Exhibt f'Swel Sp.ring Conceit s
.. Ladies' Suits. Skirts, Jackets, C apes also.
eeroI s theadvent of spring brought to our door such elegantr UlTRA- ,s A 01,-E 2L-dies t
WsearingApparel, such EXQUISITE EXCLUjSIVENp55 as we are now showing in our" cloak ro.
d Lvery garment hos'that thorough TAILORED STYLJSILNESS, that air of c EACEFUL DEB 11 R so
mncn desired by effective, nobby, dressers.}
Rpresentng the latest ideas of three of New York's foremost dress makers are now, on sale t
ONE-THIRD LESS than regular selling prices.
0.. our Handsome
Skirts. Capes and Jack~ets.
3Cotton Weosts
Received Today.,
Say Call and See Ua,
" R I S ETSHE[1_______ .a woeIli'w h. . Clemohsg, Pressing andRepairing.
RSTHlE PHOTOGRAIPHER , -.Atv Work called ,for and delivered
RENTSGL Y W txl. A rzXi.old. leA 105 i .312 S. STATE ST., over .llosess.
to Telephone , O. ANN AtI101I hone No 234, 1ew State.
20-207E. Washington-St. FUNERAL DIRECTOR.
and see what they say. .iJ Embalming a Specialty.
Ambulance night or day.
__________________________'___ Residence. 352 Fifth Avenue.
SmModels-for ':)#3 at SeO). '91 Mtiodels,.whale they last at .$50).j
.. r w : .Ltrug o e, Strets. Orders freaoll Fraternity parties, cjisb
Iins Table, Sunday, Sepia , 1897. dances, etc. Leave ordero at Ann Arbor
T1IME TABLE:MuiCooraRedec,70Gdesv.
Trains leave Ann Arbor by central Standard Lawn Unite Upon a Ticket. At tho Theatre. P.S. -Wmill tale pupils oPiano ad in
Time._ ight rending at above named Places,
NOaRe,'SOTH' At .t coocos of the Juinisus' nd'Fresh-_ "Uoder the DIomze" i rm tejmA 5ontn
.l21a a. m . 1:2505 a. m. nian law clouses Saturday, the foliow- of' Lincoln J. Corter w~hibocr-_________________
S:46 p. m, I 8:40p. m. Tisg ticket iwas nominated for the sin- poonded moure successful mei't ra~mos U.of M. Shaving Parlors and Bathc+ sais
nEun between Ann Arbor and 'Toledo only torirsl election Tuesoday night: Presi- than soy moo now tempting Provi-
E.5S. GILMORtE, Agent det oes ie-rsdnElck ecwteshis "Fast01"l art 322 SOUTH STATE STREET.
W. H0 BENNETT 0. P. A. Toledo0. Serr'etars, Meoas; treaurer, Gooshawv; of Chicago," "Tornado," etc."Under Did fiens' rilicain. D eressin usr
Ar t vine-piesident of (lie Northorn Or-1 the Dome" io said to he his. inaster- osC. Ja., TROJANOWSKT,
M UIG N- tria Laue ons pee oh stodamtc .ontucin' r, The log aontesat woo iver the presi- an in a scesic way.. Upon two istn-
, The Niagara Falls Boute." I denc'yF. L. Mlhholland, ''95 Law. push- ishinig illusions he depends this time jLownoy's Ohocate8
Central htandard Time. ing Bowers hard for the position. There for' sucesr. oAt Cthe . thens Thea 0 O
RISA N RO. were charges iif hailot stuffing and un- itonighi.t__w . TUTTLE'S,3
EAST. fair desting, bot mtters were final l U I
Pal aniEtwu. A. uM"Th Uisi " owhich wilt iesecii at AL1 E~,i o ih
MlanEx...347 a, N. Y, Cli.12 soothed over. In spite of the fact Thitheis h ale et"t25 i
Y, Spcial-----4 51) Mall -----E---.912"that theLaw's hod everything their w hae etFrdyngtI iitd.. 0 Pcfi x----1 0April 8th, has had a i nt' shenomen'al5 0r c i t
. sai ru,-__ 9 7 . way at the election year, they pro- rna h isyi ednsdi
A. 0M. Wetern 5'--.-0138 un atife pavsiineoto carryt1t5 0 oughr the
3'. N. Expressn__-55 00G.. & h, Ex _51. oe. fposbl000arytrog teDaly'. theater in New Yoih, whete:tip
Atlantic E.1 iS 7 0'Ohl. No.'xt. -7 . 7 hole,_iickot again 'this year. Atfirsat
. R. Ex proan -.1 10 the Mtulholland ciotingent thought ofwasa presentedoin ii ii tle ot niagnili- DISCOUNT ON ALL
