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February 06, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-06

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%soft tbe Court, anti shall be signed by tbe 3 ,
E PEI 0 person preferring tberm, and by at.
latoeadditional -witness.lesoe
Section III. eNamieo of all w itocoos 0I
the tiollen e e, at conrt at tile tunse of preferring cbarge.
tlrr( n. Times budlding, 79 S. Alain St. be- Sectiot.I7. In case of it convrictiotn
tween Liberty and William Sts. tbe ctatrlit of tite court shall infec~ts '" J
iI NAIINO DuTOR thte 11(11 of thte ietical deciaritent,I
C. F Tiisi~s, 17. titl the l1lrttfeesor itltothage of IteC
li.5NEoSLNASl. 'ott'io iniof (te verdict. jis -
0. Ii lbsiti5. S ll1. Its tose of an aoctlital j
E01t ba alsotie' oo slen~ce 'stall bito ntiltiitc'

wino tbe jury of shoe buyers and it's
onrs by a berry maiiolty. Footwear
shionld be top dutiy.iThle feet cant
stand anytbing else. Prices sbould ibe
low, so 00 to keep the sboe lax witbin,
bounds. You won't feel our suite
prices, but they will make you feel.
pleaset. Thtere are no corn growers
like bad sboes. Conic to its and get
sonteiting tat yoti can wear youirself,
instead of tbe sboe wearing your fttl.
L.No 8GRUNER,1 Atria.

F. M. Loois, '"tt Ii.. II iNeo, '18 1.
11. II. twis, '51. Burtzti Lotti, '50.
CI.il. GiREEN, t9. Athletic Etlitor.
WV. W. Ilalics, 'it. S. IW. Sitiilh, '117.
1F. A. F+uelS, '9tE. I A. Cticopltll. 'to
W. P. Moilel, '98. It. t). lldiiul .1'0.
A. 01. Smiltl, '57. 1'. Loll, jr., 9001.

St+:l it .1. Is- Ree' ililw'.1of I 7tt
:?s alile'eIsoassist in (heir tttsetr
V.lO e11t 1ntd 'sectlioti.
Church Notices.


