JOSEPHINE, EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH
IrM$S eeUpwrd. ao<Lwl JOSnthr~ ~EPHINE
\Ilbure Mssdlin ica radheic lciiu chi duleIofLawNIxamSlATionT.
t, ycs t s ~e e std tt l---ht IIIU 1A'I O AII RIES 350, 50, 50, $.00.
Is li i iii e ees a ii sto i liu -si heschdul,-O---- - n iiV5 or it"IO\lPRICES1N
t-s.t ofho ine , S-ldu Cremona Is l\l1 615-S~ ________________________
u esce oid ufere peieSbytlhuesi i aiw cepartuuscut is uf olios: \., RAIITON. RENTSCUxLER,
S u the acekniowlededstane~dard ofh hueF I ST CLsAlSiS Oa Is usisulofu.thi- itcsid'i-iu ii l- - T C
.} srusedecelusivhely by the is g sillsl eenoisL ucI~1 fl 4+ 2 ,b
i escand Glee Clubsbe.Ournewsc\ is ors, leb. I3, 2p. iil. islci<ha uhuuiu i-si sluisoules 1t urtliARBOR. MICH
e1 sull lu is'sssu uhspacesesdorud e et,eue.sshlhc Joc tcRl atic21A11-b1-srboruuI.I. 1 ill sl ci l iis~i _______________ _
yu si ofhapplicatin If fpiotase .lsuIeeii.eif l uae All ;tN ARBOR.f0 loll OH.- g ( (
us- sui le uilhisenud 5tsshiius( . I C onltracts, Feb. 1i 2. ~ il.ulusu liIsh ilE5l1iHiiiS Is V.hshiil
e.mntodhcfothlc'y tnadrnu t nfaefrteA b imprs -ewith age and mal~sarS a Ciliiial Lasw Feb. Ii 2 p. m NAL BEPOT1AP.
tilet that incr--ses in valesas he years go by. Personal Propety, teb) Is, ? i1> -I hlmi is itcsi l ssss ti--u')sse~i lca
I s relly swcothmany timne isacos. Ist1, iiid liii;e1,i llisil ' for0i etll lii eAin Arbor.
sOit WABASH AVE. & ADAMS ST. CHICAGO Code Pleading, Feb. i3, 9 a ii. uul b7
___________________-Rills and Notes. Fcb. 3 9 a. I1. I2NCNStGDCITXET
Euitiliy Juirisdiction, Feb. 12 Sda. Course A 1 ,Iinneirs course, secc.
t / Agency, Feb. 17,1) 5. . (5.,Muli, nsciyThhrii
~ 'Comio. lasw'Proceturs, I-b. 1.s, W riayt 9, CRoom 11I, Uiuisrsit Hal.
125. V.E. FRA5NCOIS.
1TNa Property, Feb. 19,19 . ciu. - SUPPLIE
THIIID CLASS. .Al11cesidulcltt sr te 1900 track I
Constitutionial Law. Feb. 1,1)9. iii. lihire re s~ted Is rport It lellst ISisldi ea Lss ai sl it i ashi, ec
F-eeral Jurisprtudencc. Feb. 13, 01 lres iules a seeleat 11cc gyomnasimli Saacis schulsuush Ifor siampls and
spes r aes erle i lqisiiecrTennis,
a., In.sfo r elr class stsls. Ca'ldiduaes Golf, Crichet Track ad field, Opns.
!Isian Equpmsents scsIoutfit. Comple
Damage 1i95s Feb. i, 2 p ii. Itsrr he fresuneaiirelay talnilespecially 7Catalotue oh Sprig and toSucserSprt
StandardIof Wills Feb 10, 9 a11. should be at this "gyhus regularly. -Te iscb G rat'
the World 1 4_ quity Jturipruldencie, Feb. 17, 9 a,- I. 1 13.0DtolCutN, Mlimagr. A. . SPALDING & BROS.y,
n1'. All Oc tildi tes for the °trseobadl tEshuii I ' m si ea o thllcclpi
Unequalled $ a . Convieyancinig, Feb 18 9 a.it11) iit.1 itlattirs (se
Uappoched - - SeetySip an~d itortgra ea IebtImut19 ol t esttre 1 e '- U OF 1M. CALENDAR.
IS l I91. 1m. w-cktt toe gymluali-as orLfue tm-e btan-1,lihseiu lI
it TA fr claossr. 1-rilF bray12usvest la
UUALIK - >sC ANT BE BE.5.T. N' I 115. . A. 'MLlLR, Cojtai .--1I uieL C Hils inhoS. VL. A.
That fietable bssrcl st thuc P o1sInGil - - csursit Chcag u m boni himibe.
POPE MG. CO.'ie.a(ilelCy$1I stditates for the 'S3TL relsy ea ________
Haotford, Cnne. 1re requestedi to report at the tiylilIS toarl -t 1trsttymalas, on N. Uni-
SesdA ct Steep fidbe colisiicedl.
for__Cataloguep_ j iiiim daily at 5 oclok. eroty -tt. Yooswill fid thi Daily
rJUS'1505I31 I 1'. 11. O'DONNEL, AMasiager. tue o~etyosseJy ii
Thse rttiest s son wition5"A MStct ttuhi latesist,5cSurltgeicnelasis.
Isace haunut Ae." (SnSOil . r itssic O ct copyuoflattiet colleec 150555.n
OliisL 0.1---Weinesiay, lFeb. 3, a Kpp
WAGNER t1 IAENTS, Stoles._
SwanLinr. cpie wel inlettr Ipals Finder please return in 10 S.-
21 S. MAIN ST. press. ISwan55 Linin ihas a im, eeu fnis. Tsayer St,ad be rewardet.,