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Michigan Defeats Illinois in Yes-
terday's Meet.
Michigan 881/, Illinois 31%.
The above score tells the story of yes-
terday's meet with Illinois. Only three
firsts were the Champaign men able to
put to their credit, while the Michigan
men bagged 12. Most of the sprints
were a procession, the Michigan men
crossing the tape in one, two, three or-
At the same time the Illinois athletes
pushed. the Michigan men hard enough
to cause two University records to be
broken-the 100 yards dash, which West-
phal made in 10 flIat, lowering the rec-
ord 1-5 of a second, and the pole vault,
in which Adams went 10 ft. 4 in., gne
inch better than the former 'Varsity
record. Westphal's record-breaking run
was somewhat of a surprise, although
not wholly unexpected, as he had been
showing up in great form lately. Ad-
ams' vault was no surprise as he has
been vaulting in excellent shape all the
year, and will undoubtedly go several
infhes higher before the :lose of the
Von Oven broke his own record of
126 ft., made last Saturday, by throw-
ing the hammer 129 ft. 4 in., although
none of the other contestants came
within hailing distance of him. He
throws in beautiful form, and there is'
no one in the Western colleges who'
can even make things intercoting for
The only real contest of the day was
the mile walk. Two more evenly
matched men than Tryon and Hoagland
would be hard to find. There was not
five feet difference between the two
men at any point in the race, and in
the last lap the men were neck and
neck for the entire distance. By a
great effort Hagland managed to cross
the tape 6 inches in front of Tryon~
falling in a dead faint at the finish
while Tryon finished hard. and strong.
The race augurs. well for our success,
in the Wesitern Intercolle'glate, as
Hoagland is the best man among the
other Western colleges and Tryon is
fully able to beat him in a second trial.
The tnile bicycle race was not de-
cided. On the corner, just before turn-
ing into the stretch, one of the Ilinois
riders fouled a Michigan man and the
entire bunch of riders were thrown and
one of the Illinois men W'as quite se-
verely bruised. On account of the foul
the race was ordered run off again, but
all the riders having been quite severe-
ly shaken up by. their fall, by mutual
consent the race was declared off. The
half mile which had. been run before
was easy for:Michigan, Turnor,, Sproal
n a(wn- ~ rn. hafrs- hP
excellent work and finished strong.
Wood finished nearly fifty yards ahead
of the next man, and if he had been
pushed at all could have easily clipped
several seconds off of the time made.
The result of the meet shows clearly
that our chances for winning the West-
ern Intercollegiates were never better
and that the dual neeot with Chicago
is ours to a certainty. No Western
college can show a finer lot of men in
the dashes and runs than we can and
in most of the field events we are
strong, the only exception being in the
weights, which is our weakest point.
One thing to be regretted is that the
attendance was not larger, not over 300
people being present, inoluding those
contesting. The 'events . re run off
rapidly and the delays ~ r. few and
far between, which argues w-lA for the
management. The results:
100 yard dash:
Westphal (Mitich.) svon,Thomas (Mich.)
second, Thomssop (ilt.) tthirdi Time
10 se.
220 yard dash:
Thomas won, Westphal second, Thom-
son third. Time, 22 1- sec.
120 yard hurdles:
McLean (Mich.) won, Webster (Mich.)
second. Time, 16 2-5 se.
220 yard hurdles:
McLean won,-Webster second. Time,
26 1-5 sec..
440 yard run:
Teetzel (Mich.) won, Hatch (Mich.)'
second. Time, 51 1-5 sec.
880 yard run:
Hayes (Mich.) won, Spalding (Mich.)
second. Time, 2:08 4-5.
Mile run:
Wood (Mich.) won, Enochs (Ill.) sec-
ond. Time, 4:42 3-5.
Mile walk:
Hoagland (Ill1 won, Tryon (Mich.)
second. Time, 7:43 '3-5.
Half mile bicycle race:
Turner (Mich) won, Sproat (Mich.)
second. Time, 1:11.
Discus throw:
Moran (Ill.) won, 106 ft., % in
Enochs (111.) second, 94 ft. 44% in.
Running high jump: -
Flournoy (Mich.) wo, 5 ft. 71/ in.;
Byrne (Ill.) second,.5 ft. 6%/ in.
