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October 19, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-19

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VOL. VIII. No. 17.


Has received a fulli line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Al Ilegretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
---- -------
PRJCES:-25c, 35c 50c and 75c,,
Just Received a Large ansi Elegant
L±.e of New Pipes!l
Gt asd Cold Lunches at all hersAents
for Huyler's andl Williams an Werners C's
Chocolate Bn Bes.
30S) South Star Street.
Students should try us before
making any purchase. We are
bound to satisfy and please. Our
large stock of Law and Medal
Books, in short, Text-Books for
every department in the University,
new and second-hand enables us
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Make ourstores your headquarters.
lp Twn newswnTwn
S. Sate at. 0 pste CurtHess
Ass Arbor , ain at.

Tennis Tournament a Success-
Matches Schedluled for Today.
The'le ttris toutrnailtletlwas in (,(-h
helter attenttded yestetrday thanstsott s-
urd -ay, futlly ottO itooct cclstudents to-
iltg p~resenl 1 t tlapecttors. flit' ttt-
es «ttL 1101 of very hight class;,tolly
tree fist class cotntest s ter, played.
Its tto secontd class toutrnlamient live
mactolles Nwere Ipulledtoff. Ahasty o01the
conltests setslttletlcounldlnot Ise played
1-erattocof conflicts hetwseei tlw soin-
te and dsole tottttIllit55t5.
The hest contlest of teclay w-8as itt
dloubles hetweess Macsec and IRaymondss
and( HI. Dantsforilthad Lasssb. The fieat
s't wasoeaisy work 'for the lattter leant,
butt lnoth lus cst setithey lplayfed stay
ustaeadily anld threw ttatty potints
-away. ii. Datnfortht atnd Ltttthfinally
on th I rl tststh (-_', (-4. 'rhse'featutres
of theo play seas Ilhs'volleyttg of Danss-
forths and Ithe strong; servitsg Af Lanmb.
Ito hirst clarss singles harvey «won as
hte pleased frotttI aymons.antd Mrs
"reosctl very fatr intshec secotnd class
'PTte stttsmary of yes tecdas p Ilay
follosws F irst class -itolt ital
round(, Hatrvesy heat I .syctsodt, -I, (,-C);
set5cndcoundttHet"ibeat Wttt tl (.
secontd elavs scc cs - I'rltcctctr
rountdl. Vilhar(teastlsahcr ,. It-rat-
gcsss tacltcssstsltll GI-, t-2; fcrst touncsl.
Mfle-beas t ocictlg64)tt-it-0t; (Ccatlta
bet Fe1-liker,IDenaby vs. Vernie'r 1t-1,
--2, tsiiisisec. Dioublles,- Irclicitiactc

etttceded to ouc-lcaist thotlher phicyer.,.
1isco litrt1- s tt tnamtd 'spett't-tl. Ti'h
tolcttlls Ictve otl trogre~iesacc 'fcs
ssttcsgls to enahle thecitic co get cc
vieryf'gttttcl lisle on 11ce ll irEcs l eats
Football Prantice.
Its 'Ccl laityIpractitce restctlsrw11s
a2 os l e Inscy of lsathe stts lst.t11dttttt-ic
tvttrse 1 ccittit. soultd he st ItIistimce of
tice 'ysatr. lBcicgedi ttrfs'rt-s-e,1st-c
ttf elser=x- csant gencerail litless nes s were
the cief.' Itcraccciriat les. lThetc-ccitt
had tlIllstrtotsle Its si ol)tti 'tt ie rlsates
candclectaily ttrske ilsrossglc thcs-litte dccl
blovk'l sc uta, .rindcNI-tvlsssitlps105ta sIttcc
osf Ilse 'bsll eltolttfitsledto gts its.
5tektl's swork acckeicoct thes-esrstls
t«cts exettitttally stroncg-;sttt worriedi
its- 'sctsity t'Ila notlactlittle. IFtrtMlce
t talty V('tstctiglcstcslit .ester 1 oc
Lock-wood ttt c ctkitedid tIc'ectsttok.
("''ley d'iehat-stc ertla 111 outcccl
ptrctite. li' sc-rusa I-c'rc'tscc-
bcy 1recutl. ('ctitctits itsccctc l-t
ccc- nwcta-lIles'tracinsincg ctle.
Secret Practice Begins.
FT-cc'etsill 'Itt-sc-Iret pItt-cscc-e li tsh
I'mltaslflt d=ad tclc ctottcscttsc t-. No
lost- wslll Itt-adcttedlcleXtetilstthe pl-
era Itid coct-tcc-.
At Mlle Icc gcccct 1ti ts; trtlly c-itlit
(tw-ruts ccclIttne Ilill le allowed.t('s-s
tnic c-to ts-- groundscl untlessa iec11c<1s a
ti-cttocc-ccittpas. Tlis :llttlc5Is t the
Ic-st-tIc-asa s-c-Il c ' IIs e s lt'tlt ras.
All ca-l- reev sstwttde-airt- 1)Isi l L
1"ottti all ll-tt1na'cr

