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September 27, 1897 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1897-09-27

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over an hour, can have failed to pne- any other similar tour, and point o
trate to the remuotet galicrit's. 'lhle a most hearty welcome to the Arlic
clearneos of his tpronunciations was e- Viking.
ti-arkable, and nt one of tine nuoer-
000 points he made was inissed. TieT h~lle following are a fewy of the lead-
lecture was followsed throughout wits ing ipres cotutents oltle femlosttg
te closest attention, and, ab)oundingtt'numbers of te coturs'
as it- did in happy strokes antd uet "Wenttrof. Booker '. Wasigton,
hunsor, perfetly unsttudied in otheir Princeipaol of snIndusstriasl School for
efects, evoked frequent bursts of coloredipeopotle its TCuskegee, Ala., so-to
laughter and applause.tGratioe- ott te lat-ormrt of the Auditorta-,n,
et was excited by thte exhausive sr- witht the utshslinig oser te eas
its of very excellett pitotographs, m000t1o his lhe-,r itotshlis oeys, andtihis
of thsetm taken ty Nttstt hitmslf, woe face lit tp witithetienr of
whitihiwere thrownios ttta sreenbttptoypthtiey, (larkHtlvl, te ostcersor
the aid tf le-ighto.---Scoo soos. f tHenry IV. Gtysidto I oe: 'ftt
tDr. NtotsetsIlit Paris-Dr. anti Mrs. tiant's sieechI s te beginig ot at
NtcSoeotreacitetd tottlogtne frottt tot- ttoral reoltiott itt Atotria.'
tot yesterdtty afternoot. They were "t is tie fist titstc a Negro htas
toet ott laottiog by D. Aigre, 'Mayor ttatteatspsieechi th te Sothti on aty
o Botlognte, atn Mr. Farotth't, vie itmpiortatt ocasiont before attt tutieoe
president of the (Cthttober of C'ottorse coplosed of wite ttett atttiwooo":.
oant presitlent of thte Bouoigne t 't- It elecriled the ttointc, adtoo]he re
groqlical Society. A viotn totototo osetwtatss tsif i loots]cometeis
wsas giventoo the saloot otf teHatooti-trooti of to whirivnto.
Station. Dtr. too t]Ms. Notosetn left by "All tis timte te ys of totsaods
btoat exiress -ftrtarts, whicihithety lookeo strigt at tecNtgrot ortt r.
reihedt last eveotlog. 'Ty weeomt' A stratnge tiotg u-s to lappet't. A
atoth iostatiotn by-st delegationtfomettttsti stelak moao wstto seak foriis ptoplie
Ftrourh (Ge'ogratithical Setty. 'l't y w it totte to itterttithim. AslPrtf.
trtos-eto te Gmtttd Hott'l, sohcre-t Dr. Wasitgtstt trotit'forwart to te
Nansetowasotrttt'aoitted tOat itootor eteof testags, i'thlo, doslt'sooog
giv'e'ttits iis ttttttr y N. titaresIti- stttshot fiery' ays trogithett'us-
boot, tse young Frt'tnlchxtlorr-Es-lo. dosss ito lis fso-. A iretthotttt
Tihe Atteroicasn tutli' is just begin- gretoo himo. H its'Iedutl hiseaditot
tittgto resalize tfly tte 'oat] rftt astoittt'blinoditgliht, at ots vtteds
as'lieveototnts of Drt. Fridtjof Nn,t''.atout ttt' isatfort for relief. 'flte't
anttd iowv tttchithtet'worid ottodlsctuttoceiturttttedt Iis sw'ondt'rful tooootcoo-
oses hi. Dusritngte siare of to to te sttttswtitoouttotbnk ot hocye-
hundred sntotioghty years prviouts to lido.stoond begano to talk. * I is
te year o0'1893ithetoccotatinetdoletfortoslo'rnog otticleat' ttnod ttu, asdtoote
of sol tihe Arctic exipeditious snstc'eed.'oipaustdcotiosiorssiely a5 so'e smae e'ach
is ipenetrasting only 0000 iundrreod stod pointt. Wibin ts sminuotos htthe ii-
fifty omiles nearrthetoole. Dr. Non-t's lble wos in sot tohroasr of entusiasmso
sto, in three ,yo'ors, ltosih to-otw ootsu- -ioatok,'t'siefs %oseo- et'otrt, toos'
tredt niles 'beyoodothocfartest posintsoeo' flotrished, hts wero' tosol its
thitn reachsed,covernggthoclast tioe 'l ir st.'rTe tsairstosoots not(eorgia
hsunodretd and ifty' miles lioote very Oots i o tdod ceeooreo. It -as as it
short siocee of six oeks.Hitl ero t 's thocorator' lad bewsitc-iei tietm.
giving accoutl of his ixPiitioo, oos- "'ohat-e' heardhthocgrogat orators of
st-os ot osnly 0t'greatest sciootir soanoy countris, :bttonot 's-coo Sl-h
osohoos, butotareso thriling onarratiofsotstowolo'imissef coldi hootsc leaedl ao
adiventure, absorbing in int'r'est i-r stse sithbmosooconsmtmaoote toots-r
hotth olod soot young. tis grapi ic-tihaon did this antglr Ns'gr'o, standoiiooi
trts of lft, itslanstoohiithertoo tt- in a0oimbooos of sttnshineto, .surroundeid'
knots-o by- osseo, at-c startlioog, realis is'. by thoe men os-io oces'fouglt to hkc's
thitolling sout apioealsito sl losses Iis aco' isobondasge. Theio at' omigit
'lToe seemoing=alomost itmpoossibles feas swetls'ser so iig, boo t hoc xircio
ofi phiysical -eodurance ae atcsoosrsl tosof Iis eartnest fat's'novesrih ongei''
thoc entire civiid oworld. 'Thecsita- Jamsots's(reohosno's Newe York W'r'd
tionos as-c oawe-insiring aotsi oss-t eteh r des'ibing effot of 'ho'.Wts-
goandt, cont'mplatinsg wvichsbtietoonaoi- ogio's Atlanta Siteerl.
nooots verdict is thot he is otsooloe-y
"lt'ihetrso f tho etutry." lTr stas a gthieritg of tist' elss
As a sentotist tDr. Nanosen'oo C1sd att ('iskerig tol isst nigt. Aft so
a ecompiaigon for "attackloog sle Arctic some Sotchs sogs adSoot eocho motsie
fastness," theso' oo'ooeotionasI boltioess oolt'oo-gon, Wallacsoe 13srue, lately
o whiieb provokt'olmlsost tie unier- tite'd Stts totosultat thtiobtsr ti,
sol oppbositions southrioetle of lt' toass iotroducedolby Aodro'v Caoor'egie
stcientificstord. tis theoris soere'lth oosos r 'esislent of the Soe.ty.
looked supoonas bloc 'wilde~st osoogio- "In sy'reecnt coechiog tor trort-
igs otsO distortedhbrain, leading hlis Scotandt," sid -Mr. ('srtsgr,"bisr
folowesto certain death," yetboo los s one otcnamote tat I heatrl vert-s'-oe'e
prove'nhe'-was correct,ast at]bsosac- fromooSots wsobohlathomertoss]dstbouk.d
t-ooplioltethall anti omore thansos hets'Sotcho-Amercanis ontosulofor blos
claioted plossible, sood alof bths with- cotrty.-Mo. Brute, wshoosIoait sootussd
outothbie loss otsasloogle lift',Hetelt'ls to cimsloss a friendo, is mnor thosts sny
lt'story its an intelligeont, moaoly sooy, oteroneut'000000tbe oosnetisg hostk o-
free fromo any attemspt at slf sggtud- Iseen fle old Solad osesas stod
izetoet, botsvithoso digityheromointg or tootsw Scitisnol her. It gles too
lt otte wioohlos aecompsilished ots noos oso et plastre to itorbodotoo youotas
Htis oonderfuli potser asoo]u.periorty msnt ho sois sos Ameoricasn tood sne-
are felt ttytll, andone000ih coosto'soiosh thitg mooe, ansi . Scoteltotoand550
to say, "Tbhis is thc sttff sigs ate somoeting msore, Wallace' Brue."
madosoh f." Wt. Brtce theton s'o ot Sotaond
it is very evideont that Dr. Nasttst',inI Sotsmeosn. Hl eosopard te hocby-
go-at European success will bt' more steal charcterisics of Scattlond to
thost dupliated In Amerea. The tose of Nev York Stat, say-g thot
nuomber of aiplicatons for hoe, prolp- a true Sot sould feel alnost at hone
ositions for aeceptions, anti dates,.-itbi te Empire 'Stae. Tenoshe tod
ready btooked are far in excess of someot auusing stories, gave a gloss-tg

