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September 27, 1897 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1897-09-27

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--- - - --

Students' Lecture Association

In 154, meeting the demands of the
students of the Ui'sverity for a seris
of lectures to be given under their di-
rection, the Students' Lecture Asoca-
tion was organized. Although, t firt
it was not their :intention to nmake it
a pernencit Viverity orgstiati n,
its popultrity was so great err tin
lose' oftir first yetrha it ws to -
ti cud.
Ito forty-two years o existent iihav-
ing berncie continuous round of sle-
csses, it is today univetsaslly acknowl-
edged to e not only tir argest lit
he tbest associttiost of its kid in
America. tn 1893 tie id's took fpos-
session of le sidents to have tis
association, of which lihi University
was so justly proud, incorporae.
"[this ivts cntsummttatedl ott June Situ I
of' that year,ntl a newvosititutissi
tatd hy-tawosiereatotted. According
to this cnstituion (Sec. 4) evry s-
dent,whvter smale or fettmsl, its 'Ity
deparlttit of the sTiverty wvho tisr
chases a sasons ticket shall e a mcii-
ter of this associtioint, ntl may vote
tand lholsd oiiertherein.
'The metbers of the assoction tieet
in April of acti year and select repre-
sentatives to esonduct ele cotrse of the
followinig year. The oard tus selet
ed tt the last terting is as folows:
Pi. P. Stder, 98 L, Presietnt.
W. A. Cambtierltin, 'itS D. Vie
ByronItI. oo, '9, (orespotdiuty
A. A.'Weer, 'S E, Iecrding Seee-
J. F1. 'Thomsss , Ti Jreasure.
Directors-sDoivney L. Hatrris, tt9 i ,
(. 'W. Whitney, 't9iL, tG. W. tetal,
'97 P, W. It. Blackhurtn,'9 IL, H. D.
Watsoin, '97 D, I. Ei. Douglas, 'ts P.
'hits board wenit to work inseiate-
ly, 'teit ekly mseeting runtil the
lose of the college year and core''s-
ponded durisg the smmser itoitis.
Bly thus workitg in Iaritiny andt ket-
lng aitCtie task its htatd tpatietly tatut
persistently the oard feels that it ist
secured ta list of attessti-ns such as
ass couse has ever offered for ltoni-
age befote. Thle University Poty wAll
be prounithat such uesad sucis or-
anizatins art' to apear withiti its
- The followivng nill he tiie cossrse Cii
1. Governor Roert L. Taylo, of
2. Slayton Gtand Cosscert Compainsy.
3. IHonorable 'Wallace Brace.
4. Dr. Fridjof Nanssen.
T). Leland T. Powers.
I. inker '. Washinigton.
7. Jott Philips Sousa and His Iad.
8. IHi. J.I. Burton.
;. Oratorictal Cotest.
10. Negotiations are bein ared
on with sie of tesestopirosuiset
men now efore the pulic. Prost-ets
for securing hn are very fvorsitik,
hut definite announesment will not e
made until the neset eition of the
Taken as a whole the tiave course
is -ndoutedly he strongest that taps
ever een secued. There is sota
weak numiber in Ve list and either oi
tle star attractions, Nasen and Sousa,
is well worth the price of the entire

