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October 06, 1896 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1896-10-06

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tIJe W.of T .aip


VOL. VII. No. 5.



@ WILD, @
Leading Tailor
Jos. W. Kolla0i,
Merchant Tailor,
in line of Goods and
Make of Gentlemen's
10 E. Washington St.
Will be pure and freh
and tbe pricee will be
0 right at our tore. We
would like to show you
our stock of Combs,
Brusbes, Soap, etc., etc.
Your money back if
you're not satieied.
Not because you are afraid of
the Bull Dog, but simply to
get a pair of those
Bull Dlog Toe Shoes
Tbe Dst high reputation of this
house means good goods at reason-
able prices.
38'ow~x's drug Store.
It costs yea nothing. us not neglect t,
Corner of Maislead Hrensts1.
We invite every student to visit
our stores. We have a large supply
of second hand University Text
Books for all the departments.
Law and Medical Books. German
and French Classics.
We sell the best student Note
Books 201 cents each.
The best Linen Paper 20 cents per
We boy and exchange second
hand books.
Agents for the Waterman Foun-
tain Pen.
Mathematical Instruments and
Drafting Supplis a specialty.
The best p ies to everybody.
ive us a trial
Uip Town Down Tows
2 S. State s&. Oppsite ourt House,
Ass Arbor. Sain t.

COACHING ANI) TRAINING. Walter Denton Smith.
-"-The '4S. larss at a sloting leld
The Football Team Is in Excel- yesterday afternoons adopted list fo-
lowiig resolstions:
len Hads.Whereas It has pleased teilster
of It' sli in His inscrutlet'wisioml
'Tetcoscing sod training of Mih- to take from otn id11101our respected
iganl's football team thils fall is illlth instluctor, W1alter Denton S11n1t,
lltlds of I trio of 111th inXw111111lt'e-beiti
lniis'tl'sty canlput ttie realetIon- lReso'ed, T'111Sf til lime~ly rI-lust-
iditt'lI(llo al 1ifs Io fu1111of,1usefulness'55leaes
popu51larre to need 1ny1sottto(f (11 teeply felthby all his friens adt will
Pinletonl, Ire it-hydothentil'' 'rsiy 1(11(1 th lilt' Iit'nerl(1111of lasw oflilt
temI n' n n 9,an hthr Imest of-4 Ia Cl?(I ito 'o
Itth edi ieligall to svity o'ert'r-' Restotled, ''attacp fti~ en
11t, 1andt1last year astnihth~ t'east RItt111it 'tiIion eSra pntllhit'r'ords of.
wih 0111' am~e l1glilst I ars'als i.'ls this cltass rt (ote printedttlithIle loals
yei'art'c'uleyrilltbesilth aieait'l I t i'?anid t copyitfortsa re o it'e
helevs' fol'rthUiver'siy of P'tnn-lfriend.
Sliaito10 estlltlthis Otlli inill11111A. I.DAIlS.
coachtinig for1Prictont~, whileitheil'A. L.. C. A'flIV NSON
WX. tDoulglas Wtard. of loehstt. is All-Freshman Team.
ourl 111ad11ctoaiti forthOisfall. II'e11100
i it rinc toin 'Vitsi 11(1 (f great A freshittl tilt.('iomploed of 111s1
tlttlttit'l'ill 14.In 9s he mtadethe ilt l''lesmt the llt'i'ivisety ill inel(!ol-
of ittes-eveitfromhe ilt'lslll'men111colleges, 11111it'e iitI Cdleglat frtsl-
it'L'arence'illl' Academ ni d ico'atl'hl'llgmesl'. Some ffort lwa. mittie it
itg Andovr. LHe'e l'.,AWard 11as0('11- hisrago T-niversiy butilM. Sttg''s
woiit 1111' sitients as swel as it'foot iti its. t nioniltti'lly. liwotit'''t.i
jutlytib' ptoudL~~. Itt'is laii stktitssl' star "tamllthles fioil alldpartiieiis
cit terountry, anti was out' of lthe loiii7, llis'isiiy IHall.
first to loint'uce tagbty footbtal iii'e
froiii uglid. Fromli18719to I982 lit western Trip This Year?
trainetd Harvard's tamis 5111froi Tih'1lt tttiiieo' mm~liitt'' of tit
that timntt111. 1890 itoe soas sithi Gxlt. Baajo and Mandolini IClb iettt
Princeton.Il. e oily left thitt15111siay befoie yesterday to disiss tans
puse' to acept'iit $5000 Ipositionl withi sliti prosttcts flt the toisiig t'ea.
the Manhattan Athletic ('hib of Ness There seims to e ia difference f
York. This is the largest saa'y ever opinion anong the itnislers of the
1paid ta an athiletic instructor. Mlr. clubs as to the advisiility of takig
Roihtnson woas brought to Michigan a long westrnIitill, but the coiiiiit-
this ye-s i',nhly through his love fol lceelook no decided stnd its the imalt-
Princetoii and the influence of thitet All imembet~rs of the clibs ill
Princeton coches. tie is proving a Inte~desday evening, (Oct. 7, in
very ipopular successor to our famioussIn 4
Iit'sldes the ceaches anti trainer owt Will Nt Be Here.
also have anoher iesv man sithb the
lean. When es-manaager icharisleu-- Professor D'Oog his been enieav-
signed in order 10 devote more time 'usng to secure Dr. Dorpfed, the
to practice, Ward Hughes. our base- great Germian archeologist, for a Ice-
b11l11mniager ws elected to tue foot- tre lire before the students. He is
bal inamagoment. No better selection in America on a oery shot les'e,anid
could have been made, ans ivon. wo0 is at present giving everal lectres at
farther add Michigan's flamnos ('lilt the eastern universities. It is sit-
tain to the list woe can knowthat tie oshat probable that he will cal(eoest,
'Varsity is ini the best pusitsiainds. tit even if ise does, ttill be apossi-
Let all tudents do all ini thir looer ble for himn to stop here. Chicago
to soppos't the -team andthtleatders. soll be the forunate city in case le
-" ' comes.
Professor B. M. Thlomapison will pre-
side at a sound mnoney'i eeting at the Thle class of 't9 will meet Thrsday
Auditorium in Detrot tonight, afternoon at 4 o'lock.


