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November 06, 1896 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-11-06

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f f °Tlio Roman Relihgioni, Alvin Foe-
R lonlin Educadtion, -Mlias 'oa I
- Rodwell.
Vublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during Rionn Alseoienitx, Miss 1Floron 'e
the Collegt year, at Abb1ott.;
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Rowoaienltlic Life, Allen (Caimpbell.
OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. 9Main St. be- tioLienIloMxIdifd-
tween Libety and William Stn. ioi."
T 'he Gioverninent f tIhe ('ii c of
T ANAGING EDITOR iiculete milcAehad
J. F. TnoiSo, 97. ltinalluer tey.lieAciad !
BUSINESS 7MANAGEU RomnBooks and ltheicrPubllatld(olt
0. Il. HANS, '98.Miss fIst lyn kVyn.
-- The 'rhoor 911(d1i190 of 'music11910107'
EDITORS the Ronoalns. II. 1R. Posteir. COL ILJ C 0qi P
E. L. GEISuEl, '98 L. F. SosInwo,'98. IRomaon Ilublic A recliteclnee, Jo111
B. B. 1tEAnea', '(19. IH. B. SooKIAc, '91 L.
F. M. Lonl, 'IS. H. H. owox, '99 Bra-dslhaw.AN
C. MI. GREtN, 99. Athletic Editoe. Rlnii litliotix Archliteeture, C. C'" Exci
- Adoiiis.
ASSOCIATE EDITORS '11hetililis Of AlicielitAl'hellt-,
W., W. Hughes, 't9e. S. W. Smith, ' f9l7. i-1710,Sx.Jlli
1. A. Fauciti, '98 E. Loulao Dodge, '919. _,
W. P. Morrii, '91. Hottee Lamb, 1999. Willaiiis'.
I". Anderson.,
071 LA0B111(1bteslin'ss tof1701191an l'iillatlttll Fancy a oCl1
R!_________________ to lilt'Greek..Miss Wiinifre'd I 111i l.
iTil subscription pice of the Daily it 1290 ll'T'e 1 't'lilt 1115ofIRonlilt'on Wool Knlicker
for the coollege year, with a reguao delivery'iMolr iiiain
1011100 noonoeachl1day. Notices, communica-
tions, and otherematle intetdedlorti Olti' 1tll '1110- 'it ii<l rmAcetRatt
tiol mutt te lhanded 10n(t 1110Daily office toe- 'Sl''ilixftlA t'01ttllll Hs
foe 8 p. in., or mailed tol the OllitOC before 3 lift'l oen tlW ..Tih
p. nm., of the day p00v100s to thlat 0o(1101n whi11Ich7 V fs
they are expected to opp9eal.11101 Fancy Pii'noff or us osmyTops-
euaeipbo leay00ft at The Daily nicE(Hel Il
Ofie lpee e t le 5Nlstnd0 Sion II, lt . in., ''1 uestlday, tt Wed 't ees n
OfieMee'orSlts ewtdo ufe favI orsbylepoetin " promptly at Ibis l-a Tli syI1d .Mr ,
office anyfailureco ciesto deliver paper. \1'lealder.1() :d)te

Ift 01give us a call.
Beal's Shoe Store,
rew Line of Golf Suits at $10.00.
.usive Patterns.

Golf Caps


In Plaids Checked anti
Plain Colors.
50C5 75C, $1.00 AND

In 1110 111dst1of till'football season1
111010 is 11110711'111111 the tothe'r inter-
wsill be negleced. We551011hlmain t
andto In rethabtfthe it lt1'lly societies
schiehdule at 01100,
'((' h e lie 91ttis iiot 501ry111179), it

icc Decl'. 1.
'T'e Il(lla lo 11(110Lift', Miss ,I'it'
II. Wil-, Dec.1'. 2
lltnin fllenDress11, Slis Lfi 1,
Nut's, _.Iot'. ).
"'ll,' lRatfie o S'li 'Jion, 1010illbe t'.