isoirce. A governor, a dsititguistet
lttes'tstest, a wo-rld-fastines rpoe-r
ti'se pitiiceof issstsrsoistat'sasdisiti-
guishtedleucsator, the twa taXig
imusi-al organizationasf the -coiuntry,
these sarebut asiprt of tet'attati is
offered liy the Stsiiettsettre Asso-a
eltion isfor your 5pleasri'nditenirsit.
Goit. Robtert L. Taylor is 'tiwser-
isg his third temts isgviersos'of
Tnessee.',Fie hlsectereltroughls
it thlii South adi as ar 'ustas iss-
tot, estaeblistinig sitseivittil" m;ust-
ists for Ibrilianit eloquene tstd st-
Thes'SlaytonGrdGnetttl u t Co'i. is
cosedtt oftl 1'Max Brislix,siliist;
Sis Isisisy Osboinsoanu'o; M1r.
ItiikIrimsbty, teor Siss Mar' An-
gelrit.aniiist. 'Sax 'Bendilx hs tien
for tinyt'ars cotcrt ilscit"" of Te-
dos'e 'Ttsomass' trcetsrta sandt the rec
saisisig iestiltrs of the coitaty
hasve s-sit for thesesclvs'atlumstiai qitil-
l- high positisis inite ufs !:tga-sl wvurd.
Liot. Wallatcte ilt-ter, sator, slolse',
tort, is ofC Scottticsrytand n-s
tirnilitsNwv York A gatidutte of
Ytale, hisiemssshave -matde" its kisvtit
stll oser iEsroe andsiAsmerica. Bust
it is s a lecturear thast ir. Braceetist
wont his greatest famse. Duiring tei
lsa tencty yearshits' issdeli-eret
oter tIots' oulsandssssletusres at thtime
tandu aitrottd, tppeursing ossore'sits
all psitl, of thei'ivotld asndtliayswitts
atatiki'd sst-css. IFotr s-hltilssstip i
oratoricali powe'srle standstdady wit-
cut it peer.
Lelandsl '1. Powers ieeds 515 itruttic-
tioss to an Anns Artist'atilences.'T'he
fsavoriit w'icl it'hisisbsectsreciy-l
has awsasys guvess warantiedtl te uttr,
ii i stn'sicrintg hismtorCte si'prs--
rite oursi.
Boosies's' '. t'shtigttistpre i.,'n
o!' thes 'Tskegs'e'(Ala.) Sholsitfor
Freedmen.it le soketics-c unir lt
auspsice-'sf lthe'Ortric'a'slAssocititti
twvo yeas's'atgo itIls addtrss tienipri"
etd luststolbe' tse isost 'lquens'tt a' e-
sentais vi' of his rmet.lPresidenstAs-
it l asistofsim I ti thlat im, "ir.
Wassisgtsssursts'isls li t'high-wa-tir
sark siC sissory is Unsivertsity Bllih."
Soustass'slBtatd, whit-h lias athiev'-ud
tis' grusisst r'putations in te attirtal
tutu, isiosw regnsizes' t' lutaist
orgtanitationuof itstkidtilststes"ots-
strut, if iot its the worl. Its ihsri
for thei'comsig seasots 'sss'.acs ll
the lsadingigitites its ts,' csutrty, its
cuetttis 259 'osserts its 194 cities iruid
ton aiv nd ut will c'sver oer 21000stmisses
Crmiiioceass to oceasn andsifrssi the
Gulf of Seaes to te Gulf osC S. Law-
rtsc.Its sleicat egagemsetstar-
for te moist inotbhle evessts asd locl-
ies, situit promiises u te lt' 'ss r-
Iship of its maniietic asd accoipishes
conductor to wivis evess gretter loor.
Ture full iarticlars of Sllr. Sousa's sp-
perancsse inIhiersity Hllillt-itbe
givenin t a later special esitiont of te
Hlon. Tf. . Burton, of Kansas, is one
-of the most eloquent seaskerset of
sthe Mississipi. 'Ills tour of his staire
tfor sound toney edurig tItscampshaigt
1 las fall ias a rounsd of ovstionssoasd
-reports of his speeches deivres t hes
aplae im very 'hih in te ranks o

