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January 21, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-21

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Time Title (Reeised) Set. t7, 1lo6.
Mail oa n x--- 347 N.Y.Special---73
N. Y. Special---4 f8 M il------N-84
EasternEx----10 17 N. S.Limited. 0 925
AtlantlcEFx-----7 35 PacificE x------12 15
D. N. Expresos---- 40 etern Ex---- 1i
G. R. Fxpres _11 (5 1 Chi, Nt.E-----971
O. W. RGES, 1~, W. tiIlYsee
G. P. & 'I. Atp.,i ('1"7:e . Albee iAebor
T1ie Talle', tict. 27, 057'ii.
7:H} . m7713} . ' i n ,
4:'10 p. in b ' . g
All trains dally i''xcpt otedcy. l
E. nGI Iiiii(7, Agent4
W. 11. lIl'N III2G.1'. A. Tle~ido .

(('It,(Bib iiBearing's :Liecto7Iche'Blyc'(e. A tIeit'tt Plie iaiti ariod by (lielib'
J. C. FREUD, '99, 47 S. University Ave.

« t1 v{O . .7 e t heel
'tile On u E ete 5lie "0in bi1wlonT
'tile O.11 yDrwioeg Cnooner io twno
Teo nd Columnbus.sdbarot
in l~e between oeo olumbiusand'
Wendo ,tolmbuisiand harlesto.
1707570 leper teen olumbu(seand
THE ONLY LINSE 7777h 2(coins snob woy daily
j betwee Ple oTa Clum72ibs.o V o
TUE ONLY 777I ith'0' LIN beach wTado
'SEun (da7.110. '(~n oeode, IFols.
bsinetween oledobowlyingOIGredenOand
Adainlayb. eno bo
betMOUToNedonCarlstoP. V
Aget o W.Oho tralSLincs.

'XV cii, 1 ( Iieil i'iisoeaeio niid
Cor. Maon and Liberty Sts.
Eo Eoma isResally Complete 1
Vilbnnt a sew 1097 Model
Gu itar, Mandolin,I
rn. Banjo or Zither.
Finnm $is.os Uliw:Ad.
777on (.nlr-Syls, ti tile(eb, 1 di n 77'1777' 7,i777 '.777,7
1. ' ,nrit)tato: i' nei ld Cremona i o.ii 7i'lin i77-t
1 .7 .7 .n+s a iedau' 1,7 picsbya0 irt
Z~sii 7. 17( 7777 (.777'areuse t'xiuoveby th. e ui',i 7 7g
777 ,i TechciiaadileeiilW'7. Our ew ' i i
A Waetsun imroes with ageanod makes a
tuftlthat ioce sin value as Ohs years go ley.
It is early wortih many ties itn~s s.
Cold WAldAynl AVE. & ADAMS ST., CHlICAGOt.
No wailing for Cnlumnbia and Harornd
bicycles. No dlelay and conseqoentanny-
anee. All moe~ls.and patteens now ready I
foe iniwediote delivery. 1097
srec mad e elusively of 5 per cent Nickel
Steel 'Tubinlg, lbs cntire pro'-IO TO ALL
dnct of which ice conteol.$00AL IKE.
Hartford Bicycles are at prices
within roach of everyone.
$75, $60, $50, $45
Caaloigeisfre fromany Columnbi
dealer ; from s frin -C
Hartford, Conne. /
Gresatest iclycle Factory
inthe World. Moss thon
e7 Acrers oe loor77Space.
in almot eeyily and

A1 7ig:iciii', T-11ii' 0 7(1771' llo'? l7Il\',
bloke l iShi877711' 1, 7'C7r(l ll.07077
azinc, cty'.17(acb, ('.777 7
((1'(iol7i'il, 'T'e 1(ii(, ((777 7(7771
((lielli, l1 rt iL:i'7 ll ,lo o~tlc. (,ui7'
017777b(%I. t' 'i lc e( e I'''i 7(770(7,77

1 lti l < 7 111. 2, 7(.Ro .o'm (0I~l
7 'c* Ih i i'i'i 1"i' oit _ i) In ei Iv
770(117>zti 2,I .niUnvrst
II.7(7777i . op(t1ion ii'Mn.i'Albert.
.I. B((eel.eri7 (.e.o
27 l(S7(.U
-N'(7O TIC!"(Ic (77771 .' '' (Il

