th 'IC
A A&
Students' Bookstore
Opposite University Entrance.
Second-hand Books bought, sold
and exchanged.
Law, Medical and College Text-
books at cut prices.
Blank Books
and Stationery
Agents for Waterman's Foun-
tain Pens, Mathematical Instru-
ments and Sporting Goods.
MBEMOA& CoilPlop.
Has received a full line of Novelties
for Fall and Winter in
Suits, Trousers,
and Overcoatings
Students should 'tryus befor
making any purchase._ We ane
bound to satisfy and please. On]
large stock of Law and Medca
Books, in short, Text-Books fo
every department in the University
new and second-hand enables u
to sell at the lowest price.
Blank Books and U. of M. Sta
tionery at low prices.
Mlake ourstores your headqarters
Up Town Down Town
S. State st. Opposite ourtous
Ass Abor Main at.
Drawings for the Big Event Made
Last Evening.
Yesterday evenisig Tennis Manager
THerrick made the drawing for the fall
tournaments in doubles and singls.
In first class singles there are just six.
teen entries, thus doing away with any
need for byes; in second class singles
there are nineteen contestants, and in
doubles seven teams. This is the largest.
list of entries received for several
years. The prizes are as follows: In
doubles, two tennis rackets, donated
by A. G. Spalding & Co.; in first class
singles, first prize., one racket present-
ed by the Ann Arbor Itegister, second
prize, one sweater, Coutting, Reyer w
Co.; in second class singles, first prize,
U. of H. pipe, imported from Germany
by Geo. Wahr, second, prize, one
sweater, presented by Lindenseshmitt
& Atfel.
The drawings are as follows: In
hrst siigles, irt round, Jacobs vs. .
Lamb, C. Ripley vs. Benson, Cihandler
vs. Russell, It Danforth vs. I
Maier, C. S. Kinnedy vs. R. Danforth.
R. Harvey vs.. G. Raymond. J. M vs.
H. Gore, and Wilbus vs. Wood. Sec-
snd class singles, byes, Taggartv.
Ludlow, Brookfield vs. Denby, ot-
lbrn vs. Jacobs, Lockwood; prelin-
ar round, Flansbirg is. Wilbur.
Keith vs. Barlow, Jerneaun vs. Camsip
bell; byes, Coolidge vs. Mee, Chander
vs. IFalker, Riegelmann vs. Osborn.
n'bles, bye, Gore and Mee, treiiu-
inary round, Danforth and Iferrick vs.
Sedlow and 'Lockwood. Danforth and
Lamb vs. Maiher and Raymod, iu-
sell and Ripley vs. Osborn and 'fag-
3 art.
The tournament will begin Friday
at 3 p. in. At that time all natches
In the preliminary rounds of both the
single tournaments will be contested.
Both the new courts and the faculty
courts will be used for play, excepts
that the east facultycourt is resere.
for the use of the University faculty.
It is expected that the tournament will
he finished Saturday, Oct. 23. The
new courts were very soggy today.
but unless more rain falls, wll be In
readiness for Friday-s play.
Bible Chairs Announcement.
Beginning sometime in October the
S, C. A. Bible Chair classes will be
formed. The days and hours desig-
nated for the following courses are
merely tentative, and may be changed
to suit the convenience of students
who elect the courses:
1. Introduction to Old Testament
Study. Saturday, at 4 p. m.
e 2. The Life and Writings of Paul.
r Saturdays, at 10 a. m.
, 3. Historical Study of the Life of
r Christ. Tuesdays, at 4:15 p. to.
r 4. Six Lectures on the Epistle to the
Romans. Tuesdays, at 4:15 p. m.
- 5. MIssionairy History and Blo-
.grphy. Daten unssited. -
(. Christ and His Disciples as Per-
sonal Workers. Wednesdays at 4:11
ap. m. *'
7. Studies in Chrisian Ethcs.
e Mondays at 4:15 p. m.
Varsity Practice Improves.
Yesterday'sfootball practice wassty
all odds the best of the season. There
was much more dash in the pliay aid
the team work was excellent. Caley
again played at guard and got into
every play. His coming has wondes-n
fully strengthened the center of toe I
line. Hannan played th. fulltbak
position id made an excellent held
goal frosm the 35-yard line. Hogg and
Pingree each made excellent dodginsg
runs of 30 yards. Three touchdownst
were scored on the second scrubs ad
sa field goal on the first scrubs, a kick-
sing game 'being played againsiit te at
ter. Neither of the scrub teasgot
nearer than the 40 yard ine to the
'varsity's goal. Steckel, who playd
tackle on the first scrubs, showed up
especially strong, a's did McLean at1
ialf-back. Lockwood was out in usni-
form for the first time in over a week,
but did no active work. Allen, at onee
timse captain of the Stanford Univer-
sity team, was out for the first time.
