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January 28, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-28

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f.p X t they certtunly would not. oftrwie.
L4u-ifoun trules have already bee'n
adopted by the institutions wtitch the
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Weekly Dames, with the excepltionl of
the College vear, at Nortiuwestein, aiid the Daily can say

Crtira: Time building, 70 S. Main St. be-
tween Liberty and Wthilam Sta.
J. . TeoxAS, 97.
.I. As, '9.
E. L. GeSoiR, '15 L. F. S. a-asN, '9.
. M. Looses, '9. 1H. B. SaL sAN, '95 L.
H. H. Coawi, '9. BTLE IAu, '0.
(7. 1. GooENs. 99, Atheic Editor.
W. W. Bnhs, '9. S. W. Smi th, '97.
F. A. Faci, 'ME. I. A. Campell, '00
W. P. Morill, '9. G. . Ilant, '0.
A. M. Smit, '97. 1. Lxi, jr., 99 A.
The subcription price of the Daily is $250
for the coil eo year, with a coglr deioy
bfore noon each day. Notices. comunicoa-
inns, and other mattes itended for pblia-
tlon must be Ian ded is at.1heoiDaily ,Bice b-
fo r p. i., or nailed to the edit: er belree
p. i., of the day preouos to tat on which
thev are expected to appear.
rubciptons may be lft at The Daily
Office, Oeye's worlStolet's Nestand, or
-with Business Oanae. Suberibeex will re-
fer a acr by r epertig pomptly at this
elbowe any failre of caries to delver paper.
An agiationi is Ibeing stared i sev
ral of the eastert uiveritie to tpro
vide s1me1p1ac where stdnts clli
c0B10 together inforitally. Ticse u.
vesities feel the need of a nieing-
place where stdtcels can be at tieir
ease ad become aalnlarttd swih
each other, in short, a sort Of ong-
leg rosin, Where therarc ate arni-
tories and the credit systenm is in cs
it is amost imposible for college
spirit to exist atic this muovemet
seeks to remedy lte defect. Tie ex-
periment will be Of iterest to our
ove students. ack of college sii
here has been assigtied to lhe b love
two causes. Itils a fact that the ten-
ers of the literary dpartmen'it never
meet echciioler Is aly extett. Per.
haps a large redcing roomiere al
could meet andc study ailld diciuss 'ci-
lege affairs infomllly is What wec
aeed. At liyelte it will do tomha ni
to keep aix ee oti the trials 10ole
made ini the east.
Chanipionship talk is sill the rget
at the iUiveriy of Cliao, if the
editorials of the Universiy f Cicagi
Weekly cecho student OitiOB t that
institution. There has been too tiitc
"clamiionslii" caitg ii the"est'l
and the dickering ovtr it woldi have
been of nore credit is prie-ightrs
than to college athletes adt ediors.
Aside .frttt deciting tie "elalpioiolx
ship" the formation of a league by the
universities of tetmidtle aWest oli
hardly brixg ay deinite esults wocrth
striving for, and it is, a qestio
whether the "clatipioushit of the
west" would be an hnor which colc
ear a strictly amatur sanp. It
would at least be weighted with pro
fessonal tendencies. If the mostil-
lians which 'would comipoe such a
league cannot. uphold anaturismt
without the assistance of a league

for Mlichigan that the roles were
adopted here for use led list for cru--
ment. Just what is iteano byttylii
"standard of the big easterni tnir'rsi-
ties" is lnst very plainl, ittt iniitli ap-
plication is the formintion of ,i leagite
it has applarenlt referetice iso the gale
A Chicago Suggestion.
A recent ist10 of the U'tiversity cit
C'hicago W'eekly says.
Thuetiion of a baseba~ll anid foot-
bill league ationg the' tore lprolaili-
cuet nesterni oniversilies 11a15(11111fre-
utitelly' disetussed, liitt notinitii-
bli' has ever resutiecd fi'oii test'dis-
emussions. Almost every -seasilia iris
closed sih sesiral teamts claim~inig
the d'lamiiliilllandmthie'colieg 'aid

,. . tia
" 4f
_ _ O
<< .

