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May 27, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-27

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+W + recognized that rumor has it every year
that he has received a call to other in-
stitutions, and the present report is ab-
solutely without foundation. Prof.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during Wilgus has received a very compliment-
the College year, at ary call from his old school, the Ohio
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. State University at Columbus, but after
OFFiE: Times building, 329S . Main St. mature consideration has decided to re-
Telephone (New State189. main here for the coming year at least.
MANAGING EDITOR Since joining the Michigan faculty in
J. F. THOMAs,'00 L. 1894, Prof. Wilgus has earned an en-
-- viable reputation as an educator, and
BUSINESS MANAGER his worth is highly appreciated, not
O. H. HANs '00 L. only here but in other institutions.
EDITORS It is certainly a matter of much con-
to, B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. gratulation that these two professors
R. L. GeIsMER, '91 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 will continue with us.
T. R. WoODROw, '98 F. ENGELHARD, '98.
F. D. EAMAN,'00 R. S. DANsORTH,'98 Gladstone Memorial Exercises.
P. W. JONEs, '99. C. H. LuND, '00 M.

A. H. MCDoUGALL,'01 E.

The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50
f sr the csllege year, with a regular delivery
before soon each day. Notices, csmmsnica-
teons, and other matter intended for publica-
tion mast he handed in at the Daily sfcerbe-
fore d p. ma, r Railed to the editsr befsre I
p. M., of the day previous to that on which
then are espected to appear.
Sbaerptons may be left at The Daily
Office, Meyer's or Stofflet's Newstand, or
with Business Manager.nSuberiers willte-
fer afavor by reporting proptly at this
office an failure of carriers to deliver paper.
A Canoe Club.
The University of Michigan has en-
tered upon a new branch of athletics.
In future years the student of the Uni-
versity will have opportunities to see
the 'Varsity crew trying to win honor
and fame for its Alma Mater. This
new branch of athletics is boating. The
beginning of aquatics at Michigan has
taken the form of a Canoe Club organ-
ized by the students. The members of
the club have been at work for some
time completing their organization, and
have had a, number of canoes made,
many of which are already upon the
water. The club will have sa private
boat house built at the foot of Main
st., on the Huron rover, where they
will have their course. A mile and a
half course is easily obtainable by tear-
ing out the old upper dam, which has
already been condemned by the author-
There are sixteen canvas canoes al-
ready upon the river, and eight others
are being made and will soon be ready
for use. At a recent meeting of the
club the following officers were elected:
President, John E. Felker, '99 M.; vice_
president, L. H. Hayes; secretatry, Miss
Felker; treasurer, Wm. E. Stowe, '98
L; commodore, A. S. Kepner, '98 L.
It is the intention of the members of
the club to have races this spring. One
week from tomorrow, Saturday, June
4, they will have a grand regatta. There
will be several races of different dis-
tances, and prizes will be given to the
winners. The object of the regatta is
to arouse an interest among the stu-
dents on the subject of boating at the
University. A proposition will be sub-
mitted to the Athletic Association
which, if accepted, will give the entire
control of the club to the Athletic
Board, and will make boating as much
a branch of athletics here as tennis or
baseball. It is not known what action
the Board will take in regard to the
matter, but the prevailing sentiment
among the students favors some plan
by which this new sport may be given
a place in athletics at Michigan.
Law Professors Will Not Go.
With the announced departure of In-
structor Hughes to accept a. professor-
ship at Illinois, rumor has been rife con-
cerning contemplated resignations of
Profs. Mechem and Wilgus. Concerning
the former, the Daily can say on the
best of authority that Prof. Mechem
has received no call elsewhere, does not
contemplate resigning from the faculty
and will be found at his old post next
year. Prof. Mechem's ability is so well

Last night the Oratorical Association
gave a Gladstone memorial service in
University Hall. There was but a small
crowd there. As Pres. Hutchins was
unable to be present, Pres. F. It. Bow-
ers, of the association, presided. The
following speakers responded: "Glad-
stone, the Scholar," Whitman; "Glad-
stone, the Reformer," Lathers; "Glad-
stone, the Political Campaigner," Al-
bright; "Gladstone, the Theologian,"
Wiers; "Gladstone, the Statesman,"
Berkebile; "Gladstone, His Character
and Influence," Sadler. Simons and
Dillon were not present to speak.
The tousle was furnished by L. L.
Renwick and Miss Florence Hayes, of
Detroit. The latter was very warmly
Found-Small silver ladIes' Elgin
watch. Loser can have same by calling
at Calkins' drug store and paying for
this notice.
Friday and Saturday, May 27 and 2i.-
Michigan Inter-Scholastic Associaticn
Annual Field and Track Meet and
baseball games, Regents Field; ten-
nis tournament, faculty courts.
Wednesday, June 1-Faculty baseball
game, 4:10 p. in., Regents Field.
Thursday, May 26-Gladstone Memorial
Services, 8 p. in., University Hall, un-
der auspices of Oratorical Association.
Saturday, May 28-Barbour Gymnasi-
um, entertainment and dance by
Fru t and Flower Mission for benefit
of Nurses' Home fund.
Saturday evening, May 28-First an-
nual contest of the Peninsular Oratori-
cal League at Newberry hall.
Saturday, June d-Lawn Fete by Wo-
man's League at Prof. B. A. Hios-
dale's residence, 1414 Washtenaw ave.

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Our 'ads" do not sell our
good Clothes-it is the fit,
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behind the "ad"-that does
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for a Summer Cruise .,
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The Greatest Perlec-
NEW STEEL tisn yet attained in
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To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
No other Line offers a Panorama of 460 miles of equal variety and interest.
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Makers of the cArS and GOwNS, to University of Michigan,
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Class contracts a specialty.
"The U. of M. Daily, "Its columns are al-
which, by the way, is one ways filled with choice
of the best advertising University news."-
mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening
-Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April
3, 1898. 8, 1898.

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titioners deiring to comine recreationswithiia
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These are some of the attrac-
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Send 15cifor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to
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RAND, McNALLY & CO.. 166-174 Adams St., Chicago.

A. ..f

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