ILJHIGAN GENmAL _ -- _----
Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 186. x
Mal ad Ex--347 N. Y. Specil-_- 7,35
N. Y. Special..._ 4,18 M; il ------ 4 "°.Yt^ta A Y,
Ctaster sEx--70 17 N. S. Limited. 95A i .M ' ' .. F
Atlantic C~x- 7 13 Pacifc Ex_ __ 12
D.N.Expreis-3. 40 westernE_. 15A
G. R. Express .11 t5 (hi. Nt. Pa .. (iS 9 10'
G.W. RUOOaSe, . W. HAVS, , y' °( i ,' n t ;
G. P. & T. Act.. Chicano. Agt. Ass Arts ' r. tes ~ rra it rr
RAILROAD. I - 9 / The Ony lSia lag Gar Lise tittw en To-
Time isble, Oct 27, 1i896.- a. ii I id end Clulmbui.
145T Tile Only Sleeping or Drawing Rosin Gar
7:3 as A I 7'1 Lisa between Toledo, 13 luubns and
1IW ia. Eli. 11 (((a. . r , " ' Maritta.
4:,t lp. in 8 p 5? p. m. -~ ~ ,, Theanl D ra wing Room Gar Line betwman
-Runeteen eAse Arborsi andi Toleudoonly. Totls, Columbus and tCharleston,
All trainssdllyneept Sunday. Thee I x[ 'I~21 t 0.1' P, of I ~n Il 'tai Pn -~ I W.a Msaan
W. H. BENNETT G. PA. Toledo Q.Chcao
-° qT7 THE ONLY LINE with 4 tainst es y daly
bteen Toled as Cobs es
! ~Seedays betseen Toldedods <,tboi.
RAILROAD TICKET 1 r} I illa l~iinc are-t the icycle. A perfect (i5~ ia ieiiisi Obyithlirkri THE~ Y4)-OLJINtlwithl tainseach waydaily
RAILROADL TIOKE BROKER Coamp try snuie, Wis, J. C. FREUD, '99 47 S. University betwee TolE ONLYin LINEnan
iTE ONLY ,D3RELY LINE betwes Toledo
igilbcos id Among thei Colleges. U, OF Md. CALENDAR. TH POP'ULA LINE..tscrnTo] d, Fosto.
C or. M ain and Liberty Sts. k( lilw( Iw), Li 11i-ir iis:i.iy. (3t , l1157F i teI1-.. Ina. 21,. liai 4, p. tit Ful inomto rl t e rate, time of
t(ii-Galrtt lrike fil ciii:) ie i-eC0i-ii c-2ici 1alio(ISx eC1 Agsenofthe OhobeOerl Lies.
(iii-l~ (H-~ii 11- (7 liocoils, Tu11 31, 1837,UlivSecs ily i MOULTON HOUK, G. P. A.
_.i te n tt efr ~iYtel TOLEDO, OHIO
31311 -Chas.A.Dana~ iii I. Y.A coolrse. ---_____________
4t f1. 1 i. -iduis liii Z,- d: p. 11i1. Uxnicecol t
i \t cut iruiai ati (1S11p 11i iiinoii j3N3 ilbilc ic i--i-il ti o lin. Altert CI'rnd. Y' 1110use
It~ oicii giii liliil e '. 3311 T((n lil'iii(iiiit. JESDA'Y, JAN, I9, '97f
- ( x li-i t lie b iili I 'lw- tllii l . 11) Ia1 h L k) 0777KW oe____debate
-. ie! u -dosnpij" gce< n W <iticii mnoth l ici sn Andllt ltl isiiihix- Good~ ((cst cusl i anos to1 r130 10 r s i
No Doe is Really Complete Sool ix3li-licc(1-(fli 1ci 10 lice doll1a1s 33a 1 111(1) See o n
Witsot a saw 1897 Motdel - cini idoor northi oif cam13pus.R. .. T Il
(isitar Manoln,1. 3~ (iLA D, I8 C. fialls {
a sh uril Banjo or Zither. 11'- if0 (iee rifit Ii eiceil)icIui ___________________________
I>; k \ ri ii iO ii in (iii 11 iiely tcii diiiiii- t 0 t lx -ol~ c pi~ ir 31 l
Prom $ig.oo Upward. II~ i ui .'iboul s -eOilllliiio . dli lie ttoilliieS ir3 lO nd7
.iei-33uI.iiiieiiid!ill 1,.sneliciiiii-ix- AKES TO ORIDERt Pie, 5,ScadI
i-iic ti ice It ix ~ s~ co, i: iils i.-r i;01 ite poii illi oTi idohi 113. lie .1 len
