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January 22, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-22

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(J IL4D @ INTERVIEW WITH DANA. hardly find a sutstitte for that. Mir. BROOK FARM COLONY.
- (Greeley used totinkkthat the only
T"aig T io University Work as Newspaper rl newotole r ron As-as one whon hd Mr. IDana's Lecture on Socialistic
'Leadin TailorTraining.slet o nespaersani s adetl -,lnthe 1;n irjli' aais Movements in 8355o.
AND IM ORTER "A yung man wh inteds to collegeg rado tts ailothe eitig
lc.- ~~ItitMutls A. IDana'roalectre ia te S,
comte .a unaitcannot o o sieli (- INi ous Ls igtwatesre
fULL lILS SUIS A PECILTY.knowledge said Mr. Itnet. yistrnlay oiiiili'Si. Ay loraticl work epcal nrgrlt h ro
ltoe, eteljif'ilytilitrigaid0ttich(lonerit'
to it Dlalys ep rt'irc. "Ilei rillhe'.Iibi rvulta a b ru n Imamrti t X -iet. -Not all of t wo
e h onisueuntiio (11"of tioo withthle'c olle e 1'c-isi, litI y 1105 ii th rer fte
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MI.hta nty n hroheste t( it i tha teico illg AI, nltitOr'V or aid irn i n aley nhcs'eof thea
it ost iutilota1it. aiid hrhe u t isondil 1 i ,a ~titfir iiitsii'pa lowiess of tti'speakers vote. Pies-
Aat'tlitiig lk it a ialf-noht-ledto fHes
SOAP ivttei haii.In anso-r o itcetiou eoitictests-]tilitt Ateltrentd'lant initrodned
1. tha Il larn. rs.Mr. Da:a i sttlia lwf reference to
laltils aidltheir fotre. Mi' . Daia
We're got a fie tassrtment of "One of the gritt ttiiis wicii-i inuitIls itinn'i' e as .a.sttesnan. editor
good pre toiet soaps, no per- young iiiaainantget out itsitsvanllct'ci t i i''iirr
a cake nx$tie.accuracy Iiiilearning aid ini tis lass- i rsi'tittittiitiof tettii .s-, tll, iby tit
nest ime. Toy 'oiise i aceirat lii cii strve fir o iiits-saaltirs i-illorenwart aIlctinveMrsataionsiti httia eits talk si-o
-'k f as-on~ mii iit'iils t iii1Ititan 't rth adiliisc riiinatioo . 0 ir'ifa -tsesati lai etr
PALMER'S PHARMACY. wostkifIiii-ioingir-tiouinttndtitarto' alit dtinvusit ela iiiiie is-et inciiliotil
new'T S.ii'splaper sork lite siill Ifitd thi as'to ld o oiifi ru i s- w it i es
v w v d ti rrcyo-Ivitich still cnaleim t oiiiitell ltciititltti'lgety stieIt ns at any tii' o'one atdt
jst how a great i ailiiod ilu-iient iwa., hutii i o ittiink tatitei. oi-- t le' i'hci is li t'
DEEP CUVIIN GENTS' SHOES bIalipi'n't . i-how a gretteett tiok - - -savipiertiti a niniltie if toitit
They_____thresltof______ 11r iou~of aliiyngttiat iiitticttriifiii' -isl ui
an' soliof.itlanhiss;is iii iii lit-ctastents iiis andtill a itaton tiollac
Q good tetucationiiitslf. thiiiiiis u ii tis toiuntry 50 tyai-sago swhico
iiiuvot t lls-a fatcor.butii ne wot , airprcefor a papir. htlviti tu ilIissd n thistriy Hi'
Still on Sale for liiisItt it cin iilf acqu t tui~ ada- Regent' Meeting Yotrday. 1rfrredlflsttit)tie' atolitioists WEi-
"Aiiotler reathiiig hei'stotli get tolin loiydl (totrisin ol s'ndll
-~~~ Q ~~~itllege is tte ability is-iwtt'and i iioli iiioi-i' wtalk eig tiudl tutol-ti ls Itliis titni ti iit sninw t
. 0liiiik. Is studies stittiul ti ind iiohimi u-' e t gi~rsiti's tso't 01onet Linant,
tis of ctnrse, intl is h i ll s ti i-s n st'hnisit t ihir tiom- 1 itle iiits iilti'ttt it
lontisteilly basietIxiii stitte i1tlei ])tik
bi' situ--ill dostiiiis e cfildtioiig-e iii lit' ' atnt iu t, f)lit'leitu 'r tiniks
smaCOB8S1&1A ur speialil iii lies le
WASHINGTON STREET. fuirent sittjtctsihe' silt lid ifl'tfftilaw t toiligwsingienti"30tiorlit new'its- esneshsaee engvnt
S kietis of kutoslle c stl'fl Aattit ibosik itnt' l-'it -i tllt e a s wa alpo te liat ihitts.