Chess Club Prospects.
TIhes Unilrsit''tly llssClublt'will hldls
Its Bc-at sccctitcg Thlctctalsy of next
sstclt iccthcs' Escgits ccciscgLiltacty. 'lT-e
otiers art- tot tosiccg(ts icsassgcrccls'a
seacctson cIi-ic slscsll stricsa lstat of
forert--ye-asicclccattendacecscttd initshec
sillily of loy.-s-baRst ytar nots ttscccc-
nt tl is55hccld, bhti twocorreasondt-
vust-scccmat-c gcscccca tssre ts--cc .fcttcsc lst
tiday Cily ttlceotClubt. Tisa ys-cc, -hows-
c-vccr, a larcge opettu srnamnttisite-
tog ptlnnedt. Allan l'cscccstscll, '1It, is
presidlentiof i1cc- cith.
tostt i n1tlc- talts-abtility of lhist n
les aof thec lcub, it tankis s igcs ccctll
lulveityi e ssSoctietites. I'. triltfisi
is conaceded to bItsh ~e tet lsa-erand
lltst.55111151t1 tplsyedt'eve1th willsthlt'Set-
ondctlt-aastittyesof tcttheClccgtt (h1ss
C'ltub. 'lTere- lvds somacs tlk icc cisc
slsiccg t f '1)7 of crrtligitcg cc nittttIcc
NWillt Its theUiversity otl 5 'lclcgt, buit
thiscan1c cdcid1 nottinattttre. I lcscclcc-u
'Isclcglst'attic-c playtersarccl-I'. ('rif-
fi Ic,, AN'.ii.tMterrit-c, AliaaCit 'ccccpl-l,
T1. iltiseandccct1.1. 1. tg--sc. a. h Z'icts-
tttt'ttnlcct,.of AnntiAthborsa al~l-cls
oaken 2i cckidly inctesrcst iccn te-ds.b
Y. M. C. A. Bible Classes.
lhest it' l t ho1c' ts ct-c- lita c ilast, -sit
H171cc titesralrY. 'ci.I' A. ttf oteor
ccli ccl NIv-141 it I ttst1101c--cc st- itl-
silt-c It t -s los- Istttslter.
Me.r A. II. i cA cas-ll N-ill s-tscstic
.1,cot-srs'eisidsoh. lit- . If. J.M- 'rccc y
svIlllet th1c- cscci -1tlctctccs Lii'-
tf Iltria~t. ldcitic. lit-sat- i llIcciss
(-Itcsc-gs- of lest clasaa itsOld 'l'c'stcscsctt
I liatttrv.

