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January 21, 1897 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-21

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" TN lion~~~~~~101. Alliert :. level ollg e, iot Ilidilt.-Metn to eHedoDics
g Tr dhntv Tailor Sub1ject of Charles A . Dcaa's illbolju u- il- n10 Lnl-ersi- HllMeit oB edt ~sis
. auiI ± J U± Lecture Toniliht. tot 'or 'ot ufterititou t 4 o elock Itl-I lans for This Season.
AN I PO T R,____ ____atsrieso liii' Orlfiduriel sIt
.AN~I~PRL . rTe onttli'el of Cilicl DA <ll'3 't- Ott 11. Tonittttlth lct -. -ittoii the I Theev will be a L~bl 11 eeting Inl
tl,:dreito for itiPs "veino is "'"Jhe So- elthiuitl (_'Iu ban~utf it: Detroit. Io ltie (), &ftrfury att , ::>O. A11 'Vat-
FUL OWS SUITS A SPECIALTY. ctalistie-mtov(,ttlettt to t VS-t As he is"t oiraloe)my t he Datt . ii t i iiyou t'Ot(itles it'ld ill nliters inlet-
'________ll________________of_ lie I rinlu 'lhe fiNlttltit noti leo ftromtte li eulteil in biaSetoll tie uirged to t'ntey
NO. 2 E. WASHINGTON ST. NAR MAIN. inr lOttt (itt andc Xpt~'td iBrooki Offlit' Ig tiler s: ee111d ' 'T'gfei lttlge ikno-u'su therefrens
00 itttioetterC it' tu toiit w isriuciae t I iitN-'reig-e cr med itt-tI a tntielee ait lId711 uligts ill Hiiel of! J< boeloll e~lter-
#SO, A a.r~ t .tgeiit Solillia It-ildey, ilenege litt Atiditlntii by\ 1114 mntitetiona titlie to coule out. There itetor was
We're ot aidlue asortemeut of Akilliit (l, Niitdotil llttltrttt'e. elulttte.. Tit'iniddog ao strit ette'ltteftt' t "ti a In.
gootd pute. toilet soaps, to per'- 'l'l etoiltr itit AVN 1'' HerWI"-d tA l5Ot.e fer h 'oll'"",fm i hm;ls op '7 tg~ 'l,,w y t te tas.i l
Soapi for to a cake, 3 toe 20g. Try C'lttittiin'g,. ltt Sttilltttt Dwight. 1f 1r- tigeltitleitil t il t 'ti sw kiti. dltt id nitit till Iii tle tt' 1)F~il 1 tet-eotii' %lo
a cak lieait tile. -rit ltll'r alldt ittltt'Cf. }i no t eet suh te ay f l o'tl bw of hih', tillel by ier men. Tflet'et' n dl be
S PALMER'S PHARMACY. -n1't. ~ i teiul~,etft i 111guilgit.bt i ti ibt itd
46 SITATEIT.ltu ti-0tt i'x ly'rto iii lil-er it I iir(', Itrillititit o ut-eli A ftew itlifl iii Ottlotie. S(w( cil trtills ate -ilte+ iii;'-
DEEP1 CUT IN 0GENTS' SHO ,1 ESpteit hi lihi Newi fork~ Stilt. sitllldI Nv.-. wiiwolt vitu tcrie leittt ttrato,,i l Xtt e etngthetltloo1 for the
All DanaPli at-ri-eil ill Annt Arboer toe- Ott1 l0'dfo el~liil lay- (til this ri hO ot-Iteilb' it,. will gill be 't-tleee.
$ aO l0 fierea- uisurtuitug in tiii puivate i-ti of if lte to it 'hitfr (lltoioi't his nt' An lt'iioitilltim te intat- lie esi'tethl;

