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January 15, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-15

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Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, 189b6 * AVOID COLLAR BEND" IF F
Mail and Ex--347 N. Y. Special-.- 7 35 THIS COLLAR WONT 77j
N. Y. Special.... 478 Mail---_-- 8 4d3 PRESS YOUR~ NECK atr x---01 N .Lmtdi_92
Atlantic Ex--7 W3 Paciic E---2 15 0 __________
D.NExpess.....5 411 Wester Ex--17 *55
tG. R. Napress ---11 (5 Chi. Nt. Ex----9,10 G.RKx------55 '
0. W. SIOLFS, H. W. HAYS, 0
G.P. & T. Act., Chicago. Act. A nn Arbere 9
V ~'%<.'<2<
Time 7'Talus, Oct. 27i, 1f996. INIS dN iE MA0
11i:30 a. m. 11: 0 aM. 5__.___
4:30 p. ma 8:.32 p. ta._ _ _ _ _
*Runs betweeni Ann Arbotreand Toledo oniy,
Aul trainisdaily except Sundaey.M
W. H. BENNETT G. P. A. Toetdo O. T - ih ~d 1 h ~e1

Tu Oi erlepnej Oa L y in betweie
TeataiSSie aleb$
TeO1SlepigSrDai g lisemYOW
Lisebotweo Tie7, Cn\Le.csan_ an a
Marietta. C L°r C
The OnlgileeDraCrine ons rL betw o-
lo adonlunmbuasl. lerno
W. Va.
)Tullnean Steeper:, between Cluimbasand
THE ONOLT tINE wit4 traineh wny dally
betceen Toiedo and Coiumbsa.
THE ONLY LiINTsith 3 trcan each wayton
Suadays betwecenToledo ad Clumbus.
THE ONLY LIlii with 5strins each way da-ly
bet1een Toledo, Bow-lsngcanand
THE ONLT LINEwit 2 te-ainsaechtway daily
totweanToleosandlCharlsone,W. Va.
aed theVirginias

