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May 04, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-05-04

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+ in the present will. The first annouce-
ment of the bequest was made by Pres-
ident Hutchins at a meeting ut the
Publshe Daly Iunisyrexceted du~ngliterary faculty last evening.
the Cllege year at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. In view at the present war with Spain
Oreimu Time building, 32 S. Main St it is interesting to know the number at
Telephone (New St)19. students ot the University of Michigan
MSANAGINGO EDITOR who tuk part in the Civil War, and te
J. F. ToAa,'it L. records of rank attained by them. The
BUSINESS MANAGED total number of graduates and non-
0. 1. Has, t L.graduates up to 16 who srved in the
H., B. SanrLLAa.'ii L, Athletics, ryws44 nyHo hs an
E. .Gssas, '3 L T. LR, Woonafiw, Ts out privates, and of these 40 were non-
F. EsomnAns.'53. F. D. EAAC, 'i grduates. These ae highly signifi-
. D. Hnxuv, '00 E. S. DAxeonTI, :1 cant figures, showing what the training
P. W. JoES,'i. C. H. Lp, '00 Mi.
A. H. McDOoAILL, 'si E. of the mind will do for men in other
than'psrely intellectual fields. Of
these students 12 roe to the rans of
brigadier-general, three of whom. r-
The subscription peice of the Daily is $2.50 turned for advanced degres oter the
for the college year, with a regular deliveryvo;Sbcm clnead24iee-
before soon each day. Notices, commniea-
tions, ad other matter intended tr pbica- ant colonels. Three of the lieutenant-
ion mst e handed in at the Daily officebe-
fores p. m., or mailed to Slo-e editor before3 colonels alo came back o the Univer-
p. in., f the day prvios to that on which-
they are espected to it p ar. iy for a higher degree. There were 48
Sbseritlons may be left at The Daily
ffice Isloyers or Stolet'u Newtand. or cptains 0o0 the rolls. The medicl d-
with Busness Msanaer. Saeriers will con--
fer aitfavr by reporting promptly at ths priment sent a small army of ur-
ofie anv failure of carrierso deliver paper geons numbering 152, while fron other
Whit Club Banquet. departments 22 nore went, having
_______gained their medical trining elsewhere
Preparations for the Whist Club ban- ost-A long ciam~nd-ahpd pin, ot
quet are going merrily orward. Pres- ick rubio and pearls and having t:;.
ident Lamb was in Toledo yesterday ttters D. C. L., '97, o i. Reurns to
and reports that four of Toledo's bot . T. Berger, 1130 Washenaw' ave., ad
players will be up, anmong whom is thereivrwad
champion pair of the United States.
Cracks from Deroit and Ypsilanti have IF YOU WANT THE EST
been invited and have signified ciheir FRATERNITY STATIONERY,
intention of being present. The club BADGES OR PINS
will firt meet in Nichols Hal, where Sedt
a tournament will be held, in which
the visitors as well as club members SMITH, STURGEON - & CO.,
wil participate. Members of the club 237, 239, 2os Woodard Ave.. Detroit.
will therefore have a chance to play Desicns and etimatesturslhed on all work
of this kind.
against some of he best whist men is __________________
she contry. # A r1b.
About 10:30 all will adjourn to Pee- Athens = Theatre
tyman's, whre the club wil banquet.
A large crowd is expected, aso all mem--$
be~s aro enthusiastic over the affair.
All expecting to attend will please give FRD Y
their names to Mr. Herman Danfort MAYIDY,
or MOr. P. W. Jones, as the committee JOIN W. VOGEL'S
is deoirous of knowing lbs exact numn- $
er who wiii be present. The price of Q
tickes has been placed very low so D ark est
that every member may be able to at- tn.A e i a
Bequest to the Univerity
By the will of MisElzabeth H
Bales, of Port Chester, N. Y the Un
versity of Michigan comes into posses-9
sion of an estate valued at a conserv-
ative estimate- at $125,000. The news B
was brought to President Mutchin to-
day by Mr. D. H. Smith, a bankerM I
of. Princeton, I1., and an executor
named by the testaor. The propertyT H
is in first-class securities and in im- T H Ei.,
proved real etate and will yield, it is
said, not lean than $6,000 a year. The
only burden upon it is an annuity of
$,200 to be paid to an aunt of the .
testator, now 4 years of age. Accord-O N- )
ing to the proviions of the will the
estate goes to the medical departmtnt
of the University, to be used in estab-
lshinga chair o the diseases of
women and children. Iin sa.id that M 1 1 a l
the estate was first bequethed to ar- H a l
yard, but that throng the interven-
tion of a friend In the wet it was
deflected So the University of Midhiganr

-'landsome Nickle Mirrors
__ FREE _
___ Fifty of thenm-no more-can't afford it. W ith every
$15.00 Suit or over, you get a handsome swing loud or, C
silo 8x8, fastonoei in a nickle frame.
Our assortment of Suits at $16X70, $16.00 andI $10.:(0 I_
was never better. We can give you light and cisi I
effects, rough or smooth goods-Havo't space enough
to give you a description of every gootd quality tley !
have. Come in and let us show you what styii clothi-
ing you can buy from our up-to-date stock.___
See our north window.
for a Summer Cruise d s [Ic M ki c
* etake the c a t reto M c ia
NEW STEEL The Greatest Perfec-
tion yetattained in
PASSENGER Brat Construction.
STEAMERS, Luuriosr. Equip.
SPEED, ,- ment, Artistic Fur.
COMFORT . - ".' nishing.Decoration
AND SAFETY and Efficientlervlcr
To Detroit, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Petoskey, Chicago
No otheLie offers Paorma of46iles eofequlariety anditrest.
Bane Tripsper Weea Beiweer. ve ayarrnd D ndNgServ5r~~icBewn
Toledo, Detroit ania Mackinac civlad DETROIT AND CLEiV[LAND
FerrS1.50 Eachriecin.
PETSKEYi, "THE See," qiNAsTT Put- in - Bay eri, 75., $l. irtiteroom, $i.75.
arAD DUUaTHe and Toledo. tConncionnos sfre i lvlnS with
LOW RAES toPictuesqueMaekiae annEarlesbTris..foer pisstSoutho
etur,nciuding Matsrad rs i.Seero.and othwead a etotnsb oit
Imates r or m Cleveandn, $17; fromrTledorNoradrthwesnt. neSgu
$i4; fromDeroit, $rse. Sn r ip Junemd 5rre August,
Sendo. for Illustrated Pamphlet. AddressSpebran coe ny
A. . Bsana. . .* evaip.M an. olod NX 0E1t uUOGGGGY
A. A.8CHNTZ O.P. "' ETRIT.MI~t. ll 1 GIOYll N tiuoh Uof


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Makers cf the CAPO and oOWNS, to Usiversily Of Michigas,
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sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams,
Wellesley, Hryn Miawr, etc.
Class contracts a specialty.

515 East Liberty St.

Phone 106




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