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October 03, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-03

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Vol,. VII. No.

LedigTailor The Men Who Will Line Up An Excellent Course Offered for The Accomodations at the Ah
AN yAgainst teNormnals. 196-97; letic Field etter than Ever.
.AND I .tP 3R TY1 ' ~ The footbaill season -of '96,; will he The pulic lecture course whieli the The Regents of thle University' have
-^ opiened at the athletic field this afet- Unrity Ulni has pirepiared for the call'- againi l;)ooed their generosity and
FULL OHES SUIT A SPECIALTY, noon ai t 3p. in., wheio the 'Varity will tog year, will te openedl probaitly on shlown their good will toward the su
lie lp against the team fromt the Oetober 12. The announcement o1 lee- 'dents. by the gift of the elegant new
"tale Normatl School. All stuidentls lares is now out, lout the dates have grunt stool, whiehl has heeni erected
NO. 2 E, WAS1 HiIT0' ST, shR lE ould giti' the 'Varsity planet:., a i-st yet tbeen definitiely tled. Tin- at thiii' '""ic hld flits summier.
JOs. . jj 1 -iosng teces-liin i his their lirtili ourtse is miaide upi oif rec-Ice leelRies 'Tihe tbilling is a nisilel -irncture of -9Y an r h esnb tedn n n one utae n i~ayskn n abita oto
M rcdant atilr, mliieiring thinuo toi i ctoiry. The Nor- I aim-se, aind isill undontitedly he one onse 1,t00. It has s(01tng eaacmitiy
- ial ti-ia, as been soswing 111i well of the beislt-l hh lie cluti tis -sir fosr Sio hell- aind is arranigied vry
tlj 4 yeiir adwill iiiiiiiintiti-ily give oferid.,coy
U T Oaiti-hgam s, gorii preliimiary gaume. Dr. I:.. L. Rex-ford, formiierl- if Di-- Thei iratiiing- of thme cartonis athleic
Th'le c-anidasties shiiwed saint fast ti iii aiiid s-ell know-n to the stundeits tiaiis lhis also becen looked mifter, lire
in 111n0 of Goods axe "-srik, at triies, in thii' praitie ytstr- of a. haslfdizen eamyrs mgo. wNill gave a laige rooiii for thits piiirpose has-tug
Mako f 1Y day, and theiy piriomise to gi-e a good i-i-i lire on "Tiii Ni-iieist St-h-ni-: Thii beeini priovside Peiiiati the stand. Tlht'
Clothig. mi-s-unt if thiselesclin th le gamme to- Ilciihioii if Llil."in hrc. 11'. 1V. 15mg-i--t roiimi, Whicti is in the enatir
10 E. WVashingtoni St. da~y. Peiil, if C hinago, recie'tl~ aitioiiiteil sit thii biuiding, siill 00011 be suplileid
0-PSTAtRS. C thar-i- Ward anid M-Uaulsy aiid hr- sishir ot Ilsirvardut lmiterstty fin- 'willi a shiower biath, thus affordiiig a
I r .q +d Capitou Si-atei' ~hi-e lii fiillis-ng ;s- 1 "l 6f)t lhis proisiidi a papesr on ciimmienu-r long- ineiii's. 'is i-iill
0 ~ 'U iill('iiroialer laii'ne i u -p ('11'- venter -' l ''iiuon'us Idl-I if lte bing-'' An- Pr- isf esipr-tal Peneit ini liie training
1iis'adfeh W'smi-lmi's' nd hi-mr, gumtd-i i(liier litierary iyciumg ut el'iiul tn- oftheii tri-k team.
Will 110 pnre adfeh llut-imison anid ttennii-rtu''li--s i--l
and the prices will he 0lsu'la and~st wi'llm~um ibie'lii one idivoteid to a puape-r the iiis-i gtuiiii staiii togethiei withi
right at out store. We Genefadtanaed ~e
would like to shiow you nrads. quiaiti' Fei-u-t In iilnm-'-r-u' O1 "liollsmith im is hItst+'i'is,' byi It'e blia-ciirs 01n teii south sile oft
our stoak of (0111 s, hles IDuify, fumllback. iudgi' 'AV. 1). ltuirtiuin. liuc. ice S. thii' ovail fnriiisies ahuimt duanle the
$ Brushes, Soaps, .etc., eta Al iiiii0 hud v h emAl(I~eo Dtotwl ~v nfre etti conioaina h
S yon're not satisfied. thei -imihhiiilt ihh it ide.ise-i-s li-i- r hit t'l i-a si lieturei-.lei saiitijii- tiisg itltiliel ais wuhsiill bei grreatly .i-.
S PALMER-S FIIAR:aACY. ch elasug iau ilttic mssoiiiI tioii ticrer I e nnour~,adlia Gaypcitdb l fdn>
46 , TAE S. ndrtendkcthu'aue Aer, alsoi it tDertroit, whlo is aii At Thurmsdamy's iiie ting of the uhtrc-
_______________________________________ Depatmet ofPhiosopy uiirty onm itt if ciinsidieralei note. tor-i if theu Athletic Assrimuttomi time
m ® ' ihiliummammsmit if puhilosophyi, ittem s-iill mimii isahl t ron "A hImimilii piresisdi-mt of thei' ms-ietittimi msas ini-
S biO P img-fo to ears i wtithimomt mm, regulair IThrugh lihi (itil E-upani At"m Gl- strctitd tii extendi thimimks to thet mt-
Not Pecause you are afrmaid of hal snwsple ihisfl re. yaohrpproeb et o hi eeast.Ti e
get at pair of those lisi of iistrmuitoirs, maiii tit(' imimilummci' 'rotssom I'. B. IlHillal omi 'Simmi lion will hii hmartily su't-uulrd tb the
Bull Dog Toe Shoes iimtshus iiueluils-i'lir o la 'mmi V.ss ntmiaui,' fGaid Rm-Pid nir'"hiiithuuy
-AT- iifrli'si: 'tu'iui liiiuaV.lliuistfuiilliiit. Women's Leaguie Reception.