AxIt -1-01- ('root+c I' +linnn " ni.r1 i

__.. ... ._ _ ._ .. 1. .. . ,. __ .,. . ..

whol0esaelesuigars, a'eiobaccosand k geninie higi laCiss circuslperform3ainc at tilt New dLigiht LNYuit vn a oeors
Cigarettes. ria, BucyrArsory.rInvie d Newark.
, Inatit~y Amory Ful inormaion elatve ole, time of
Cor. Main and Liberty Sts. CoRr emia1 .&dnission Ev'enialgs trisc etc., will be cecerldlly furised by any
TT latiiic Satiirtday, 2:W11 i. in., adtults 23 cents; cihildreii, 23 cenits. TOLEDO, OHIO
,plo Fedri oi leV .PARKER Fountain Peno rac d Oper a Howse
"4 ., SATURDAY, JAN. 16TH.
1Wh1at Hall HBearins eto 1111.Bicycle. A perfcet Pc-s isd wariented by 11Pthe Pre ; iS TMEr ER
tPtetCopany, I ec-silleis. FRSVt0. JER
J. C.FREUD, '99, 47 S. University ,Ave. TH OIL VN FTH rESN
Wh !doyoea i" et510 isiOrt."e.After ineabsoelue oneeeeof New York
HBook i RealyCmlt oEHviews. U. OF H. CALENNDAR. fer anesli-c year, anld withl a rcored of an-
WSoeisotally87Copete iparaleled site-s iii all 11h0 p j--ipaol cities
ilitiiolt.anewii97 Modlg." 'AI-:i I Vof the couetry, will 10 i eoprellt. Tue Ce-
31131110f11 Nortn 001Ii lil . Nar101:11 11Jan t, =Ian - n ;rcsistibleComoedly.
W s 1 Banjo or Zither. anil ar. Byl1. ii. . (bn 111 iii l-. 1111 1.i795. iI1.1 nl I ' I HISO
Fran $i5.oaUpward. Priessc., ,cstudady$1
i iionw obalbo l 1:oManolin is10 radicail i d: ric 11090 111 r . -i0 3 1 11310 .
froh os er tle.It iIthe tneatest, daintiest .1find 'liiihl("itllll i 110. 31111 1.:110 113 iilrs(i, n. i. 1. 181)7, 1liiine oily
01:t t 21an1(u111 I m ,1ii((: lc--l-ll, ond its1(10tne 1. a o ,,:U"hail-Clia'. A. 0:l111 .Iii31 ..A. 0011000.
ryrer o itiil o lfineold C eiooa "lobs. Wt i t1lkon h e-il liie 111'11011rank 1 , 1 Bull- .0
it lr- ir l at fied aifo rm proi es by l~yol 1irs1- Fiiia ', Xlii =,2 ) nV ies
cis cui~ icd -obo e ery hr. l111, 11 3 h31 loiigc - 111ile 11iii of 1 this 'Iic ..9ec-ril
90 -.liiiioc- thei c no legeo de tantidiailof ithe hiill--luliii- l'1lllili IoI: o1n. .Albe-t1
coiild - 1 1' are(0 ed i c- l sllive-ly byi-the li:oolea i :111000 i li1illlll 1101077 is tolI
Aortitc-,iiier n d 1G lee C-lils. Oiiriine33-iclh- N
brtiaolie lctiingpO ocleriso e-e l0lArtic-1. Oci iflori7, t ' n111 iiihsi l 1(iillof le-- 1-leciic TUE rieW o i n
andi 115 lIi imaioni,ipies~c,tendoreet, cl 1.,xolilo- Si 1;1111:00. Jali.. ',1. .Ill.. Illlivt0011 t ilL L IV ieLLARl
-ent fre il.reei-t plt ation1110. If yorilocalddea:le 0 111111h 1111 eligion f i sll 1 lioii 1
c oit sp l yoiwe -willdiceot O nsCO . I ).eio iocc-.l ol'sf 10111 :10 1 to11 i:111-Fil1:11 ll l-ei-, iil ii delite
leest..irviei oa-Ohaninoytieadiea itacot 1cct r t s 311 ill1tl -'1 ll ii lileul# -111iI )11il ITA AND IN A AC
As ims~ne spoesswith ascsagenedmakes a :fs 11110017the. li i oClinyt113101isNl'iii3h1 - I- T
it i ely hbr wrhiroeSCE.Githaticrenses in valuesas ties years go hy. III' 1'011-isedaninlueceovr ill-__The___________oily____________of___________
COP W ABASHS AVE. & ADAMS ST., CHICAGO, h-all Hooke Cc- 11rty13 Si~lrdtliy ivoiilin", ill. lb;.131
1 ---1 lfs~l ilst.Snl ,dllsil 50 M IL L A R D
Ib0o11totByi-Ic-1.3 V illbe.
LOSiI f'-1-1.1 1201- ~ 3T -At (10 niar (110 liciigtia,
( ~I cphair tos-, Ipair oboes -and, lot of
ut i I iiiiiitoducto1.to0100 II
1 collilrsitiliOhlil "Jol. 3t."If found
isReevd. u101told 3 03s1111- 11 iiba" hi. with Ipee notif3- 31. C. railway boigiX71o- E
This Space islievulili Gui reetititr.311111m or~nanor Jahn P. iliiig, 9 32001-10
(if l Ii idiot t lllil'liih'pul t b t113 t1)11- 011001.
for the trill.igooloilil 90111111 i103 111i,11c-l liiloili- TO JRENT--A, dale001i'suite of
11011019 y.The3 13390'(also b1111-il ii l-0 r ooms l111 hd 3mr'ihihot water, staii-
1 Ia grhi alI s pos110 i bilet i' o11tto It bowls 39wih hot tand cold w9all-I'.a
.In 1 1(11 li ll lt1101.o10 5i.11111ll10Bh xroomlio00sameocfloor. hEnqluire a1
to read t1 ii olte e nd. 20 S. Ingallxs steet, parlor suiito,
11W 111 fl Thi'is ll'l~ii1 ot110011eensoed 9it;furnace, heal, light 'ic-d bath, $3. SUPIES
1:4 Ii'ter'l grad1a, to faciliate rapid Persona Propery.Wtchs andJerv- Gof, Crckh3eTack and PliidGymna-
elry Rpaire.UOffce1atresidncec1'F.. i91111ipmors anioutit . Cmplet
HARTFORD, CONN.11I iiii teof 1J1, ge.A~illl' 3111 ib V e y A L rorMc.Aedb!si atle aue Sritsan SmmrSp3otsc
ARFBCN. iook Co. New Y'orli,C('lilciliia ti, ('Ill Hsssconfidential. IHors, 7ito Ita. m. and free. "Thes NamlethecGuarantec"
c--go. in Second-Haend Watches asd lDiamonids. A. G. SPALDING & BROS.,,
Ii'tlnl- stlal slvr baceet iT OF Nt. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- Now Tork, Ciclago, Phlaidelphia.
Fontd-0. suuai sier raclet in 1.. rooms. All sppointments first class,_______________
scribed witha words of endlearnuent. Imported and domestic cigars. Ladles' artis-
tic hair dressittg and batleing parlors,upIS bciefrteD ly
Pros e uroperty at Stewardl's office. 72 stales. J. R. Trojanoseski 30sS. State st. U u srb o h al

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