Several Will Speak, Including
Charles Baird.
A mass met'ing of all studetswho
p510 lntee'stedi infthestcess of the
'I (styis ill football this fttri, oill be"
held tiiver'tsiy Bllhthis eening
at 8.
The membetr0'ssof iitt Icsn cunido
jusit~c o thlemlselves nor to the uni-
vertsity wshhithely represent uniless
thit' knlowo-thatthi t'rtuttuS~det
body- is bahakof themt. 'Tonly oay
by hleit 0111'football 115than itt'
t-llli0'eedi 111a11suchilis thitcase ut-se'
is for every lty1 taaenittlt to maitke it
iis buinellss 1o setbtaere is a
large andtI iiiisiastict' lend~ace at
te 111s105 meeting. Universiy fHal
shollhd hI' filet'tI sihi tstslstic su-
Atite eililgit'e pls tof tie
footbalhal itt'(tlt'lll osill Itt otlinet
and1 511111'vtry iteresting- seel-ils
litay bett'pted.CIt Amio'g th ose woht
aleto Itakih are, toaehes Warth uint
MeCauley, at'ainsiiStr, 3Maisger
FItigiestx-Afanager hicitaslsbte-
sities sev'eraihlimeb'l-s of thiltfaculty
shillourit hlalsltma nagte of lst y'tar,
''5httlit"'Ba iti, of ('hitag.
Tiht'meeetinig (canno5t btiptrove' vety
interesting said it is of the slshost
il(115tli5111-thait all atte'nd1, andh gist
hit Wa lrsiyt hite 'eirtietleit whit-hi
it 50o 001ltitseres. 111tO'teryone
comle lndlbrinlg hus frindls. 'ilie
nosmlttl sttidents of the Univesiseity art
Oclttctlht'urgdi to e tettent.
Play Hilsdae Saturday.
Maaigerl' ittihis has ansiitniseef
1h 1 ie'Warsity- soill meetet hitelevein
from tHlllsdal ole(tsge'at thilthliict
fi-ld next Saitirdai 111' seontd
gams-l of the season.
Inlorter t11111tue tesit sray' te sp-
potled by tilt large crowdthhat is nec-
essatry 1 to giteit the Iptoertenosr-
sgeseht. thie manaigemntlohissreitc-
eti te hprice of atitnission, fo'his
ganse only, to twenty-five cents. It
is necssiary that the 'Wasity's aly
gamses bei'phalyedl against light teams,
but1 by this reduction it Is thought
that the atteindaiiee can be increased
and all be saisfied.
All stllanardimagaziues are nosy on
fi le in the free readiug roomss at Nest-
berry 11al1.
The opening meing of the Jefer-
sonian Society sill be hed 11110 Tur-
day evening.
The afternoon classes in the gym
have opened. Those contenplating
takring gymlnlastic traniug oill do well
by entering the classes early.
"Thm Q ualifcatios of Au Ortor'
nill be delivered by Piof. Trublood
in 1110hoov~ lecture rooni at 5 p. um.
today, befsre the Ftreshmnan laov and
beginning elocution students. Tis
Wetture 'was prepared and dliverd
by Prof. Trueblood before the Na-
tional Elocution Association in e-
trot last July.

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