HII, vier fill.,


f~iti l P.. R.H.el'iwill nih rilti New 'liii ''rilit tit' t - Mlr. lBt-i ritigi
IL i ]'~rkI'r(1i1 ' orliu ; Dtrin h~s ESociety Programs.
tiltell ('(let'inllt'e vet': lit 01 0(111 t-i'c. hi-l ily fvfir Sattiriltig -hiftio to follions
Orgun Recital ut Vespers. ! iirtr-oitt' ii n'tl ii f leltg - t. 'iiltttie; cout I.
'JiA iCO B S ti-ll hi' ol deeoddr ut' l vis 3it i eo tl 1' to t ii i-i-fot' (sil; l ii~lli - A. O oi n
3 r! s l, wi o tI t'Itliitii iolii nnu'In t it- il .1ui e" w -- illll b )tdIr. tie. 'I oio o nt. ('. tlt it o ota-iyno -
I Ut IO LOS TET . At; li. vesper Hserviler ith tis ttol )ilaso idh (-) led MT1 ;, ;l ftet oiraittl i litrl(';e y o-ilio
Curtic uf 'I its ii0 IlWislltbIelii il(- - - -ii ti lltiil G (Y11 iIo- ieP o IIcat. Y:( 'O iii )I ' t i ' ilttaii
All ytlf'. Prf.:> tneoelhir tld , holitido1t1ihid tiotiI'.t.lo -",.it N
0aitlolli (o i reshmen 'a'ill(S ng f'. liii olttof il,'tito U (lwas iv 11 1it' t( ieAl -''-1)(01 I t tit-iltu tilf I I.i'J. ('brti t S o-et-
M S-rKEIB]J'zF= LiR 0111 U t llttlitit ithepro ii. .hI . bte. "Resutolhed, '((tln nitf 111
toe Ituttie IIl11'11(1ll' tiltintenletu):itotifi (tlttuit. Afto
FU L N r E SK.LWTY CF S o L nta No.i4tt1(0 inoi'.i' ..ltiI'lt ill' . t --- - i nl-. I'-li- f11 dlio t-ibet ig- lo h ti'ta'tltl i ii-o
Conro ana dHuo t.(.l 1 n nit-i-i.it.i.' thuil I tililti ( Gtitf t fo i P es lt bar(' til'.li ll'iilll. Mios ie3 td tI 11
tipnte a utuu t O. ddte ot irt i n-t ll it-m s o ito tt il Oni I oiii- i l ii tillhi-g' ott i t (t f,uuit'
Wilim Tol v rhen'ttS11ut i eele Iglvrit' ir~oll~td t( iveti't'liltii'ii hiti«'l. J. i tuiltuds I
27 thrde s o . Ste t. liviitrid ai -lnidlsoftetColt-. It t he u h itiiooe1that il'''e- Y itdtpi Ilt it neutse l
Camel_________Coal______and ______Coke._ l' Fr'. lt ehmet, Wilutini'1g 1 ouut i. -,.i 11 I t iul-wtatlttl e utitutit-.'' t ttiiituthe «. ~ter 1(1(1 11
GoytE ingren's11.01Contestx Closed..I ____ ~dIwillI.h'l' i'rttr hhu'utbo-u' VI'ilSiit A111.1'1.
AU ' 0 T R . ftie tt othiur l(;oio l s )n'.lttteuts -t- N IErSITYf N500 o t e ' ( 11h1'I
TlpoNt o. i .thenestoratil of Arn ti-nel(o' 'igreo it' oio M t-f A ultiilutiii'O li' ; t- 'ii'AIi tte Snnilit tnil hill
canlii[lousfe.ot-tlt' ol th tiux Int lhuo fithutittug trofuultt Shu
10uehtg ohu u' btt.22ttt ) O netil oldI'l.t, Ar.et hli l tluluer
j ' 47 E i .'I3E e fthtuluitell isithgen r1(1r. huh-rI P.
Mittulir Wt~ttlh' s uttit 'l'it,4 I ulh (ln'1'll.tio' e-ttnel sir's. itigu;,~~
WeIaveth bet qmaityand jugethu Iitui'sh'il'ln-flii- i 'ilt' ilehitg tt hu 'tilul1uiuil it
attehoeterce nt-11)wbr. v 1 )<1 eer ii I etitilf Ia ltd n i tg.Aio athelei t
dro( Il(' tllriet'iSwet;h eb at. th oe diii' obj e o
Spporitingaw Gods. i)0adsem na-r fr lfoth u Pli-on.iN lt ls wl'tlit'o' Ittll.tit 10oid ~. ~nlstl' iiit
si niSu plesa pe iaty t t 'h e (iil111" itSh ui. le .i o ti .(,ivl ie w s nunll leI 't<ttllut e 'I hle2tho p ottr e .ug. it r t h es neess o h
_____________ M lel 111wletoartol l A ritiArbor ft i '1fr1e(ofIisl t' 'Al I. A.ofere 1ine litilttit," -lhlith-. Mn
hj sllexti-onu hules ryt 'llit itetog tiil lt'Iell n-ui-Ilat(1421 tay Snihb 100 W tt't', It'11ti-
i -I( osei;P
Q it uoites a In S I L o f a s h t ettdllt elltItid .tlvtul n-f 7 n-itptizei'nlhttt ttthe h u T h e a lh , NB a it ya w il p reset
I olttla u~sIo~1 ~~etIvo~cal solo, Mi'. Liatv; tsCell~ttrI,
t~ oDWs et u l t esnd Ijunot ,and on-n-tidaes od fr t11heouDe- usethe I e n'l fte itg iil i1o ouby we _to______the____ _o
AMarbrc~l e. I h 2don to cetifiate lA n IArb.rU.t. I' T eT 1iesin .-l . r el.S ubrn sclre frt aiy. _lesls

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