Nlorth Shore Limited is an extra fare train ronninig an independent tickoet, sut Mxie.ceoeta -oiit'ntudig d
sad there as a charge of 250 to New York hy the .00m0 romp.any that 'apse is in 'AN 4;
more than on other trains. Atulholiaisd refused 'to head such a Adriani.Iti is a musical nperati.comtedy
0. W RUGGLS,e, I3. W. HAYES, ticket, wishing' rather to remain In-al i aeiirtOi ilor 5J ls hmot
e..TAtClaa o.Anrtoi the regular nomine.s in order to theater-goers and st)(Aety peoplefthi
make their election more certain. vieinity. T B I-BE
VHS BUCKEYE ROUTE. The:Lits hove nominated a canidiate I 42 P ANE'([ 11 .'iashington Street. Shone l,
forD the presidency, F. N. ttheititrenk. , t -llOXAT.D t ET___________________
PLOMBUS, ll9KlNG VLLEYARILEDllRAILWAIY '99. ,They do not intend tio'-.lageoioo . OlEPTEMBiOII. vise nLAREST'AUFACTURscoEnrS avOsF
Ithe only lute crom the Toledo Uno ol Pysics sod Chemilstry (mian) for 05 tIC.'tr~t nic rtu
Sation to Columbus and points beyond, th' Laws, list Inniut that they NohcsldS=sl~e NDur"01r
using Union denot terminals at Colon- itaveosome representatioti on the boatdIdich. H. S., 0000. rr" I 'HEWORLo..
bus and runs cone cost express oei.S.'lso,$001 1,0.A nu ir t. ssns
daIly between the points na mod, two-of this ye'ar. Th.0Laws outotttit' rth hreeA.1. S3S"I5LIJ$,00i, $1,as, V.
S*en In the un-precedented slieocthree Lits nearly two to one in the tmenmbet'- $2 000. "The Name the Guarante."
Tours. Parlor cars on day trains, seats 25 ,
tents; Pulman sleepers 00 night traino. ship of 'thoeOratorical Assaeitmi~:,and tH. S. A isltit (svio) n~ish, - EisOfficial OuSireS hLadgCleeA.
Stodents dti aring unequaled facililtien if they mo desiroeon lprohbby easily 0r'itnls adSle TassinU..
ate invited lo use she Buckeye Route and Grs Cell. Prep,.SSot., Latiti and Every, Requisite for Base Ball,
san obtain gull particulars on appilcatlon tarry through the slate nomintated. tGreek, $050 stud home. Athletic Sports aod Pastimes.
So local tichet agentu.. However, no suachi'ntterest has berm: We save very ttiany other vacatnces The Spaldig Official League Ball
E. R. DAVIDSON, riatilfested asows shown last year, for aind are getting them every day. Al- Adopted by National, Minor, Coliege and
" ist. Pass. Agent, Toledol or the Lawo consider thrmselves already -bert & Clark Teachters' Agency, Puil- School L.eagues
. t. FISHER, O.r.anod T. A. repaid for their throw'-down two years omans 111g.. Chicago.. The oldest and Base HalMUniforins, Blats, Gloves,
Columnhe, Ohio., ago.. largest in the West. Thirteenth year. Mtss. Chess Protetors, Shoes, Ete.
'BICYCLES University School of DancingTH Send forR tthmtlated Catalogue of sit
Built to order, epaired and S 5SRET OPSIE A aDIG
Enameled, at 106 North STn soy r unsx.A5 0, SPALDINO & DROS,
Fourth Avenue. $4 UNTIL MAY Istn 2,LESSONS PER WEED. Now writ - hicago
'W .'. Wenger'. Progrmnparty every Saturday eveningewih urcheatra nouic. 47Thupend
A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L ~Eo ~~o USSO saoi.E~ ITRE ''AROE AND F INE ASSORTMIENT OF
Calls Attended Day or Nlght. . . anaMeron e
(sucessors to Hunter & Chaipin I; Vat 20 per cenfinomour usans hew
SOeT aa lnlsr.South IFourth atAve. Phone 12en.l2I aPreathsalI guarant4-ed. e p
bertlIntrmnt adFie a4 er.SCHAEBERLE8S(MUSIC STORE 6
BiCYCLE LIVIIRY-Prhe. kaonbe RANDALL, THE PHIOTOGRAPHIER, * n y 3 deorsWest of Main at. 1.
' I'On1133 . et t. Ann Arbor.. 1W lITU MRIfl1KV 1MM ARBOR 41 0
" a u a.. Lavri y . iiu rir vva . , fi7A.3niRU i UR R.uu.U1h lS{4t1 tliu ll