It is exeted that tte Nosal
School tea-sn will come over again to-,
day for practice.
Against Brutalizing Exhibition.
'Phe local clergy and some members
of the faculty are sp in arms over the
appearance of the Corbetti-itzsisss-
mon's verisope pictures at the Athenss
Thea'tre Saturday night. The follow-
ing petition shows their setim(nlts on
the matter:
"We, the undersigtled, ha e seens
with deels regret that the verisope
pictures of Corbett-Fitzsiiunohs fight
as announced to be exhibited at the
Athens Theatre, next saturday night.
It seems to as iss view of the neces-
sarify brutalizing effect of the exhib-
ition of such pictures, scarcely l s
tbrutalizing than that of the fight itself,
t asnouncement of the exhibitions
ought to be withdrawn and in view of
the inevitably evil effects of the ex-
hibition upon those who attend, 'and,
ineod, directly or indirectly tupsi lithe
whole body of young people gathered
in this great educational ce'ter, we
respectfully suggest to the maunage-
ment the propriety of withdrawing the
same. It is signed by anl 'the local
clergy, Pres. Hutchins, Deans Hudson,
Taft, Vaughan, Greene, Prescott, Re-
gent Dea. n,and Prof. Thompson.
Golf Club Organizes.
Some thirty students interested in
golf 'have finally organized a club with
William Johnston, Alpha Delta PhIt
as chairman. An executive committee
composed of Harold Wetmore, Delta
Kappa Epsilon; Burt Adams, Sigma
,Phi; and Wn. Callm, Psi U; was ap-
pointed. The links have been laid out
on a piece of land at the end o State
street, across 'the T. & A. I. It. and
everything will be ready for playrs
today. There .is strong talk of liaving
an expert player from Grand Ra:ds
come and teach the game to those who
,wish olearn it.
Louis Garson, '93, of Chicago,
-has been visiting the Aloha Delta Phi
The Great Explorer in the S. L.
A. Course.
Dr. Nanses is a hardy Norseman,
and ie looks it, every inch of hiis.
He is very tall-full six feet, if not An
[ch or two above it. He has a fine,
clear complexion, fair hair and mus-
tache. The face is that of a man of
keen intelligence, of marked deter-
imination, of gentle and kindly dispo-
sition. There is a peculiarly soft and
tender look in the blue eyes, and the
smile is very sweet, lighting up one of
he brightest faces. The nouth is very
firm, indicating the stresgith of will
and independence so often sssifested
in this great man's actions. His man-
ner is most retiring and mooest, yet
so easy and confidenee-inspiring that
to be in his company is to feel one is
with a friend and to feel at ahme.
'Ts cuts ccompaying Ihis atis
show Dr. Nanses, the star number on
tse s. I. A. course, show the distin-
guished explorer as he appears on the
lecture platform and as 'lie ooked
wen on his faius voyag.
Unity Club Lecture Course.
Prof. Dean '. Worcester will ope
the t nity Club course tsnday, Oc.
18, witu is splendidly iltstratelo tc-
ture on "The 1'bshilippine Islands and
their 'People," dealing with the soial
'ind political conditions which have
led up to the preset revolt against the
'spatsish government. The lantern
slides used are 'the fimnest ever taken
from the most picturesque parts of sue
islands and the neigboring country.
Dr. Victor C. Vaughan will give a
most interesting and instructive lee-
ture later isl the course on "St. Peters-
burg, atoscow and the Fsair of "Nijnu-
Novgorod." During the last summer
Dr. Vaughan visitei St. Petersburg,
and has told sme of his experiences
in his intensely interesting way t
sosne of his personal friends, and from
all reports this promises to be the
greatest -treat offered to the students
this year. Single admiasiors for these
lectures, 50 cents; the whole course of
12 lectures will be given for $1.00.
Life at Camp Davis.
A very interesting poagrm will be
given next Saturday evening before
the Engineering Society. It will con-
sist of interesting accounts and de-
scriptlions of Camp Davis, which was
the name of the camp of the junior
civil engineers during their annual sur-
veying trip last June. The program
runs as follows:
-Setting up OaumIp, L. B. Smith; Trip
to Camp Davis, R. M. Fox; Triangula-
tion and shore Stations, J. W. F. Ben-
nett; Triangulation,'P. H. Falter; Rail-
road Work,- tred E. Leife; Compass
Surveying, H. IL. Russell; Caup Life.
W. 1T. Curtis; Breaking Cusop, S. Van
Three new pianos arrived at the
Selmool of Music Tuesday, and are be-
ing placed in the various iustruction