Putting shot:- -
Lehr (Mich.) won, 37 ft. 4 in.; Moran
(It1.) second, 35 ft. -
Running broad jump:
Russell (Mich.) won, 21 ft. 5 in.; Run-
nels (Mich.) second, 21 ft. 1 in.
Throwing hammer:,
Von Oven -(Ill.) won, 123 ft. 4 in.;
Enochs (Ill.) second, 118 ft. 8in.
Pole vault:
Adams.(Mich.) won,- 1 ft. 4 in. Arm-
strong (11.) and Bake (Mlich.) tied
for se ond .at 9 ft. 6 in. -
Statr-'John Collis, D. A. C. .
Judge of Calkinv%-Fied Thrall, of
Ta -- . - -... --. ..
Referee-Dr. Fi g ald.
Clerk of course-Allan Campbell.
Chicago Eng. Alumni Banquet.
Last Saturday evening over thirty of
the alumni of the engineering depart-
ment gathered in the rooms of the
Technical Club in Chicago for their
first annual reunion and banquet. This
is the first effort that has ever been
made to bring together the graduates
of this department, and in every way
the affair was a success. The informal
dinner was followed by a number of
rousing college songs, after which E.
H. Cheney, E E. '92, who acted as
toastmaster, took charge of the pro-
gram and the following responded to
toasts: R. P. Lambert, C. E. '91; W. L.
E. Jenny, professor of architecture, '72;
Geo. B. Springer, C. E. '90; G. M. 'Wis-
ner, C. E. '92; E. S. Rei, M E '93;: I.
B. Cheever, E. E.'91, LL. B. '96; T. 0.
Perry, M E '72: Emmons Collins, E E
'97; George A. Damon, E E '95; C. G.
Ailkins; E E '93; H. W. Wyckoff, E E
'N5. Thb others who were present were:
randon, M E '91; Franzter, E E '92;
Johnson, 1 1E '97; Fitzgerald, M 1 '96;
Vladimiroff, E E '97; Lewis, C E '88;
Stern, C E '95; Cox, M E '95; Adler, M
E '94; Summers, Chem. '94; Rogers, E
E, '94: Sager, E E '94; Haubrich, E E '95;
Lamont, C E. '97; Trevidick, E E '97;
Ehrman, M E '88; Cox, M E '98; Van
Tuyl, E E '95,arid Do Puy, M E '91,
Regrets were read from Baker, M E
'87; Richardson, E E '95;Sackett, E 12
'98; Cadwell, '94; Smith, M E '94; Hal-
sted, M E '87; Noble, C E '70; Rich-
mond, E E '91; Jenison, C E '68; Sey-
mour and Fisher, C E '92; Wheeler, C
E '74; Chickening, M E '95; Jones, C E
'93; Conner, E E '96; Dibble, E E '93;
Hibbard, M E '87; Chickering, M E '94;
O'Brien, C E '96; Hill, C E '80, and
from Professors Carhart and Greene.
Three cheers were given for Prof.
Cooley and the brave U. of M. boys
with him on the Yosemite. The pro-
gram and menu carts were neat- de-
signs by Wyckoff and Damon as in
the days of '95. Steps were taken to
perfect a permanent organization.
Charge Against a Michigan De-
Prof. Trueblood is in receipt of a let-
ter from W. F. Gallagher, president of
the University of Chicago Oratorical
Association charging B. F. Dillon with
a false quotation from one of Lord
Salisbury's letters relative to the Ven-
ezuelan dispute, in the Michigan-Chi-
cago debate. The letter charges that
Mr. Dillon misquotcd some of the dip-
lomatic correspondence with the intent
of deceiving the judges. It adds that
it does not lay Chicago's defeat to that
fact, but concedes Michigan's victory
as fairly won. But the Qratorical As-
sociation is asked to consider the
charges faIrly and to censure the de-
bater in question to make an example
of Dim so as to'present the use of false
documentary evidence in irterollegiate
debates in the future.
Mr. Dillon says he did not make the
quotations in the words attributed to
him by Chicago, but read the extracts
verbatum from the official correspond-
ence as published by theh State pepart-
ment. Full charges and answer will
be printed in the course of a few days.
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