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May 27, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-27

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, ail.


i I

At Wild's
Spring selections jnst arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect onr.
Suitings, Trouserings,
The value of prescriptions depends
on how they have been filed.
Good drugs and skillful pharma-
clsts art necessary.
We guarantee theauniform strength
sod purity of every drag to our
store. and the accuracy of our
'We have an elegant cloth og Toilet
Articles and sell them at the
lowest price.
Geo. P. Wilder.

An Unusually Large Number of
Final arrangements far the It'r-
Scholastic Meet to be held here tonight
and tomorrow have new been com-
pleted by Manager Carl H. Greets of
the University Athletic Association.
There is every reason to believe that
this year's necet will eclipse all, held in
the tas. The entries are larger, the
somber of high schools represented
msore nunmerous by. one-third, and the
enthusiasm and -rivalry greater. A
glance at the entries shows that eleven
schools are entered and are representedc
by teams composed of from one to
eighteen mess. Benton Harbmr -enters
enters the one man and Detr it sight-
ten. The Ishpcemning team of eleen,
which has heretofore contested in the
Wisconsin meets, enters io'year for
the firstlime. The team is very strong
anti has wvon ot in Wisconsin for two
sccressive rears.

The iproram includes as insdoor steel
Keep Cool.. tonight at the Watermans gymsnasiusm,
commencing at 7:30; bicycle s;ect Sat-
Get Your ICE(CtEAM ,SODA urday mnornissg, at she fair crossnds,
WATERI, CRUSHCES, P aOS- coinmencing at it0to'lot; track and
PRATES, aLOPS, amd ala hield meet at tRegents Field Satusrdsay
Summer Beverrgeent afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock. The
R T T T V &CoU girls of the High School will give a
dance -tt Hight School Halt tonighot, tom-
308 nuthStae Steet mencing at 10:30 oclock.
___________________________ Thebsteams will be met at the bleaots
hy rssmmittees and tes so the gyma-
hat Is Vacation um, wehere they will be assigned los
Wat I scaio qarters. The University Athletic As-
sociation will have charge at the en-
tertainment of the visitors white 1heve.
Wiho t K DAK! The following high sehools tire en-
t ered: Lansing( last year's witnner), lsh-
peming, Benton Harbor, Pontiac,iDe-
trait, Greensville, Bay City, Adrian, Mt.
Next fall you will wish yon Clemens, Jacksoss and Ann Arbor.
had had one. Five or ten Large delegations at rooters will
come from Detroit, Jackosona, Pontiac
dollars invested now means and Lansing.
of saisfationnext Entries far the indssor meet to he held
plentyofstfato I t in the Waterman gyssnasisos tonight
fall. Better get it in time follow:
Farty yard dash-H-arkhurst, Chris-
toperlearn hw hfr o shrand Longyear, Lansinog; Johnston
start, too, and Gingrass, tshpeming; Niemnyer,
Benton Harbor; Daswson and Thonp-
CAL KINS if iRrA r son, Pontiae; Stewart, Inglis andgrn
Adrian; bMansfild, Mhartitn and Sir-
myer, Bay City; Scott, Mt. Clemens;
Chandler, Jackson; Jordan~, Michelle
and Sister, Ann Arbor
S en io L a s Early yard hurdle-Johnssn and Has-
lam, Ishpeming; Christopher, Lansitng;
Standish and Walter, Detroit; tians-
We have in stock a foll set of field and Martin, Hay City; Chandler,
the Jachson; Richette, Tacker aid Brawn,
Ann Arbor.
Natona Re ortrs Lightweight wrestling-Lanyst and
with Digests- Harknss, Lansing; Kennedy, Detrit;
Also the Barrett, Adrian; Richette, Ant Arbor.
Heavyweight wrestling-Childs, Lan-
American Annual sing; High, Bay City; Tiicker and Ful-
Digests. ler, Ann Atbot. cruln-hts
We are agents for these works pn;KnAnAhr
and our SPECIAL. PRICES on only of the high schools represented
only at the High Schools representied
them to STUDENTS cannot help will be uned.
but interest you. Call and see The bicycle races will commence
them. promptly at t05osclock Satur,lay marie-
te.ing. The entries follow:
Onse mile bicycle-Mcnarricks, L.;
W AHR'S BOOK STORE Knapp, P. Downing, M~a n
LTU Twn V DownTown Dodds, D. Dalby, Bryant and Nun-
UpTon.ow Tw neley, Xt C.; Foich and Knapip, A.;
S tate St. opposite C~ourt Souse I7ilson, Hailer and Turner, B. C. ;
Ann Arbor Main St.

