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May 18, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-05-18

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Published Daily (Sunas excepted) during
the college ear at
Orrce: Times building 329 S. Main St.
Telepihone (ew Sate) 18.
J. P. THOMAS, '00L.
. H. HIA~s,'IS L.
H, B. SILMtA, '148L., Athletics.
E:. L. Gesouco '35L .1. IIUNUT, '0
T. R. WO~ODOrw.'55 . EGELH~AD 'S.
P. D. EAMA,'0s N. S. DAsrORT. '98
P. W. JONS.'99. C. H. LunD, 'tO M.
A. i. MeilouGAir, 'Si E.
The subscription price of the Daiy is $M0S
for the college year. with a regu~ar delivery
hefore non each day. Notices. communia
lions, and other matter intended for publica-
tion mst be handed in at the Daily offlebe-
foe d p. in.. or muled to ter editor before3
p. in.. of the day prevos to that on which
they are epected to aear.
Subcrptions may Oni left at The Daily
Office. Meyer's or Stollet's Newtand. or
with Busess Manager. Sutribers will con-
or a favor by reportif promptly at this
office anv failure of carrier to deliver sper.
The baseball team leaves today at
1:8 standard ver the Michigan Crn-
tral. A big rowd ught to be at to
ree them off.
The Dily is in reeit of te C -
Headqsuarters oathlisaArmy,
Adjutant Geeral's Offie
Washington. May 1, '9.
General Orders N. 40:
By direction of the Secretary at War
it is announced that men enlisted or
re-enlisted in the egular army dring
the war may be inrmed that they will
be granted their discharg, it dsired,
at the close at the war, pn their in-
dividual applications.
By cammand at Major General Miles.
H. C. Crbin Adi. General.
This order does away with the objec-
tions which have hitherto been raised
against enistment in the regular arny.
Students who enlist now may be dis-
charged at the close f the war f they
so desire.
There i need at preset tr mre
goad ron as Michigan's quota i not yet
quite filed and the regular arry has
not been raised ta the number provid-
ed tr in the 'Reorganization Bill."
Lieutenant Smske Nineteenth U. S.
Infantry, will be here in peron this
afternoon ram 2 to 4 at Dr. Yuty's
offilce on State St. to erlist men.
This company is to be composed en-
tireiy at students at the University of
Michigan and is to be kept together as
such during its term f service. As
soon as it is organized it well be sen
to Frt Wayne and equipped and
drilled. Here the on-commissioned
offcers will be named from members of
the company. As soon as the company
is equipped it is to be sent at once to
Mobile, and from there t the frnt.
If this company is organized it wilt
be the only -company of its kind ever
sent out, and could not fail to reflect
great credit upon the University.
Intercoliegiafte Notes.
The foiiowinlg are the scores of re-
cent dual track meets Harvard 56 Yaie
4; Cornell 72 Columbia 4.
professor James Seth. . A.. dn-
btrgh now filling the Sage Chair of
MotralPhilosophy at Cornell University.

has been unanimously elected to theh y"
Chair of Macal Philosophy on the _Usi- I iII0
versity at Edinburgh, recentiy made
bvacarnt by the death of Professor Cal-
derwoad. II'_________
Chicaoa's.sco re agairnst Illinois Sat-
urday, 74 to 14, as compared to the
scare mrade by Michigan yesterday, 881/
to 311/;, affords an interesting compar -
lson as to the stength of the two - 4
learns. Chicago and Michigan, which K - /
will. meet is Detroit June 11. The tie IA' 4~i
made by the Mdi-higan rues in the ~ H+ .11
sprirnts ye sterdasy was better in every
Binstance than the Chicago vi nners Ll~11 L
made. _________
The chief rmaheruatician of the b l
serv -alary of the U~niversity of Pari -i
arn American girl, who wilstiotree cmeli -
assistantssnookes Ike conmpliated _cal-
1culatios corastronomical observer-
She has taken degrees in mathematics -~
and astrornomy, arsd obtained her poi - 1
liar: by superior mreit. y ;IL ' II I'
Mrs. Ross Granger will glee a Hay
party at her Academy roast Thursdayoo
night, ay 19.Mscb0hqaeo
D)Ochestra. 74lsi yCeqaeo

Fvtrnis ings
Here now is particlarly fascinat-
ing because our stock is remairk-
ably fresh.
Negligee Shirts
Scotch Madras-$1.00 and $1. 50.
Thin, cool, stylish asid pretty.
Ch'vliot, Flannel, Sil k-$t. 1), $ L50),
$2.00 and $2. 50.
French Ballhriggan-dratwers iin-
forced, 50c per garment.
Natural Wool-$I 00 lint1 $1.25.
Everything in Hosiery from the plain
to the fancy plaids anti stripes--1i,
20c, 25c and 50c.