trihute to Scott, Burns, Wallace, ind
othser great nasosicsto Scotcbhoistory-
stod finishoedh t-lbsthte tmeontiono s-f
S'ottisht-Amoericantos great in ouorlobs-
tory', cietf aonogthemso Wasbtingtos
Irsvong stod A'it'xsoolr tiamoiltono.
His spe'chttoos fr'equeontly toterroist-
ed toy enthsti astic sapilassos. Atbloe
ceocion otthere seas oroe omusic', tnd
the psoforosauce cuded ovith blocsing;-
isng of "Atold Lang Sync" .toy all thoose
His lectuore' sas of a bigh srder. ttis
oasteois's tptleasinog sood Iis o'nthuosiaosm
inspjiritng Ito loss sosdttsu-'. -Totol'
Doeight, t. 1 ., presiden'ot Yale .tooi-
s'rrst us.
I heasrdohilotec'sbtewitho oelighot tant
andossi rprirse.--Wen'dsell tPshis.
Wallactte Biceo is A, Ntumobesr one-
Oftens riot's to strais to of thorillinog
cloquenoc.--Edwsard iBecher'.
tas stuokaositht Iis tplanoaoothlot'
felhicity of hots stle.-ThseodoresI Dvwiht
Wtoolose'y, bSL. I).
Hitblectuttre's yherre tavebettli
grandb hetore feature of tios'ycea'.--
t'batsttotttbtstHeorald], I'Chautsjtauu, N.
Mr. Brcecs ,so-.siproounoced oetot
toe tinsst or'ators in Scoutlaud, rantkinog
soXi Os to Gladstone too re'adinsssatoo
maosgnetisms.--tl-Nsosvilc Assocricoasi.
'Sloe bhonors of thc dvy'wecre' boruc
off toy'Wallace Brue, theOboesot. iHe
tes t lorogloy in earnsest, reciting hots
lins'ntoasolotod. clear voice, otndsi tossohsi
appoiroporiateIs'efer'ence boo W'oiio'-'oto's
hteadqutero-oos, wthbotihe'osroom sti sone'
wsintowssantoosevellodoors;, tboo' stri
sits's',lt'e hillsoeyondshnstoolielotmm
foliage. lit'disrec'dlttenotieonto lt,'
objects boy ge'sture's, soil osf st-boss-oiosobo
to' seen-s. 't, t~s-'Tb00diece w s-rfecstly
cat550ivatedt, atnod's-entshebo' ooobor fill-
ishoedilts's' wst-sost bormos oft st ioso-
Upsons the ipsaifooromo-Mr.hiruces'recesived'
tos soation,. ohltohesprominenst oinensits
frsont seats risin~g andoss.oosg''obostu oog
imo. Hote'rtainloy madeb" otoofltoftheis
ocasono.-iBrosoklynosEaogls' ontNess