9 IIV6
Tr ti
Y .

etisa gt~otgoostart pusue1(1grdss illra 1119idwksomve osinh- C(Ilc O .tl 151v 11'
might otheieb'e90lebo~rrttIfrom 1111' Iltlllil AiIulIItllt'lf, _Siss Nellie L.
pivilege t91'ta1190'of finalncil rea's'dn15, (llihe'll. Dec. IT.
Auehepar1 mntlitlw sillunoubtihedly re- 'I'le 1t9111l111Art of 'War,1', Soit-
('0191'an i ipetusxfromtItie completition ot 1111yM( 0'ce, De't. 1i+.
'71I''IliilllMlietlaev iSf1011, IRose-
schiliht'e ceholarsiplwil~l ('1us1. An- w'll I". Bislhp.Ja.1111.
othiiegood feaflure is1110 prohabil' Il0111d11PulicLd ife, Stlxx AiinaB.
that nmeritoriouls theses wsill be 1hub1- Steoinber, 111
lisped. This in itself'is an hioniorthat fHistory ofitie 1201091lnIasst10the
is wvorth steiving to dttalin. ('nmpm'- Iltixtaty and Intflence or tile Iiooian
tition should inot 191' iliitell to a few 1(1' ine I 11111, faiy 9.
stuidens, -bill alarge numb119e0110(111d(henses,Jan.1, (.
'e101', and thu show ihat 1110 giving oegonization of lie Rolilall Ixoveel-
of schiolarsipibs1 apprlecitsed. Tilt W1ent lfin t'eTime (If tI t1tli,
thiankos of thie university are again 'tiss Lo0uise' b'rances Dodge, Jan. 7.
'fie Thleory' and l'se'of Stol 911017
dole t te M. C'. 51. Buifton. itie itonlalls, Misx MAargaret 'V',Folley.
Jllan. S.
Dinsertationn In Latin 3, 170111911 lbic Aovliteelre, Itugh
tnThe following dissetattions 00 Ito- ', 11,12
manArcaeoogyandlif wil b rect Sculptureeinft'e Romian Period, .Mlxx
man rehoeolgy nd ife vi~ be eat tlnesieveStills, Jon, aa.
in Coureo3, in fLatin (tHorace), 11111 Itomoan Pointing, Silos Nellie Turnoer,
semester, The voluntary preparation ,Jano 14.
of thlese oissetations has Dows' become Causes Hof floime's Decline, 'tiss,,
ain eslablisloded feature of the course, iirdBmn a.1t
'Their ais is to fandliarize the student Tile Itomaln Catacomibs, Miss Runth
A. ('onnor, Jan,.1in
early in his college curriculum with Contribfiiomos of 170001 to 'Modern
these phases of the Rtoman civiliza- ('isilization, George K. Tinker, Jan 1).
lions wleh oare usually lens strongly Luxury among tile Romianus, Harry
emphasized lox preparaitory schools, K. Loud, Jan, 20,
ansd so lay the foundation for a more (Concluded tomorrow). j
intelligent appreciation of the Roman
literature: Lost or slrayed-Bay colt about two
Section III, 8 u. 0., Prof. Drake. years -old. Can be hash by proving
The om nan House, A. F. Asimlbacker. property at 124 S. Fourth avenue. 34


D E A B O R . .Gents' Furnishers and Hatters ..
44 South State St., Ann .Arbor,
. and see.
that ever came down the pike.
Shoes Slined Free.-- - - - ---- -Shoes Shined Free.



',The Students' Lecture Assooiatioo's Course It



ILelandT. Powers-----------------------------_-- Nov. 30
Boston Ladies' Symphony Orchestra--------Dec. 11
Charles A. Dana------------.-------------------_-- Jan. 21
Ex-President Hrio-------------Feb. 1
Luther Laflin Mills, (Chicao Alumni Number)------Feb. 12
Imperial Qatt---------------March12
Oratorical Contest-----------------------------___March 19
Lucius Perry Hills------------------------------- April 2
John Kendrick Bangs---------------------------- April1l3
Hlarrisson Number $1.00
Ora'orlcal Contest .25
TICKETS NOW ON SALE--Reserved tickets onesale Thnrsdoy,0c1, Stl, at -Palmer's
drug store, State street, and Water's bookstlore~Main street.
JAMES H. PRUITT, Corresponding Secretary.

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