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October 19, 1897 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-19

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[ f The New Cosmopolitan University
+ " « tu h Shcayo (~o-rmoet3a efore Haying Tour
PbihdDiy(uayexetdduig100 0 students were on lie rolls as, O O / a ® INSPECT TIEE SORK
the College ear, at ieniers of tlie first lresila lOs h t ' a e
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, of le os noitaiisili Uiis-rsiiy. Trhe
OneriEn: Times building, 329 S. Main St. be- e , ~ ~ ~ .
MANAING EDITOR in^th~(e ('osnioixli tsii5 'gdoaioial '7 '3 ~ I ~ U 1
J. F. THeniS, '00 L.
- ~~~work we-re trowni by te reireieut(nesortGion& lak
0. I. lIANS, '0 L. of Piesident Anidrews, in oder to met
EDITORS till' trgent wishes of his friends 't 112 'West Huron Street, Ann Arbor.
in, 1. SunIsnax, '08 I.,. Athletics. Brown lniiv. rsity, tias leeeli iiet by
E. L. OnosonR, '95 L.- - - Monday
BnR ' 1LAS, '00, - - - Tueday till'aleeitane of tin' Prisdency by ST. THOMAS
G. D. rDUT.'00. .- Wednsday Dr. lipilet N. Poter. I sident ON
'r. R. Woocow, '9, - - Thursday RY OfDTAfi1T£ M~UIC/
A. CAscrnELOMBL.,'5 , - - - - Friday 'oter tils bien t (le 'ead of Iwo CONSER4VATO\ r iui
I. A. CAroelL, '00, - - Saturday great eollges for niearly twenty-Orve CONDUCTED BY THE
yealrs, slid brings tos 1)1e'worke(-PpII- 31S'T5E RS
The subscrlption price oc the Daily is $2.50 0rnr!tl0 . s l us ic'11= FTHE
fr the coiiege ye'r, with a reguar delivery 1,110 of tbrolli elltr de otIliiliOnii- CO V N
before noon each dap. Notices, communica- 11!'11 CO
tines, and othermatterintended for publica- 11101 ideas5. Ilie is already at Irving 1 PIE XTN
tions must be handed is'at the Daliy office be- ..,.. \IA4TA1-
face d p. in., or mailed to the editsr befor0e5315ton lgedl ini orgaiinig iis saff of
p. in., of the day previous to that on whichPanFotV alCtle'
they are nogected to appear. trofeo'sors -rIl(,wonk(f tet ilell-' in ot, 'Vocal Cultureua~
Subsrit ons may e leftit The D'aily Mandln 1uitar Violin a
Office, ee's or illot'sNewtand, or sis hts i0bin groupet netiotr iftee"i u, Guiar, Volin
with B sines Manager. Subuub brs wilt l con- -jCuner
fer a fao sss frby reporting opromptly at this 1(re1(1, coering' 11h' variouls braue' _Banjo, Harmony, Counter-filurkoNcaDOerLIo l'lier ppeS
oflc annoailredogcarieratodelierhapere will be point anti General Musical G IA SSB L JS
Th eurmnsfor admission to fkoleg.Ell fteeu-l ' Theory. Study of Harp, Th hh 'l
Ti'r~lililOill chalrge' of5atprfessor. Te Washburn is theone an ony
t1he law depiartmentIi of till University - - M1iss Elle O18=39an make of world-wide reputation. Sold
of Mchian re ow he ,anl asfor In earc ofLeanin. b fist-class dealers everywhere from
the iteary eya'tmeit.Ex.so e sre that the name "George
111 le lryI'irll'itt. After c'sIaing tie rlsiirciels ADDEESS, Washburn' is hrned upon the inside.
Thlis is 11015"51111as 011c11it swilll l illst his lift'htch isdlby tile'enemyl-ST THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC gA beaut riful dWashburn ter Bookotain-e
ludoubteildly eopied ini 0 '5rI ol~iies (' of tis roya hse 5111rown1 Prinee ELIZABETH STREET. Renikes, Calve, Eames, Nordica, Sca-
paper iiiItle co-tury. It. is td-t' for' ul-0'l'tll of Korea tils 'c1111'eIIt e chi and 10oiliter famous artists and
- bOt RENT--Very desrabllilsutite of teachers, mailed free upon requet.
file annualll "fiaerinity at Mihigan ilridStalls to fiiishi iis edtioni~i. ro Address Dept. U,
mswthsaioaytoltll ht YO taiifs 199111sIx's" s (oryto puilielarrive'd in Sll 1n 0.11001,rreieon-tlynts;cudowlolidtia11111otYvv & EALY,
(bits'ti3'r~lelliy. 0(1 l~li Slttr; hc 5l~t'i' lelltu; tr. Wabash Svee, and dams S., Chicago.
in1 111 all pir t.Ile. asl-omlpanit'bt woI) i-syoung Kortsain bath. Inquire' at 439 S. Divisionlfit.
