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April 04, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-04-04

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Uttasit Dany (Sadas exceptd) Sawin
the Colens-Tear, at
*wrsuV: Timses s billing.529 5. Main'St,-
Telephisne (Niew S ate) 14.
J9. F. Tuoxis, '00 L.
0. IH. HANgS, '00 L,
-9, B. SKlnLuxAn.'55 L,, Athletics.
ItLGmiamsB,1'93 L. B.5S. DAswOntTm '98
Bwo LAxB, '59. T. R. WOODnow. '95.
Y. A. GQsoPauuL, 'W9. Allan G1AMPrsL, '98
1'. Uft6iLneso.'95. tF. D. EAMAOv, 'i
Y. W. Joass, 199.
The suhscription price of the Daily is $2.55
fer the college year, with a regular delivery
before noon each day. Notices, coinmunica-
tainas, and other matter intended for publica-
tin must he handed in at the Daily officehbe-
foo 1d p. in., or mailed to tie editor hoforo 3
1. in., of the day previous to that on which
;Zey are expected toea ppear.
Snbscriptionn may be left at The Daily'
*fi1ce, Meyers or Stoiet's Newtand, or
with Business Manager. Suhcribers will coo-
few a favor hy reporting promptly at this
sifice any failure of carriers to deliver paper
At the -meeting of the Independent
Asoiatiaon Satuirday the following
irere elected as the Daily board for
T. R. Woodrow, '98.
N. L Ocinser, '18 L.
@. H. Hans, '00 L.
N. B. Skillman, '99 1..
J. F. Thomas, '0S L.
P. W. Jones, '99.
F. Engelhardt, '98.
C. H. Lund, 'o5f9M.
4'. D. Hudnutt, '08.
A. H. MctDugail, 'St E.

not re vel osrce nls.Tis
mother tongue Jote'a dead language,-
isuever heauffftil, isehapplily givintg
place t te m l' atonal one of te-
iog Eglish fst,othor languages after-
wards" if 1'T4ll-- i awakentong iner-
ea't in' Hnnglish atudies, includlog, of1
course'th.- bestl71itertufre .us well as
the ivoet e-teghincal -sibjeets 'of lan-
guage,. composition andi3.As'tbnic, ispdes-
tined_ to make ow 'primoni'ies. and high
sehoole the -nurseries and creators, of
rationialy and practically educated gen-
erations of -Americans in the future.
The English speaking races hiave grtyuitf
strong and. powerful at a wonderful
pace during the pant' hundr~d years,
and 'it cannot he. doubted that they-are
deslined to 'dominate the world in the
twentieth century. what more prrctlec-
at therefore -than f or the' erhools tor
tearh this'dominant anguage In -its pur-
ity sod strength to, the rising genera-
tions, in this land of Anglo-Saxon vir-
ility and boundless energy.
Fresh Homeop. Offloers.
'rho rioss of '0l1 Homeopd'thir students
have perfected an organization by eec-
log 'the following officers: President, G7.
R. Owen: vice-presidlent, Hiss Scot,
secretary and' treasurer, A. J9. Steven..=;
sgeant, A. D. Carpenter.
The clase gave a pleasant literary'and
social program 'at the college building
lost Friday evening, the choosing of
class colors' being' the iuteresting part
of the social sessiost -- -
Upright Pianoefor sale. 313 N.. State
St. 134

r Sunfday, April-10 - -
Some of the articles you want for Easter Sunday w.r.

Don't put off buyring
Your-Ea-trSuit until the last
-day. 1B1y it early, so any little
alteration cast. be' made. Our
Suits and Top, Coats at $15.00
and $18.00-are correct in fabric,
style. and price.
Ken's Kodiak Neck Dressings
All the pretty patterns and
colorings that give a nlatty ap-
-pearance-to the .wearer are here.1
All shapes 50c.

'You'll Want a Hat


C You'll want it right; in -style and:
3 price. You can't go "wron'g if'
ryou buy an imperial, $3.00. If,
you don't want a stiff hat, W~
have plenty other styles.
Ken'ls Gloves-
The new glove for spring pis the
Slate Suede-well made,, meanot:.
for dress;,-not for diriving.-
Also plenty of Tan and. Reil
Shades, $1.00, $1.50.-

Mel Gillespie, teacl-ec.of Masdoi, Basis
and Guitar. Instructor in she University
5 chool of Muoic.- 15 years experience as
2 a teacher. Cail at Ann Arbor Music Co's.
S tore to arrang-e for hours. -
-Fine Confections MONEY LOANED
Eon2 Eons and On Watches, Dbiamnonds, Wheels or other Per-
Chocolates. ooalProperty.