i-iirt d l i cIi),' tiiii 1tr, 1.Ile 111 W1(OME1NV±TJ2& and. ME±J4±d
r odta e and l .ic . niip. icsliy ,Ii
ice, t ilcniii rc is ti e.i f l . .r tinl 11t. (I is t 11 '1 Best la ceFitng h o in .alltit
celi r i tt cl i~ciei ilexlseid c ___l_ - NE°UL A S
1 i tiiciieo I c~i i1 lxi us cecil x c r h ilell e 't hlf (i. l IS1;117 11. forEW ^ r ^
A SO ssbsiraiapo oss withsage and makes ae
0i10t ,n re s - aimsas thet years go by. If six i i u 0(( tr( 3)ill a d (in lul auii Repairimng
lit.~ ~ ~ ~~ C nisytmrotoat1(. C'. (. Tuli-lor, oIf the enIner- I-
COP. WABASiH AVE. A ADAMS ST. CHICAGO.pltr Ic l 011(13 ic let 1, t redclIcite Il
Slulilea Sc-hool. it aix ido not) sigify
A T (fto C Em ihe-li ilililiollb 1(3 loll no 11W iii)LI... 11
is-ill ie oli'el-ell P. U. t\A POtt.
All l-llldiduicseo rte 1 0 acI
Ns waliting for Columbia axcd IIanoy-e (,iall ar_____e t eor i lat14a
bicycles. No delay nii cxiiseqiicsl anoy -iere(1-o-I cistit1-014S. Main St. - Upstairs.
ancc. All mocdels anI atrsn wrayll ltlt trl ftt tn11I 1ilfrimdaed liiry 3197 fo I (1110 tix s-I Roil11 (7311111 isI ________________________________A ___A
tomnxeil foriccy 1997 tlc tul e , hico " 35((lu. ro pi allyd~ ite
sol 1w ce acu-,fiii11.e glui enill}e.11 IN THE QUP ET' A~
cliill' setr the 'p3-ni. cxglix Isj ma r h
StelTbigceciires-TOL ll clss An staiiexcellentinustumnecesstyeI___________________
tA~DR of Thi E w RL cotrl t lc ALiiE H. x TiEADTrck ie an 1111e 3f STruATi lee.0 the[ best 7oiSlst li
Hartford Bicycles arm at prices Evcltillig to lploe ct P'relts iiion o
within reachm of everyone.
$73a, $60, $20, $A5 Goodn l iiiid, 3g00d xeriee, 111( lii- th . B .A.It'J§ J C?. SUPPLIES
P talebee lre~ f ro is Co luPn ia if Al. tDulxi li te Giuile to Ileielp 3(11 We have ie stocku l dir bntjos
-thanit1111, toit fOI s 45 ta itiil. sesic-
dcxleu; io us fore e- cent piocted oil 371131 is going 011l at: flt table inestruoment at i low lriee , no Spalding. Leanoe Raxl, Tils, Mits- etc.
xstame10. ,, ,'oilier instrumxent sIAnlolitoredel ca IlAnaers shold send1 for samples asd
r, I'~at ulvea,,ity com r wi it.speciali rases. Fs-cy r-eq -5Crt forc ca'ns,
POFEP hM FG. Co. Gedfrilsrtdctlge olf, Cricett Trac-t and Field liymsa-.
Heartofolasred, Ioe e.lo Io Fcipments and outfit Complete
Grarkstrd mce. icnytorye aelBttso JOHN Ci. m1aYNF5 & CO., 5Ct tlog'oe of Sprie, and Somm c, Sports
bB ~rl-Poey ciolds twvo nickcels-, practical and tuxe- 4-dlWobigsa oreBoan free. The Name e ie Gu0aintee."
ieslleWoeld. Muo taoe5-f: Ysintn8ret otn
ay Axes il .loor Space. fo. Everybody Will wear one. Poet- _______________A. G. SPALDINeG & BROS.,
Bechxoet odealer paid for 15 cents. Youilin Novelty PS.. D®i New York. Chicaga, I'ilstlelplia.
is almsost eery cty end 1112 Dearborn st., Chicago, i1l. l i
111 Subscribe far the Daily.. IN THE DAILY Subscribe for the Daily