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October 06, 1896 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-06

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. in this city. We arc immensely proud of
OUR OVERCOATS AT $30009 $2500, $22,00, $2000, $18.00 AND $1500 AND SUITS AT $2000, $18.00, $10.00,' $1500 ANO $13,59,
Every one of these garments is especially made for our Fine Trade in the very hest manner, trimmings acc ording to our own
instructions ,andl styles after the designs of the moAt fashionable tailors of Now York. Ji-.t permit us to show you through our
4 tock. We can and will please you.
r -- m I 'LIMAIN sR E~


Ml 6HIGANET LSour Looks, Soled Fingers, C.band Opera Howae.
Time Table (Rievised) Sept. 27, 1896.
Maiand Ex-5347N.Y. Special---- 73
N. Y. Speial_-- 4 5Mail ------ 8 43 Identify tbo rmae whoidoes Deeman TIhompsns Fa-mousPly,
Eastern Ex----10 11 N. S. Limite _- 5.... 5es 2
Atlantic Ex_-7, 53PaciicExN---1212 > 111Fld~~PI W LI
G: R. Express .---11 50h. Nt.Ex------ 9llS ec as hIierss a pe- IOeIl agmetal ailT
GRE . 113 _- 55 ttlla shsaped feecilnownlas Ud-a cauand 5Wmn.Warmingtom
0. W. aUGGLES, a. W. OAT S. SCurvaied Tabular Feedowhich rie
G. P. & T. AgE., Chica go. AgE. Ass Arborth
f Prices, ___________ -5..51 l~l~lh5i lba315c, 50c, 75c and.1
aa ,2cS 11n 1115 cap o seer tile ed-s Ticets fsrsale atthe1. S.Faxpiesas s
without extrachar...
s 7 s "i fthlenozzle whensthe penis _______________
- . inlthecet. A pesn thatSwill
dotl- al cd leIisse roceries, Provisions
gectly when ante11d is Iworth
t l+.:° l gettigauint ~5le~d with. and all kinds ef Sanitariulos
1'"sDon't YosE Think So? Foods Let sale by
RALR A . he Way ia Eany. m r C .
Time Table, Sept. I6, 15396.
aexsan osa. J 04FEU 99S4.SUIVSTATE_________ST.___
*IS0a.m 7:1a . . 905a.m al3oa. 1Ofc o. s:-, to9Ip. m. TEANABRSAVINGS 8 .H
10:0 p. m. 5:55p. M. CpialS ok w,$50.Srls$1,0.
ISuncily only ,between Tsleds anld am- Re rgn sedondrcesGenealS100,0 ig0a.
bur ayneesa.ocket - K ives - a d - Qcissors hiSae Ieevs ssis.by n
all eeefort.eaTosd lnnadsells exchange on She priasipaali gitiesof loe
*DalyfsexcptSudainited States. iDrafts sashed apsn proper
E. S. GILMOREF, Agent We have lust receivetd a n1ew assortment of Pocket Knlives and Identification. Safety deposit bases Es cenei;.
W. 0. BENNETT G. P. A. Toleds 0. OFeicElzs: Christian Mlash Sees.; W. D_
___________________________ Scissors wh-ichl arc selliag at tihe popular pricc of 25 cenits each. nlarriman, Vice-Pes.; C~ha N. Biase-.
Cashier:oM. 2. Fritz Asaitant Cashier,
ANNAROR YSILNT ST IR, urnrnery's D rug Store, 1Coo. 4thiAve. FIRST NATIONAL BANK yAnT IS
TieTable, May 17. 1896 C~apdtal, $1000. Suriplus and Profits, 5551500
Leave YpsilantilfrmmCongress st., 6:3l,8:00ot1'=osvols Cole 011111 last. 31f1ayitoIIIvItys I ofthose curses will pllease replort in Transacsoa generallhashing business.
and l1:oN a. in.; 1i:45, 2:0,o05:0 6:4, loSo O be0 1said ,N-he lioo oili all is spokofoli l l teoooi 2, 2T. II., at 9 a. 1i 11.111a doiy. Iettersrof c ed;nS. ogt n od.F ms
and Soil5 p. M.
Leave Ann Arbor Janctien, 7:t0, 8.20 and ithat lh-re 'lihey tIeto sq1ualorly, 11)L.O :T he bsclass i(General N. 0. KINNS, lPres. HARRISO N 5012.E,
I1:3S a. 5.;1:15, 20 0SN0,2:0 7oll, 9:00and Itvks Tees..
10:45 p. m. 01100 or o.'SBiology- mleets Cfror o;liriltt ini Ills S. W. CLAIIISON. Cashier.
SUNDAY TIME. 1I(loreiithis'nexlt dinellelo wilsil lu2~sou-l L1etuire ltoolil 0t18 5p. Ill.,
Leave Ypsilanti frum Congress sE., 1:23, 0.,FiS. I GP.N.tho le Stools StreSt Tailcr, tulrsT.
5.00, 6:30 and 9SoN p. m. l pot' lllloltid to lead1 l .oo-r$oCoofol. Ioiy, Ot. 5. silStyles.ide-t s cools InaidseIsrices. We Ste
Leavn Ann Arbur Junction, 2:00, 0, oN:lo0, ii 11101000sCIl soxoi loo A ~.~ LCIIE~i S t uY: - ystin~oogucne m. Cleasingpresing,