orsatturs. SI4r.iBuirtons will itstulitttely
Pt' the fiuture lUnitedlStst'esse'utor
traits Kansas.
D~r. i-'risltjus Naiseni, lthi'great Aruic'
Explorri', wtillit'e udoutedhcly ihuc
,'ti- suust attracl tis isthse'coutrs~e and
hits ensgasgemetr is theu' sta sssimrant
Ithsat hass Pess haooked hesure'sisce the
slill's tusisce of Stsanley, thse gre'at Atri-
s-sits -exptlorer', n"'Yt-91. A.biuet
shirthi of hisifte fountsws:
Tlhe 'sharp snorthiern caeah'of Desr-
inrk taoints right acriss thus Skatger
Ilt ustothue narrow bhiusy ltiordtt is-
igto I-C{hristisisa, thse caphitsi of Nov'-
sisy. Twlees'usi that iotrd tits Fidt-
tot Nsssssen tisssest ini trisi nithtih rs-
grits,samsisd aunudance-,'of Pbunting -siss
saliuti's of cannons-onucu' its 189, itsa
yosug sussis of twcisty-s'tit, r's s Iis
sicirstuutiineer umatrchs ace i i(re-
hlssuu, ontce ini 1896, stilsa younsg manti
fronsts sie of she muost dlarisug of Y'otur
e'xped'itiouss. As a -boy hueknsewsv tht
Fisird sieli. Al thus'bti-gissuisugoftiChts
'sixti'ssIis fathuessi little.iys's
ssutthsthdirahi awyer it thus' uapitali, isad
tsiksen its) his irtesdescu', some i'twoi iMile
set of toss, at tsreisisne atnd'biitt-
tush farmutof tersest, liautisItby h ehu
wti'e, stiltd, mustiunosus seglists itt
Nordsttsthesu, just thus'prop rt- rsi sitiu-
platre to Pringugpesa iyour;g .rctic- 'a-
Itorrs. True it the dictumtsoit stnthiro-
tpologic-al sages. thur quiet little lsawyer
hasdilsatirietd a5talli si-sssis, stits
sisisssinsu llthof hsiruowss;tin fart,a
Nw i-s'S'osusu thtat, itshsr yosunsge'r
dasys, hadshe lockedtheuseses -of prs-
Itinily of neighbhorinugSMrs. Griundy"'.
Thte elest son, Frishjof Nanuson, Cs-ris
tir't. i10, 18611, inhierited Iis suitli r'-
'bumilof lbody, strenugthsotiCuil, tissd
untstletss energy. At thue tsarms' and
stisu;it the vsalleys, is-oils, ipsaks,
snows, auth ghtcra of Noruisusrk.'st,
yountg Naseospeantethe ftrot tituty
yeatrs of life in teachsintgIis. susch's.
tis tapitetites, huts nastural utusus, to Pa
1s' stube servsants of Iis ti-itl aids

It' erowivniug cruise of tese Nortlnssst
Paissage. Ie sawv, too, lyinug hefore
tius titus'a tempsttiontshut'grete'te-
iomud has-luofGr-enlandi, wsih mansuy
tail attempujteid'lmitutno isse id mil'tiu-
siged to crass,
At IBergens hue comuldub1-sti ltsuilirty
siltress hits gissnt esnergy hu in rie's-
scoist's chsair;thtie spirit uof -dvessee
'eas rouseudttshe uses the wssthe is'usm
tos cross Gresenlasndi if ev'er slur fooli-
tutrsty tastt cousli e lotne. Th isutti-
cushy -as to conivinceothues; but sesi
thess most swondserfsul trait out this' utus
utusuuue sut. Ass mtter stranger, its a
stilos's jersey, tuirnedUPi.iuone mitit;is,
st, this' I'sias'sity of Sttirktulsu so tnit
sfsnd consultthis elseessasnsirlrnsuiol.
'hus ltanger hadsti ito1sthatuneis tiss'
fciis'andl open'suhis.mustshs, sasdl tll this
hesssors roundsils'sretcoanintced tisat
thei tiantbefore thint stas misclitt ands
psrpelipersonsfor thet'isost fosrlsorn si
M~opes, es-itsthse masdscapsfreask of cross;-
issg Guenntsl. Hhladthis'mutst ist-
plit r'ousid tlcts in im iiself, tutd, whtsat
is stucm or ise, the hsappytayrtttut of con-
viniiugss-tssss'sur its'met'thtlahIis self-
assimetin 'i' s t etle uitituate sts-oaue
of h'is greait ahlitie's. Yet, wshtetnhis
uased foe thures' hundsiredlposusfrComu
wht masisy tie salleud the Itossul Society
ofC Nsrsvsy, uss thes inewvs of war foe
thin Gbrenndsstrits, Che insia n un otak
shue is eadus. Ms. (Guamel, a tivyate
mesrchtant its ('istntusgesu, calase foe-
wvard, stttdlt'es'xped'sition star-teduplotn
'hut muost ssu-.esul iasse miasterly_4r"-
tic journey e'st aes ii' Notling site-
inesl ike sneess, sandi lt'ersaits of
Eutae greteted imut sas tiher-iwetn
tie retured'u. Wisestlue-started ott Iis
Polair josursnsy its 1892 there snerertacit-
tug nteiter fundsus, friendus, ussr followus-
u'ss. Thu reerinluandutjoiurnteylkiil hss
zoolotgist itshtutu, amut isotighut hims at
onie Psundsulto thin fronst ralsuk of exislor-
,A fet e ss commeusnts stilt siusy ttts.
esitetemits whlichs Dr. Nissussusis tlidits