roundtt, 11. DanflorthiandL amb sti t s5ThtIc1es' of tmetetitng asill its-fin-ite-
Mcsirt'r candl lRayimondt 6-2. (;-4. Wisconsin Still Sulky. 1ic announsc-tcIcdlae icnl tthNveeck.
Today ~ -tic sasonissreossi firset clasisa Last Sa tusrdayo a ci ssc'c'cg as Iccitt iioosgi tie'terolledl in ccitl tis
singIt-, tc tt-eprlctfitodry' roundtOtttlist'n tohIlls-ivesity l3of Wiatcaosito fall.: itclradytsoinose'god sworkc. 'hso
doubclelctolteosccscnt,candslt1ce-fit-st rossndsiOs-s-cintet'cttle'giits- debltiing ills lsnt. interst'aeals reqsc- estedsss'to extenditl is
of second class singles silll tes'finishledl. ('osidlerales siss-isasion Itiwais igs ;(ci iotict.
Mctclces sceduciledl are as follos:itnluponi the sublject of lt'eCetrailIts- Wrinkle to Continue Publication.
irst classa singles-Sseoucl rousind, iss- btinig ILeagis'.Negotiaitioss ic-s-c
sel s-s. H. Dasnlorthts ct 2 It- 5104 It. Dciii- heen cct ccstaoisslsisee NX's ccostos It is soi-lsitely announ51ced-tilh st
Northc vs. Harvey at 11 a. in.; ipley vs. advs-sso decisioni last siteing. Al that Wrinkile Isill rust this ye-ar. Artilur
Linrtc at 4 p. ni. kDonhbles- ('selinsin- tine her lite-rary societies werse sI-aii- .. Suth, manaodging editocr Ic-st y-ear,
ary round, Danforthi and Herrick vs. nsocso in their cpslsiticoti thicsal-cgs-.lis bet-uto Asnn Arhor assisting in
Lsudlows ansi Lockwsootd at 4 It- si.; itus- Notintg Ihas bc-en cons-ceed to W'isconthelst Irepaation of lice i-st nuceler.
set and Rittley vs. Oshorn antI'Tag- oils. The 1105511o11 uosx- 1stfore tlis- . Mccy of ltd old contributors litve
gcart. Second closs singles--First c-Plies is svhethcer sisewilil cihantge liet' promiseddthire assistance; thiere is evi
rotund, T<agst vs. Ludoew, ertier ctitcefr iesac a frsii ied-vace of mtsch nesw talent in te freshi-
s-.Dt~,po~ont; Clsr 5 'ss se-rvetdcis -ca-ordc-l it its sucess is as-
Jacobs; Lockwood vs. Wilbur, +iBarlow CvtdMr nue. sed
vs. Jeroegaun; °Reigelsoiousn vs. Osbsorni. -
Today's ucoat itioorlooittnsotslts sire Lao8t evenincg lice thlotal c-irolli~t-n of Greetings From a Foreign Land.
those between It. Dtsfooi.liaud Har- thse Uniiversity 'had reasc-he--l2,11)). AltPTcc followinig svelc-omceisostacl notice
s'ey, Russl sod H. Danlortli, Ripley lhis role 3.1100? is niot soneedggert-ctilihssjusst beeni received by- thet Daily
and Lai. The ssiicucws of thiese estilsootesof tie 'totail registrastioIsorlUiversity tatVcuna,
matchles Bill secuess a pslace in lice lbs year. 'T'-e "Harvard (Crin)'sonin Au~striaI, Oct. 1 'ItT.
U.of ',t. 'Daitly:
senci-fitials of fBest class singlces. Meelat atuotrdiys edition, dannoun~ced ti asciI o IDalteDal a ngm n
bos already foulghtIsis wsy'to 11ha1tics- totail eurolled lin thactsuiversity tt cud beit stic seseoreasccssofstitcr,
covetet iotions. In -lie sectondilass day13'w51153,739,. ccgaino of 149t cserhiast frssin (oliiatn Dssdlesy Fraink, it. B,
stogles fMee, Willtur aiid Jacobs '1r-I-l"t°"a Sfi Jss.c . --, - '9J7 --"


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