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January 28, 1897 - Image 3

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-28

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Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 1896.
Mall and NE.-----i 47 N. Y. Special---- 7 355
N. Y. Special.... 4158 Maili --------8 43
Eastern Ex----10 17 N. S. LimIted.... 9 25
Atlantic Ex--7 37 Pacific Ex----12 15
O.N. Express.... 1 45 Western Ex----1 55
G. R. Express ---11 G5 Chi. Nt. Ex---- 910
G.REx------5 55
0. W. RUGLstee, 1B. W. HAYES,
15. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Agt. Ane Arbor
Lne ' .
Time Tasblr, Oct. 27, 1896.
N00TH. 001UT0.
7:30a. m. *7:0 a in
*11:30 a. m. 11:)0a. M
4:30 p.mi :52 p.m.
*Run between Axe Arbor and Tolcdo onlya
All trains daily except Sunday.
E. S. GOlLliIE, Agent
W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0.

sine at$. a sample to
t Pc p - d36 1lquars-
aerspoun, n0oeta.

The Og Seeping o DrawingoSeem _ CarW
M~uarietta. ~o C
The Only Sleeping Geem LireLbeweteneno
ledendGslumbs. n laret
'Ln Seep betweene, Columbus and
ThelE Ny DINwill4RosmorLieb etyeen
Toledo oaTludmbuslCandmCalson
1,lnSleeders between Columbu5Colssand
THE ONLY LINE with 4 trains echxiiway daily
hetwccn Tolo donlagmbes. as
THEEONLY LINE wit 2Coainesreacs wyden
THetNLYenRTlINEBowlwGeen Toldo
aned teVirginias
THE POPULAR LINE ,tweecn Toledo, Fos.
ria,OBueyrusGranvlleoand Newark.
Fuil infomation relative toeraes, lime of
trains, etc., will be cheerfslly furisihed by any
Agentsofithe Ohiosental Lines.
This space is reserved
for the' Grand Opera

Wholesale Guiars, 'Tobaccos assd
Cigarettes. Thse LUCKiY 1 li fth1li e O
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. sioslcic st A K R F u ti e
W iat Hall Heairisigs are to the Bicycle. A perfect Pen and warreanted by toePasrke
Pen Company, Jancsville, Wis. C.FED'9,4 S.Ae
y5J. C R U,19,4 .Univesity.Ae
ti zLax be secred w tli Hand, MlcNally & Co ,>fthat will bising cod retun s to
studienat,,for Iis awort iv veca-tion. We nishlReprseenativs on05our
Atlases, Ma~ps aad othmr publicatios.
to "esla'0111 ghat Im 03an33 ALL ABOUT THE BABY
By Robert N. Tooter, M.D0.aid Chiico iMedical Caliegc lost issned, is misc
No ome in Really Complete biook for eilical Stadeats. Cataloguan id circulars snsd on application.

