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March 28, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-28

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VOL. VIII. No. 128.



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At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our.....
Suitings, Trouserings,
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Jut received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and
Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line
in the city.
Lunches a* all hours.
308 South State Street.
Every day at our Fountain.
Strawberry crush or Staw-
berry Sunday 15c.,
10c when berries get
cheaper. :
'Text BooksI!
For every department in the Uni-
versity. Law and Medical Books a
specialty. We can supply all your
needs for the Second Semester at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper 15e and
-25c per pound.
The A. AWaterman Soald Gold Fountain
Wens for $1.25
Up Town Down Town
8. State t Opposite OortHoUse
,.A~nnArbor M1an oh.

Rousing Speeches Made, Spain Burned in Effigy, Telegrams Sent to Wash-
ington Indorsing Administration's Action, and Services Tendered.

The war spirit struck the University
hard on Saturday, and patriotic demon-
strations were the order of the day.
Beginning about noon a meck parade
marched up and down State street and
around through the business district.
The paraders were dressed in all sorts
os grote:que costumes and carried all
kinds of weapons, from ball bats and
pitchforks to swords and muskets. At
short intervals a salute was fired from
a cannon at one of the fraternity
The itarlike fever increased rather
than diminished during the afternoon,
and, in the early part of the evening,
a mass meeting, was hIeld at the Delta
U house. Representative A. J. Sawyer,
who lives next door, was called in and
made a rousing speech, denouncing
Spain's policy in Cuba. He was fol-
lowed by W. R. Day, '00 L, son of As-
sistant Secretary of State Day, who
made an enthusiastic speech. Afterl
more student oratory, Spain and Wey-
ler were burned in effigy, amid a pan-
demon"i"m "fllege yells, national
songs and the reports of exploding
After refreshments, the meeting got
down to basiness and appointed an en-
listment committee, consisting of
Messrs. Day, Pell and Hildner. This
committee will organize a company of
student volunteers. It was then decid-
ed to send telegrams to President Mc-
Kinley, Secretary Alger and Assistant
Secretary of State Day. The meeting
marched in a body to the Western
Union office and the following telegrams
were sent amid tumultous cheering:
"President William McKinley: Two
thousand students of the University of
Michigan indorse the policy of the ad-
ministration and tender the services :f
a regiment in the event of war."
"Hon. Russell A. Alger, Secretary of
War: The students of the ' iversity
of Michigan stand by the administra-
tion and tender services in case of
"Assistant Secretary of State Day:
Mass meeting of students of the Uni-
versity o Michigan volunteer a regi-
ment in case of war. Administration's
policy was heartily indorsed."
After this the crowd marched back
to the campus and built an enormous
bcnfire out of neighboring sidewalks
and fences. The ebulition of war spir-
it lasted late into the night and patri-
otic groups could be heard singing the

morning hotrs. The most popular of
the songs was to the tune of "John
Brown's Body." Two of the verses
and the refrain follow:
"Spain blew up the Maine and now
we'll blow up Spain,
"Spain blew up the Maine and now
we'll blow up Spain,
"Spain blew up the Maine and now
we'll blow up Spain,
As we go earehing an."
"If Spain starts a war, she had better
stay ashore,
"If Spain starts a war, she had better
stay ashore,
"If Spain starts a war, ebe had better
stay ashore,
As we go marching on."
"Freedom, freedom, then for Cuba,
"Freedom, freedom, then for Cuba,
"Freedom, freedom, then for Cuba,
As we go marching on."
Taken all in all it was one of the big-
gest demonstrations Michigan has seen'
and while it is to be hoped that there
will be no need for its crystslisation,
the enthusiasm and patriotism mani-
fested cannot but be gratifying to col-
lege men everywhere.
Meeting of Graduate Club.
The Graduate Club was entertained
by Professor and Mrs. Patterson on
Saturday evening. The address of the
evening was given by Professor Craig
upon "Historical Beginnings of Relig-
ious Thought." The thesis maintained
was that early beginnings of religion
among the earliest historic peoples, the
Egyptians, Arabians and Babylonians,
were polytheistic, not monotheistic, as
emmonly supposed even by theolog-
ians eminent in their denominations.
tn all early peooles the conception of
God is proven by archaeological re-
mains to have been polytheistic. God
was worshipped by them as an object
and could not therefore be a monothe-
istic conception, The God-idea not by
any means as yet fully formulated
among ourselves, surely did not drop
fullyformed out of heaven upon primi-
tive man. Professor Craig fortified his
statements by illustrations and proofs
drawn from his wide learning and
scholarship in linguistic and other arch-1
aeological remains of primitive peoples.
At the next meeting of the Graduate
club Professor Wenley will finsh hisl
address on the'Idea of a University,"
which he began at the February meet-

Ex-Gov. Felch Collection.
Librarian Raymond C. Davis contri-
butes a valuable letter to the Sunday
Free Press on the Felch collection of
pamphlets in the University library.
We print it in full:
To the Editor of the Detroit Free Press:
In a letter to the Free Press of De-
cember 31, 1897, I described some of the
pamphlets contained in the Felch be-
quest to the University library. These
pamphlets were then undergoing a pro-
cess of preparation for the binder. This
preparation has now been completed
and I am able to state that there were
in the collection, exclusive of dupli-
cates, 309 pamphlets of sufficient value
to bind singly, and 650 others which
have been classified and will be bound
together in. 44 volumes.
Of those handled since my letter re-
ferred to above are some that are
worthy of special mention. Their per-
iod, as was the period of those described
before, was the late forties and the
early fifties. There are eleven by, or
about, Daniel Webster, which are of
sufficient importance to bind separate-
ly, besides a number of speeches in the
collected volumes. Among the former
are the special edition, dedicated to the
people of Massachusetts, of his fatal
7th of March speech, and of his address
at the laying of the corner stone .f the
addition to the capitl, July 4, 1851, of
the pamphlets about Mr. Webster the
most important are Professor Moses
Stuart's "Coanscience and Constitution."
William Jay's letter on the 7th of March
speech to Hon. William Nelson, and the
letter of S. Graham, of Northampton,
Mass., to Mr. Webster, June 3, 1850.
Prof. Stuart brings a great wealth of
learning to his defense of Mr. Webster,
but one reading his long pamphlet can
not but think that his critics made a
point when they refer to his "three
score years and ten." What the pro-
fessor justifies in the great statesman's
course, Mr. Jay and Mr. Graham con-
Among the Michigan pamphlets are
some that are important for their bear-
ing on the questions of transportation,
immigration and the early political his-
tory of the state. For specimens I
mnention the following: A letter to the
Hon. Lewis Cass, on a Lake Superior
railroad, by Morgan L. Drake. (Map.)
Pontiac, 1862; reply to a communication
from Mitchell Hinslade and others, of
Kalamazoo, concerning rates, by J. W.
Brooks, superintendent and engineer
of the Michigan Central railroad. De-
troit, 1848; prospectus of the Lake Su-
perior Ship Canal, Railroad and Iron
Co. (Map.) 1871; To Emigrants (Map.)
1845; The Emigrant's Guide to the State
of Michigan. (German and English)
map: 1849, issued by Hon. E.' H. Thmp-
son, of Flint, state agent: the Mason
and Romeyn Controversy of 1841, aris-
ing out of "the $5,000,000 loan."
It was to be expected that California
(Continued on second page).

improvised songs until late in the' ing.

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