tie ' harshest essaahiusalismis that tliutrotast
sissmstualeements cosul offer isi. Cft 'he reetiossgien tonight to Dr.
itl plsh sa faftrun is thes'sot ot litth- Nsustsn itt thes'oils .Geogruujshis'ai So-
tluces, situd ithis-it su tsissrh'usuitk, ciety umeseting in this'Aliert bisal less
-Nurdssusukens t hrowninit, Pt's'ss'istsms'u t hsaussthe smost stiki n dkss suintiums-
remul givneass)sutre t forusi a It crusushs'iatie druiuustratioisss-ser tutudhby tiht
ste it Arctic exploremr. ssciety its thonorsmof sa great captor- r.
csrumstasu-s's, Iasslstus'opoist of iii s 'ster'uuslsi's' rof t.udssusiences' husu
'-sums-u's, ha~s Nusasi tutu tsuussutuues-l ')y- takens this-it ts, asnsi by tiin es'lick
bread-aiul utter"u-consideration eus. 'hus this' iast hlttt sitrowded'lu'toIsits mt-
s'stutusust stunit iofscisltic miesii-i insst casaity b ti. sebrillianut ass."s-
tl suu s -sispr tr~ ls-ersttamty to thet'iorusru l usge. Shorutly taft'erthatthsurm' t'e
stndu stus-stdts'alest 'sulusia st thue organiitstru(ule iiliii'e Nationsal Austls-sm,
Norses'seats of I-sumiusg ts ivt-si iiu andtuin a fete momenstusothe iistiutg
powerfiutl Soumlhsne sigihors. Wit; usi ussience st-eu abi~leitoiperceive'lt' atallh
Nssuseoumastrit-ulastuedIat ti' l'is-rsitys tfossitthi' M eeturesrs'of l t'eeve'ning,
its iS'it,eiiiutty ts' sasaladuy us-tfolloseing closeupmi-sn thePrmesiden'ut of
fittes thtt thi sptiit of scie'ntific e- thse Society, Sir Cl'mntss MaikhsLt
sesart-h, asnd chose zoiology as his sins i- Dr. fNanas-n rceiv'ed au perfect suvations,
jeut of study. After a eupluse of yearas wic-eatssressseateth for is Royal
at coitt-ge, his a youiig slane-ueiiiiof IHighuness the telnce'ousWasles, seiss
twen-sty-one, tiilt merely thi'estisutntut'snext apapeairedup uon thu platformu, tot-
of zooy ini lim, ticsails-utn iss e 'ss ltinest by the IDukes' andiDuchsess rut
Slant-msorning on hosarti sissies YorktTueiur toyaul Iighmuissts smhl-
itimiis for ass Arctic cruses. ()ts hilt uiglybhowt-d their sacknosedgemtensts
sreturn, t'eProfessor sehos tsadlset if thue gretinugs accorei'tos thueist, ust
huts hadl fle lustosiC (ureator to this tetPrinscu thiesttootsissseat, lutielsg
SMmsusum in Iii 'guts waitinugluist. Ntil- itthula ight Di'. Nassi), acidslou his
seart settle-d it -sn to Iis usicroseuuse. left this'prsesidenst. Sir Clentus Mark-
andu its thi'hissfsive tlloing years itIhiatuswas commssendably brief itsspeas-
thre proumisin~g plutessositresearcuhs that iig thse proceedlings, anud then Dr. Nans-
wouul itstimue stat-c usade titus snoswu] sets rose to delis-er lissadsdress tuid
ahrnad to a fewseiealists nittans reneived enthsusiasni. Despite its i-
fis's, anud nesrve-structure, 5usd, tier- celnitotacoustic properties, thsenco)n-
haps~s, gainsedl'titu a chair in its uier- msous size of thurAhhbert Hail presents
ily. But shen on the seater its'sdifficuties of a very severe kiund to
silhits kihled the zoologist in Ihim.Ie ainy ordinary speakzer, butfelse exporer
sate in the fleet of settlers the X'uga, proved himself admsirabily fitted for Iis
the ittle steamier in shitch that vet- task its this respect, tint scarcely :a
mran Swvede, 'Nordenskioid, had made ivord of his address, which lasted for


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