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May 04, 1898 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-05-04

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At. Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our......
Suitings, Trouserings,
Palmer's Pharmacy
---....15 NOW------
Wilder's Pharmacy
The store is undergoing a
thorough renovation, and
the stock is being sorted
and increased. Precsrip-
tions a specialty.
Qeo. P. Wilder.
Jast received a fresh supply atfAlegretti, and
Wiliams and Werers Chocolates. Lare t line
in the city.
Lunches at all hours.
3U$ South State Street.
There is
No disappointment in our
Soda Water. There is
plenty of ooldness and
satisfaction. Have you
noticed that even on cool
days, people often have
to wait their turn? They
<on't do that at any other
fuintain. Our soda
water is right.


Won a Hard Game Yesterday,
Luck has changed.
In the usual hard-fought and close
game Chicago was this time defeated.
Superior fielding and Miller's steadiness
and effectiveness at critical times did
it. Herchberger was in the game. He
might have saved the day, but it was
a contest in which a "good right leg"
doesn't play the leading part, and, as
a consequence, he failed. In the ninth,
with two on bases, a hit would have
tied the score and probably won the
game for Chicago. "Herschie" came to
bat with a record of three safe drives
in four times at bat, but this time he
faltered, and a strike-out went to Mil-
ler's record. The score was 5 to 4.
Chicago out-hit the "Varsity, but with
the exception of the fifth inning could
not bunch their drives to advantage.
In fielding Michigan was much the
superior and never played faster and
snappier. Miller was hit harder -thn
in any game this year, but pitched
grandly when occasion demanded.
Lunn's back-stop work could not be im-
proved upon. His great throw to sec-
and in the first inning rom near the
player's bench, retiring the runner, and
a fine running catch of a foul fly,
brought out all the pent-up enthusiasm
of the crowd. The entire in-field played
in good form. In the out-field Butler
made a star catch of an exceedingly
difficult fly, and Matteson accepted all
his chances. McGinnis had no chances.'
All the out-field played fast and their
work was greatly praised by Stagg#,
For Chicago Smith's work in the box
was of the best. In the face of the
poorest support he was at all times in
command of the situation. Only four
hits were made off his delivery. Gar-
dener caught a good game. Of the in-
fielders Gordon Clarke at second and
Merrifield at third were the stars. Each
made stops of hits that looked safe,

heard at any game this year.
The summary:
A. R. H. O.
Cooley, 2. ......:.. 3 0 0 3
C bert, ss. 5 4- 50 3
Loon,:I. 3 .. 31
Condon,.. lb. 4. 2 1 7
Blutler, rf. . 4 t 2 0
McGinnis,' s..3 1 0 0
Wolf, lb. . 4 0 1 2
Matteson, If. -.. 4 0 0 2
rill r, p. -.. .. .. 4 0 0 0

A. E.
3 0
0 0
0 0
0 1
0 0
3 0

Totals ...........33 5 4 27 11 3
A. t.R H. O. A. E.
Merrifie ld, 3b. 5 1 3 215
Herschberger, m. .. 4 t 3 5 5 0
Sawyer, rf.. 4 0 0 0 0 a
Gardener, c. ...... 4 0 1 7 1 0
Kennedy, lb. 4 0 1 12 2 1
Clarke, 2b......... 4 0 2 2 3 0
Smith, p. 4......... 4 1 2 1 7 2
Versu.sso. 4 1 2_ 3. 5
Southard, if..3 1 2 05 0 0
Totals.. .. 36 4 12 27 20 9
Innings- 12345l6789
Michigan ...........004010000-5
Chicago .............0 01 03 0 0 0 0-4
Two-base hits-Butler, Wolf, Ken-
nedy, Clarke, Vernon. Double plays-
Gilbert . to Cooley to Condon, Vernon
to Kennedy, Vernon to Clarke. Bases
or} balls-Off Smith 4. Struck out-By
Miller 8, by Smith 5. Passed balls-
Cardener 2, Lunn 1. Wild pitches-
Smith. Umpire-Heard.
The next game will be with Illinois
next Saturday, and it will be another
close game.
Students Who Have Inlisted.
The following University of Michigan
students left for Island Lake with the
state militia April 26; Law students,
Florian A. Carnal, of Wadington, N. Y.;
John Caywood, of Mills County, Mon-
tana; Rogert E. Robinson, White Lake,
New York; Percy Clark Church, Fresno
City, California; Oscar P. Cole, Ann
Arbor; C. F. Juttner, Menominee;. Fred
W. Green, 1st Lieut., Ypsilanti; S. F.
Nichols, Nebraska. Medical depart-
ment-Dr. O. H. Freeland, an assistant
in the department. Literary depart-
ment-A. A. Crawford, B, B. Johnson,
Owosso; R. L. Flynn, C. B. Hurrey, Ann
The following students have left to
join their home militia: Law depart-