--lobliemien, anig Kin 11n1 Sin Snig
Some ill'a of (lie gro viiiof 111111'i05 ioo. YangKiii'is ueli 0quip'dtoI
111 51ihiiincan be obtlained (15'o1-1-bring lte riniceto1 1hosocountry and il nfil r Ifll(l AI f
Iaigtefrs otalw s etr si tbi hlullat soiie seat of leariniig J LUULUc Iscitin
bolfodrtllt 501 0-r'and res'nt, as for t11110 yeas tie .-iilge tat- F'ORTY-THIRD SEASON.
t ascent 55,1 raised. 'fTis yar th001eilgton. THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE.
tusrntedou, tie 1m111ing lsted tine Eui-Whla iieed'lto llrublsup11agalist till
',~ros antI $1,500 wassusiertlt1. A-11r-ita15 ue-ti ls possible, for tin' rul-
The'r'l can ble no ely iow' of buack of lg of Korea11111 till gurdtig 01 its STAYTON GaRAND CONCERT Co ------------------Oct. 30
studeiii buncking.'oruling is no easyask is Ills'uellrtion H'ON. WALLACE BRUCE.---------------------Nov. 5
The1r..dinsnAv hae away (tillhs far has teell of till'bt. Por a DR. FRIDJOFNANSEN ---------- .. ._-- -Nov. 16
sa' le has ben an a5ttdn~t al ill HoN. ROMT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee------------- ----Dec. 3
lrywihwihaniioniloetneeneleits sua tnd Ilebraled Japanel't'sechoal of t'tko- LELANt) T. POwhiRs------------------------Jan. 22
uoiee dililor fombtlieinboZ-d. al, anin stittution m111c1 affected iy BOOKER T. WASHINGTON Chicago AlumnNubr-----Ja.2
notcesdiapparfron blltinbords KorellilyOllig mn n ld ioi ie comes SOUSA, AND HIS BAND ---------_----------_----------------Feb. 2
'Ihis vandalismliseemis 1,o iethewone'
to a qulilrat himisef with orn:stern w~ ORATORICAL CONTEST----------__ ____ ____ ____ ___March 18
tiearewve hhsoe elotfor meo ill'andlowestern peehes. Ile hao not yet. HON. J. BURTON ------------ -------------April 18
ber ar vete bu. cntaryto hedecitedt ohichlicolege ie uill a'te1011.
historical exatilltettiail t10uhrll-as-nTickets, - $ .00
it iu at napkin. Tie jlthihos shoulid Athletic Notes. Season Ticet
do something 't once to 01011 (his a- 'lhe Ahtlt-ic bordt lie's tonigit. Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50
usying Iracice.'The '9)8 U fotbs tlliandidtes oilet
Among the Colleges, for 1h111' irt haleeserstiydufedl nn.HI G E W
T'1519'it)fotbal ieaii l l~gin1 O liE IIN G N E
Tile gamie sttledtled for Satutrttay light prachliee yelsttrtt-y5at the Atti-
bewePhy m~raa h oleeo erehl h s scians and slurgeois of hiGal go We'slie S lnnsot l'ling aeortding (I)
wiuvtyatBand 0
va- not played t 1155g1K 10o1111an iability last oveks Ariel, hs-1n averalge of a
of tie captains 10oligree on Oflicills. 1S0 pounds.
Two nosy grand stands eaeih capable The fivslilian elass football aspir --------- A-."---------
of holding.520)5) persos, ihave 01eu lits 1111Sf yeserdy lat 4 p. in,. 110theercddYaeHltoacumiie
''lhathl-etic Fiele.diletwoC iitti iigg Reye r & Co.
tirecrosvd expecte'd t ethle alnalTe 100 football candiditesw's-re
Prineto-Valgam. .' hetwostands ouf yesterday 'fternoon practicing on -
wilinleetdOi elyi -lite campnSiear tilee gym1nam. 201 and 203 South Main Street. - - Ann Arbor, ilch
Obeaylin de-hateis sai o Welabn one
O r layin raTh i a d t a e b e u . YS L f t e c en es a usv p aei d a S H O E S S U C H A S S O L D B Y U S
Oberin.The i eleyas OtweihedThey are the luxuries of hoedom, the "elixir of life" to weary feet.
Oberlin, but the suappy play and teamn DETROIT, flICH. It's unjust to your feet to do without themr.
work of the later enasboemIbi to Makers best finished J A ? I L
si-re fthree touchdowns and bld the Wfl AJ.R L
former to a field goal. U. of N. Flags and Fraternity Emblems Is EAST WASEInUlvTON STREET.

1,' I

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