137, 23a, 241 Woodard Ave.. Deroit.
Designs and estimates furnishedaon oil work
of this kind.
29th Summer. Join lizo Sep1.1 149. Bane proerd
especially proitable is beginer; to candidates
tsr admission to the tar; isopyong practitiones
ligsysstematic insruction; and is older pras.
titioners desiring to comie recreation wit
dress . . MNOR, Serretary, Charlottesville, Va.
#Athens = Theatre
Thete are some of the atirac-$
Stions we have booked for next
$Wilbur Opera Co.
Prisoner of Zenda.
$Under the Red Robe.
$ ~ of Smith Russel. $
Heart of Maryland.$
And many others equally as
"Acme" BiP ccles
'98 Models. High Gade.
We Hlave no Agents hot Sell Direct
to the Rider at Manufacturer's
Prices, Saing You all
Agent's Profts.
Sent materials, Superh fsnish. ighs
elegant models. We ship anywhere with4
privilege or examinatsen, pay express
charges bash ways and ro rand year
money it not as represented. Every
"Acme" is fallsenarasifeed ag aisni
alt Accidentsasanweli as Defectee Werk-
msanehip., Send far catalogue.
102 Main St.,a- Elkhart, Ind. ,

fer a Summer Cruise ' to
..take the CostlinetoM cia
NEW SEEL.Ihe Grealest Paring-
PASSENGERtion yet atained in
STEAMERS Boat Construction.
STEAMRS, -Laxariosn. Equip.
SPEED, m~ndt Artistic Far-
COMFORT o- ".., nishing,liecoratiso
AND SAFETY 'andEfficientSersice
To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
IN othr nfes a anramara 60lsno el arietanmd inres.
Esoar Tiper !Pekrew, een EveeynDayand DasrlandNgt Srvice5,lSeen
Toledo, Detroit andi Mackinac Cleveland, DEROn I5AND A N
rPESKEY, "ron E."0n AnQUtnsz Put- in - Bay Bertsn, ite., $5. Staterooa, 51.15.
AsNDULUTH. and Toledo. ConneciornsaremaderatfClevelad wid.
LOO RATES orPicturersquenackiac ad arliest is foralleon ts Eas srbouth
lmatsGhtlsf5rClandnn , 7 r om aolesoNrthad Nrsorhes.
$14;arDetsrris b. Suis nrl ,nayisar unre, d,, Ausigust,
Send as o r DIlstrated Pamphlet. Address OWN sp lseaNo eistersCa.
A. A. SCisANyg,. aP. AuETROIT. M 0111ICH. le~l~ui~~o aIGR
Q ~472-478 Broadway, .Albany, N . N.
Sinkers of the CArs and low'Ns, to Univers'ity of Michigan,
C. of Chricago, U. of Mlinnesota, Cornell. Lehigh, U. of Penn-
sylvania, Harvard, Yale. Princeton, Columbian, Williams,
' llesley, Bryn Mawr, etc.
Class contracts a specialty.
I "The U. of M. Daily, t'lie columns are al-
which, by the way, is one ways filled with .7hoice
of the beet advertising 'University news.",
mediums in Ann Arbor." Washtenaw Evening
-Detroit Tribune. April Times Editorial, April.
3, 1898. 8 ,1j98.
Cuba, Th~eWorld,' West 1 .dies.
udst1 what you need to locate Key 'hest, Canary Islands, Cope Verdie Is--
lands, Porte Rico, Dry Tortugas, Etc.
The World on one side, 28x21 inches; Cuba, West Indies, on other side.
Send llcfor sample sheet and terms to agents. Our men earn $15 to'
$35 weekly.
HANTD, XeWALLY & CO.. 1eG-174 Adamps St., Chicago.

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