The Relay Race at Pennsylvania.
The following is an account of the
relay race at Philadelphia last Satur-
clue Chicago Pen. Mich.
1st Heat--
53 3-2 1Borroughs 2 Boston 3 Thompson
3d heate--
53 1Fair 2 ---- 3Hayes
3d heat-
50.3-5 1 Maloney 2 Tewksbury 3 Testzel
4th heat-
i1,1-5 2 White IHoffman 3 hatch
Michigan got the pole and Burroughs
took the lead immediately with Bas-
tion second and Thompson following
close. All finished in fairly good con-
dition, Thomson giving Hayeo an ex-
cellent position six yards behind Chi-
cago and a little to one side of Penn-
sylvania. Hayes let. the distance in-,
crease to 18 yards and Michigan was-
still third while Chicago led. The third
was the fastest quarter, and Teetzel
kept his distance in good shape and
finished strong. Hatch took the touch
at 18 yards behind White and about 5
yards behind Hoffman. On the home
stretch, White, who was leading, fell
back to second- place, and Hoffman, in
passing, shouldered- him; off the track
for an instant. The way in which it
was done showed it to be purely acci-
dental. It was- a hard finish, Hoffman
falling in a faint at the finish and
White being pretty well spent. Hatch
put up the fight of the day and made
up about 8 yards. Twenty yards nore
and Hatch would have overtaken
White. He deserves all the more credit
as he was laid up on the trip by a boil
which prevented him ;from walking
most of the time.
Chicago made no protest, but Penn-
sylvania acknowledged immediately
that Hoffman had fouled White and
gave Chicago first place. Too much
cannot be sajd of the treatment the
team received. Pennsylvania gave them
a right royal reception, and the mem-
bers of the team speak in the highest
terms of the treatment received. In
fact nothing was left undone in order
to make their visit a pleasant one.
Thomson's leg incapacitated him from

and were liberally cheered: The out- inent-Thomas R. Marks, captain of , making a stronger fight, but he was
field played a steadygame, company at. Lafayette, Indiana;. H. G. game all through. Hayes is a freshman
Michigan scored first in the third Schockd Regiment band South Bend, and much mray be expected of him lat-
Inning. A lone: hlt, two bases on balls, Indiana.; Rice W. Means, 1lst -Lieutenant er.. Certain it is that Michigan's
3B oo ' a wild pitch and a series of errors of a Colorado company; John F. Has- chances for the quarter-mile in the
brought in four runs and the game kett, of Bottineau, N. Dakota; C. C. dual meet with Chicago were never
looked safe. In their half of this in-ii Jones, Battle Creek; W. L. Allen, Sac better.
A ood Base Ball and Bat is ust ing Chicago tallied once. In the fifth City, Iowa; J. W. Clendenin, Munmouth, The team spent Sunday in Washing-
tMichigan got another run on a hit and Ill.; John A. Hamilton, Mason City, Ill.; ton and returned home yesterday. All
the .hingo' to develope your mr ros hcg i uiesa
more errors. Chicago did business at S. L. Sheets, Clillicothe, Mo. Emanuel are enthusiastic over the trip and the
muscles. the old stand in their half and mess- T Berger, of Detroit, and Maclean Til- gentlemanly treatment which" they re-
We have every varity fro. 50 ured out four singles. Three runs re- ton were ordered out with the Detroit ceivead at Pennsylvania.
to $1.25. suited. This score of I to 4 remained Naval Reserves, as was also Joseph
the same to the end of the game- Stringham, a graduate engineering stu. Prof. W." A. Dewey, of the University
Sporting Goods of all kinds. The result of the game is most en- dent. Later in the week the following of Michigan, has recently been -elected
Base Ball Suits made to-order. couraging and the remainder of the ser- law students expect to go inresponse a corresponding member of the Brit-
Prices are right. les will be great contests. At the t: summons from home: A. M. Cox, of ish homeopathic society. Only one
game's end Miller was carried off the Cynthiana , Ky.; A. F. Pagleson, of other homeopathic physician in Michi-
field on the shoulders of the crowd. A Grand Haven.' Walter Snow, of the gan has ever been thus honored, name-
W AHR'S BOOK STORE procession formed and with the band at medical department, has returned La ly Dr. Samuel A. Jones of Ann Arbor,
Up Town Down Town the head par aded up State st. to the his home company at Jackson, and W.. whose election occurred nearly a quar-
S. State St. dOpposite CourtHouse I campus. The yelling was the best B. Richmond to his at Mt Pleasst ter of a century ago.
Ann Arbor Main at.

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