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February 03, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-02-03

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Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durini
the College year, at
OFFICE: Ttmes bstldtsg, 79 S. Mlain St. be-
tween Liberty ad William Sts.
J. F. THOMAS, 97.
0. 11. i1sAr, '98.
E. L. OEsmes, '98 L. F. ii. SIOSs '93.
F. M. Loomis, '98. 13. B. SKtLDttAN, '98 .
H. 11. C~onroN, 'ir9. BLERsts Lsss,; '00.
C. Ii. GREENs, It. Athletic Editor.
WV. W. Hughes, '98. S. IW. Smthl, '17.
F. A. Fucib, 'l8 E. I. A. Campell, '00
W. P. liorrill, '18. G. D. liadrest,'01.
Tite subscription price oft hr Daily is525
for the college yeer, sitb a 1egular deliery
before tress each day. Notices, rommunica-
tions, and other moatter sneeded tor putlica-
ties most bebhanded is at treilaily officetbe-
foie S p. to., or naoiled to te editor tefore8
p. in., of the day previtousrto thatteonswiche
thev are exprected to erirprrrr.
Suscripetito may bte left ret Tire Dly
Office, Meyer's or Stritet's Neslord, o
with Busirreso Manager. Sbiere sill cot-
fer a laor by teportirrg prrrptly ret this
efficerany failrurerrfcrarrierrotorderiver par.

Arguments for Football,
T'le Chicago Inter-Ocean sent lire mf
followsing list of eight queionts to TUT
9 2213 football players of tIe C iii-______________________________________
prtcant teniso in the Ullted Slates:
~1. Whatwere youic injuries durring LA IS JACKETS YOUR TASTE WILL
2.o Whtbenefitaifoily' idelyoeId- and CAPES FIT O RPC E O K
3. Do yoru consider it rt leneiilI
sLart? If so, liwirat wily? at Half. If you furtiish y0our rooms deur-
I1. Is football bruntal?
5. Whaet iilys wouldt you suggesl never a lime more opporteune thanuinkg our GrettInventory Sale.
fire ei~laroreit iry riilr'? nosw to provide yonroelf with a stylish Reductions made to force trade
Gi. Iltorynrig ihaveI'you pilayed? Coot or Cope at so little expense. in every departmueut.
'.Have yon receivedsi iiiity ie.- Good Antiqtue Chamsber Suits,
Ilaielitinjr~jies'? We have now in our Cloak Rtoar Ilarge mirror, good $16.00 value,
5. «hait da yol thIliik tofiidorany Jaekets as elegaent in design, now $12.30.
frrrttrall? take;atndeaterial as this country of- A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk,
One hinredrla'l fiftfy-onlerepiies fords-than which no large city can cheap at $15.00-Sale price $10.00.
- wrce cceivti.boast better-all of wvhich are sculin Chinelle Portieres reduiced froni
{'fire'firliwitig leirb'riefs li v ts $2.25 to $1.50 a pair.
t5n' r'rcItirlerr':I JplueRus, 6x0 feet, a$~6.50)
lieplles cece ivedn ... .... 11 value, now $4. 50.
y 'i5lrro'5 njre Jaipanese Rugs, Kxl0z feet, an
PeIrmanlenrIt injulrir's 2 $p 5 aue w$63. 50.
- ttil~lcellSir ~ FR UA L~, e uare Wiiidosw Seats, Ciish-
ll'irros'er iphysieil cdtion ..1I5101 rWon enhaliihso uitirti
rilal yerars islayrri rIO1 Astiachaen, Caney, Woal, Seal, Monkey order,nalkidofFrtueo
's oellnrall is ntirtal ..un.L...tr..c1SealjFurniture Repairing out' spec
I~iarlleillis un butal. . 1 tOq ~ salt y.
'ni'ereplhiesesuminig its lthey doa tr022kaii ' ha '
tr~llss'lrr, lisliegtrerl tluuiad, letiices tatplease.

Pete iio the indioor uerr'r' shltr IrrIr Iriattle' are comtenlllt to judr,,e. ter u .__________-_
stjock at oilee so iliat lt'e cornteslotils gree .'eo'yec ii tlioc oo ie
be of a high standacrd. Arrehiteg sir ______________
ms thr srirer'ss of alt event rrf tis Science of Raoilroading.
nd tis biunig lu e rltr' i sufliiir'iii&
~rr'lrlaliei. Ili' rres iilI' hirey It lies been'l pl'lroose bv tsevrerl riIl-
trepats ionet by hr metr'ear'e .l ill1 ssr'I' illi its llihrrl'~DRY GODQS.
thev~ ssspese it it '''tc1ettl c rri sfin tilt esti l is lol if lltr' e ~ Vr
beeitn malle byrr thie leei c rrf calll I
rilgge llr elrilterl ifs~l ill ici elatilari fof th edirs' iorren of th iol
th re w of ciiie ci t's i ee or 11 '0 11'1 'lr rrllsrr 'rl'r s ltrrl
hur llt Il I ltis ltlir~l a it' 111in'menrs if thfe bri lli'so ra'ilroadinr.
be.. . ...elr.....r this 'oar ,...r.. T Hr ICB.ees i illrlrl e ir

56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.