like unto bhss.IBe doau's beause ito
sdelighots. Edutcated sinen ansi woes on
go to 'scar blots snd soog-l stod trysnod
citeer juost as since-relyaso ooObe sos-
edctedtanod poor'fellowv-ritiotus :%vilto
soilt miles to standst on theo ttsirits
of thse croswd which "BO." te. catndi-
daste for ('ongress os for (Govetrorots
hresislontia scietor, is aoldhr'cssiog."-
Nashiville Nces.
'The Ppiular-ity of 'Goov. "Boto" 'ot-
ior, of 'Teunoessee, seas oneser betoyr
demosstrated thssnsolast tigist. tOot
three hpreviouos occsiotons olooths de'lui-
stood toothis city lis faos lecst'sbors-.
"'dToeFitddleoasootheboeiitss," tats-hy-',
last onighot the ooeras hose Avas O(Backed
0010 stairs andshoot-sostairs, o-witooetf
the omost ctivahted at sudlienocess it
ee-r gathoeredithios tity.
Got'. Taylor's rceptionoamontedttot]I
an ovations, stolnd toghotthois lehtreo.
thse attentions of Iis hsearers ws oalt-
solste. Hecomadse teaorstaots]lauogiter'
cott o oll s t sondoth tt'tostttliy' fie
launcheisnsootoosbeauotifoul taflighot of
oratbory' and3woodtpainsting as ee-rft-ll
frostsa lectourer's ilts.
'Te popularooity ot "'t'o'he Fiddle' stoo
Oboe Boos"teas toy'0 no masns disoisi'-
seo toy its foturth repeto'ito.-tLexinsgtosn
'bloeomost striking feature of the o s--
cert of last ntighotiatt heo Lenotx Lys' oozs
tosas, tperhsaps, the olitotsplatying of Mit.
,IaBo-usix, wosos'first sboiteortoot-s
as ito.soloist tissoas sinceso' ,,hots robor
frooso a couset'of sttudy toinlGrmoany.
Ilskoseski's concerto, of whticho Mr.
llt'osshx playedoitbo umovemntot's, is aon
roofstotolts r, thougho not entirelytoot'
kownsvo worksto osor auodienuscs. 'lse
c'oncoerto exhibits tho ewo nverot nt as0555
or of thoc'Tomnas or stra at hots
hot-st, since thoe solo ipart is a_ flowisng
canotabile wst-hels qut0ires thoe broads
stoo sympoiathestic tonse wvhicho is Ott
highoest sc'lsleo-s'sscot of thin osltumoent.
'his moveomets'tMr. Be'ndihx gave wills
so soasterly odignityanstoolwoer thast
score hseartily recognize-d.-News Yorks

