O those chocolates in our
0 windows. We had too
o of tome kinds and so we
s sell them cheap instead
of letting them get old
'ion our hands.
Be Sure
You're Right
OIn Footwear.
0 w0a-
0 f __ \TOR
0 46 S. Slain Street.
® = -and get the hest service.
Office and Stable, 32 Forest
ANN AARBOR MUSIC CO.; Ave. Telephone 106.
i Branch Office at Palniers' Pharmacy
0 of10 te samle 11 IHE ANN ARBOR SAVINGBS BANK
an etadrss Pics.1 C'apiialStook, , 50.0. Sorplus, $1tS,0 .
1'. e lotaqpound, 1.30
d (( ,$, Pos-paid CatloguereeFulon
0StJItORUGs 159 Orgaized aederthe GeneraltRankingLawrs
a StretewYor. etfthis Slate. iteceives deposits, bays ad
j~illrfelstexc'hangte oa the principsal cities at the
d United Staes. -ratscasted tuponproper
0 ;i identification. Safety deposit toxes to rent.
C ' - Oreso aols: thristian 'M ss'h tres.;" W. t).
,n i Harrimae, Vice-Pres. Chas F. ulsoch,
"aehie:M.J. rite sssatttCashier.
.pltael, 0$100,0 . . Saurpitated Prefits, 840,0
oteteof ,tctt
o Ch'lid Wicks. No Offensive Odor, No Foulingi of ('Itimnuys- S. it. I NS, Pree. A IO:ISON sotlLF,
A White Fight-Burns freely to the last droll af oil iti hie lamp S. Iv. CLAtSON, Cshie. c Ps
-Clear asspring water-0o pot' gailoti-Delis-ered eieel in stileasi,
lroiiiitly-sold tidy Ity lti~rnTi& ~tnrsi
Thee'slote of trics Ihe otraste and DEAN & CO M PA NY.
they're practic'od iet iii. ayouathink, }44 South Main Street. I e iai dit. uro tes
haten t here. ;Capital $50,00. rpeak.',000. Ttansact
This Stee otes yaus'asryo'e, rlgist gentrtl banktt bs~t ines'-
Thisstor guaantes yo a sfe uve l_ AT, ,,IL. l aac 'Ptts. C 1F Got so rVtcel'res
Tistrgaato-taatite t- UNIVERSITY NOTES. IA T''IIrhfG(tAN D OtIltX 1101 SI.. IEDe. lit tIs:R ati r
meuttso t'ry dolar youput ito stsc{
wesell. tt isagoodShoe Store, Ittll of Pirot'. (': ig twill sitsilk bflt he Iitis stl o 1iitit 0 tctc
good Shtoes at prite s wydott. it'Lowney's GChocolates.
Goasd Rubbers toto, iftyu a nt etttetmt. ~it . .i' tiildlt t ntlllkii i t 51 1 Mlle oit' s i stttftitless. l"oot 2\1ts0 1
W. C.Rein adt, Stud-.''i"littt il f.:tttisstey I.sisttls t itlinktte
42 S. Main StreetI. p(ri t' Isilslt s Iter tfal eto.s48;1.(Statellt.
111e a~lSi itte;11t's2<itflittil Ills' illllilC SillOILYtisill
,,~ ~ _____ it' sttittsitsitsol tls~stets'tls iii ltit to iv-]I 5 toli 1ossy ill 'til itIss1it -o
aIyc160 S 's1k s tie I , c o -tll stsltls-sl. < 1.'00 \ Al i.lohsststsssstlesc edOsNEW
T EOPERA HOUSE IEWELER, ltC st't issssiti nt lsssitrls .ilssti:'st-ic i-lls-tst's'la.ist rlsy1 F . PN
! 'tsa S ttllrit)ilt' te lt wi. iv lisle iover1is '''_____lin__s__________
PHT GAHL, hve sleai :1hlris'ipt for-l' ';s y Ir STUDI
1e.,-cdRi g r p li aS ei l y {pte f' litsti lelll t1 Ili - l 1 0 csItline ftk ' Sills"I sftl i~ i l i mo t b il I ill o.Il l 1PA O AN P~ IL N
B er y n u isoi 24.BA i01,t Dens' 1".111.s-'isi' sttseir tit ttl ei.tliac h 9tvs H 4
B. iftiron Street s MissO c illsoitS stilt Oslill-sisy tilerli(t't1111)
;1 1 'sxtiltl t-ttilll o i li ' h1. ilt s 1, - frosLil'l l 1 . pPessilol(g't15.tst.ttlltyattr\
---Spci22irSteDtoVSSION STat
i3r y nax ras l y 2. A I Ltts e l'l tt c ltl s'Iis de i l ~s I' l fl adIeIs.______The________________________
'Your ' fr ol} _______________1 ils'+ '()I. \1
Iftevll)ll t ii-t: ist t1 ott1i t' Nv. \ o(itslsl l sts pi.illls t .11 I tel i st e.tc stooda.tLalo 11111 S,O,,t
Jlttte cls oonSeethulse Robtiby jtligs 'IPllc.At t-otthrese IlSto ivetdollaser litil 0Sec- Line of 'Oew Pipes !