t. s-nforth, '98.Th il=-Tahi' gnesll.s Office at residence, 3ii E, hiberty St., Ass Ar-
Th2iITahr'Aeze il 0 ESTWASHlINGlTONUSTREET: ersMich. All business rors~drstial. Boome
F. tman, 'fli. many positions as All others combined. 8 "~ to 11.30 a. in. and 1ito 3:30 and 7 is, 9p. m.
Regstr a. nceintheir Chicago of-3, v' Ufrit TT STREET Bargains in Second- hand WtJophh C. a Watts.
616 Oflhl~i WatchesaDi-
Ike following editorial appeared in flice, 378 Wabaah avenue. A U. of M. SAT * moods.
- ~eday's Detroit Fee Press.' It isa'graduate is mnager. 145.
aef ond sense and its ronsiderallen LOST-Goilegiate Sorosis pin set witis INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME,
aid 1 0 i hian'sfttclty: diamands. Reward If returned to 608OT R L & L fiIA.ID
uldnot arm ichian'sfacuty. Madison at. c p1 L is l >.+
kt te distinguishe gathering et ed-
aors hich the Clasical Conference 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
I'OU ANT THE BEST ae-o h asadow ,t svslytfIcg5
dthe Hichigan Schoolmasters' lob I O AMkr fteCP n ONt nvriyo ihgn
:rt4AnA h ek ti RTRIYSTATIONERY, I U. of Chictago, U. of Minnesota, Gornell, Lehigis. Uof tens-
traed o An Aborthi wek, t i FRTERITYsylvania, Hrard, Yale, P'rioceton, Coian, b lli 11ams,
'Wellesley, Bryn Mawr. etc.
srthy of note that considerable at- BABS*0ES OR -PINS r' Ciass conracts aspeciaity,
ion was aid to the need of mak- .Send to
r the suy of English and ef litera-
-w mere prominent its the currirula SMITH, STURGEON & Co., Cuba Must Be Free .,
our secondary scheolt. 137, 2333,241 Woodard Ave.. Detroit.
Designs and estimates furoished on all wonk
Is doubt Principal J9. C. Hanna, of of this kind. - We regret that the delivery of the DAILY cannot be
umbun, Ohio, struck the keynote of FREE--financial reasons prevent-of course you unoder-
prevailog sentiment atnong educao- 'B.0 '"Sstand. But we beg leave here to announce our spring
nol ,reformers when he urged that SPRINGVACATIOCN " is coming offer with the positive statement that it will be the last ouf
-study of English be made. the soon. Don't -go- hiome with a big the year. No more special rates. We, .qirynthe paper
cbne f veycore hruhottrunk, but'buy your Dress Suit rase, for the BASE BALL SFcASON-that is till end of semnester at
sccoe feeycus hogotValise, Telescope or Travelling Bog. ONE DOLLAR. Leave name and money at Dail y office,.
.primary sod secondary schools.
-secorAnTo-e-euatr 329 South Main, Street. Telephone, New State i8ti..
5e this stand, not becauae all other A. TE UFUL,
s of work sheuld be abandone or 307 SOUTH MAIN STREEN
leste ,,hut because it i eminently Fine Line of Goods ssd Low Prices. H O L M E S L IV "~ Y
ktlesbls and desirable that the ria-,y/40 %%4WA a
generaation in this great English- ~55Es iet t
^aing nation should understood and A h n h ar
able to employ the English language Phsse 106 BEST SERVICE IN THlE CI'TY,
- aly, as well as to enjoy and appre-
-i11eayeciecso beu g5.lJT1d MAKE MOI.NEY -By secorns a county agency for our Reversible Wail Map
~ h..a~..K.M.. .L~.~of the Usited Ststes and the World. The largest one-shest.
map published. six feet long; eleven beautiful colors, It'isno attractive ta tit ahnm se~s-
he poliy of the past has been. to LINCOLNitef J. CARTER'S . lfO
,lor on Ianguage in faver" "f 1 S PHOTOGRAfPHlAI 3IJ' TTT
classics, s that boys ad ginls who NAVAL COM1EDYDRAnA. Ti ,iui~n IL W I~.
SOne side shows a colored mnap of our great, country; with railroads, -counties, ivers,.
Id tr 1slto into code English the 5 ,iin torfln~r 'Cwns, etc. The ether side showo an equally elegast Map of the World, locatis gan -
ions of Cicero and te hexameters DOM Ilt E uiir~ ceuntries at a gancehy helpsof a marginal isndex. it also shows ocean curreota, routes o
YI~bI U 111. discavepers, ansd accurately locates the scenes of all current etenio, suchi as bondry
Virgil, knew nothng of the orationsf dispuutes, Cubanbattles, Armenian mamsacres, plar easeditiosn.etc. -
Bk adofW ooftea MONDAY, APR1L4 On receipt of 81.295 we will sesd a sample copy by preepaid express, and .wil~ inkyo
Burke andof Wbster or f th 4 hw to obtain a trial agency. Our umrn clear frinoH 1 t 2 weekly after a month's worth.
ty of Milton 'or Whittier. They RAND McKNALI.Y & CO., 1660-174 AdlamsiS5.. Cicaygo, Ill.
Id ir'!e indtfferent Latin prose but " " ~ - M WoV also ned agents for our fioe line sf Subscription Boohs, Atlasen. Encyclopedias, etc



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