7:00 andl9:30p. 5m. teriane fteresn fu NL CLansItor~eisos 001 loorst lpriceconsistent 55
Cars run onacity time Fare: single trIp 151 11151 i alilbeliunllestood all s o of h b nt lilog 1:1 1:110 taleCu1 s-s , i25 resdaworkl. 0Gotds calolsd fgras- osd delivered.
cents; rouuntrp itrip M.censcPARERSut2cow cents.cowdshuldbe l'th nd25elistnsiklasloocaie toI''0ojoyurmosey'sak, v5usm 00tts 2S, em .
themis. REveryblody loud hils v3-- 0131Co-so-or CampelllefreCl: loiolay nightsret
THE KINDERGARDEN BILLIARD HALL 1(1-01 the yel iigsgr(o osslwll 5I . A 13 est Grooies of II Onar ::.
do tile rest. (aol-se 4 twill meet-sin lii oon) l, II.Sort Coal, caunne? 3
RAILROAD TICKET BROKERS 1. to. I~L. .tlesiliel Laboatory, oiat 1 . 1n., ! ansd Cobs. Order of
MONEY TO LOAN ON P'ERSONAL A ilOrsl Ciis Tulesdlay, Oct. 6. K 1J STAEBLER1
PROPERTY, nlollt~n1el-tilig f dheGle, Sir. Dixosi w-ill bein 1500111, t, ffiOe:o i1 3. WashinlgtosO sE. 'Phone No. ;-
Whiohesahe Cigars, Tobaccos alad Banjo &S: ilnolin lu sbs twilllobe hl 10 :a. ilt, l onodaysWeduesdalys Yards aI .E .C.1. it. 'Ploane 52.
Cigarettes.iS oom011124 Mllil dIhll, W'ednlesdayla111111 rdiy's, Cor consohatien.
C~.Main and Liberty Sts. es-suing, Oct. 7th, sat 7 oclock. HIISTORSY: Prof. Hsniol will be i Lowney's Chocolates.
Cor J. C. BLAIR,. See. 15001117, T. II., Cl-in 12 to 12:30 each
Just Received a Large and Elegant daiy, (or cosuoltatison. Students w~ish- Hot Lunches.
Lia~o of Neow Pipes!~ Faculty Annohuncements. ilig to elecitCors 23 mulst conifer switho- .Stt i
Bat and Cold Lunches at all hbous. Agents irot. Hundsonl.
for Husyler's and Williams aad Weersa Cos Literary Department, ProfC.lMc~Lugihlin will be in Beessl 2, TU TTLES. S. SaeS;
Chocolate Boa Bona. JIATIIRS2IA'r"IC~S All stu~denats T.I., frolli1TI:45 to 12:30 doily, for
R. B. JoLLY & CO. ~wishineg to elcet Collrse 16 tri1lleooase eonsuatations relative-o Swsork in Anier- NWI2LR
255S. State Sb., Sager Block. 1115t Professoor Ziwtet in 1100111I11, at icai h toy. HOT C " H _~I
14th seaauon. Now opesa. 12 nooin, on Oct. 6. A nest list of proias sbig ANN R O . IH
GIIY rangers Schosol og Dane- Students electinrg Coures11 will IrideiSsbsigr BOR.MICH
D N10Inc. Grond fSour. Ba. 6 pre-pared in th~e general library, twhich R ADL H 1TGQ
Maynrd t.lileet Dr. Glover in 1500111 l19, U. II., wtill be posted op before long.
Ilaynrd S. at 11 . inl., Tuesdlay, Oct. 6.StSN)M:IrfsorBl yl Washington Block,
ASTRNOAY" Pofesor taii illAnn Arto.
TT OF M. SHAVING PARLOR and Bath- SANSKRIIT: Dr. Waite will .bs ill be in 510011122, U,. It., fromi 2 to 1 p. 11. ______________
-LiJ. rooms. All appontmeats isE claos. BOOM Ii, at 9,, 20 alad 1t a. il., oil Oct. 3.cid~t is~ tdnssiiii s
Impsrted and domestic cigars. Ladles' artis-Eahdyt nesuetihngo
tic hair dressing aad batinig parlos, up 5, G, 7 and S fsr consultaltion elet work.
stairs. J. . 1 mslanowshl, 30S. State st. ENGLISH: Students desiring to G _.2N:Ti llsi oas 2
0.~ and Mtallc CasetseadclnesGrdenOdColrisinass,
o M.MARTIN, Funeral Directo, Clhiconsult with Profesor Dsnilnon twill Csern Rxilomnanticismn, nsets MS1olds
Cof. nhealiclnga secadFey Gaes. id 17 5 niRom10, T. 1I., at 4p. in., at Wednesdlays at -4 p.ini., Rooail G. R
Fourth ave. daily.________'A
HEBREW, ASSYRhAN, ARIABIC, U. of M. Dinifle Hall, 02 E. Liberty. ~
TO {RHNT-One parlor nide, very GaRE: Pref. Craig is obliged to St. We aim to p1ease; if not, please NEA
large furnace heat, light and bat-h, postpous work in thesesusbjects until tell us why; if tv do, please tell ysnr COLLATR
at $3.50. 2 S. Ingallsst Oct. 29. Students wishing to elect any friends. $2.50 per week. 25


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