nh. r Guitar, Mandolin, -A -.-Weawant afew special 6553 semaativs inm the ClIleP. Nor tis posiio
1 ic-shaeben caedd .o s esulit ll th=- RAND, McNALLY & CO., Ciao
bily :r g en tW sliburo e ve ry-05latest designs
From $S.ee Upward. Generous Church Gift, bc innouiniced iles. Teot rk071of the
f!-"-,!) o Slses lIti 0elesdislilettati cSociety lhas bi-en greatly liailipereci Sy
li.,.t.5sloanloin iainalble-, andisloeap ~els Ils lciry 5 .U.Lothle swealtliby hi(coi1&n
a--Ynto. tat o ainselld CremonalllViolinash- laol offudanthprst ni-
br zsold t fixeanuif 111loerm prices by ll 031rst-1lumberman50,has giveil thie stilu1m10 iilco511ofa lraca ~ill-RENT Gflj,1 R
35s s z1 el ers everyw13 hllknae. c 1l13'001 f la. 20 I Iigift is mo10(13.1-I'as te
1, 1' 3 re usd exlsrivlely Sby theleaing 1i NO7toltheWesl-yam Giiiail of She a
SAistla cera ndaaG(lee 5C13113. 010u1r 05n.e3wtitaliles
btalo.3533330rlcoaiing portaisofovoei10t Artist, ItFirst a. 25.chiurchl af tizi ll, for ANN ARBOR. MICH.
an .1 ttinormL ionlll , picles, endorsleamets,rtc., 3 3-wimila-l--l Iiltuabe s:s
act 30r1e 3333rccait eofiapplicionlia. If yolcaleal llethe 1prmanhlent end~owmnlt of mmaourseI
canno3t.1upply3you3we3ll 11sendlt WaanllaaaeaasC. (3. D ltela-i.lre - D ti'' rie f$00 AO TH U i QlOD Dl
ssa 3 iilca1egeoflamatlllaion, d 5ir tim e 1l1011. of lectumres inl connlectionh wills the i
At asobsrnimproeseewithsage andmaehs a 311c nxtlrc f a1 ort'WsigtnIIc
its that Ir esootin sialse as the years go by. jGtild.( i. 1Mr. Louxd a a pra~olllclt :01151taeof5103lilrVshigoBocs
Itis really worh many timesaitseeos. bs n eodbs x1mntol nAnn iArbor.
LYON J& HEAI.Y, f1i M Ilthoist whose bcieflcti ils 111 lc155 d1t1 bs Xhlilntill i
COld. WABASH AVE. & ADAMS ST.. CHIICAGiO, 1whosebuisiness enterpsrise aind 5s0tdessI aebrewv'Nesy Testinit (G1001.,1111(
11' ssd uh11001foo l Tisi he JCrlg-ishle. ndian.IoLotbIll.teaR
af thsateto hatlie other. A few TeCh-ih 1(lh 3111t 3
$ / / slweeks ago '7mr. Louid directdlihis it-ghi will bc trelly-weakenled nest Sears Iy
advlisor, Judlge Tmuttle, to 11111100oat ta as17ioy(flc eti 11
p he papersi'5transsferriing $15,000 to the 'ttsesec55ritllsLic sam-T {2 -
_ an sld Casyon ta Chicago Inivxersity, lid
v 0 W lesleyanildt. President tt. S. 75ar1510ohaors of their bilyerclt10 N 15 1u
- lO~~hat Iwals (thn infarmied o7 the lift. -sill.--
- Tile bolardof directors proisptly stR NthIG DtR'M5I P i
Standard ~~~~ceptedItie killdloffor and procoodlild Gare .ognescoicPt
' at once to niake arrailgemnlta far theItI2., aond. yWednsdas- Thirdlay
the World ticarrying otit of hie provisians lhctoai- Friday at 9, Roam 11, LUniveritltl.1
l ponyinsg the gift.17. 2. n thANCOt'S flAC
Unequalled __ ____
comeO frainthec $15,000 will be front teasm are requested to reoat at least BA lL
$100ALUK ' 'e# s$000 to $700. Six lectures will be pro- three times it.xeek at Cieagynasium5111
- . } vided during the year, to be delivered frrglrcaswr aii ts S P LE
- kfor the freshman relay team especially
PgPE MFG. C. b ha(le ablest 0m10of tdischlchs, al- 11 11Splhdir15 Lesgue PailSlims, lanksetc.
Hartford,Conn s hould be at thse "gm rcguarly iManagers shotuld send for samsples and
Seed x-ct. Stompthiougishisoelecturero need not iettO- B.,lIODGSIsN a ol speias es Feryo reqsitelforeITeelis,
foreCatalogume.GCall Cmictet.Traskand iemld, Cymna-
salrily be Methsodists. Thsree lactures sium Fqnimn es and outfit. Cosmplete-
"Neady Change Lapel Button."- Cataliogue xl spring anumd sere'ports
will be given yet this yeSr. Hishiop loe.The Nalme theiuanae"
Holds two nickeols, practical andus
us-Fowler, of Buffalo, N. Y., will openf, ful. Everybody will wear one. Post- A. G. SPALDING & BROS.t
mansd swill be followed by Dr. T owns- paid for 15 cents. Poulin Novelty Go.. News Yerh. Chlecago, Phlsdelphiea.
WAGNER & G019 AGENTS, end, of Washnin-gton, D. C., and Bishop~ 112 Dearborn et., Chicago, .S bsr efo
21 S. MAIN ST. Warren, of Denver, Gal., subjects to Swain Linen bhan a firm, even finih.Su srb fo the Daily-

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