'10175 I ('1 blly Ii ''((( ('mrso 10 11 1 , l .Sec' ii .11'zi(77 Fr,77 lii .
pin7(,1 Pe' bo('707011 12177, .850 'lb' 1.7(7 17777 07(37 b71 1, 1(77.7(71 17, 1 11(7 '('0771
7rt't (1 C rr' 77 1'( , ll(( 11i',I0. ; 1' Ii ( Illi cat I o)l 'I 11,t(li'o7(7 iy' 4A I G77 7,((77
l ell 'li'r, (. llole II17(7(( 7 1 1771( 07 ( ('n( 0 COeRze fAlSlCESE
InllIe it'1L1,itls a[ '. 7all '((.(2s(lty ieccLni-~ti'l'etl'~
17(77' I1ii(o 7(((07' i 0l(InailcStt'. First Floor, $1.00; Gallery:o 50c.,
co7 N 111 7 (((Nil.Ads0(I'(AI t't'MI'(N'i (.(First Two Rows, i75c.
lUo'ai'c lM oltlly c, 0(7 ±11 Review7
( 1 5 lb 1I'aitlei' o u 7(('07, .8cc
1' 17115' of' '(ii(71117i, l'(,11-'l7711(77 1 L (coial 7 O 1\eihlesi(7y 1 tt''b ei lad,
('7s177'777177(N'ol i.5 11 7 I li('.'('77i 1'r7i777'at( 77 1(777711 .72, l iceloil 1_,tli.
C7ta1 e rl17I'\, Iut l '.1 ,I71cc sci, 7b'dltool,' 1.(g(7,7I (ir
(N.ollegii l i'1107ns' l'llieci' o f ('(if E I l.nL.7'IIN RT'l(.i S''2 '15 7.811. THE NEW OL'LLARS'
('712,, I(clltie711'eViol iicstee ol(' % ' IN . lON F1 1 ' l IN-
MIcI,'b'li 1'7lo 1711 0(07(1A I;x'(( 1' >51(1 IN
O 'c e Nc E lbgDolt,)llI 'u ulec 'l- 7 S i 77771 i 1 7( ~l7e'ioiI
i 117711, (ync nvcl''7' 5 I (Oeili Icelll o11 7(11 17111 0 '07 77111115 Ili-*
I(7 07 '111,N ooil'iliioo iilillil 11(17 lcremonsibe a7h01 theirc
Coll 71(5 N((710.71'' lSd a 'i 77lsvl'o ((77 171 3 1 171 51 lill''r10' '-1(l'I T
S le n I t5 I t'o . 5 1 ell c, i y'iiiic ,7(1
oily', ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Inseoly o 17( ll771il',8, 5 t (ic Ufo 7:11(1' tainced' to .i l1(1'
chin's Mkslonil, 2I771(clio-'I~n llvr- l Of 12 uneelo t n2'eg'caili 71171 the
1 r so dtrIip Tickets______Neill___be__sold__________________
4tty dllll nlll e , A Vilge [ l' O icel'iy ii' -i., ' 7 (('Nctl.a 01'__________________________
57013~~~~~~~~~~~ '71e'71,els(1111l.ilIi <'i''lhicMr's177i rl771.077 ab'l yl~l l-
city, I7, :.::s:.' o:::tb:::l::_l_:e::Zia::l 11:i[.uILI
(cad Iacilnicy' 21111071 ('i~y .IligS o 1 lly 7741 i 'l lsalc (i See l "-0(
l~llisC"'- e ie l'01117o $1' olle ge. I g i(t ye vni u li'7 0 ,5'. i g. i;4
ol tcillir Alsy..,15 nt I Ii ~vni1107lcetsck (111 t tle..,cle' M107EpMdcO cgielilSis lotec
117105i'el 1' spreial i'ianen. Fwei'y re-Ignilts 17( ' Teonln,
e(ia get1'11110 l y 1l(3liilg'ltoy ev nolrcl- eal sd f~edO m a
17(11(77. slow FqoipmeiHoandcrots e . roniplete
1 naifo offtiIe. Catolegne o Spring sod Snime Sports
~ oiis di~ssos5 e'i~ e Eesy ioleaelMurttonaa'.
Hc~~igh87 1. For fnfora1aiollc 111 l' egss Goo bol -rdoodi sle raical and uste- . ISPA L G & B O .
Il L1e~losees in ans CitycoIi',Cl ofe tu l. EveybodyEilltaweartonkelPst. Ns oe.yllegOwldlh
Ko, grUnd floorCollayed,,Iireepaitd for1 eentis oing Nove lty Co.
y ATie ScholGofy nxitin s12cDabornst '. Ch iih.Oe aagorsLSu sribndenforshesDaild

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