Loomis and Green, J.; MClre ad BELOIT NOT IN I'.
While, A. A. ___
Half mile bcycle-Som as oe mie Michigan Wins With the Best
entries. Sasn
Trsek and hield met etriosre as Peslayers of theSesn
l00 yard dash-LCingrass asi Hisa- lb1' playing lhts ecelled lit of lBe-
lanm, I.; Christopher, L .sgyeir assd"'it its eerysdea~rmet lie 'Vrsitly
Hasrkness, L.; D~awson and 'Thompson,oss hncly fr'cmsnhe Bascger t ea yes-
P.; tngls ,nd BHawvey, .; Niemeye, terday by aOscorsetofc6to 1 . Tse'War-
I. H.;Wico, asand Morat, .; cit's pinstg nas all its l the bet
SinomyerHigh asdMansssied, . L.; tey hays' done this year. Lero work
.Jordon Tckeard IRiehete, A A., icc the boxs wastote aeac of that of
220 yad dash-(sngrass.itaslam ,snsdlAditns,osd eas marvellios. lesave
-Johsnc t Christopsher, tLongyer asd osly ccne base isisballs, struckoucct slne
H-aknes, L;aswtsonad Thsocpsn, messand alowed b't fousr htoisEle
.P.; InglisSttowart assdI lreitesbach, L.; finectedhis pstio perfectly,-stdb cale
Nsemeyer,13B. H s;ilcox,. Case ansdlseveral ise stops ,sssdlthrowsr. ila
Mboran, A.; Sisnmye and High.0l'., C suppor was ati all iaes steady, the to
Jordhon, Slater asnd ieette, A. A. erorso made st fboaing in the rose
120 yardi hurdle-Chrtophiier, L.; agttng. Luntu logt a fine ame sot-
Stasndish. Linhmans soot boissi ry, withtading atnsecedigly lane foss.
ID.; laslamcsanti Johnosso, T.; Bal~ow, 'fle scat-ldeco platoyd snppily, ands
t.; Massfield and H ci. IB. IC.; tRich- Wolf andc oosiy ecah mdesstps:51and
cte, Tucker stoolBent, A. A throwof hits tsat lookied solo. The
.20 yardi hurIc-iti'L..ieo1, her, tL.;ssoutielt oostscre of eeyhig Ihst
Stansdih, Humpluhevan actOto, r I)D.;crse oi ea. The worko toshle
Ti'seblecklsoasd Johnts-oss.I Ilodstes, G. Lss'swas the lst of thi' seasos. Te
W6il oo and M"Pdrvo way, .A. .Oas. f.;titircoonstsfast ,andslwith judsgmnt. Mc-
tutu llartis, B.-C.;IRihlti, Dltia;nsS 0 isisi, solos:rortosLunt, esecially-
thilds, A. .A. ciii 'goodtiwork.
d40tyrid sdas-t-sigrasotc, ile nosd i'osc he yriehos, MtoMaster, E.trswni,
Jtohnseon, I.; Longyetrs, Llostlossstaotd Sicothers assdlMe retill dthe.cis c't cwtr.
Chamcberlin, L.; iDawsonsaansI 'Thumtp- ibcins, rnnisngtot Loin, scord
son, P.; Niesmeye, .13. .; Reiig saottis the irs, getting to fist on as eror
Bretenbach, D.; Wilcox, MtIdocvtes' after twoswcree ott. He stole seonsd,
and Westerman, At; Srieye, Highs reahedtird on , crd pitch andsdsctredi
and Maone, B. C.; Kent, Millen, ond on Thsompcson's'ohiiiIs rigit feld. M-
Ausstin, A. A. Ginis and 'Wol scoreinit the forth
Half-siletrun-Mc~ldownsey ansd Wes.- on tsoerros, Vot's pretohutmlasoo
terman, A.; Jones asnd Chamberlins, L.; Ln's ii. Thre toit'cotne in the
Rlobets and Stewasrt, D.; Riglht, 0Gnit- eighth, twouserror, ci wild pit, a stelco
dran and Johnson, I.; osden, G.; M- base asd is by Wolf ad Lunnss doing
