_ wise and a goodly number of wits to ALL. THlE LATEST NOVELTIES IN
4 1. x express this wisdom. The doctor is a.
of gnd story teller, and his proverbs and o t e r
the College year, at kenly enjoyed. F inmle cx" wr
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Dr. Craig disrusced two _characleris-
OrrsrCn: Times building, 329 S. Male St. lies of the Scotch 1pcrtinacity and au-
Telehon Ne S ani 00. dacity. Hte gave a sumber of happy
MANAGING EDITOR illostrations of both dualities, dwelling
--F.Tous 'eL. specially on the herosom and audacity
BUSINESS M L+AGIll fterctt aoscag f h . a c b
'00 L.Son,
J a o s&EDITORS U axden Highlanders in the Ithyber *
,.I. 1I 1. SKILLMAN, 198 L, Athletics. lass. The dancing by Miss Aggie Ran-
E. L. Ceou, '13 L T. R. Woonouw, '90 kin and the singing by Harold Joreis SEE OUR WINDOW. 121 South Main Street.
F. ENo1Esnan, 'OS. 1F. D. EAANo,'tO were particularly enjoyed.
G. D. IloNwee, 'tO IR. S. DA'nFsOR, '90
P. W, JuwES, 'lN. C. II. Less, 'so M. Thle following was the progrtan given.
A. 11. McDoe~AL'oiot, 0 E. lBagpipe Selections)I
Pees. of the Society, Capt. Robt. Carmpbell
Stong-"Where baa Scotland Found her
Ii Fame?. . . .._----_____-- __Fuicher Our line of Spt'ing Woolens is now complete, embracing all tile swell-
The subscription price of the Daily is 12.50 ! Harold larvis eet and mont exclusive novelties.
for the college year, with a regular deliveryi
before 1001 each day. Notices, comnaunleli- Dasce-"The Highland F+'ile. . ..------ Our garments wherever soon swill be appreciated and pronoluced by.
tione, and other matter Intended for publica- __Agcie C. Rankuienod William Johnston
tloe moot be handed In at the Daily office be- P.iper-"'Scsttish hfumor"_ Or. 22. M. Wenley critics as strictly coureet.
fare 8 p. in., or mailed to Ce editor before 3
p. . of the dsy precious Is that on which Mussic-Gireen Crow the usohes"......Burns We respectfully invite your inquiry.
p.h e are expected to afpear Quartette flowmMozart Club. W do only a fine trade.
Subocriptions may he left at The Daily Bagppes-'"The Coek 0' tilo North..-___ We carry u n atr fanvlyiisok
Offce, Meyer's or Stuffiet's Newstond, or yWin.n Johnston.nvetyinstck
with Business Manager, Ssberlbers will con-wmJont.
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this .IS "Tlie Starch of the i'snrson Mlen" Garonents bearing our label pressed gratis.
office ann failure of carriers to deliver paper. . . . . ..:_________.. Harold Jarvis
__________Dance____________------_---ase--S-lec-ed. . m. Johnston
Mr. Lyan Hoored. I Paper-"Two Characteristics".___ __ / F E D
----------------------Dr. Jas. A. Craig,B U (
Sg-"Douglas Cordon"_ . .It__ellie
'Thse state board of edu.,atioli lhas Harold Jarvi. Nosy Phone 43' l06 Fnst Huroii Street
fiolly selected a successor to Prof. D. .Baxpips-"Strathspey arid tRee"________-___________________------____________
E.HglnmnsTas.Iea . Smith, who resignsed the chair of Harold Jarvis. t I @ MUSICAL! @
nmathematies at the Ypsilanti Earns- liusic-"Cemn from Scotland,".-- Elneliing '.0" I
al to acce pt the principalship of Mils 0avia. Niel Cillespie, teael er of Mandolin, hiatjos
Eeading-"Address to Dell"_ Bua and Guitar. Instructor in the University
the Normsal at Rtockport, N. Y. Senator A. C'mpbell School of Music. 1S years experience as
'fhe board had fifty applications Dance-" Sailor's Hornpipe .......atchrClltAnAboMuiCls
for.he. .sito.,Silas itt----- iRantin and fMr. Johnston °- tore ts arrange for hours, .
forth Io~liS. utas I asMusic-Bonnie Doone. . .-.-______
a very important qustiona to. . .-__---Quartette from Mosorti Club.