,,TH S.*TO

Thecsubs"riptiontptic'ie ..c of""'"5.'50 theiS. .,iicsia4- dIIU rn
forte k e e e a r wil ithael"uls riI' ici rty landt, pator'. 10:30 a. Ill., intrllig
befIoreetootieachtdty. Noticesco mnia
lions, and otltcr itotter intentdetd ttfor ulict- e\le lbeto r22~, S '~lli i
Lioit oust be ihanded is atithelDaulyiofse te-ci t.eiiiIitort~tl ' oii t .a f
fore p I. imioit wailed to lie' t ttdnitor 'bfre 3 li's lDt'e'ai.' A }fti'lt'e ttiti a H N
tSev are expiected so appear. ettl I t: tlddt"ssewililit' "et tuiva i tile Never a tioe nror"e opportunle Itan ca bedn1e
sulciecid tiostoly ScleftsattThe Ditly u 1 tOOpooly ter'can ofc eesof 110V ewsad rnwtopoieyuslfwt tls
ilk Businttss laaoter. Sur cablers ttill icn- Iulb. ill now to ltrovitleyocrself wilb a oh liob done ss'ell. There nmaiyor nity
fer u actiorby iepotittt Ocoip t~t y thsIteitttin rte.itii 15011 beitt' otti ltslti tCoat or oic iatt solittle expense.
offie ay filur ofBariersto elier, ape'.tot be mtich differeinee in thoc
a, pttiott he II ilt'Iitltils t' s dill I'' We't'h100e iow in stir Cloak 1Room
YTe east anoittnice't for "The trivat' I) rtifytheliitrety at lhe' ai'lii'st 1110 110'Itekels as elegant in design, price. 'Xe never liloko a
Secretary" proi ses111t' ,tt presilt"ti o1i'leacicabtt'l t' 14e 1. i., middayir :11 tt o l '.ake 11ndomtleiilas this cocntryaf- pr'ice sto low thttwe cainnot
wvorlt selingo. 'lcTh lojt'c itt viltliandiiStudetts'iBilt '>oso' T:.*M it. i., torsotistan wiihbno Ilarge city can do the work well. Otur up-
the pirocedttswilli It' tevttotd hold iii l itlet'e, 11111 olrol litil I lea1s 1:110, boost Pettei-ill of wh icb ate sellinghi strigis 110100by men ex-
perienced 'taitd iin scyt'e'lrltg0ltt,'t l< t lir;e u jt'''c et \t," ra i Ai i '07'to nli 111; p li eol in tle be G'a t
Vaitee' Salt'ofsitciets. (ilalilpssittScet's 1by'fileIi' tiy.' r 0 Raptitds faetories. Al wll
If ort ti g(lthe honorlsttitO' 111 ofii ' o il- '1" ''; 7 :11b . it''A tot h e si ltd toes of,i ottl Elciric bictlfes'makel'a
luie of t 111 l~x tti lx li ottheX0 Iclas t i St. t;ilrcsv'.,Riileti elitf:i),tit, i L DEs'.P , Ocily ) ?tl n f rntr
//Y ooner iantoreirn p
hseaettlitti itt fitrn t atlitn ' reat till : iteti allocEd eor; ubt , o'.h e r' I'
aforde l prt n it to ut tl( T'lve5'tti its ' 11 .11; 1.,:I"A. iIlo e o' ('ititi-
city of observn'lithitt'actcal lit'ia-'tduEtlctric Sel i Snititire
'tereas f t tit. h l,1d o oton, S iO t. Si . . tctrca , ltImar.m- ~
owehtaiti t is.onesty n rpo r n I tray t'; ::1x0 1a. iSi.,tdoy 5tli-l
Sectu iio n g11. tt-t itt i'y w ll (It- t lin 21d srloi u jc. S il
i'liesin t'dhueo ftliii' ,1111 iii ti'Oi .il1 111 te o sdr~ilsT l~111;t~
ints ie'todtcttyitis '.tctct te Iilititianist lt 001a uthe M Lafi Illis CUicsg1;lnlttiNili6r)------Fe.12
AIITICIHONORtS'. 'rtehtol'andiible1'oft' ~sonl :,. I -DS'GODS
Sechin I. lte iimil tinl ali ~t1is eltit leriii. x-PreidentHarrisn --- ----Mrch 2
SconcIti vileI , iiti hihishIll 1111- itll uneti E igfi Broltherotdt of tit .
dimeledo emely. No ers oitelsbs l'b1181a t. ett~is~je TeLuisFryHls---------------pi
Iii'i'smmt htm comiri witneses timthdit'-wlgi:ltttlit'.c lin.a It tt 1 iiJonKnrikBns---------------Arl1
w os lb ell. Au d w tec s t i' ------- 'titht'hti lise;1:8 i EN R L A O F-S-NT= K TS 51'
dulyfistormi.larillet. intachlear u of 0'. 1'.S. C. 1-.1 :r 1 iiav .,
herea tII. Teflcsois ttillr..nea rtateS tI V. u jet o resti' paitocrt's- R SE SED SEA TCOC TS I tOn
isim el sh ll .be "liy seeou-el h ll et its 1117 se . li e i t 'Vl I e lt w ~ 2 ''l an.o ' h i ll' l bfi ofl cu's . " IN L E A D IS lO 0
Sectiom II. f'l de eioi snait Ieiutl t'rlSR hrh .L lR(oOuuia utu le
reshl le ntediln sh f-aorta ieprporio n is epaso n,-I S:710 ii.nsclSnd seting; 10:30 1
toncs ered, aaiii of ilassittennb"Peshsii rtij iteslitimisibil. JMEls, (h RiTT, Corr1n U1esponding Secre - Itr.
AI-ITIC~iR V. hi' i teitit'; meaii. s tilayi npro-
Section I. Chresc ulshall b cpon- 0:71 Iiwithn.,R ihi rLeine a 7 :;> mp ra1)a tt- _-p. -- - - -- --. --- - - - - h 1
Leeedin s-iCl t te Irman oTiiie5011t015 "if e'sFtlSolirg." Awr.rtia l Cotet 19~F iI.e uA.1X


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