lone, Broon and Cit, 1. C.; erry, bto' busisess.,
Walker and White, A. A. L Beloit's onyrurn come in Ie eighth
Mile rsn-Rbserts an(od"Stetsot, 1.; abcs Beaumosnt and It. Browa sbsschled
fLight and Gibbs, .; Jones, L.; licE- two-baggers.
downey and Westersman, A.; Malonse A crowd diouslragingly sal ateond-
anod Clift, B. C.; Stietonsy, Maynrd d the gatie. The Besit team wts
and Stevens, A. A. from here oo Lafayette, Isdina, wheec
Mile walk-Browne, Manfieldl and they 1p1sy Purdue.
Marin, B. C.; Standish asnd Ssith, L.; The score
St. Clair,' I.; Prat, J.; Broos, Perry MbICHIGAN.
and Con, A. A. A B. . H. . A. E.
Ple vaultBalloster, Wodrotw asd tCoole, 2b.......3 0 1 4 2 0
'Whittam, A. A.; Leher and Chisilo- Mateson, so..... 4 0515 15
pher, L.; Hischman, .; Cbb, bL; Lie. MGinni, m. 4 5 5 5 5 0
fer, Boyd and Barrett, A .; Whitey atnd Waf, 3b. ......5 21 1 3 20
Mrrison, . C. tLunn,c........ 2 2 950
Fltting 3-its. shot-Rauden, D.; Condn, lb....41 5O5 0 1 1
Childs, L.; Avery and eibisg, D.; Cat- Thmpsn,,f. .. 5 1 5 00
nors and Gibbs, Is Lehman ansiHtm- Davies, If..,.. 4 0 2 2 5
phrey, A.; Mialne, High and Mobrrisn, Lehr, p ......4 5 5 2 5 0
B. C.; Hazelton, J.; Sisms, Andersn and---- -
Larrington, A. A. Totals...... 30 6 8 23 12 2
Hammer throw-Chsilds, L.; Avery BEtOIT.
and eibling, .; Connors ad Gibbs, AB. . H. . A. E.
I.; Rauden, .; Lehman and Htum- Beumnt, so..... 4 0515152 2
phrey, A.; Malone, JMrrisnt and Sr- McMaster, c......4 5050I6 1 0
myer, B. C.; Anderson, Larringlon and E. Brawn, lb...3 0505.10 ,5
Sims, A. A. ~lewet, rf....4 05050505
Running broad jump-Christopher, L.; Srthers, m. ...4 5 1 1 5
Dawson and Thompson, P.; eibling Adkins, p. 1... 5 5 1 0 5 1
and Mayer, .; Johnson and Hle, I.; Farris, If. .....4 5 5 1 05
Lehman, A.; Mansfield, Morrison asd . Brown, 3b. 31 1 1 1 3
Srmyer, B. C.; Siter and Boyd, A. A. Merrill, 2b. 2 0 5 1 7 2
Hunning high jump-Johnson, Hle Jefry, 2b.....1 5 0 5 1 5
and S. Clair, I.; Lngyear Christophler- --
and Chamberlin, L.; Dawsons and Talasa. TI...... 0 4 27 17 5
Thompson, P.; Barlow, .; Mobyer, Innings- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 9
Reibing and Dacey, D.; Boyd. A.; Msihigan .........01 2 0 0 0 3 0- 6b
Martin, Morrison and high, B. C.; Hl- eoit.........50500 5050501 -1
iter, Tucker and Perry. A. A. Tw-base is-Beaumont, It. Brawn.
Stolen bases-Lun (). Buble play-
Rev. Water Mughson, rector at Trin- Beaumont to E. Brown. Bases on balls
ity Episcopal church at Detroit, cwas -O1T Lehr 1, ft Adkins 2. Blit by
he first clergyman to raise the Ameni- pitched bal-By Adins, Cooley (2),
can flag on a church building in that Mateson. Strucks out-By Ler 9, by
speakeMr.atuthespaia tee eofting in inhs-e. rassd bins-L(2).Umir-
spyakr. HtshsatriiscIs eetionefheAiths-Le.rPAsdkins-Lun.Um ild-
Universiy hal net Sunday. H eard. ~


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