wins the jury of shoe buyers and lt's-
ours by a heavy majority. Footwear
should be top quality. The feet cant
stand anything else. Prices should he
low, so as to keep the shoe tax within
bounds. You won't feel our shoe
prices, bet they will make you feel
pleased. There arc no corn growcrs.
like bad shoes. Come to en aed get
something tiat you can wear yourself,
instead of the shoe oearing your foci.
L. GRUNER, NA 8S Win haSt-.


and CA1PES
at Half.
SNever a time mere opportune than

othiei'paiers have used u11)lmulchistpice tnow to provide yottrself oith a stylish
anld imik ini givinig realsonis for 1111 Coat or Cape at so little expense.
against stuchi11111snchbatetain asscci- We have now in see Cloak Rosoili
iltg aiiy claiiis to the etllllliolislill iiaey Jackets as elegant in design,
If a micilewestern leagiie. com-niake wand material as this cottntry af-
posed of Chicago, Miciligall, ili fords-than ovhich no large city can
westcrnl, Illinois 11111 XWiscosnt, wereI boast better-all of whieh are selling
orgaizecd it would cctli"t(le ellalli-
woouliiiake it worth while to foirmi
such a leagtue eiin if it citiul nec111'
laeto lienefitowestern th iletIics. illLADIES' FUR CAPE S.
oilier wayts9. Suich iallegteold 1111in-
sist uoni utiforiiinati d iequaiterle Asttaciian, Coney, Wool, Seal, Monkey

If you furtiish your rooms dur-
ing our Great Inventory Sale.
Reductions mace to force trade
in every department.
Gooti Antique Chamber Suits,
large mirror, goodt $16.00 value,
now $12.30.
A Solid Oak Roll Top Desk,
cheap at $15.00-Sale price $10.00.
Chinelle Portieres reduced from
$2.25 to $1.50 a pair.
Japanese Rugs, 6x9 feet, a $6.5()
value, now $4. 50.
Japanese Rugs, 7 x10j feet, an
$8 50 value, now $6.50.
We make Witudow Seats, Cush-
ions and all kinds of Furniture to
Furniture Repairing our spec-
Work atid pi ices that please.
MAC K & C011
56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.

c'oncdrniig'professionlalisml, andthile
cether vexinig qoestlins thint havie aius-
ei 011111atny controversi'et ~flai-e oears.
A leagtte wotuld also ;eve all aditioital
initerest to the atihlelic contests amonslg
its Ilitle's 1a1111wold do111 nore 'tiati
anlytinlg eli' Is raise baseball 11111
football to the slatidarcl of the ?gig
eastern tunivitiies. As lonlg is the
they 10dowithl 'aclioilier foratlticld
bonllors it woullsutrely be just is 0wel1
1o formlilS11111a lagll ' 5tIl 'ne itg-
gesteci so tiat(le'heleter team llayi
111191'eactuseaison lsol) lliiltoisshow
fo:r its stperiority. The Weekly times
tiat stepls be1'(t11en1lt slice to forim
tis leauet, an1d1it feels sttre that alily
sulIgetiisu alonig this ho~ie tmade by
Dii'tor Stagg:hotolih' other tuniversi-
lit's oould teet OOitlithe 1-onslide:ra-
thou it mhe itcd111111wouotld belprodu~c-
thve of great risitlts for westernl inter-
A nvel corsre of college iastrtt
thou is offereid by Loutisianea University
ia wvhichi its "Sega r Schlool" gives she.
dents practical atid scientific tuition
it stugar cumltivation. The coerse cx-
tendis1 over a period of four yeats and
natutrally is very piopular with atu-
dents from iCuba.
Eveorything to please at Prettymiasas.
Good ba rd, god service, and the UI.
of M. Daily on tile ale to keep yen
posted on what is og en at thre
grea university.

MACK & C01,

Luther Lain Mills, (Chicago Alunni N~umb~er) - --_-_---Feb. 12
Imperial Quartet-----------------ac1
Oratorical Contest---------------acl
Ex-President Harrison------------- ac22
Lucius Perry Hills--------------------------- -April 2
John Kendrick Bangs------------------------ ----April 13
Harrison Number $a.r'O
Oratorical tContest .25
TICEETS NOW5 ON SALE-Resrved ticeesaowesate at Palmer's drug stare, Slate
street, and Wahr's boak stare, SMi street.
JAMES H. PRIUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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