to wimhoisie eurgy and ibi uility flei de oni '"lii lloneuuA .g,(,," sill hei of lii-
FL valmm-i iiissu uiiisiilmssi i- iiih -lum. li'h sr li l ieu s ')Il lTihi seusmni Vi'om iu's ,eagir t -
telied s--i utIrit' heavy extra wo-rik "Rla uu'" 'tiuioruiu'a icmt-', Nae uiiistiui Ws mil ytetslumy afies-nouinm
The past -high mepumtation of this -iihits-l us his prei foriiii iitou-tm-y ldoi toll. "P' i-tursqumi Inicm ' N erit Htuill, manii piroiv-d is-i-m core'
house means goodl goods at reason--Iiil"lsoi-mmiSi-uiImiii'ht mrc-filiuiiii'irtlu e
able prices. sinc-u lt-( resignuaiona if I'ruufi-aaiir trcadSardIdt"po scesu hnth it.A ag
- ~~~~Il-ii-u'-. (Of tiii curses sifferieil tuso fiusily illustrais-il with si srsilhiti-.mui miumutem if iulligu gils msoire there
EVCERY S'PUDE~i{ sum'c luein niewlsy intrihmi-'ii 'T'hosue Vsirm, gw-h itb lRes-. J. T. Sundili- manu liii ''fresmhi un' reciedi alio' bti
SHOULD RFGI~ :T min e Uo'is' 1 aindi Cuse ?i. Time luandi 'olMs hai1.Siuilmu.u i imtui li'fsihchmlu ii-
-AT- him muir. tliilliihui tPmi mislihiliel ss-oetontehailtrlei~sy
-AT- hirise if veryl great beiuuut toi limo-ic t~t'I at thilt siual hpri'e can his hiuu
anll edmmn' to pimlisopictal aodesii ot Ti Ie candh~ht ~hus uul ihu 'ii sidatesulus fsr thr i football
STORE Si BOOKhwu ,_______aldatth
AHR ~ ~ ~ UI~ S BO Kihought. ICoursi' 23, the toiurial thimimcr+clldou eteia atr
We invite every student to 'imit i-sil stuerd as mo umesans whereby siii- -i Stane Sovrig Baunkl. cmiii s h rttun le Ril ehuiar pryir-
rstores. 'We have a linge siupply iet s mimiy keip ifuruued on urrntr-l Pros' Angel's Address Tomorrowiuiu u ii io u' lgulrltt
fsecond hand Umiversity texst phiilosiohicial hileruu, mauie glue su- lict' s-iill huigium :Ihimday aut ('sutiue
Law and Medical Bhooks. (Gehrma cvso ffepioohclfcly h uuladcs h tdns ahdy osc~:hsbe p
anad French Classics. - ear-l Saturdhay certati muemesof uthtie UChristanm Assiitihiu -iiill biven by- h iasltiul hu'ml iirym5 atinii hanu eery-
We sell thme Pest student ;Note cliss -iiill priesen'ut siubjets wh-lichi Dr. Angell ini Ne'wb-eurry Hall at 911 oneir whsiuo haslayedu or intendis tol us
Books 20 cents each: hive Pbeenm 'discem diu ii ihe chltif olertmuirsuuommg.Tu ttso is reueiste'd ito repoirt touilai.
Thue Post Linuen Paper 20 cents per olc onroynir~n Th te
pound. tiiumm'muis of philosoplhyii. 'ihmsi+ siill
We buy and exchuang-e secondl theti he thurosnu iliu muo general tis- addresses fur thus mmonthl al's as fil The Training Table.
band books. cimostuom by~ liii elaiss, smith assistaince bts: ()echer 1t, ""Ilu' Slltulihi- 1"hue followming Wren'i, with Couahues
Agents for time Watermuan Fosun' from lime Instructors. It is uhopedu to tionm Of Infuuhencies" Presidenmt icharduui Iyardl andu MeCsuuley, TIrainuer lou-
tam .Pen., rrhtinraetevleo th G.Boeofhe'.tt.Auu;oc-
Mathematical Instrunment; and sonllel iacrds timege Hauihe' art tim theomeu u tieNrum co
Drafting Supplies a specialty. ecourst ais a stuoluus toi iuudiiluual hum' 1S, "Ilellfumil trts-is iii Clha snracterg" fghusae tili
The best prices to everybody. thoughut, tiy devotiing sohue atteuntioi mn Me u rtli L~. I)'ouge (~te. > 5, training table at Prettyuua's: Cup-
Giv u atral to time phlilos-opihcal aspects of curtain "Thus' Churistinam's 1L1brary," 1Rev. G. P. S't'mIicarteunger ~
W1 AHR'S BOOK 13TORE seuifihc .aid otlier questions whlichi Cole', direetor of Bible Cli.r- -etCrrIremetamuami e-
The) Town Down Tov a rme mnot omltarily viewedl in their re- don~u Caley, 0'oun~whaer, Raker and
oAnntAtrbr. oipSllai eh u ltion to atstract speculation. Delivery Free Today. t'ingree._.

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