XII C 41W fAt a Athletic Notes.H a i To~u
y!^ ~# Be a ~meeting of the '9) footall eoan- r u
Pablished Daly (Sundays excepted) during didates yesterday, Sam Stein was elect- Photo's INSPECT THE WORK
the College year at ed captain. The candidates will pra- Ta ......-..
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tice regnlarly hereafter. Captain Stein
OrFFICE: Times building, -29s . ain St. b, Wishes all wise1eg sie4 0 to coie Ot
iweenLiberty and William Sin ans try frthe T h e B e rrmtnituni
MANAGING EDITOR tere will b ofal -'dcice of
J.F.To is0 L asebali cndidte as at firt intend-
BUSINESS MANAGER ed, the change being due to a lack of (Snccesor to Gibson & Clark)
-.I As,0 .a suitable place for practieslnd hat12WeturnSetAn rbr
EDITORS it Wight lessen the interest of prs-12WetH rnSetAn rb .
11i B. SKILES, '50L., Athletics.
E. L. Gasus, '15 L.- - - onday iactive candidata in tha football__________________________________
BUTLR LAs, '55.- - Tesda y work. It is claimed that there are a
1r.. olnwIls - ThrdyneclseanthtteotokfrD. IutarTT, 1'0, - Wednesday nmber of good -men aiog the fresh- ST. THOMASMUI
A. CAsMPBs, '0, - " - - Friday chioes nd Iiac heVcil0O fora BUSR N
. A. CAMPrsEsL, 'C,- - - Saturday good tem11 next yar arc brih.
The coming campioship. tenni CONDUCTED BY THE
Thesuscrpton rie o te Dil isStCSlarge list of entries. Espcialy is
frtecleeya.with a regular delivery Ili 0ltl lalponstip dobles I F H
before noon each day. Notces, comunica- wichi tilefialisuwllb ve
ions, and otrher matter intended forp publics- isetlib vy (f
ton must be handed in at the Daily office be- doubtful. -The practice o50 l +'\ far hs °""
fore 8 p. mnor mailed to the editor before 3i
p. i., of the day previous to that on which siotn tiat the three tIcais,, errik VclClue hvaeepce oapa.adR afrh usl n l in otYoa ut eTASM ~naa
Ofic Mtert'Sto ffiet's Newtand, or sld 'I. Datfoth and I. sob, sre s-ry Manolin, Guitar, VlinA O lN
with business anager. Seribers iii con-> > >
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this evenly litched. II singles 1. Rusell, Banjo, Hrmony, Counter-
- office any failure of carriers to deliver paper. Ri Danfeot. and B. Lamb have the pitsdGnrlMscl U ITARSaA NJOS.1
Celebrated the Blank Scre. bset ctne, with C. Ripley, H. Gore. pitTer.adGtdeea fMapuia ,
II. anfrthandI Me vey sron. Teory Stdy f Hrp, The Washburn is the one and only
II. anfrthandJ Jee erystrng.make of word-ide reputation. Sold
'Tie faculty, students atid citizens of The recent rain ha greatly improves 3Mis Ales Oiaken. by firs-cass dealers everywhere from
Teleware, Ohio, met it a mass miee- the codition of the courts. They will __________$150 upward. Imitated extensivey,
Co sur httenAod' igtt elebrate ithe re- he in excellent shape for fhi turna- ADDRESS Washburn" is hrned upon m the inside.
sat, ofth da'Liii -OoWeleynit fte rerle veyohrA beautiful Washburn 'Book contain-
-ite CiteurdayianSpeech ese ma entif heyn.eriedfc-vry oiler ST.THOMAS CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, ing prtits and letters from the Dr
"at uta. pehs oe erads' day. Tue nn eivty almt y x ELIZABETH STEET. Reszkes, Calv, Eames, Nordica, Sca-
by troesore, students and neniless eine aos eialhtotoy____________________ chi and too other famous artists and
thd m ~erloCft osad-y teuethui.Iathe profesors ra- tO'-ndmu Fia hghteachers, mailed free upon request.
v<-ieher or not te latter told of te ieonute faculty courts. Among tie stickpin in form of gold turtle set wit Ad dress Dept. U,
falrtfiterdeintslotl er-mst interese r ess reloLYON t& EALY,
failre f ttei deign e ly ot m'- areOlesrs Trebledjewels- Return to D. K. E. house andh Cr. Wabash Ass, and Adams St.. Chiag.
lc or of te apology made to Cous'hs Paterson, ftfftger, Dixon, Abbott and reeive re ward. at
t~erb it hby Henry "Parsen. ne 11aft IreexCampion Jocelym, of le Ann Ar -______________________________________
oticialsand an Ohi Wesleyan, ;n hor High Scimol.