T1141 7-911tIAari or 71!l.Zr VO!)1 , 1 I UM ,

, ..

eules'' i. ~leligilllis eiltl'Oril lpiI ti Ierr ithile i'frlirdln .r ll ilili' Luther L afln Wills, (Cicago A.sinilumhier') -- --------Feb. 12
ie: foul rtut if lit'r'rrf tie'conlttsoft lcsilyl.oarf 'it'lillirId11 err' llilal tiegill Imperial Quartet---------------------Mrh12
thie ocatrrricatlIragai'. 'This y'era ervely' riln. It5 ir'rrproposet'o hr inn Ire Ils Oratorical Contest- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -March 1$
ilrelibireosf tle i',i711'is drlr'iltilieriita, lie n e o if silerial sltdy'illlcaiii. EX-President Harrison---------------Mrh22
to ssiiit isil'rsl'iei g rrril;retrlil'iilc' egeie Luciuq Perry Hills------- ----------------------------.April2
myi ""'rrMiriligelltorairll will111ut.rtl~ i 1 ~u1lraill'.nsl ratirrlaw bes'colnt-,11 -
John Kendrick Brs-----------------April13
luint1 'lihard stklthiee'is nlet sis,'ri nf o ie eeu li e ie il
i'r e'fercthat uth' 5iI'lry' ssill eel >cils Ire eie reohie r 11dtoetile' staets.ENEOIAIL ADMIS-itN 'T'aCKETaS $ta-00
elel le vzlb lltlitnai it'e histryr rf lso 'iatlens rrrril RF'S~ttVJD SEA'?T TICETS 0.50
- <oeerurissioirui. jISINOLE AD~ehSSSIOIN .()
Alumnus for January. AM. e' ailleall prersidenltsleave' ex- EXCEP1T
lrile'SeI opinlions lhlt yorunglen 111anl
Thie' ?hiehlitreiAltumnuesfor .1.11111.Oratorical Con~test 215
n111Iuger g-e rt fieienlt kilr'ie' nitf
ait1Sol9leItia"(It lltecrefstlg TICkETS NOWV ONSALE-Reerreed lie~et on satle ret raise re di e'g stre, Stat
aund ssvellarranegedituutnie. 'fie marl. arosdpatetso ralodstreet. and waler's bos'or e,Alais street.
ill the'ffilce', and the'meanyers'5ace'
heg articles ace "P'rofessorRbrt
MacrWnry"l~ iog hte.'IltllairdIy lefe httl ut JAMES H. PRUITTI Cocrespouidiig Secretary.
if ratisey emlhoyte'es Ire'nt l hhled by-
it lepsilit froullthie(Oerecle ref teis ya; APSTO enuif refllililuig eandramitiio. It hitas POSITION
"ls~ll 'linl it it illlina AttleticsebhiCaibeet serd ttitle iRed. lc~ollya&t'o . thai will br'isgood returnes 1o
Chtarles alrI, 'hi5; "IHistory oftfhee I students forrlissworkduri gevacearien.e. isih eprrsretatl csonos
utiouutatcoDel dhlli eIlltllisuolrdinheates s-w ihbr'oad1 in- Atlaes,Malps endeotheer pablicathonts.
sit," ry'Captig ler tl 'i; " tm e'ligs'ui'e hul criniueiiuers. [u-pel ALL ABOUT THE BABY I I , I I # I
irylt-tilhiDI. By Robert N. Tookner, AtlSi). of ChineageoPMedieal tollegejust lssed, is the
Ml:irhignin AlumnilusL librau'y." Rusi'es btok foe Mediceel Studests. Cetalosse ertd circulars sesd os applcatios.
thesetherer' he Uiual retoriatl FAll lee L,' fosiiril PECIAL REPRESENTATIVE . '
e'5elin'heelils eldthe reguulacrledf palm- A iei'lilllbrs5of tarsity fobl
Ifeeuussil l tstlue'ecot , '" cse waafew'preciathrepresettives err etcCoilee.'orts.peositios
ittis deveotedl io the 'lisecsiiy andn ai rtaurrsromiexpeeed toot menrshouldwitleus It Inee stattet pas1t'experieence.
ts 1'egeudulale's. I \'ohauirlst., 'fIituusr~y alitelriloon elitRAND, McNALY &CO., Chicago.,
_____________________f'. huel., ino e'le't i'l lneler'frrrtbll tai
''le Ianlury ('uuuliiverInec 'I on,. tIl. 1'I iH I il(1HErS. 2
lelis goodl cefecrerie n sue tushr #l Managrtel'. . . HY DON 'T Y U " "
ruhizti.I solfiea h av T ral iibrr.'Whieret is it? Alti('anid Oipra Houise'.
Hlave you anyl'college spiritil? Benhefit for Athletic Associatin. . A.DN7.E~jIRTISI E: l I1 in)hA..,I-L'Y'

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