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February 06, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-06

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Wi. Ili.JDI ) @ 11TE xONOR SYSTEMN'. ispeaking for, others against the adop- Comedy Club News,
tio ofth plnlle ti' t'ils of "The P''riate Se'r('-
ailorte obetosof the toryi''o allrii~011 lRoIidb h
Le dig Tai 'rTh Sophiomore Mledical Class pryetiln opsost Roil tobllue b h
iigii (1 0110S an110 slid~ tll tlp W C he(oniedy lob on the' eveintg of Mach
Takes~ ~ ~~~~~o aImoanSc1 0Sob' of the question whirli seemned Ii C10, rgoigsOrpdyadwt
AN1IP O T ~ ghat ily prove to be0 otte of the to e t (he oot tiihiabe CR11' t e0-1(xcellnt resutsl that it is safe
m'oot ilnprlitaait ('s1100 )l('etl tan o-,evr greIn 0r hnc h10)ioic to sr uo b1r1 r nllll r~ll 1eforln-
lld~ r ore Aut to) retr tills (f~ 1110 s 1111 ( ' ('('i (11) R011her than
FULL 0HErS SUITS ASPECIALTYld111heTnesty(f3el)
was_________inth________lctue rill to' RbaR Rof thle c'RRuR thi, 'year.
rr~vI of Itf1'1'ile(c'l builiRng yese- Rihe 'Ill)' i s y lrRtiollar c alt~ toiI 1(1 e1.
NO, 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN.,aI ee~o a IR~ro RI' 00hts0 .iftiii~ 1R~'lbhR-111RxRl011 f.1 e
da oeon t1ocor.I les ROietin wnrl Ruaeedis ile lOuie i e Ipiin( of1( anIteRO11
# SO A P ! 11! 011' ('1100 011 ttO (lR1(O~i(R1I Rf 115it seteeto11 Re Ri atisfiwrtiol of tile ' iiO~R lrlo'lpolileo
ilt rlto reouill l' hoattl i u tt((l5 s111 titeoof'i'le 1110 11 110 hi t lir bee llilus a eokc
Stor got Afitw~i elg~rli(oiter thn qesoti~n
goo00( pure toilet soa , no5 per gi tg a 'Outlilitt'0 Ro farul'Rltth l aw 1110- 5011 v'011d Uplon hi secret balilot w1111 ll 11111 11111 titt~1iie'0ti
to eiln them, just soap aod al Rio' l'''11 ald atn unusua irabe rat'.
soap ftte ba calie, f1 ot' 25o Toy IRkilig to -ari tit( s''11( iit (If Eltis Icid asIii<tp!-o on e-b ing taklenl il tile Wrk by 111 those
a edit lext time. tni.li'('tl-r greatr doal of t cr e dit forl ilt' l tl'11 Wi Rte 'tR. As s trl
s~l 101 111(110''111 il~ilO has 1(01 d11111 adoti on( of'tilt' i(01 d5Cue it) thios ior il 0'f~'nllr't oh i~
PALMHER'S PHARMACY. i rol nng te)9R~~r ((Idu Rias) fon Rlew tii oeforae Atilto Abeogie
46 S. STATE ST.1he h nr'st t" I tc th laoe a frte eefto th iltcasoa
ing_________________________ tihi cuiaell colge. 10e(r by 1111' 'u its 101('11iot (it tiriii or 1'lrlt of
('11105ou Sale ( ittrl LE5 I,0 litth''Rtgf'l~~':Re t(1 F(''tI 1R1'triit anid Bloswer
os g u a e'anly il OctobRR('i 11 lomtee Wit10 1115' A 11 'i.Iisi i. 'Ill)' lero rnitloe swill b(0
S TILL. ON pited1( itl fisevtl gaict' e 111 to(kitlgs of l ost of all t in RIiw l0R'ts '('l. vitoi111i(id1r ho lnlnll tR'ane'tt of At. .
the t' m at other co (lR'i((llgsan Co10 AICTlII1 II N W'inteon 11(1 nd ( ('he is11 follows:
PRI CES CUT DEEPER THAN 1 ~ ti tniii Ol(l~'01tl''10 ""o 1d1 I.tt s'((lllotitlg Ill ~ -t itoln tt'10 A. nd
for~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cosdrto.Th eoto dltiltoechpro hrl rt pnDnits, his nephlewsl ..A '. Bomith
EVRof ~ 1l((1~io i) 10 the1 reouto adiate aito tthl ted1sf ~ ~'llM. Glibsoni, he tailor...D0. c' W aho
nI '('1 )1(0 w Ol'R1 p1111 cas (I' I l record sign1 fi nmed oSerco ln Taet ISlt, Is.I or Spaulirs.. ....aid
yi~s for Tthlo !ra (If ea eit of1( 111111,o lik Pe111s the Theer W~_____ I -III i lltr ttde e
1-Jve you seen thloe iiObby ORIRR111Iith 1111(01 linp llr 11111. 'flhi s t h Tech. Clee Club. ili-a . iss 'ft-lrila I'le(iIIOorh
siel) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Fills.dh omo a"in ~h fe luMil ta a 11 Steadl Al~iss BlancheiI J1illip,
'lb's Cilkols tiil hor n (o0ut.~t"1CI R1
MLIL'W'ARD 40 State St. Ilt; to 111 favor,s thell hIonr sl tern ,lo 01lei '11,d toid1ay.I'0'gIiIi ____________
Io 'X11111 11(010u'.tos and bid1f1(1 I n rte 1111. g11 at1 suel-l s. Prof. Dickie Tomorrow.
