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January 07, 1897 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1897-01-07

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Black Bully Underwear, Ypsiflanti Union Suits for Men

Ours is the best- stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor.

Call and examine before buyiiig.

28 and 30 South Mlain St.-


S Time Table (Revised) Sept. 2(,1896
0A. I j WEST."p
Malsand Ex ___ 347 N. Y. Spcial---7 5
N. Y. Spe~il__..47c8 Ivil.--- 8 4:3 _________z"___
Eastern Es--10 17 N. S. Limited.___ 25 je~
A . P M 1- . ;v~" . S titi//M I1 '%.1 Z s " "'' 'L3'~ -
Atlantic Ex---7 35 Pacific.Ex-----1215 ItI xi ~
D0 N. Express--- 5)d41t Westera EX____1 iI 5, ,- r~ y-w s EEA+ '
KE. E prrse .11 (5 Cli. Nt. Ex x__- ii1
1G. P.& T. Art.. Chicago. Agt. Aee Aibor(fac h yeo p° in 1
O.W.R eF :Ecse,.sEn Ii. W/RA ~n C? e '7 r1i itt~J a-
Et-y SPOLI Mpu. simi
7.71 5.2 J r ' m'.. iois SF1l ors.. i <<lt .; wws.,
.;1i50s_ 3i. 11210is. m. -1--11. '.-: ' y~1 i"~+ s .i- ... T ;r, 4F.e. 1n romi Seem t Linehormoney
4.20 p~~m o:52 p~~m. -- oldo, Olm~saSOlretn
All1t°ai i dtiiyroccl Seedo. ramog siuO olloge . , Si-, . z 1+t i cane. ',.o;vV .u%
ru The Onig leingToiiDrawing SResm sar
RAL OA* I CKET ROKE S 0 0 W11il30 la.. 111T h I cig raingolii omdCir inoe be, ii
4:30 p.11m1;liip. m.i. Toledoi iiii 111u- anrod Ibrleetirit
Wolubteaen CAn Arsb o a oe lido I u-o il.U.OF..CA EN ARW1.00 silVia. sid~e S
Alitrans1ailiexeptSunai-rio g hie1Colleg s. he :))ei IX..)liili111 $.i. Fe h lla leermtneclteen Clumbusc,. inn
Cigrete. .fiirolti. 111. 1 tti Agenttil nei Cicagto. ieiilyssred0 s
The 11111 1 lit al (i1 l ll l )on. lil i l'. b l 'i.. 111i0c -tl-c g etwleenhioltednd olumus.
Just l a -t iiI li ICra LINOE a Ho z
il(iait h-I liitll iili- lolo1rlwii lclo, l() ilctl 10d ltethse tI olyF iney. ~ I nr
RAILROftD.TIiKETiBROKERS - si-ill svc i )tic.lCo T E INLLI N E w1 thot raTis stoie i (t'1 (
1101oo onI ii ptO to attentd.lt-itiTHEtil-li iLY ~IRECl T NE beween TI1N'
oopomilnlRealytCompeteth2letirboo 51.,tuiicai Iii ' a nd theflirgii a ui inlj
I f lllt s t-:?oli l !i 11 i. TtssU , $211111. 5,11111ENDA icR . ly i Bcytsin Granielle atd itew a
WyhliestosiiiiaifitTobaccos andlii1
Ciga ette .1II anjoor Zther I tilil I ll. oli18.3.ill ill ilt-in1s, 2etc.,___will___be__cheerfully_____furnished_______
Priincehoe beets sitilodMdec-c so o ecoiilt sI tue csisA.oD;1.i11111lll8'.ti-ti-.lcourse.UAgePrices - 36cCentr andLines.
From $,soo Upwar.Icn. Cali r liltl c ltz! it. (iiN OUK,, . NT T LE ONW I .L
(Mess'tei illWitlilusroaild siliillii liliiandcodicilorihecenetiieam
liglilcet Sveloiiiol1iiio-t riiible, O it Maittiice ilieelliii ;1. lilitiO peiai11o
oiiii i lsei i~d i~iioeii eenbe s Sct- il r t il l be . Iei 1 i111017 A1111 myi1.ill ' cus1'lk
1 tioefTi'hisiciii 51cc 1il-ilOiieco sitli. Cr111-i- iililtii.
iiiriis-looe uoNeiirpleeolieoer M eltl. ______ ___
asuiluusiuits riiedleou..r..teili. Hs Spa n~lce s, Rseved NIOTAaND WuNA-Ay
w ruifeecou 'ccciiio bediotus lfourlucldalr orisa( a1ot t Val)entine. Iln
ful.ti-ill eeiid Sll wertone. Post-uli tC. ii. 10. _________ef i
Olitehat laoreeestiavvalhelanthe yearncgoyb
iN al ~o me sRay timetsco. o iiltliiilci fllt- iu~ ci A IHTSICN. EW U
LYt o N & ewI97 LYodellitsii-lnr rsi i beigii .-)I, 11111itvey l---H O T OCO ,.111E3.,
LOS. ABAS AVE.AADMS S., CHCA1O3T, dl, Unlace hg..1at1. 1Bh.H.aiGaitta n DR ullyR. MICH.f "



SE ~ 11LL - Mine'. Sofia Sctiiciii.lMr. B1411 -il ci
goldu, tensor ; Mr. liohsnsC. lDi511i0y.
SUPPIES < ioeadM.I uko ne in-. l-
it 1. Slit-rinsginsgtogi-ther ofth
Spalding Leagoe Bell. Mite.sMsoko, etc. sbiregrelat artisls for lissitied dir-
Managers soiild send for samples and
specil ratie. Every requisite for Tennie, ttt7e, ciinsiert (tiur will be 01111 lreatitl
Self, Cricket. Tsrackrand Field ymna--
siom Equipmentesao tit-. Csmplete by th usisscally cultisretd leople' fil-.
Catalogue ef Sprlig and Summr SpCorts lslate cenoghstoctoarthsem, assd]les
free. "The Name the Guaranotee."
countiry surronldinig will en~ld 'Mare
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., dlelegationss to be prest at tsis the
Naw York. Chcago,, Philadelphia, snost notable musicail es-out iso years.
Subscribe ferc.the Daily,. For this great cocert t11e pricelostill



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