se e, sscors. Simmons and Wilson Finale-"Auld Lang Syne"_-- l---ures Fine. Confections MONE Y LOANED
etlAudience will loin. EnEn n
recrntly look a trip through New' Tack BnBn n On Watches, Dismonds, 'iheeln or oilier lee-
state and consulted with some of the TRACK TEAM NOTICE. Chocolates. soual Property.
greatest eduocators in the cost.. The The whole track squlad is called out WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED.
result was that they found none of the fo r'egular worak Welnisay, Alpril 13, r ~eM tl.Allb ienesi 1nessc onfibyS.drntial .Hurs,
eastern ap~plicants swith as goad qail- at the Athletic Field. ' jo1:0 .ad1 o33 nd 7pto 9C. Wm~.
fications as Mr. E. ALyman of the Ue- ALNCni ttMc 1 OT TAESRE. mndsi. cndhodIachsndDn
versity (If Michigan, laed Io hismseas T, tc. ube e IOJRSRB
leradered Ike chair. Mrc. Lyman has BEE CEMENT. Beware!!?!?Don't INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME,
thse stronegest indorsements and i is take a substitute. CO aT RELL . &L ILEO N AR "ID
confdently expected that he will ful-
ill the duties of the dellartmenit to the IF 37OU WANT THE BEST ( a 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y..
credit of the college and slate. I FRATERNITY STATIONERY, ' Slahers of the CAo'S and GOsWS, 1o Unleersity of lliehigari,
STAIOER,_4_UoCicaoU.ofinesta Cornell, Lehigh,U of Penn-
CaeolnEtetamnBDGSO IS, s~ylvania, Barvard, Yale, rinceton, Colombian, Williams,
Caleonin EBADES R PNS >iWellesley, liryno Mawer, etc.
Eneraimet.I _ Clasos coutracts a specilty.
Send to
The following seas crowded out of
eery's edition: SMITH, STURGEON & CO.,
yedyLast Saturday sight the Caledonlian 237,2, 241 Woodard Ave.. Derit. u a M bs d
lurkiev C uban M ustinen fr he. B e Fradeetmaesfunihe o al or
benefit of th~e S. C. A. in U'niv'ersity
Hall. Tile prograns consisted of Sent- B O Y _s
tish musie and dances aod three ad- A
drese. Prolf. Stanley was annlounced SPRING VACATION is comn
soon. Don't go hoe with a bi
for a Scottish msedley on the organ but trunk, but buy your Dress Suit Caa,
seas unable to attend. Vnliee,sTelescope or Travelling Hol
The president of the Caledonian So- -T
ciety, Capt Eobt. Campbell, gave a A. FI'TET.T
brief sketch of the work of the otu-!
dent companies in the Cieil war. Hle3Sf SOUT MAIN STRE
Fine Line nf Gnods and Low Prices.
said the recent student demonstration _________________
had reminded hinm of the old days of
studest patriotism. A company was (
raised from the University and Normal O Athens n 'Theatre
and signally distinguished iself. He
oaid, if any feat of danger is to be so-
dertaken, and veterans, falter, give me 0C M IN G
a company of intelligent students to
accomplish itT rw ..
Dr. R. M. Wenley gave a short paper Ta r ow
on 'Scottish Hulmor.". He said nation-
al characteristics are often strongly
portrayed by proverbs. Scotland has v1i
contribute about 30 per cent of all cur-
rent proverbs. As a proverbs s the w is- TUESDAY, APIRL 19
dlonsof many painted by the wit of onSoln ms aeth ay' ,
- We regret that the delivery of the DA[LY cannot b
stand. But we beg leaye here to aniiounce oTrspring
offer with the positive statlement that it will be the last of
the year. No more special rates. We quote you the paper-
'for the BASE BALL, SoASOio-hat is till end of semeater at.
ONE DOLLAR. Leave name anti money at Daily office,
329 South Main Street. Telephone, New State 18q.
515 East Liberty St.
Cuba, The World, Wost Indie0
Just what you need to locate Key West, Canary Islands, Cape Verdie Is-
lands, Porto Rico, Dry Tortuga, Etc.
THE WORLD on one side, 28x21. inches; CUBA, WEST INDIES, on other 'si e.
Send l5e for sample sheet and terms to agents. Oar men earn $15.0*
to $35.00 weekly,r
RAND McNALLY & CO0., 166-174 Adams 5t.. Chicago, Ill.