Babylon C(1l(is TIlE BEST. Prof.du-litgy erR IllI) 11 111 I o lt111 -RR.O Clnli'. f lli Otkie. (f Altbiot)n (R-
Al Irc oftlordt lids sof t ( '1110 his RI c~ild 1ho11(' ,i11 Olll1R( to knol it ,Il the (1(1' 'eei 10111' liliI. ('o)il0101reRl~too 0'tg a
C Oataol Iol 0 R~lil I lI' 111')' 1110 hlt IitRIO'It fot'(RI '1 1ill11s''eakCtomorrow nd moi''ingRsat
I. bTB L R ake1isnh nio'mrfi91 Ill i cWierry flail till "The Christ-
leoeo No. s. oe do01 East of A Oe 1 -11 1111' and~lt theul Sa-o . Irofsso 'I "1 tIl) ''(11slle 1 1 11)( til-lt'il ('
0,111wtl 1111 0tvnct he' Isi1e front 111y 0111 lrt til'1115tliert~t
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL solcr l Icat u it hl.
OFe Domtte TheP~ reot 1'uittI'l. Hit lldlreI'0 is sure CR0 011 (1n
OppitehC La b olel ons o 00e we.semester br llt R'llllI(). ''l' t'IhgI' 11 ( e1n 1 , ItI'llr R' depa tent, nt-ll the ill-
0)10 o 110ato.lli l. X''i'i 11 11 tl 'll Cil tlanig.
27 Thompson Street. m111it'' reqllotrsbe 11' 1). 1SIWII, 'e<1 , ttid' 'b'io're in Ill( 011(11 00110 e hegu
b11I'l old eIollg agues oil tile faculty lot
W 1 p AH R ip( S BOO STO lb l ilaild 14)____as__________ofth_,ordobbetideto_____tal )
plai. 111 t l'esults oIf it110 kn gatlla'itt rt oIf t his 111111 frot'1 'e'ar to Itln tlee
alt trloll . tllOh. Wfitrd occupliedl yell'.. i Senior Law Cass Day.
S W E A TE R tills)' facts lid i1n a11 atbtlt discus~sionlub 011are to follows: CP, If. tl II, ing y'esterdaly' unormint flor the tltrll~lsl
S W ..A.L~E of Cit' mlemits of 1I11' syostei. im till presidentm; S. 10. Coolige'. ,erelry' oIf electting officoers fom' class tday. 't'
n'urslel of his l'I'iiarlo h11 sailI "40 ild treasturer;t' A. D. T'errell, mantag'r followt0inlg to-re time, oficems chosen:
SWe have the best qualityan Y;i dpadonteko-egeae
matul theRltt ommes lilt'. lHbs-eg o' 1 T. H rrliont, bleade;in t h tletsr I. . bRyan, v-aedictor'ian; II. N Hayes,
ot the lowst price. gahla here, hutna livto depelmd onm it 1t,. Hlarrisom, -~ It. Bnrlil F, . 110 hmsoimm a a ls 50tm
Sport1ing Goods and Gymna- ammd 'te simoold mlowr1)0 false C timims Bergbol; Second teltoro, C' tO. 'r e'll. C h fico ls rtrot l
sium Supplies a specialty. Ill be Imade. Whmere disonmety 1mm ex- A. W. Bilrdsall, If. A. linimiunert poth are Co be filled by comnpeitio'n.
am~ination is rife l1lme stanldardb of amm 'Thomabu; fit [tass, B.. Cotlidge, I.
1''''sittoni lwre n -ho -wi (' A'emstromm, C. 1'D WIebster; secondITmeeetom eleby0011110
W AH BOOI~TORE lltttlb100labamiIlsoobmoatss, W. A. Bmiggs, I. L . urow-ne, G.1 spirited, thme eomt~st for o'ledeiran
UTosonTos are innocet -'musot suffem' iii thme . StIrlimmg .1. T. Si. Claim'. being especially close tnd interstiumg.
Up To. Dtt C O e~ ort Tone gllill
fa. tt Aror Mpposit Minit.CutHueHue A general discubssiom -followed, some Haoe yen es-er seemm hmm? IHt trill be bore Machl G.

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