Sttitis Milwar(l is h t nl r iot. ( Ies.11I n tl d lle ttiltof e tls.I Hot -aedtCold Lunctshes ai all hos.tsAgents
il l tt~t.Il. 1. Cl N tAI). 1Is8;,,Ilt' ils. tllyt''
M ILJW 'ARD ,40.)State St. is 'tP.O-sCIhotsc tttt ll ei oety-'stt iisoi. o late ltd tetonts.C
ccii it'tGreat 11110'1-P1'cIlls' isi IstetiorIs.R.B. J O L Ly& Co.
- t® icn l ogt'to-tlslclAl t 5 A~ hslik Niac- tO S. State St., Sager Block.
R ANDALL THE PHOT OBRAPR~Hi Illss __________________________s__eorhiletsel . ute sbj~
W'4ashiing.totn [Fock, I slitis'st Iiti1l his i lllstllt' biyMiss I out. ltis'"IQutrrel," '-uile ly t ir ro iS Provisions
(.ul esAAthr. orSit le Buc'0111k. '. GIl1.1. funnyt(-Sisr" andsi"'lTe Shirt 0.ance"
______________________ and all itnds of Sanitarium
( 'liet' Ieituskie st'Ii otl t -i sit t- ccli t ls o is u. t'saslpttl for 25 coots. -Foods E UPM NlF ot' sale hey
1111e'r~r a 11L1:1 abut te lidd.N o I o ln Ntovt% o. 12Diror r.
IN THCQIPETOhA'ittetctaetgltsloi,'ltille11 t.,(1 tlhal L tiinzjszi. CoQ.
STUDENT'S R{ lOOM, Attil, t)11gretl:it.tts'sscill 1w' ill litr Q-4w S. STATE 5T.
tt is generaltly cocee d dtieha a tr1is sh dits- I is5 tseo'I-llT C e mts ( '('l1)tItell ii - ' tloIt c'(l 'itt111et i 0. t itt't o ie."-l
otruet salosnatte ositte - .'.ISpt. To el itisHoi"ds'stwoir its Iroukkt's, ptiicl andotuse- A f,- a-o ' ie f}e
secure the gre-atetejoym e atsm te chlos whrgs's 1-lohts 'llud =
purchaseyeat the best youresnoney wilt sfford I .- ftull Ifreryhotly ccill ccear otie, Post- och ear IAQAT11 O
SEerS jadomeet prasosnera te "Btay 3l5~1 tet~t~ecil' lt
State" instuenrts the teest Siteeorl paid for 15 Centis. Yotnlin Noelty Ce..,I hiI' fl t(s1
An eeenrt iaetr anset itoGee Suhecrihe for the Daily, 112? Dearborn st., Chic;; 1.'iCIlllTunsi lbs, eos n S uit ases
/ i 171 AND T.I:LESCSAC'1ES.
Stl c~c} 6 r o Trunseantod Vllies IRepairetd Neatly seed
BAYSTAEn$0.0d 35~c. BestQtialntics of CiltbTics. Chseaply. No 05,S. lttnst.
1A NJO. it . MARTIN, Funeeral Director, Cloth
Wehlens toc i eerttbaejos i The oroaet 'vale in IC ' .a n ealcCsesadFnrd
Imr that thistbtaora ssat I tolrtes y UVPa l e ' Collns. EblmnCSecily o 7S
table ilathuent;at aa tee rhe, oesa J...~~ Ktd Gloves oer I oe'red. Pourtle ave
o ther intrument manufactre.ea
wedfrilutaedtolguite O rFULLER & IHIXSON I
Seed tar I& 'E Cftarttcoetto., vSe Our 48c. Full siued Pu~f Scar'ff. A Slash In Pricrr.1F0or a short
483-dim Wahington Street, Beten. tm ewl
RE:iTU ^ILH:?, WidCow. 48ca Lat'ge Wide End Fo'urin-Hands. PRESS SUITS FOR 25 CENTS
V HOTOCR 'P ER. 220S. States., Over Eosey's BilliardStoats
AN+ O. if. t .FUNSE Su shcribe for the Daily.