OTe speechbes boy Senator Bay-rnt stos Miss Ostoornoistohe fortunate hossets-

soot M\r. Eh-ts i olneocgoodh to ios'or,
Ot othlo heartstofsst hocWallacesittodo. h-to'
"ooste s-llw isht'efervor of so soloisirol
clatsossthedbloc sitsosof godssasoolhorors.
snoot 00 eotirioo; to Iis seatthei meorits
of lis comosiotionsoust]hots instpiringt
earnecstnss toore rrogoizoedl ivithl
chseers, stdta, soricof isootstosess y-ro
hood mooist'eedsoutheioro'ftoessflsed
whlebs'hesy lists-ted to himstsptraoog foot-
wardsttso shoakesohistsy toObe' hands. Aol
loadthriumpoolshdover- stssoesoosnssiis.
Gov.IRoberrt L. Taylor leaves 'I' ,-
ttesoee too atfewv lay's for ass exto'sssis'
lecturse boor thorouogih Toas. Tesxas
deservs' to-s iso host n-oratulat.sis Th''es
tresat toostore for thso oose w o hae neovert
comse undershe'rbocmagic spltli of "Boo."
'Tylor's huoros,ipoetry- soothetoocooc"
is almsost toxnetuooos. "Th'ieidle
ous th bt'Bowv"-tht's th e iotitle. Texans,
of thec lecture. Go ant] boost it. iSit
atouot an hsorranod ' a olfth-il this
queecr chasracier 0and1'bear Isis stories,
lihstenu to hioossogs, boot y'ousrselves
thorouoghlysunderbthe'nhlsoenre of loss
oraotory-, huog hoc soraol of itt sobtot y'our
bsosomss thseonconry it to you" homsses,
far msore coonocnted and. witho omore'
lose too yousr hearts for mnothser, ws-fe
southcilohoess, titan y'ouoev-etr losedte-
"Bob" 'Tasylor is sni genoris. There to
in all thiso broad. tleep land none otheor

sos' of st lcautifuol osoraoooice wichot
settos to houseos-coy re'quisite. It is
ot large compassss, rids authfufishsasdhas
also float s-sre syospsiietic sqoualityso
ofteto misssing.-Nots- York Musictitst'
"Svalt- c sIt Mors" gavse 1'. IOrmssboy
ample oh ppsortuntity to exhibittOhio
becasuies of hots los-ly lyric tnor voice.
Wills Obe exceion of Jests do' bsis' ,
se qutionboihtsoevr 1-at-bng bc-to
givens a store artistic interpretastiont in
sloe city.'.Mr. Oromsbly hiss a s-otts'ecleasr
sos so bell, of symnpathestic touality stud
atn ecepitionsal totutoass. tHis hog-ils "
are otung os-bobsperfect ease.-{'iictsgo
Musical Tiuss.
Miss Mlary Angell iplayed msosgtifi-
cenotly its Gantral Muic -Hail000 'flours-
slay nighot. Itsher interpretation of
tLiszt's h- flat concerto boor oxuraordi-
nary ipower wst-oshoot-o, soothmnusiciaso
aogree thatitothe fouture weo mosy lost's
a se-cond Teresa Carreno. Site certain-
ly is gifted anod it osill toe interesting
to wathsheb osptrogross.-llsisealCostr-
or, (Cicaego Corresponodent).
Tickots tor thits unparalleled coarse
osill be time samne price as hoerehtoore,
$2100 f or thst entire course. Rtesereos
seats osill be 50 cetst extra for these ta
hit-e course. T.icketosyil be placed on
sale soson after thue opensing of co]Loge
amid thse dates of time lecers osill be
antnounced in te vext edition of time

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