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January 22, 1897 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-22

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~tA f ~o~ Comgedi Club Revival. <1 I, AN~TRCO
oftih sact tittered thing c eWARD ____
Publilshed Daily (Sutndays excepted) during
dtes dnsine cto the Collee year, at dltuetti!nscic'epctt1wt
THE UNIVERITY OF MICHIGAN, i~ ti'itiiniil u ititl
ttciililuIilly a icel'trinlccice - Cic o he
OFICE:ne Timce building, j,9 S. Mlate Si. be- '-
tiwee Liberty and Wililiame Sts. r-'gcnioctien. For list ttettn liiithe
Mti.C tG[NG EDITORt (bib will peent it theif:Ain Aero ,
. .F. Tnonen, 7 a tIictrn inccyciii a
IIUINeS et~ b aE i tiree-acet farce hr tire of t mt-rict.
0. i i. A S, '98. - ti
Flu 12115 jrcciitieit otf Anielic-anlcl ia nc-ttct
F. L. GeItite, '98 L. iF. a. Seeuucet,'cit. 'ihe pii s t c ci bttcls e orkh, acid _______________________
F. Ml. Looccer, 't9t. I .B. ecrii teaiii'i .'t i icc cc ettlr eeui i
Ii. iH. l'oicc a'tee6 )1 1(Lyetriy evl g t
G. M. Ounce_,;,c9c Athletic Edittor. I ocr ca rc'ccclic of it. Pltcii'lt .ill becf
ASSOCIATE EDITORiS ilcccccccliirtc-lc' itigicecl cillrc'tcc-cer-cc :
W. W.lliec', '98. t. li. Smith, 'ccc ci.*lr n S tra e ti h li
F'. A. Itacit,) .'cc L.touiseecdle.9 Ic iciMic1fricc cetic c-Icc
WV. NI loinet, 'ci. Blieer cceb, i1900. ct-tc'ci c.
A. Mi. South, 'cc. C. Luiljr., 99 11'---'trliet' liri'i ue cc ill h i gte c
it e iic'ti0 t cithLi v cite ec le'Aide.ii
_______ A tcc iccI ci, c iciti 1'ilii.i tioitcoi cc t< ] '

Russia, Enamel, Box and Ameri-
can Calf are World Beaters;



WVe have cut the price

The subs"ripionc cii pii ieo cceDily is ~12'5i
for tie college year, celtic acIcegccic eclierI
befoe-ccoc onl ch a. Notices. ccmmnieca-
tions, andci ctlicee cieciccliticd orpubcli.ca-
tione'mistiblchcnded'inc ct fihe'Dtil y.oicec hi-
forZ.tacc., orccc i ddicheedcliitorbeore 3
p. mc., of the day prc''i ielito iht onii ch
theye exectedi'ccii occlccer.
Sibciionscimciy ice lift cci 'ihe licily
Office', iic'ye'sorStioilitswt-,liciicc, cor
with Biess Manag licer.ie oicril ec ccwill'cot:-
fer acfvoicierepciorting piccipily acutii
officecanytfailuofcar~riers o elivertbccixc-
'I s c ~l iii'c i' c ' System ill cii c . 'llr
was efully cite 'ciotill ithec lDally icast
yeari, but noiii iecl efi'f'otcsi Vii
Ilethod ocit cccriogfaitiHess li ' lill-
inatioin i ici ii5 liodedher. i'rvciii-
dent hhislil ncued iltil ioctf cic'
ullhise iicctii. h ut it i-c a<iclire
forifacctccciii ilillilcc.'hicei'sitcci
Itt isii'iinedtoiiicii. ''ilc i i"Ii'
ex,1tiiiiilo ciii ek Iacfioi'sclt ii iticci'-
C11tnifcoril li'iticlic i (tic' I A10 'al
rinicici. l~tticci ileIii'icti.

ofthe ilii .1iltt tt-icc Fruiicte c- ccci'cIi
citliia' 'iiof ht lii lieii' tiii iii I o..
ict-celigiichitillirtiff'-t e 'io cietne-i'
dliii ccill Ic'Iicicccc i ci ly Icy t1c
11cc' bt heAthleicsii's oic iciticiccc
cc-ill, O11cc- i c'icc of It i t-cc' r Vl oreiiI
ihll iii 'ill ticiil ii c l ci' tin.'c i c i t f '
il, h In cifori' li' ccc ci ligccicill, if
itiihulcit tcc;hl' c ccicc ' li h ireiit c'c'c'
t l.,e to l' cl'icrcicciiic lice iicc:'1
'Ii I ca sii''e t lllii ' i ut cu' cc lilt
cillof ii' liil i'c-Iiii llctodIraq lcccii-
Aferth Ierorl)I lcc'i'thiei'' c i
ct11c ci c iccc' nil("rsof the e lii 'et i 'i
\vll Iticilillt it itt l iltli'i'. .ill; ri e-cc Ii
inn liliibhilili' Liciectwir c' ie ciii ccc

our policy to clean up
every suit in fancy pat'
terns eves y season. It
youl want to save your-
self a little money, now
is tile time to do it.
See Our Window.


