THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. f f °Tlio Roman Relihgioni, Alvin Foe- R lonlin Educadtion, -Mlias 'oa I - Rodwell. Vublished Daily (Sundays excepted) during Rionn Alseoienitx, Miss 1Floron 'e the Collegt year, at Abb1ott.; THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Rowoaienltlic Life, Allen (Caimpbell. OFFICE: Times building, 79 S. 9Main St. be- tioLienIloMxIdifd- tween Libety and William Stn. ioi." T 'he Gioverninent f tIhe ('ii c of T ANAGING EDITOR iiculete milcAehad J. F. TnoiSo, 97. ltinalluer tey.lieAciad ! BUSINESS 7MANAGEU RomnBooks and ltheicrPubllatld(olt 0. Il. HANS, '98.Miss fIst lyn kVyn. -- The 'rhoor 911(d1i190 of 'music11910107' EDITORS the Ronoalns. II. 1R. Posteir. COL ILJ C 0qi P E. L. GEISuEl, '98 L. F. SosInwo,'98. IRomaon Ilublic A recliteclnee, Jo111 B. B. 1tEAnea', '(19. IH. B. SooKIAc, '91 L. F. M. Lonl, 'IS. H. H. owox, '99 Bra-dslhaw.AN C. MI. GREtN, 99. Athletic Editoe. Rlnii litliotix Archliteeture, C. C'" Exci - Adoiiis. ASSOCIATE EDITORS '11hetililis Of AlicielitAl'hellt-, W., W. Hughes, 't9e. S. W. Smith, ' f9l7. i-1710,Sx.Jlli 1. A. Fauciti, '98 E. Loulao Dodge, '919. _, W. P. Morrii, '91. Hottee Lamb, 1999. Willaiiis'. I". Anderson., 071 LA0B111(1bteslin'ss tof1701191an l'iillatlttll Fancy a oCl1 R!_________________ to lilt'Greek..Miss Wiinifre'd I 111i l. iTil subscription pice of the Daily it 1290 ll'T'e 1 't'lilt 1115ofIRonlilt'on Wool Knlicker for the coollege year, with a reguao delivery'iMolr iiiain 1011100 noonoeachl1day. Notices, communica- tions, and otherematle intetdedlorti Olti' 1tll '1110- 'it ii