H ~ jia OOC t ha. e ivrn ill e realy tselss pia til ttilliiuiiis'itoiry n !o toil li gi-ittptr ht of Alt-. ttitits leic
-AT - ''lI",h nt in itedigl . it t i tt hologretil ititiuratrea l ' ili
Li iii iiiiititi I t-i' tiits it 'd lstto I'the iBroik l-'ttr
FULL STOCK LOW FPRICES pnte niiul. -olCaln k lisiti-t ii or AlUsti, t hi tirult' it-to.
tiP~t th' tltltiitttil. i~lttttittiiI loinei intti ato ild of tie loltititoc
Corner of Main and Ilron sts. "owsu ily ginertl ileiis to tal i 'aslt unt 'iii olishi i is a tti'til.e
Alts Il~l In its ittI ~e~- ~s I ~- Of l-riiitinu"- rtingsoeseiaolly flit'
ea-A tses. A hum tiill Iftlist his iii iial lii itrs olulini thl ~e Ness fok 'Pi-
fl aylon Coat in THE BEST is lil oiinsefvs11 e
All grads of hard atid soft Coal. tig bittmoers ~ol Ihi-tei'foundotIliiiwtitioti trisandtfislit'eaisin andiwent
Camel Coal and Cotethatithtte yiittig ita si-Ito itill nati,rlt i -iitt-i'lfitr uu ihieret.s ili s-'
thin' friut u trsoi'l. 1Ahentiti eiiest-
Telephoone No . One door East of Ame-- ai i A l a 1 -ti iiC '. Attsley ti-ito
an Honsee letts tt'the ine spapeiir-. tutu14101ct-are- lit unit i oar it itirruigti piptiitt Iiu-
SCHO L liisudesi I iiaei iian rdu tdlfroitis-it-li ti -de
'UNIVERSITY SHOLiiit~ Wt mrto , ,ek r
sa d erhatsthe thati if rlest'is iist1} i1u1°inxuY. tli Iuttiitos
0 I~jtjj1J hatlic tur'fiili tii ttiiilC Shorter College Coure. (t iilsotf si'itlt ntii ph iltosp~hy
oppoithe Law tilding i00o semester for it th I I lihsl I iagurtgi. liti this - uttlitiwok hotus n hit' osttu hyi'liii
twoolesonsa aweek Iprac sth nls n ~ e At s olok louight 1tTappanIlutu l to
n msnao sit'Itgihiugtg' i f'nsur Ihoo1gi thlitil s-illhed tc-eulitlieus
27 Thompson Street. itself; of ooroc a IltuseugfhtI tiistdeihize srCcl l nlltil d.
-Apaper osfsetiil Cii ttit s li'h tliur iii lilt l eas i~ti I ihe fIef uc: A :a oui t th
-AT - of tfitlis is-u's AultThen'Unirl of the
sillly 1 llshiry aliti-s iiitti- ra ,gi-tu 11: 'le uui s .Atfeet iii0111il I-ok Ittmiii e imtiuu'ti gilenIto it
AH 0 S O E Iatla fSilohosit-Otigit tioitlt Nyes' Iistirt f AutuitctiuiSciai~-
S OO SOR. or hisfoy The ndo eirktiucii n ly:ofnnhiuis -lisi't Itu fIostu ittni"; IuteersDestiny of ane-
Now is the bet time to lbuy Oude uh iosluh' fItitl r ir vc tson a hiiii ire i iistoiu ittun iit hauti
ill proie ver heIful. he ea i ttuulitilier i othd tehithy iiu iiuth Athutut'Bisbae $ie ihhtoks trint
it ii 11 ii thui u itirestsoriaif li iltdu l si t- tte gisurliliiiru. 5210,
duolt fisPiu ti'tiis uujctt
SWEATERS w ~o hisouIntrhitel~'br1
at the owest rice. tpli t 0 ajff Io~rnc p ies dentlulItos o .h etuf -: uito jtu t o ii l' t'i'tti tlliosd I
tits il Citlt'ifethuitiuot git-aty euvferuidgiei Canno tt-i Come.gh tt
SportingthGoodstqadiyna-os csjour."toowitaticleireen uu10 velye
sium Supplies a Specialty. sneeessfnl wily.5itwtul Iottyti ii'heitutge.it' hdtu ust eci'ietd a liessingo
AWheitheru or tot jAttll sui~ l l ~ll<11itfereste' il iiliii'he s iu'te iig oit1frti'(thieiuouthttum otte'it lut'ftt~it.
tauhthitfle uoleg'sis uetciu'csIfiii' collgi Couse' tre stilcome.uiu fit' hnt to gie 1nithis ingtgaaaot
I - fit tiatuttie tot tuoltessity shtthleflitseout
A N BOOK STOREa maitte to e determiined hy exel'- tohe nucuihigi oflthe WetosihallISolely
Up Town lDown Town ec Te etwr o od "sIwill hi' ielit tuighit inustad of t- trusotn tt 4d ook 00as couitu of to-
Annt3. rm or sfMaIn t ost'in aelual work, and liie colli~gs c-iti utorrows-nit-ht atousual ifitores'ibusiess Comlit lophs

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