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March 28, 1898 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-03-28

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to compete in the big invitation meet
held by the University of' Pennsylvania
the last part of April, since Michigan
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during was not represented at the big indoor
the College year, at athletic meet held among the western
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. colleges at Chicago several weeks ago.
Orrics: Times building, 329 S. Main St. The former activity of the University
Telephone(New Sate)189. -of Michigan in-making a bid for prom-
. .ANAIN EDITOR inence by sending teams east has been
-- a cause of some jealous remarks on the
o. it. HANs,'00 L. part of other western institutions. As
EDITORS a matter of fact, it has come to be re-
H. B. SKILLMAN, '98 L., Athletics. cognized at Michigan the past few
E. L. GsmER,'93 L. R. S. DANroRTe,'98 years that the west is the proper ath-
BUTLER LAMB,'00. T. R. WooDnow, y98
L A. CAMPBELL, 00, Allan CAMPIELL, '9g letic field of the institution and that
F. ENOLBARAn, '98. F. D. EAMAN, '00 there is fully enough to do to take care
P. W. JONEs, '99. of its prestige in this section, with such
hEalthy competitors as Chicago and one
or two of the other institutions. How-
ever, the circumstances of sending this
The subscription price of the Daily is $2.50 relay team to Pennsylvania are some-
for the college year, with a regular delivery what different. Michigan did not enter
before noon each day. Notices, communlea .
tions, and othermatter intended for publica- the big western indoor meet because
oan mast be handed In at the Daily officebe- of a division of opinions and because
fare 8 pi . or mailed tn eke editor before 5
p. m., of the day previous to that on which of differences in the management of its
they ar pecteH aieme ytrack team, rendering it questionable
Office, Meyer's or Stoffliet's Newstand, or whether it was wise to send a team to
with Business Manager Saberbers will con- Chicago. The lime of the big meet at
fer a favor .by reporting promptly at this
office any failure of carriers to deliver paper Pennsylvania, however, is such as to
permit the men to be brought into some
At the meeting of the Daily board sort of shape and not to interfere with
Saturday afternoon, P. W. Jones, '99, the regular training of the team. Fur-
and R. S. Danforth, '98, were elected thee than that, it affords a chance for
a pleasant interchange of courtesies be-
to the Board. tween the east and west. Pennsylvania

Men's-Tp oals
and Suits
The handsome new styles of Men's
Suits and Top Coats for Spring of '98
are here on our counters ready for in-
Clothes bearing our label are made
specially for us and are equalled only
by the best tailors, the only difference
being in price. We save you the dif-

Ex-Gov. Felch Collection.
( Continued from first page.)
would be well represented as a result
of Gov. Felch's residence there as com-
missioner for the settlement of land
claims. The number of California
pamphlets is 56. Nine of them relate to
the New Almaden quick silver mine
case, and contain the arguments of the
lawyers. "Narrative of Events and
Difficulties in the Colonization of Ore-
gon and the Settlement of California,"
by Hall J. Kelley. Boston, 1852.
Mr. Kelley claims to have been the
American whose efforts colonized Ore-
gon; but of credit, and of fortune, and
almost of life itself he was robbed by
enemies.. He published a "History of
the Colonization of Oregon" in 1850
(which is in the collection), and is the
author of innumerable pamphlets and
contributions to journals; but, for some
reason or other his claims were ignored
by the public and also by Congress,
11bich he petitioned for relief. Possibly
he was, as he says a certain newspaper
described him to be, "a crack-brained
schoolmaster of Boston."
Of course so methodical a man as
Gov. Fetch was, preserved copies of the
documents that created the commission
and defined its duties. There are: first,
Treaty Stipulation Between Maxico and
the United States; second, An Act of
Congress of March 3, 1851, to ascertain
and settle the private land claims in
the State of California; third, Instruc-
tions of the Department of the Interior
to the commission. In addition to these
is Regulations of the Commissioners,
followed, by the names of the original
(Continued in Tomorrow's Daily.)
MiEcnigan's Eastern Trip.
James A. Le Rosy, athletic editor.of
the Detroit Free Press, comments as
follows on Michigan's decision to send
a relay team .east:. -
There will perhaps be some criticism
of the Untiversity of MlEhigan for its
determination to send a relay team east


has been holding these meets for the
past four years and has each year gone
to the pains to arrange classes for the
leading western universities and to of-
fer them very fair inducements to send
their teams east to meet the pick of
that section. ,Slichigan's. acceptance of
the invitation this year is in a sense a
reply to the attempts Pennsylvania has
made in the past to extend courtesies
to the west. The meeting of the relay
teams in Philadelphia is quite an af-
fair also, as the most pleasing mani-
festation of the benefits of athletic af-
fairs between the different colleges of
the country is probably at the various
big.field days and athletic meets of that
sort;.where there are a good number of
representatives of different colleges
present. In this big relay race com-
petition Michigan will run in the cham-
pionship event, with Pennsylvania,
Yale and Georgetown to comprise the
other teams in the event. Each team
will be made up of four men, and each
man will run.a quarter of a mile. There
ari some crack quarter-milers in the
east just now, and with the material
there is to draw on for this event, win-
ning the race or showing up well to the
front would ha a flattering thing forj
the western institution.
Send to


Mel Gillespie, teact er of Mandolin, BanJo
and Guitar. Instructor in the University
School of Music. 13 years experience an
a teacher. Call at Ann Arbor Music Co's.
Store to arrange for hours, .
Fine ConfectionsML
Bon Bons and On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels or other Per-
Chocolates. soal rpety.
Office at residence,831 E. Liberty St., Anu Ar-
20 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, borMichi. All business confdential. Hours,
t + OUTHHI SREET 3to1:3a.m.andtto3:30andtosp.m.
Joseph C. Watts.
36 SOUTH STATE STREET Bargains in Second-hand Watchms and 0a-

[ _....._

472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
5 akero of the CAPS and GOWNs, to Universsty of Michigan,
oU.Gf Chicago, U. of Minnesota, Cornell, Lehigh,U of Penn-
sylvania, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbian, Williams,
Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, etc.
Class contracts a specialty.
Cuba Must Be Free -
We regret that the delivery of the DAILY cannot be
FREE-fiinancial reasons prevent-of course you under-
stand. But we beg leave here to announce our spring
offer with the positive stiement that it will be the last of
the year. No more special rates. We quote you the paper
for the BASE BALL SJASON-that is tilt end of semester at
ONE DOLLAR., Leave name and money at Daily office,
329 South Main Street. Telephone, New State r89.

237, 239, ?41 Woodard Ave.. Detroit.

Designs and estimates fursished on all work
of thiu'kind,
Bftis 0nd Y S !H O L M E S ' L IV E R Y ,
SPRING VACATION is coming 515 East Liberty St.
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Built to order, Repaired and discoverers, and accurately locates the scenes of all current events, such as boundary
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Fo ith Avenue. how to obtain a trial agency. Our men clear from'$15 to $25 weekly ater a month's work.
RAND McNALLY & CO., 166-174 Adams St., Cincago, Iil,
n W WWe also need agents for our fine line of Subscription Books, Atlases, Encyclopedlas. etc

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