I NC) '

-'ic"1 L crc cu-u I ccc ujcc cccci.% c'- t ic. I i' iici'cl iii 1_y'.i_ ______. li ' icic
Conecl- flc itt cciii''ii'c~~ioit 'I cii'iifor c''t10 y t i i A I 5 A K T
ea r e gucldct lrcio annou c i t the iiI 1' ciiielcliu. IIo LS' a n d CA PE a.1I1.4 t i
ehcnutcct'. Tci-eliitof cci ittic cciit. '1ccwihi/c iiciig'111 Ir eIn l i ii
ande- tthrilfte iiioicht-iic'tfciisolci tic "eo(
beteifti' tc'c~cicic'ch tic'eiriccc'' tttiti'1-idex .el in i 't l~- t.I e' e- ut'acre cttcrctd ic
aducaicteti Ct "1)ciiy' ott ci ft ccci Desks o
l i" is dccl l i na (olm'thcie t ee-il Ccu r ctta e iteo fciic
iccicce-ti thosee ticcee
dccci cc ti-icccuicedto tubc111 tiiitie c'clcccpcc N evr .ti e moeop otu e eh" l i. i vctliic o ielecns
cin ramCii a tot a gi-tis . cu l.I RC ac o m rv mn. ntopr ovucid e-yourshi fwithcge ctyiotch
______________________Inti s lt a tei e cie ict111tiUt t ' s ci t ciccitg Coat orCet t o lttl e ei re oii g c-lc ycc iihil te tcce tcn
Gifnboanitma.Ni'eti tiP itAiii tiin'.wtiiiniciou riCak Oti n tiiskC, hai5 it e l I
theice Xilouccccii Cobitgi',ecitoltc-cli-l tc h- e-iici ci t icct ic tic- ciii FURNISHd YOUR RO o wnW
ckfac soca~toal nd hisfac snolll rt~c inprssc licc-cl (" tic-iteyiotic itny Saret ,iiitiitit i c-silt, oe'bdieou-
lI~~~~d.,~tA tueieeeccccelier-eteifct tih a'i in c is c ic lycni der-. I Ake nin erun s hs ontr Eceryice triiccdowcllea ut strkS forat

gift of -x;20,000i Iy 'Mt-a, Miry~-cit I..
Hood, of ltat city. This cmiliisi to ice
usedcI.'anactenchoec'ccetfto: a lct'otc'-
soreitti to be cnamued aii icecor cit
.Tlriie Mifflin Ilood, time decatsed lins-
beaned of the demioe.
The D~aniel Schtoll observatory cit
Franhklint-antiMaraoll eollege hisaceo
doue to 'Mrs. teod's benlelicenre, $A
000 hacicig been gtveen by Iicr ho
fond t in 1884.
Mtee.class of 19010 of Fracikllin cadi
lrhareball College has -adopcted Lice tol-
lowintg highily original yell: "Victoria
mtobla El, Nevoniia riensi, 31 D 4 (G,
_ lbab.HighlHih-."

Annu Accicor hacseloncg neededachea- LAUIM Y run U Ar1 m big rednctione until Feb. 1. We do-oll
ter, cisth lab tce o.ccuptcie erely - slicela, Coitec-, Mool, Seal, !Monkey' kind of Furntiture repaitring acedUp-
ori twti-eeelycy- companliiies bOtrit;cail I'lectrme Seal hoisteringcric erenlthua tny otie 0
umcc're- secmclccee tic ac liverey stabchai cciouse inthe connty', and itce work is
t atempcchle cuf Titetpit . It is fthciemr- ~f guaricanteed ho please,
mcccii' ctuatlulthact Ai. !Whiithney iiaitso
tuir r cfectlh d ic himn it lice Baas
eveci ncegotiatledI fur grounid thuuce, andIA
hadmun cccitct'thinkitling it over, fto. A l P I 1 'l m 'l V ll
It i sahldiciat if built by himine C l i u I II 11 I I A
Whitniey's theater weil occupy tthe Iwo IVAflUI & CUU l tM flUI & U i'
hote oicth 1corcier of Itei ond Catih-
rine sts.-Dolroilt Jounacl DRY GOODS. 56-58-60 S. MAIN ST. - FURNITURE.
I+ OR IRENT-A very deirable suite +
of ibes oet oard18ard. Fs.avenue. BoatTh
ofta~ebord DV-ERTISE jIn TeDAI.'-,

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