wlhihle-said t.Ctise ought never o CnarWinyo h et
have acted as a n oficial, knowig al- CaprWieyothWet" St d nsIotohrgabuteam.P-Iae f
sons doubtless knew snaucim atouC amateur standing of swestern colegss,
tile governing rles as any one, bJut Whii asid: "t ind noseF R YT IR E S N
WV''.-9a 0wnted tat game pandt tlatC, -r, ~ ltu 1 nesota RT TH D SE ON
not nolie t411,min r c °-!l tilk; Ics ndIlinois are inl a enark.mhy THE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE.
off-1lit0 lay, etc,, WOO lI I. sy to assist tcslthy state. Of Ptdue t kow but
its getting it, I'tafter it was all over little, but my impresidO is that thlla
felt ashmam.let of the pat tie bad aken are all righmt there, t cin neCtsie tke
and aiptroselted iebligalis coach wit exact state of 'afairs at N'etbwes,,trx, ION. W. R. MASON, U. S, Senator of Ills -----------------Gect, 15
hids speechm of regret, if not of entire bllutere there his been 50 Imuchm SLAYTO GRAND CONCERT CO- ---...-----------Oct. 30
truth. Tihmeiembers of tie team, how- cotmpaint there muust be shns' funda- HON. WALLACE IBRU~CE.---------------------------------- Nov. 5
ever, no doubt tld their admirers of tio. As to \isosin, I have no hee- DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN------------------------Nov. 16
sowv Peiach Stevenson recognized scv- tatton in saying that tie athetics of HoN. ROBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee--------------- Dec. 3-
ral of the teamn as professionals tie school are in a terrible ,hape. 11'9- LELAND T. POWERS------------------------------------Jan, 22
against whamn lie ad played whileca. cosi, used to be the best of hie west- -
memiber of DuqutneeAtthletic' ('bb; em ncoleges mm athletic moralit, in my BOOKER T. AHNGO, Chicao Alumni Number-__- Jan. 29
o show te entire eleven was scatter- opiion. The temptation to beak tie SOUSA, AND Hts BAND----------------------------------Feb. 25
eml to the wnldeIy ietigais light popoedt rles in order to ietatinsene ORATORICAL CONTEST----------------------------------- March 18
hplayes in tliaC last fiur miutes of of their star plyers cant , and Wis- lON J. BUR1TON=--------------------------------------- April 18
play; andi of howv joyful tlsy nwrcos' fell ito sim, asi 0now is behew
that tie last hialf wtas not on cmnutte all 'te oher dolege." lne hnItws as8n Tikets 00
______English Hsoy Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50
Ancient Pamphlet in Favor of Frats. Curse 7. Avaced Englishs His-
toY. The next merting wish be Tanr-
- asud ill-priate01on bee. 20. 81, dlay at 4 p. in. mu Rom F.O v r o t
appe'atiil a --r at 0 :r a Mlak'sW. C AthBO Ir.S u t -a
winsdow. Ittwa. brught on-Ctiy the;
citizens of Ann Abor at the tin', NOTICE.
Ther wil b a eetig o baebal $oYtht before tle recent rise in the tariff in-
senbert of fraernocities wre expellod. Thr5vh eauetn fbscbh
It reads as follows: "ndignation Wren riay h Vening at 7 'cck in ;Sres you the best for t^1he least mi1oney.
imetig] 'The citizens of Ann Aibo romst9, University tialt Ali fresh- W JID IH IA-]liE FTIIS iI.
anro requested to meet as, tie litr m and members of clasa teams ae
hiouse this evening at (i oclock to take especially requested to be there. Prs-
Into consideration the codut of tie d't RichadrsAtkinson, Capt. Buie-,R y r( a
Faut fteLmvrsyo dcn oc dtis aaa et a u t nin xteling al students -belonging to tiers-s viotlin the York o be rReye An r b- o .fil
secret societies!!' IC is signed "ttauy dn n sltnwcniae 201 and 23 South Mai Street. . = An rbflc
itizes," every way posible.
15I :3 <Ii'poking Commend themselves to judicious folks by virtue of their ab-
theLuivrsity School of D '1 g solute goodness caused by close scrutiny o' leather, of style,
i "iea* onthme-ay party toa6 . Of I £." Win. and of making-of their certain Saving-aused by shrewd buy-
tie ladie s ic teiIniversity .and thoeir ONI Y SOC. in, and quick selling.
friE@ an d , 5dm ray at moon, Oc t.V I(1 . . A .PRILviL,
1, from 4 ntil 6 o'ciock i: WM. I ArAOLD Jeweler jig EAST WASHINGTON STREET.